Ashe Maree Bad Maid

Ashe Maree Bad Maid


Ashe Maree Bad Maid

John V. Morse in later years - Fall River Daily Evening News March 1, 1912

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And old time friends
and twilight plays
And starry nights
and sunny days.
Come trooping up
the misty ways
When my fire burns low.
News, articles and photos about The Lady, The Crime, The City and The Era
Uncle Lawdwick and Those “Children Down the Well”
Photography and text by Shelley Dziedzic (all rights reserved )
For students of the Borden case, the tale of Lizzie’s great-uncle Lawdwick (also seen as Ludwig, Ladwig, Ladowick and other variations) has long been an interesting footnote to the saga of the Borden murders of 1892. Lawdwick Borden was the son of Martha Patty Bowen and Richard Borden. Lawdwick’s brother Abraham Bowen Borden was Andrew Jackson Borden’s father. Uncle Lawdwick was Lizzie Borden’s great-uncle. He will be referred to as Lawdwick hereafter as that is the spelling which is seen on his grave marker.
Abraham Bowen Borden (Lawdwick’s brother and Lizzie’s grandfather)
Lawdwick would enjoy the company of four wives over the span of his life, not an unusual occurrence in the days when women often died in childbirth or from complications following childbirth. There are records of four marriages: Maria Briggs, Eliza Darling, Eliza Chace (sometimes seen as Chase), and Ruhama Crocker . Ruhama Crocker Borden is listed as Lawdwick’s widow in Fall River city directories after Lawdwick died in 1874. The spelling and handwriting in censuses of the period is often poor or illegible, thus creating a challenge for historians generations later to decipher.
It is the second wife, Eliza Darling Borden who has piqued the excitement of Borden case scholars today, for it is she who did the unthinkable- she killed two of her three children and then took her own life. Today it might be chalked up to post partum depression. She had three children in rapid succession. Even the details of her suicide are clouded over time. Most versions would have it that she went upstairs in the little Cape Cod style house next door south of the Charles Trafton house in 1848, (which would become the Andrew Borden house in 1872) when she was at the age of 37, and sliced her throat with Lawdwick’s straight razor after dropping her children in the cellar cistern. Another version has her committing self-destruction behind the cellar chimney.  As thrilling tales often go, they tend to improve and evolve with the retelling.
Paranormal investigators today who visit the Lizzie Borden home, take great pains to attempt to contact these ghostly children who died so tragically years before Abby and Andrew would be done to death by hatchet on August 4, 1892. Guests who stay at the Borden home, now a popular bed and breakfast, leave toys for the “ghost children” in the guest rooms and declare they can hear childish laughter and sounds of play on the second and third floors.
This sad tale has endured for so long due primarily to Lizzie Borden herself- and her trial of 1893. Lizzie was carefully examined to determine if she were mentally competent. Questions were asked as to the sanity of the Borden clan in general. Not surprisingly the topic of Eliza Borden and her unfortunate children was introduced as a possible source of inherited madness. This was quickly shot down as Eliza Darling Borden was only a Borden by marriage, and not a blood relation to Lizzie Borden at all. Mention was made that the sole survivor of the well incident, Maria Borden (Hinckley), was “alive and well and a mother herself still living in the city”. It is a possibility Maria was named for Lawdwick’s first wife, Maria Briggs, as was a common custom in cases of the untimely death of a young spouse upon remarriage of the widower.
But first, the details on all of the family members. Mother of Lawdwick: Martha Patty Bowen Birth Jul 13 1775 in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA , Death Nov 16 1827
Father: Richard Borden Birth 1769 in Bristol Co., Massachusetts, USA , Death Apr 04 1824 * note that Richard’s mother was named Hope Cook. Most likely Cook Borden was named for her family surname.
Rowena Borden 1808-1836  (stone below)
b.1811 – d. 1848 suicide and mother who drowned two of her three children
Born October 22, 1844 died 1909 buried under Maria Borden , no mention of husband Samuel B. Hinckley.
Maria Borden (Hinckley) (daughter and only living child)
Eliza T. Chace married February 29, 1856 Third Wife
Ruhama Crocker Borden shown living with Lawdwick in 1870 census with sister Lydia and Maria, Eliza’s daughter now 25 and married to Samuel B. Hinckley, a Civil War veteran on 2 Oct 1866 . Ruhama is listed as Lawdwick’s “widow” in Fall River city directories after 1874.
Ruhama Crocker-  b. 1814-d. 1879 (in Providence in 1850, living with parents and siblings in 1860 in Attleboro
An interesting detail about Maria Borden and her husband Samuel B. Hinckley. Samuel had been a boarder in 1850 at the Lawdwick Borden house when Maria was a little girl of 5. Samuel was 18. The two would wed on October 3, 1866. Samuel had served in the Civil war and was mustered out as a full captain in Washington D.C. on July 14, 1865. (click on image below for full size). In 1850 both Samuel and Lawdwick are listed as “Millers”, presumably in a lumber yard.
At least two more infants are buried in this plot, both near Maria Briggs Borden, which would make them half siblings of the Maria who survived the cistern. One was born the year after Lawdwick’s marriage to Maria Briggs, the other two years later. A name is barely readable on one stone, the other reads Matthew.
Lawdwick is a Lumber man, second wife Eliza T. Chace Borden is keeping house and Maria is now 15. Whatever became of the marriage of Maria and Samuel is unclear. The newspaper article in 1893, during Lizzie Borden’s trial mentions the living child from “the cistern was a mother herself and living in the city”. Maria Borden Hinckley would have been 49 years old at the time of Lizzie’s trial in New Bedford.
My thanks to the groundsmen at Oak Grove Cemetery, Will Clawson, Len Rebello, and
Hello, Do you know who Mary Borden is? I’m trying to find out if she was one of Eliza Borden’s children. If Maria went by Mary? Or if she was the child of another Borden. Thanks.
Holder, Eliza Ann and Maria were the three children. Maria survived, she was the oldest. Borden is a very common name in the area of Fall River and surrounding towns. Many have done Lizzie’s family tree online.
Hello! I’ve been trying to reach you. We spoke years ago about a titanic survivor that I was writing a children’s book about. I’d like to talk to you about how best to honor your research in my author’s note. The book is about to be published.
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So it’s been told to me that Eliza Borden 3’rd wife of ludwick Borden ,killed 2of her 3 children ,so I can only summize that Maria the only living siblings must have been older than the two of the other children who were killed by their evil mother yes I said evil !! She drowned her children so she had to take the time to do that which may it Soo much worse ! It saddens me to to think that I’m sure people saw the signs of Eliza’s behavior and obvious ignored it because back then mental illness wasn’t talked about but this woman was worse then mentally ill she was downright Evil and those innocent children are gone and the father killed himself after the whole ordeal which is tragic as well however if anyone tapped into Eliza’s behavior something might have been done and those innocent children wouldn’t have suffered a horrible deaths in the hands of their own mother sooo sad soo damn sad !
i always some how had knowed that Lizzy family where kin to the same Bowen family i come from . lots of neat family history just waiting to be told
Just wondering what about the last name Cornell being related to Lizzy Borden. Any info would be greatly be appreciated.
hi did you know that the Bowen family as well as the Borden family are related to the same familys pretty much from what I have seen of my familys genealogy trees the family name of darling, Chace Briggs, Cook. Cornell are in the Bowen family as well also Richard Bowen ‘s child allice Bowen did marry in to the darling family she al so was married to a Robert WHEATON now she would have been a g-aunt to Lodewick. and well back in them days too say if a family member died they would marry the widow’s of there dead family members . yes I know its verry confusing when you look at it.
Just because she was a woman doesn’t matter here,the fact is no one wanted to believe she could be that evil, even back then.anyone is capable of killing male or female, she got away with it for that reason only. Today she would be in prison no DNA back then .it’s creapy how ever you view it.
But fingerprinting was widely used by then. The local police, supposedly distrusting it, declined to employ it. That’s pretty suspicious. Perhaps they used it, and did not like the results they obtained.
Someone always knows or sees something somewhere.
If you actually know the ENTIRE history of lizzie, the fact that in the movies you see they are always calling the maid Maggie when indeed her name was Bridget and the previous maid/friend of Mrs borden was Maggie so they did thiis out of spite because they ended Maggie. The fact that she looked like Christopher reeves in size and looks. As well as the Manu other circumstances with uncle John. The grandparents house that was sold prior to the event and yet there was no recollection of the $5k lizzie and Emma received, but of course a comfortable way for Bridget to leave town and get herself settled. You might think a little differently about convicting Lizzie so quickly. I was a chef and tour guide at the borden house in Fall River from 2008 til 2012 and believe me, I’ve seen things alone and with others that may blow your mind
I must know you as I worked at the house from 1998-2016.
Its a shame that there was no help back is very different. I like true stories like this one.
The family murders within the Borden family have been told for generations but murder aint all we are famous for. Though I dont have the infamous last name my great aunts reputation proceeds everything in the family all the way past JP Borden one of the first men to bring Brahma cattle to Texas
Of all of the articles and books I have read surrounding the Lizzie Borden murders, this is the first time I have heard of orher murders in the Borden family. This is such an intriguing part of Fall River history. It makes ne want to continue ti dig deeper into the past lives of the Borden family
A complete Borden beginner here, & far away in England – but may I ask:
Has a death certificate or death record been traced for Eliza Darling Borden? With any clarification of her demise? And have any more records been found to shed light on her daughter Maria? Where Maria would reside, subsequently, and in what circumstances?
To learn about the case I’m currently trying to buy a copy of ‘Parallel Lives’, but it seems to have had an inadequate print-run
A complete Borden beginner here, & far away in England – but may I ask:
Has a death certificate or death record been traced for Eliza Darling Borden? With any clarification of her demise? And have any more records been found to shed light on her daughter Maria? Where she lived, and in what circumstances?
To learn about the case I’m currently trying to buy a copy of ‘Parallel Lives’, but it seems to have had an inadequate print-run
This was great! I’m from Texas, but this tale has always fascinated me. I love the history and stores!
Watching Ghost Adventures about this same crazy tale. How incredible!
Aileen Carol “Lee” Wuornos (born Pittman) is Lizzie’s 7th cousin 4x removed. Their common ancestors are Thomas Cornell and Rebecca Briggs.
I googled “Richard Borden m. Martha “Patty” Bowen” to find this place. Of course, Richard is Aileen’s 4th cousin 7x times removed. Obviously, with the same common ancestors.
Speaking of abberations… Boo! lol. No, but really! The aforesaid common ancestor, Rebecca Briggs Cornell, Lizzie’s 6th great, Aileen’s 10th, was allegedly murdered by her son, Thomas, Jr.. (Lizzie’s 5th great) He was convicted and sentenced to hang. The damning evidence in his trial, that proved his guilt, was the ghost of his mother, appearing in his uncle’s (her brother’s) dream. Thomas, Jr.’s wife was with child when his mother died and when he was executed. She was born 4 months after his execution. His widow named their daughter, Innocent Cornell (Lizzie’s 4th great).
Great story! I am using it as a source/citation for the existence of Richard Borden and Martha “Patty” Bowen, in my genealogy of Aileen Wuornos. Thank you.
Now, in these ever diluting blood-lines of infamy, we have, tales of capital punishment, patricide, matricide, filicide/prolicide and serial killing homicides/androcides, while we sit at the breakfast table to kill a bowl of sweetened cereal with a side of bacon. Punishing our mind and body, all by ourself, while we read of such atrocities.
Speaking of suicides… Aileen Wuornos and Lizzie Borden have/had a common cousin, Marilyn Monroe.
Hey there, I am a descendant of Thomas and Rebecca (Briggs) Cornell. I am also related to Lizzie and Marilyn and Churchill as well! I would love more than anything to go see where lizzie lived!
Beautiful site, exquisitely written and researched. Thank you for the gaslit glimpse into a past you bring to the living present!
so much tragedy in this family and so much death on that site,makes you wonder if maybe there wasnt some other force there already
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I live on Rock st. and now I’m fully involved in the Borden History. Your information and insight has been both INTERESTING and EXTREMELY HELFULL. Thanks again.
Wow! I’m currently planning to visit Fall River and hope, to stay the night in Lizzie’s Bed & Breakfast… There’s so much I want to see in the short trip, but I had no idea there were more deaths than Abby and Andrew on the property, until I caught a show on the bio channel… I’m anxious to get there… This was very informative…
One set of threads is fastened from top to bottom of the loom. These vertical threads are called the warp . Threads that cross from side to side, over and under the warp, are called the weft . Together, the warp and the weft are the substance of the cloth created. Fall River was once called the Spindle City and was a top textile city in the Northeast.
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State v. Thomas Coleman , Emma Coleman  }
Tom Wilson – Testified that on one occasion last year he was passing the house of the female def’t Emma Coleman and saw the two defendants lying on the floor on a quilt. One of them Emma jumped up. He did not see what they were doing. Did not see anyone else about the house at that time. Tom is a married man and had been for a number of years. Emma has been married but is a widow. They are not married to each other. That he had frequently seen Tom at Emmas house – in day time – at night and coming away from there in the early mornings – about day brake. He could not say that he saw Tom go there any night and come away the next morning. He had not seen that but there one night and coming away another morning.
Louis Strickland – Said that there was a party on old Xmas 1912 night. A number of negroes there including both defts. That they sat by the fire place and Tom felt Emma’s breasts. That he had heard Tom say that Emma was his woman; that he looked out for her and provided for her and that he did not want her wasting his time with any other man.
M.H. Lamm – Testified to the dealings in the store. About Tom paying for provisions for Emma and bills charged to Emma amounting to 3.00 or 4.00.
J.P. Vick – Testified to seeing Tom coming out of Emmas house in early morning on several occasions. That was during the tobacco curing & also tobacco selling season. That Tom told hom Emma was his woman & that he looked out for her &c.
Sim Batchelor – Testified that one day last year the female def’t asked to ride with him to town on some business and he took her to Wilson & took her home again. That soon after that the male deft asked him what in the h___ he was doing hauling his woman around.
Mr. Edwards – Def. Coleman’s gen. ch. [general character] good.
Mr. Briggs – Def. Coleman’s gen. ch. good.
Thos. Coleman – Emma’s money bought the provisions. She did not understand making change. The path from my house runs right by Emma’s house which I would use in going to the tobacco pack-house. X’d [cross-examined]. The money which paid her bills at the store her own money. I never beat Emma in my life about anything. Emma bought the “Estime” herself & wore it.
Mr. Edwards – Def. Coleman’s gen. ch. [general character] good.
Mr. Briggs – Def. Coleman’s gen. ch. good.
Thos. Coleman – Emma’s money bought the provisions. She did not understand making change. The path from my house runs right by Emma’s house which I would use in going to the tobacco pack-house. X’d [cross-examined]. The money which paid her bills at the store her own money. I never beat Emma in my life about anything. Emma bought the “Estime” herself & wore it.
Emma Coleman – Been the mother of 5 children. 3 living now. My husband was their father. Have never ridden with Mr. Sim Batchelor in my life. Have bought meat & bread from Mr. Lamm’s store. My money paid for it.
Lou Gay — Mother of Emma Coleman. Ed, her husband, died 3 miles from where Thos. Coleman lived. Afterwards I lived with her. We lived in the house that got burned. 2 rooms in house we lived in last year; only one bed room. Never saw Tom put his hands on Emma.
Mollie Coleman — Wife of male deft. Been married 22 years. Have 8 children. Louis Strickland came to my house in Feb, said do you know what they ketched all those peoples up & carried them off. He said it was about Tom [keeping?] Emma. My husband did not go away from home at night except in tobacco curing time and then not all of any one night.
Fannie Coleman — I was at that dance at old Xmas. Am 21 yrs. old. Not married. Have 2 children. Staid 5 weeks last year with my grandmother Wootten.
Alice Coleman — Daughter of male def. Remember that old Xmas night.
Alphonso Coleman — Present at old Xmas night party. Am Bro of the male def.
Justus Coleman — Def. is my uncle. Present old Xmas night.
Lena Williams — Daughter of Dallas Williams .
Mr. Vick — Recalled. Did Mollie Coleman make any statement to you as to the number of nights her husband had spent away from home during 1912? Def’s obj. over’d. Defts. except. (This evidence offered & allowed only against the male deft.) Mollie about Xmas was talking to me. Said Tom had been at home about 2 nights in the last month. X’s. Ques. Who told you that Tom Coleman said your wife had been selling liquor? State obj. Sust’d. Def. except.Ques. Did not Tom Wilson a state’s witness give you that informantion? State obj. Sust’d. Defts. excepts. Same question as to Carley Holeman, M.H. Lamm, Louis Strickland, Sim Batchellor.
R.H. Braswell — Known Tom Coleman 18 years. Gen Char. Bad.
On 24 September 1890, Thomas Coleman, 21, of Oldfields, son of Squire Coleman and Nancy Farmer , married Mollie Woodard, 17, of Taylors, daughter of Ben and Clara Woodard , in Wilson township. Witnesses were J.W. Farmer , John Barnes and Annie Peacock .
Edwin Coleman, 20, son of Gray and Harriet Coleman , married Emma Gay, 19, daughter of Henry
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