Ashley Alban Riding

Ashley Alban Riding


Ashley Alban Riding
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Funky Pinchmayurasana with scorpion variaton. Ashley is available for private yoga & dance. Reach her by email at NAMASTE

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

you will find information on all of my teacher trainings & retreats for 2016!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Cancion De Corazon

28 day Teacher Training and Activation Experience 

It is a 20 minute drive to the house from Puerto Jimenez Airport 

This is a comprehensive 200 hour training in the jungle, on the beach!
You will train to become an Infinite Source Yoga instructor and if that is not your desire you will blast off into activated status. Heal from dis-ease. Heal from mental programming. Unwind from years of stress. Truth consciousness is simple when we return to the church of MOTHER EARTH.
If teaching yoga is your journey you will teach for 6 months to one year post-training, writing to me directly about each experience. Certification is not guaranteed but likely if you complete the training and the post training assignment. Guaranteed is certification of completion but you have to actually care and be invested in spreading the messages of pachamama to become an ISY instructor. We will have assistants from our last training helping us here!
This training includes a 7 day Raw cleanse.
The food will be healthy and mostly raw with a few cooked protein options. You will learn how to feed yourself for an activated life. ALL 11 of our last trainees lost weight and gained a GLOWING aura from the food and jungle activation. The last training re-confirmed to me that FOOD IS LIFE and we MUST HARNESS THIS POWER and understand the truth of our digestive OJAS! This experience will be like a reset button for your entire body, mind and spirit.
Bring your own tent or we can purchase one for your for $100 extra. Your mattress for inside the tent is included.
 For more information and to apply please email 

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Monday, October 26, 2015


at E.D.E.N
Environment for Devine Evolution with Nature
 in Uvita Costa Rica

200 Hour Teacher Training
certified by Infinite Source Yoga and Ashley Tara Albrand.

We are blessed and excited to be hosting our 2nd annual Infinite Source Yoga teacher training in the exquisite eco paradise, E.D.E.N environment for devine evolution with nature. Last year Ashley discovered this hidden gem and became friends with Patrick the owner. His skill, knowledge and love for the Earth mother facilitated fast friendship and the dream of doing trainings here was born. Ashley had such a cleansing, healing and transformational experience she knew from day 3 that the prana was unlike any other natural setting she had found. From the lush and perfect greenery, to the brain cleansing frog song at nite, The Garden of Eden's magic is captivating and true. The property is across the "street" from a HUGE and gorgeous waterfall that costs 2$ to visit. Its also about a 4 minute drive to the Envision Festival which begins on the Full moon Feb 24th, John Benedict's (our fascia and astrology expert) birthday. If you can stay for the festival and finish our training with a community experience magic will be had!

Our training begins on Feb 3 2016 and it is a camping experience. Ashley knows the truth of spirit and the healing that happens when we sleep on the earth. We can provide bedding for a small fee or you can be creative and bring your own. Tents can be purchased in January by Ashley in Costa Rica or you can bring your own. The training requires a six month "in the field" teaching assignment to achieve the Infinite Source Yoga certificate. You will need to offer privates or group classes and write a small paragraph about your teaching experience. We like to stay connected to our teachers and help them during the delicate phase of starting out. If you need any help during this six month time we are here to serve! Your follow through will represent Infinite Source Yoga well! A graduate program will be available for those who complete this training. 

Expect to transform your consciousness with this training. Understand universal truths that have been hidden from the masses and peek into a world thats available to only the willing. 

If you are already a teacher and are wanting to deepen your understanding of yoga and consciousness, this training is also a match for you. We are so thrilled to be bringing John Benedict, a master of structural integration (myofascial healing) his 35 years of healing is an infinite well of knowledge and not one yogi will go home unchanged because of his thumbs of divinity. We are blessed to have Drew Broadrick and his "tetra music school" as a part of our training. Learning to harmonize with the universe is an integral part of the Infinite Source Yoga lifestyle. This activation is for ALL LEVELS. You do not need yoga "skills" to be an infinite source yoga teacher, you just need heart, breath and a hunger for truth and equality. Or a desire to understand what that is! 

The property is not a commercial establishment so it doesn't have a website to view... thats how unspoiled it is! We will be living in alignment with the Infinite Source AND we will have acsess to wifi.... this is VERY rare!

if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Please act fast if you are desiring this activation it is almost sold out, thank you spirit! 

I'm hoping to GLAMP this area up when i get there in Jan... think mosquito netting....

this is where we will wash dishes and make meals and have our fire! 

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Thursday, October 08, 2015

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

We will gather in the infinite turquoise waters of Tulum to source the infinite energy! At Amansala, where we can enjoy a Mayan clay ritual or temescal sweat lodge! Our beachfront yoga shala will provide the perfect learning environment for our signature practices of Myofascial Release, The Rmdy, (roots medical dance yoga) and of course our healing tantric practices of Infinite Source Yoga. Any body pain? GREAT! join us and learn how to ERASE IT! Feel the best you have felt in your life by understanding your pain and how to transform it. Come sweat and detox this spring with the therapeutic and completely UNIQUE practices of Infinite Source Yoga. Prices are based on shared rooms. They do have a few private rooms available but the cost difference is significant. Please see our paypal options below.

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

I promised a blog after the incredible experience of teaching at The Envision festival in the jungle of Costa Rica! So "Mars in Taurus" of me for it to take more than 2 months so be inspired to get techy. Venus came into Gemini which I also have in my chart so I feel communicating about the earth to the wombyn is being supported by the spirit!

Upon arrival to the festival we met Meghan Currie for the first time and immediately vibed high. We had an amazing dinner together and that night we shared space outside my tent surrounded by seashells and candles. We spoke intimately and I fell in love.

I was blessed by Rachel Brathen to be given this opportunity to teach as she wrote the Envision people, suggesting I was one of her friends and teachers ( takes a strong woman to honor another teacher in this way... She is truth) and that I was already in Costa Rica so they should have me teach at the festival! Wow! That was so kind Rachel! The classes were prayerful and spiritually fulfilling. I felt zero pressure to conform and I could really let spirit speak. I will never forget the kindness extended to me by Rachel, for this opportunity. Biggest Namaha! 

The girls had a beautiful time with the other children, we love sleeping on the Earth and waking up to friends and sunshine. Eating fruit with goddess tribe under the palm trees feels so right. I have always wanted to be on the festival circuit and even more so now with the children. I love the complex social structures children form when given the outlet and space to do so. The tiny tribe fascinates me. Rachel's class at the festival was amazing and Meghan's too! I loved Sofia and especially my main man Kaypacha who I ran into 4 auspicious times! Once at sunset, where we hugged and planned a retreat together for this December. Constant pinching and it's still happening!

The weekend was especially healing for me because I have taught for so many years and really hadn't been honored the way the sisters honored me here. Infinite source yoga taught at it's first international festival and it happened to be in my favorite element, the jungle! Of course there were parts of the experience that weren't blissful but learning curves. I hurt my knee a little the last day, so symbolic!!! Teaching with an injured knee might normally be scene as a disadvantage but the moon in cancer that day (and my moon in cancer) and the injury helped me tap into the deeper wisdom I have learned through healing my knee from 2 surgeries. The small injury took me into my third eye and heart and truth in a deeper way that wasn't present the day before. I stayed in my tent that morning, had a cry and deeply myofascialed my thigh muscle to release the pain. I used noni plant tincture (ice tree) to reduce inflammation and felt really grateful for my usually happy knees. My voice came thru more because my body felt limited. The hidden blessings of injury are always there when I feel more closely. I really felt loved and supported by the yogis of the world this weekend. I watched gorgeous tribe people commune with each other. I felt the jungle and the rich soil of Costa Rica dancing in my cells, mama ocean rippling through my fear. All the humans that made contact with my being that weekend, I bow infinitely to you. I love you! 

The last night, I was missing their dad after 9 weeks of contemplating our relationship. I thought our flight to 

LA was 2 days away and wondered what time it was at. I opened the email at 10:30 at nite to see 

my flight was the next day at 10:30 am! We were 5 plus hours away and I was laying in my tent icing my knee with 2 sleeping angels. 

I Ariesed it. Lol. Starting packing and gently limping my things through the jungle...People started joining in... Maybe 7 people joined in carrying all of my things to the front where we caught a cab. I returned the camp gear and held 2 babies on my chest for a 4 hr bumpy van ride to San Jose. We arrived at sunrise and made our flight. To the sisters who tied the dream catcher bracelet on my wrist as I left the festival it just broke so that cycle has been completed. Thank you for the witchy rad ending/new beginning.

I also got to chill with Andrea Price Yoga who is amazing! There was so much joy and beauty here. Naked people of all shapes and sizes! Tribe and great vibes! Envision is Eco friendly and you had to 

bring your own dishes or rent them from the venue! This pleases my earth mama warrior greatly! Composts were everywhere and fresh coconuts for the sipping. If you get a chance to get to the Envision Festival in this life it's an OG recommend.

P.s I will answer any questions about this on insta! Hit me up! Xo

P.s yes I did consider staying but my soul has unfinished business in the US right now! Pura vida in my H

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

April/May - Spirit POP
Fresno April 2- Todd Beamer Park
Oakland April 3- First Fridays w/ turf inc
San Francisco-April 4 hosted by Yoga Girl
Napa- Revolution Yoga April 8 hosted by yoga girl
Portland- Yoga Pearl April 10 hosted by yoga girl
Seattle Bala yoga April 11 hosted by yoga girl 

Seattle- bala yoga April 17-19 infinite weekend! 

Vancouver - Dharma Yoga Vancouver  April 27 & 28

San Francisco- TBA asap
To book California email

Spirit Rise-HAWAII
June 7-13th 2015
 7 day Beach camping infinite Source Activation retreat for spirit ascension
To discuss!

JULY/AUGUST Midwest and east coast Spirit Rise TOUR (!!!) 

New Jersey- July 30-august 3 Return To Roots Gathering
New Jersey- details soon
Email to book your studio!
September - secret! Coming soon!!
October- Edmonton Canada It's time to Bloom festival 
November- Infinite Source Yoga immersion and TT Indonesia! See post below!
December- Infinite Source retreat with kaypacha! BALI! 

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

We are on a spirit led pop up tour!

After 4 cities with Rachel Brathen, headlining her happiness tour, (dope spirit, thank u) teaching SOLD OUT infinite source yoga classes in 

We are now teaching in Seattle this weekend (april17-19) at 

Including my birthday party on Sunday from 1:30-4:15

Sending love and energy to your freedom and grace.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

We need a new website! This thing is extremely outdated. If anyone wants to work with me on co-creating the infinite source yoga website we would be so happy! Send us an email at
Ash and Bhavan and Sat

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Wednesday, January 07, 2015


on the ABSOLUTE magical island of Guille Meno.

write a one page email about yourself and why you want to be certified by Ashley 

and includes the training and plant medicines only.

This trainings anatomy portion is learned through touch using myofascial release techniques. 

We learn anatomy through touch using myofascial healing, structural integration, with master body worker John Bendict. He has worked on all the top yoga teachers bodies for 35 yrs. John also heads
the evolutionairy astrology portion of our training.

Books, accommodations, food and travel are not included. 

 You can create the setting that is perfect for you. Bringing children or significant others is highly recommended. There is ample child-care for extremely low prices on the island. At infinite source yoga, we build true community by incorporating the children into our yoga, not secluding them from it. You will also be expected to leave your children with child-care so that you can fill up your own cup.
I might rent a house for us or we will stay in beach bungalows. I will arrive early and be communicating with you via email for your travel. LUPA LEAH! Indonesian for no worries. Let sprit guide your journey and trust! This is my favorite island and its peaceful vibes will heal even the most mental worrier! 

There are NO CARS or motor bikes on the island of gili meno. 

and you must travel by boat to the islands.

The island is SO small that you can stay anywhere you want and still be a part of our magical training. You can eat wherever you want on the island so we don't have to be limited to a certain menu or high prices for training venues. We will be attempting to eat mostly raw, it's the cheapest and healthiest way. Occasional fresh caught fish and fried rice will be enjoyed.

The ocean, the beach and the jungle will be our greatest teachers. Our yoga temple overlooks the ocean and has no name or phone number to call. 

We will enjoy some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets that I have ever experienced. 

The people on the island are kind, and full of wisdom. 

Understand truths about the universe that NO other training can teach you. Embody what other trainings attempt to teach. Know your own body better than ever before. Heal from pain you are still holding & let go of what is no longer serving you, with the applied and ancient proven system of Hatha Yoga. Go deeper and activate parts of you that wait dormant, ready to be revealed. 

We are limiting this experience to 15 and your astrological chart must be pre-approved in order to

When you send your one page email please include your full:

We will see if your chart is the right fit for this specific Infinite Source Training. 

image from our most recent ISY training in Thailand

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Monday, June 30, 2014

Infinite Evolutionary Astrology
with John and SkiJah
Facilitated by Infinite Source Yoga
Ashley Albrand is a powerful Goddess channeling truth & holding space for healing. Ashley began her yogic journey after massive struggle as a girl. Her transformational teaching embodies authenticity & delivers wisdom from the source. Recently Ashley trusted the universe & her medicine woman self, and delivered her own baby at home in water. She feels we are all standing on the cutting edge of creation & infinite possibility. Ashley's message of trust, allowing & connecting with your highest will resonate with the infinite place inside of you. Ashley offers herself globally and is currently leading Infinite Source Yoga teacher trainings and retreats.
All rights reserved -- Peace, Love, Light
Raw dinner sample for the week long cleanse

deposit $1,000.00 USD
balance $800.00 USD
in full $1,800.00 USD
private room $2,808.00 USD

deposit $1,000.00 USD
balance $1,200.00 USD
in full (shared) $2,200.00 USD
Shared King Sea View $2,700.00 USD
Private King Sea View $3,308.00 USD

$500 payment $508.00 USD
$1k payment $1,008.00 USD
Full Payment $2,108.00 USD

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