Asfr Stories

Asfr Stories


Asfr Stories

As you can tell, the site has gotten quite a facelift since last you probably visited. My lofty goals have been whittled down in order to something that's both practical and doable. My goal is NOT to be a mirror site for the Legacy of Timeless Beauty. (It is a wonderful site that I suggest that you visit to see even *more* great ASFR fiction!) Rather, this will be a showcase of stories that peak my personal interest and think others would want to read. Please peruse these literary works and if you have a story of interest, mail it to me and I'll consider it for the page!

In the meanwhile, check out the stories below, visit the Feature Page which will highlight new stories and news of interest, post on the message board, and check out the groovy - Links Page .

And of course the disclaimer: the links here are to stories of an ADULT -nature. If you are not of legal age by your local standards, then just activate the back button and be on your merry little way. Oh yes, all stories are properties of their authors and all rights reserved by them. So don't claim then as your own and don't try to sell them. Otherwise, you'll enter the wonderful world of litigation of intellectual property. (...and it ain't pretty neither)

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Peach on a Plate Princess Peach was walking towards her bedroom after a long day. She had already changed into a loose shirt and some comfortable panties, and was eager to get to bed. Eyes sleepy, she stretched her arms above her head as she approached her door. Upon contact with the threshold, she suddenly halted in place. Huh? She tried to will herself to keep moving forward, but no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t so much as twitch. She couldn’t even move her eyes or call for help! Her gaze turned slightly downward, she could see her skin and clothes had taken on a smooth and shiny texture, and the tile she was standing on was glowing softly. Suddenly a sharp cackle cut through the hallway. “Kehehehehe! My ingenious tile trap worked perfectly!” Peach instantly recognized the voice as the evil sorcerer, Kamek! Not being able to turn and face the wicked Magikoopa, she could only stand still as she felt his presence hover around her. “It was ever so simple! Simply place this cursed plate in a place where you’d walk eventually, and then wait for you to walk right into our clutches! Bowser will be ever so pleased to see his new centerpiece!” Kamek gloated. Suddenly Peach saw the wizard enter her limited field of view. “And your pose is perfectly flirty as well! Hmm, the expression could use some work though…” Kamek waved his wand a bit and Peach felt her eyes lift up as one lid closed and her mouth curled into an involuntary smile, leaving her with a coy and seductive look on her face. Peach then felt herself and the tile she was on lift off the ground and begin to float down the hall, no doubt bound directly for Bowser’s trophy room. Though the magic holding her prevented her from moving a single muscle, it didn’t stop her from blushing profusely at her current attire and expression held against her will. And this kidnapping was a lot less… grand than the usual affair, so it might be a bit before anyone even knows shes been abducted. Peach inwardly sighed as she settled in for a little while of captivity… ==================================== Painted Daisies During a heated battle with the sorcerer Yuga, Link deftly sidestepped a blast of magic. This blast went out the window and flew off into the horizon… Meanwhile, a little ways around the world, in the neighboring kingdom of Sarasaland, Princess Daisy stood disapprovingly by the graffiti-strewn wall on the back of her castle. It seemed like every day there was more there, despite the guard patrols. As she shook her head and turned to go back inside, the bolt of magic finished its long journey by striking Daisy and slamming her into the wall! Dazed by the impact, Daisy slowly regained her senses to find herself staring out away from the wall she was just examining. She also seemed to feel a lot flatter than usual? Uh oh. Some cursory attempts revealed it to be impossible to move at all, confirming to the princess that she was now nothing more than another painting on the wall of her beloved castle. No, she can’t be part of this problem! She tried with all her might to pull herself back to 3D space, but her body remained as mere scribbles on the wall. Dejected, she resigned herself to this fate until someone discovered her and helped her get out of these bricks. Hey, what’s that group of community service workers doing with all those paint rollers…? ==================================== Deep Blue Space Rosalina stood at her normal spot near the core of the Comet Observatory. She had been standing there for quite a while now actually. Truth is, even though she really wanted to, she couldn’t go anywhere else. For instead of flesh and blood, the Rosalina that stood there consisted of merely a statue of pure sapphire. It was about a week ago now that a Prankster Comet came within range of the Observatory. It was always a gamble at what the effects of a Comet would be, but this time the chaotic magics had locked the Queen of the Cosmos in place and changed her to shining blue stone. This seemed to be the only effect, a fact that Rosalina was oddly annoyed by. As if to add insult to injury, the Power Star that served to break the Comet’s hold on the area had settled just in front of Rosalina, a mere arm’s reach away. Seeing as reaching an arm was impossible, she had to sit there watching as release spun right before her, as if taunting her. And since the Lumas couldn’t interact with Power Stars themselves, it would probably be a while before she would be rescued. For now all she can do is settle in, watch the stars, and try to let them distract her from the itch in her nose that had been there for days now…

(Author’s Note: Sorry in advance about the use of leetspeak in the dialogue, believe it or not, that is me being faithful to the original characters. Sorry if this makes it difficult to read.)

The hunt was on.

Vriska darted between cover as she checked her gun to make sure it was pumped. She’d already checked seven times already, but you can never be too prepared in the heated battle of a water war. Despite having encountered almost everyone else participating, Vriska remained perfectly dry. Having eliminated everyone else, by her count it was down to her and her own partner in crime, Terezi. But such relationships meant nothing
Sarah waved goodbye to the group of convention goers with a look of satisfaction.

She was dressed in her Tifa Lockhart cosplay outfit and it was having the desired effect. She loved the attention she received at these conventions. She had never had to pay for anything and she usually ended up with more money than she came with as the was no shortage of guys willing to pay to get a picture with her.

This convention was no different. She had already had her meals and room paid for and several groups of guys handed over cash for a picture without a second thought. She was beginning to think she could turn this into a job if she good find enoug
Another set of shorts! This time the Bot produced Peach vitrified on a cursed plate, Daisy turned into a mural on the wall, and Rosalina transformed into a sapphire statue! ASFR Fate Bot:
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The Return (add dramatic music later)
So, yeah, it's been a while since I posted stuff here, be it Journal or ASFR. February was...unpleasant, let's just leave it at that, and the months before were dedicated to trying to work on personal projects while also helping my folks and my friends, who've helped me in turn. I even made my own Discord group :happybounce: After a while, though, I started missing my ASFR content, just sitting around on the backburner I left it on a while back. I meant to get to it sooner, but I had a lot of other writing projects to work on. Now that my schedule for the serious stuff is all clear, however, it's time to return to my 'kink', as my boyfriend refers to it :D I still have lots of new things to try out and I've decided to start with one that I tried to get out last time, but a lack of focus forced me to rewrite it several times. Now, however, I think I have a version that sounds believable. Expect to see more content soon! :la:
Wanda's spree of transformations and travel had gone on without a hitch so far, with the magic user finding herself almost addicted to the idea of adding to her collection. While she wasn't too concerned about her options, she found herself drawn towards a oft forgotten member of the X-men despite her efforts to shine brightly. Standing on a stage, Wanda found herself looking at the superstar mutant known as Dazzler, although her star had dimmed somewhat as musical trends had changed. The mind stone augmented spellweaver found herself staring at Dazzler, who was trapped in a specialized bubble of crimson energy. While sound and light could go into the orb, neither could come out, which prevented Dazzler from using her abilities to make trouble. "Wow, I can't believe I finally get you all to myself. I have to admit, I was wondering if you'd be giving performances still, but I guess you're still popular with people other than me." Dazzler gave Wanda an annoyed look, annoyed by
Azula rolled her eyes as she saw an Earth Kingdom peasant on the road ahead, watching a gate. No doubt some kind of toll scam. She was about to simply burn the gate down to let herself, Mai, and Ty Lee keep riding past on their Mongoose Lizard mounts, but upon closer inspection, the signs on the gate seemed... intriguing. They warned the road ahead was cursed or something. Well, this should be amusing after a few boring days of chasing scraps of fur off a flying Bison. "I warn you, travellers, this route is not safe!" The Peasant shouted as they neared. "Really? And I suppose you have some trinket to sell us to get past the curse?" Azula scoffed. The Peasant was perplexed. "Um.... No. I just warn people not to go down this road. And if they do, to go quickly. It travels by Lady Jiéshí's lands." "Lady Jiéshí?" Ty Lee repeated. "And what does she do to passers by exactly, throw rocks at them?" Azula cut in. "No one really knows but it's said if those passing her lands are too

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