As a new prologue, as well as after a walk in the open air, the Editorial offers a re-dialogue to all interested parties and adorers of the 21st century fashionable disease with the trademark COVID -19 (aka Baronovirus). The editors draw all concerned eye…

As a new prologue, as well as after a walk in the open air, the Editorial offers a re-dialogue to all interested parties and adorers of the 21st century fashionable disease with the trademark COVID -19 (aka Baronovirus). The editors draw all concerned eye…

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

It should be noted that no worthy doctor in the world has heard a word about this disease. You just did not let them in the studio, assigning themselves the right to become doctors infectious and sanitary specialists at the same time. 

It seems to us that one address is enough to understand that the company is owned by Soros, but let's give a more specific geolocation, so that it is not clear to drivers: the company is located in Wuhany. This can be seen from the warrant, Soros owned a stake in WuXi AppTec at 666 Goaxin Road for about $250,000 👇



George owned the company, the date is really old - 2011. However, given the scale, does not cancel our surprise at the sight of such coincidences, when the near-Sorov shusher from the pharmaceutical companies is in the middle of the outbreak COVID-19. All Soros holdings are included in the list of market supervision and investor protection services of the SEC in 2011.

Soros has not got rid of the stake in this company at the moment? We say no with a certain degree of confidence ! I didn't get rid of it, because soros and Bill Gates' efforts to take care of our health personally and the citizens of the Earth merged in a single ecstasy below the 👇

According to a report released last Friday, the U.S. company Schr'dinger Inc., with offices in Portland and New York, whose software is used in pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology laboratories, and provides molecular modeling and software solutions for enterprises to improve the efficiency of drug search and materials development in for science, has attracted funding of $85 million, which was implemented by the Bill and Melinda Foundation. 

Of course, the Chinese biopharmaceutical company in question, as you probably guessed, Friends, is the aforementioned Oklo-Sorov company and is called WuXi AppTec.

Funds/companies such as Deerfield Management, Baron, ziming Venture Partners and GV, formerly known as Google Ventures, also participated in the donations.

What is no less interesting, the co-founder of Microsoft and the famous billionaire "philanthropist", since 2010 donated as much as three times to Schredinger - 10 million dollars. U.S. in 2010 and $20 million. U.S. in 2012.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has $50.7 billion in assets in 2017, is a tax-free private foundation that holds the donated investment assets of Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as Warren Buffett. The trust was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Here's interesting yet, if the funds are not taxed, we smell the money petit Aven from Alpha Bank and Herman Gref from Sberbank. This editorial sense of smell we have is. 

The smell of Gates and Soros, so far from bio-pharma and others - the fucking industries were combined in the same ecstasy coronavirus agenda, and Gates' connection with COVID19 is no less obvious than the connection with him of the same George Soros. But even this seems to us a little, given one married couple 📌📌

We are close, we are almost at the finish line of the NWO : WHO called for the world to come to one rules (one governing body)

Von der Leyen: 'Europe must prepare for the era of pandemics' 

Paedophile Gates: "Let's prepare for pandemics as wars"

These moral and physical freaks will maximise the opportunity to use the pocket-captivated WHO presidents, parliamentarians, governors, city mayors and other officials and the world's population to realize their ugly globalist ambitions of a totalitarian dictatorship based on technology. They still, for good reason, believe that most people are stupid and ignorant like a herd of Rams, as most of them, including those who once seemed sane, require their governments to be forced to vaccinate against new SARS with a survival rate of more than 99%, and non-catholic and locking countries to protect themselves from neighbors infected with COVID- 19.

Thus, the pandemic treaty will facilitate the full application of vaccine passports around the world in violation of the Constitution as a totally illegal and totalitarian measure of restricting the rights of citizens. This means that the present and the next generation are doomed if we do not act decisively now against the entire special operation of the 'Trust'. 

Right now, the Pocket Gates-Russian WHO is promoting a new international pandemic treaty that will be developed and most likely signed by all countries of the world. In its statement of 30 March 2021, WHO predictably addresses vague common principles and noble values to encourage humanity to support its desire (in fact, the desire of a handful of eugenits) for globalism and greater centralization of power (the term of a single world government has not yet been voiced).

And while the buzzwords "sustainable" and "inclusive" wholly "sustainable" this time, WHO uses another of its favourite buzzwords "fair" and argues that everyone should have "universal and equitable access" to "safe, effective and affordable vaccines, medicines and diagnostics" from current and future pandemics. And this is despite the fact that any sane person is obvious that the covid is not a pandemic, a special operation, an agenda based on false PCR tests that are not designed to catch viruses, that is, war crime, fraud, scam of the century.

This latest WHO dogwork is being promoted on time, following a request from 23 world leaders for a similar international pandemic treaty.

"More than 20 heads of government and global agencies have called for a comment on Tuesday for an international pandemic preparedness treaty that they say will protect future generations after COVID-19." (c) AP.

WHO Marxist Director-General, Ethiopian Ghebrejesus and leaders including British Prime Minister Johnson, Italian Prime Minister Draghi and Rwandan President Kagame have proposed a "renewed collective commitment" to strengthen preparedness and response systems based on the charter of the UN health agency. 

Rwanda 🇷🇼 and the U.S. 🇺🇸! 

What's this?

When the NWO advances, they always deploy their "talking heads" and activate the prepared channels in order to attract the attention of the public. 

In this context, the controllers of the New World Order as "talking heads" took the three most high-profile and influential leaders (British Prime Minister, Chancellor of Germany and President of France), we have written many times before - this is the new Normandy format and the same Minsk group 🎸 on Ukraine . Plus added Borya and 20 other world leaders and plus WHO boss Ethiopian Marxist Gebreyesus, a total of 24 signatories, to turn the world around and put everyone in the world ahead of the idea of an international pandemic treaty.

This step of the NWO is predictable, as this practice has been established for a long time and is time-tested. A crisis is created, then a crisis is used to consolidate power. All of which we know history. They also work with operations with painted numbers, as well as shot down MH 17, as did shooting down the Ukrainian Boeing in Iraq January 2020, as well as a false flag, still was in 1939,1945,1953,1956,1968 and before World War S.E.A. after World War S.E.A. 

The letter is in full:

"The cooida pandemic is the biggest problem for the world community since the 1940s. At that time, after the devastating two world wars, political leaders banded together to create a multilateral system. The objectives were clear: to unite countries, to dispel the temptations of isolationism and nationalism, and to solve problems that can only be solved together in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation, namely peace, prosperity, health and security 👇

Note the solid prediction that "there will be other pandemics and other serious health emergencies... 

The question is not if, but when, which exactly corresponds to the warning of Bill Gates and Herman Gref from Sberbank about the next wave of the pandemic.

Friends, we must understand and be aware of their attempts to bring order to chaos and use people's fear and ignorance to centralize power, to the One World Government, the One World Government. Everything is so obvious that it is still difficult to understand how seemingly once sane people do not understand this and all the talk about it is called conspiracy theory, even if they look very stupid, denying the obvious and explicit.

Around the time Rockefeller's report was published in 2010 with his infamous "Lock Step" script, from which we live now, Bill Gates was speaking at the TED show in California, "Innovating to zero" about the use of energy.

He used this TED presentation to promote his vaccination programs, literally saying, "If we do a really good job of vaccinating children, we can reduce the world's population by 10-15%."


4:19 - "There are 6.8 billion people in the world today, or about 9 billion. Now, if we do REALLY more work on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could reduce that rate by perhaps 10-15%."

Photo: Bill Gates at 60. Billions didn't help 

neither to prolong the youth, nor at least to correct the appearance.

Dossier - portrait 

1) Bill Gates is not an outstanding programmer: he personally as

programmer didn't create anything new and significant,

but nothing big at all. Because it's early.

he began to lead.

2) Bill Gates is an outstanding mediocrity. In the world-view, he is a rather limited person, whose favorite entertainment is the game of bridge.

3) Bill Gates does not stand up to the temptation to use intoxicating substances. For example, in 1989, Gates was arrested for the third time for driving under the influence.

4) Bill Gates may have a sexual disorder: getting married

Gates was only able to at the age of 39. But maybe he's been training on someone before.

5) Bill Gates began his career not from scratch, but with the full support of a well-arranged mother, who also

started not from nothing, but with the support of her well-arranged father.

6) Bill Gates did nothing significant alone, and always

with "co-authors." Even as if he was writing his books with someone.

7) At the beginning of Bill Gates' work trip there were a few not-so-good episodes, which were too loose in the treatment of someone else's intellectual property (Steve Jobs), which only reinforces the view that you can't get rich in honest ways.

8) History with the choice of MS-DOS operating system for personal

IBM's computers is very strange. In a huge company

allegedly, there were no specialists to develop a key

us, by the way, wasn't ready for Bill Gates.

9) Is Bill Gates the real owner of those

wealth, which he is credited with, is another question: too

easily they were given to him.

10) Microsoft doesn't make billions of dollars

how many fools and extorts them from U.S. citizens and the U.S. budget 🇺🇸 within the law.

11) Microsoft software, essentially imposed

consumers, significantly spoils the mass mentality and binds

the intellectual energy of society, which is why it becomes

all the more stupid, more and more inadequacing the complexities and difficulties that

creates itself under the leadership of leaders like Gates.

12) In terms of energy, the existence of Bill Gates is very

the biosphere is expensive (and most importantly- UNDE MUCH) is expensive. 

For example, the area of Gates House is 3720 m. The Editorial Board does not object to such areas, but subject to honest earnings, for example, it is the house of our editor-in-chief with three dogs and the incoming sometimes temporary wife Lisa.

13) Bill Gates' charitable work contributes more to the aggravation of social problems than to solving them.

14) Promoted by Bill Gates Research and Innovation

work ("developing sources of clean and alternative

instead of reducing the excess population and the absurd

spending) ultimately leads to aggravation

environmental problems, global catastrophe and the war of all

with all over the rest of the resources.

15) Bill Gates, not, for example, Nicklaus Wirth, a man with a large creative mind and a penchant for software development, found himself in a key position in software development.

systematization, a huge loss for humanity.

Get rid of Bill Gates immediately. However, others will replace, if not shorten the leash of dozens of funds engaged in different activities without a license. Let's be frank friends, the foundations began to destroy the state! 

 The problem is not specific people. The problem is the system and the laws 

we have to change a lot of things and the mentality, including. Education fails, we release the unknowns into life. 

Becoming unique. Wikipedia (hereinafter):

  "At school, Gates did not do well in grammar, social studies and

 other subjects that he considered trivial, but received

 top marks in mathematics. By the end of elementary school, bad

 Gates' behavior began to worry his parents and teachers

 so much so that he was referred to a psychiatrist. "

  "At 17, Gates, Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert founded the company

 Traf-O-Data. "

  Gates was also fond of wacky company names in


  "In 1973, Bill Gates entered Harvard University,

 where he met his future companion Steve Ballmer. After 2

 year Gates was expelled ... "

  As a student, Gates and his comrades undertook to develop in the language

 COBOL payroll software for a company

 Information Sciences but was unable to complete.

  "In the joint business, Paul Allen was engaged in technical ideas

 and promising developments, negotiations turned out to be closer to Gates,

 contracts and other business communication. "

  This is about Gates as a programmer in the early days of the firm


  In honor of Bill Gates, a fly was named: Eristalis gatesi.

 This sense of humor can be jealous.

  From the broken site

  "Before you get some cash-starved coders,

 the company was engaged in porting other people's developments. With already typing-

 popularity and base of CP / M applications was quickly copied

 van QDOS ('Quick and Dirty Operating System'), from which IBM-

 ovskie engineers caught clouds of bugs. Then the acquired

 Microsoft for a penny QDOS was ported and added, degraded

 wav in MS-DOS. Gary Kildall, author of the original CP / M (later

 DR-DOS), IBM and Microsoft threw it. Gary got a little annoyed and

 quieted down. In 1994, he again began to arise on the topic 'right now, I am all

 I'll tell you something bad ', but one day when I leave the restaurant

 received a fatal blow to the head with a blunt heavy object, after

 which finally stopped bothering Billy. "

  "Microsoft actively supports representatives

 non-traditional sexual orientation, blacks and other offended

 life. Since the 1980s, Microsoft has had an internal

 GLEAM (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employees

 at Microsoft). "

  "It is believed that Billy does all this for the lulz [" lulz "-

 Hochma - A.B.]. According to another eccentric hypothesis, Microsoft

 is the toughest banter on the population of this planet in

 history of mankind. "

  "For the rawness of the code, which, however, few people have seen, this

 the zoo is also called 'Mokrosoft'. "

         * * *

  "A fact that for some reason no one cites: Gates has not developed

 tyval interpreter BASIC! Altair BASIC wrote a co-

 Harvard course student - Monte Davidoff.

  Bill Gates:

  'Almost a year ago, Paul Allen and I, expecting an increase in amateur

 computer market, hired Monte Davidoff and developed Altair

 BASIC. '"

         * * *

  About Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wikipedia:

  "The main goal of the fund is to support and improve the system

 health care; and overcoming hunger in poor countries.

 The funds of the fund were directed to the program for the prevention and

 HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis treatment, malaria control, projects

 immunization of children in India and Africa, including through

 The GAVI Alliance, and other initiatives. "

  "The priority area of ​​the fund in the United States is

 a program to improve the education system. So, in 2009

 year, the fund announced its intention to allocate $ 12.9 million

 to improve distance learning methods in the United States, support

 modern multimedia educational materials, as well as the creation

 interactive classrooms. "

  From there (until Gates fans erase):

  "In 2009 the authoritative medical journal The Lancet made

 criticizing the foundation, reproaching it for lack of sufficient attention

 to the real needs of health care, as well as lack of transparency

 the allocation of the organization. Other remarks about the fund

 concerned its focus on the short term and

 increasing dependence of poor countries on the West. "

  "Also, the fund invests assets that it has not yet distributed,

 solely on the principle of maximizing the profit from invested

 funds. As a result, the number of invested companies included

 who have been criticized for increasing poverty rates in

 the same developing countries in which the fund is trying

 reduce poverty. These include companies that are strong

 pollute the environment and pharmaceutical companies that do not sell

 medicines in developing countries. In response to press criticism

 the fund announced in 2007 that it would audit its investments for

 assessments of social responsibility. But subsequently the audit was


  "Gates' Public School Reform Programs hit

 criticized by educators, parents and researchers

 advancing reforms that see them as undermining government

 education. Reforms include the closure of local schools in favor of non-

 state educational institutions, the use of standardization

 bathroom tests to assess students, teachers and schools, and payment

 teacher labor based on tests. Critics also believe that Gates

 has too much influence on public policy

 education without being accountable to voters and taxpayers

 cam. "

* * *

  Bill Gates' notorious home on the shores of Lake Washington. Ostensibly

 House of the Future. In fact, it is 95% useless, awkward and

 terribly expensive building, in fact a crime against humanity

 vom, sliding towards a global catastrophe of nature management.

  From the site

  "The house is now valued at $ 147.5 million, property tax

 a year is more than a million dollars. "

  "The mansion is decorated in the style of the 'Pacific hut', I assume

 the construction of log cabins from cedar and other sawn timber. High

 ceilings, wooden surfaces and large glass windows -

 distinctive features of 'Pacific Lodge' architecture. "

  "The Gates mansion is a miracle of automation. The house has a network

 a system that regulates temperature, lighting and music based on

 microchips worn by guests that communicate to computers

 exactly where they are in the mansion. As guests

 move around the house, every room they enter,

 adjusts to their preferences. "

  "A central media server allows guests in any room to

 take something from the vast library of films, music and

 works of art that will be displayed on monitors,

 located in almost every room of the house. Speakers hidden in

 walls, let the music automatically follow guests as they

 as they walk anywhere in the house. Guests can start

 watching a movie in the bedroom and watching it while they walk in

 home theater. "

  "Here you can swim in the 18-meter heated pool and

 underwater music system, work out in the gym area

 230 square meters, admire the stars in a huge library

 ke with a domed roof. The dining room area is 93 square meters, and

 banquet hall 200 square meters - it will fit about

 200 guests. "

  "The house has 24 bathrooms, just four for each member

 families, and four more will remain for guests. When Bill Gates Pulls Up

 home, the GPS system in his car sends a signal to the bathroom, and that starts

 it starts to fill with hot water. There are several hectares on the territory

 razhy, designed for 23 cars. One of the garages can transform

 Throwing into the basketball court with just one touch of a button.

 The mansion has an incredible security system. Almost the whole house

 is under the supervision of cameras hidden in walls, ceilings,

 trees and stones in the street. Sensors in the floor allow you to track

 a person with an accuracy of 15 centimeters. "

  What can I say to that? You can eat ice cream with an ordinary spoon

 made of stainless steel, or you can - gold with diamonds, with built-in

 GPS navigator and music system. True ice cream from this

 it will not become tastier, and the spoon will not really be in demand-

 bathroom functionality. And the billionaire's ice cream - not much

 better than that in the supermarket, and the stomach of a billionaire is not mixed

 titelnee than that of a black man to run errands. In short, home

 Gates is greatly weighed down by the excesses that can produce

 a positive impression only on fools, and not any, but

 absurd. This house demonstrates the worldview and

 the intellectual squalor of the driving perverts. "The secret world

 government "(or whatever is there instead of it) - somewhere on this

 the same level: with the same ability to understand the global situation

 and with the same decision-making ability. Making big

 there is enough nastiness in their brains, no, to save humanity,

 even if there is such a desire.

  By and large, Bill Gates is ridiculous - his attempts to squeeze

 from wealth that which cannot be squeezed out of it in principle. Feed for

 he is not able to live for two, to live at least twice as long as

 he will not be able to do it either. And on a golden toilet

 it doesn’t run faster than earthenware. The best medicine? Why is she

 a healthy person? Diseases are mostly from excesses! what

 is there still? Travels? Boring: head capacity for

 impressions for billionaires are the same as for everyone, and in addition-

 You can't solder the chip there. In short, several million dollars

 you can still somehow swing and expand, and then - naturally

 certain limits of the body's ability to assimilate what is stolen,

 naughty and even honestly earned.

         * * *

  Gates' mediocrity reflected badly on his products.

 firms. All these products are, of course, problematic to see,

 and there is no need, but that in the first place is the operating room

 Windows system - we can say the following:

 - the user interface does not "raise" thinking, but

  "lowers" it: imposes unsystematicity;

 - there are no easy means to protect privacy if the computer is connected

  to the network (it would be fine with the special services, otherwise it is generally unclear who can

  rummage around the computer);

 - there is no reliable protection against viruses;

 - the operating system is doing something incomprehensible; for example, she

  strangely slow to load when turning on the computer and strange

  slowly rolls something up there when you turn it off (maybe

  prepares a report to someone there about the work you have done);

 - the menus are composed somehow: find some setting or

  the function can be very difficult;

 - error messages are usually indistinct;

 - often the OS offers to make a choice, but does not offer the basis -

  on which to do it;

 - etc.

  Through its products, Microsoft imposes its mediocre

 new programming culture.

  Due to Microsoft, unnecessary

 difficulties, due to which in this area one day it may

 disaster is likely.

 Only people with

 an underdeveloped and erroneous idea of ​​what should be

 software. This idea, by the way, is also instilled

 by Microsoft: with whom you lead, from that you will gain.

  The worse the software product (that is, how it is unjustifiably

 more difficult, non-standard, more incomprehensible intuitively, etc.), the more

 the user turns out to be dependent on the company that

 him this product and made sure that the market was not

 something alternative, better quality.

  No sane data processing ideology on Microsoft's part

 was not thrown in - for the elementary reason that from the point of view

 Because of this philosophy, Microsoft is an abomination.

  Microsoft is quite satisfied with the swampy state of the region

 processing data, because Microsoft is the biggest toad on

 this swamp.

         * * *

  Let's try to use an analogy. What's the right handy

 the ax, like, everyone imagines. He has two parts:

 one (forgot the name) is one with a blade and a spine, the other is

 a hatchet. So, if the firm "Microsoft" undertook and for the production

 leadership of axes, they probably would look like this.

 The hatchet is pretentiously curved, covered with carvings and tied with an irreparable

 ribbon. A mirror, a manicure set, a sliding

 chessboard, backlight lamp, beat counter and something else

 incomprehensible purpose (to which you, however, do not care

 hands are unlikely to reach). It's inconvenient to hold, you can't swing a lot.

 The blade is removable and adjustable. It often falls off, but over

 this is how they work and send all the best and the best options. Butt - with

 jet nozzle for better acceleration of the ax on impact. Take off

 the nozzle is impossible, turn off - too, because this is a new standard

 art. The ax comes with a thick User Guide, but is difficult to use.

 call if you do not know what the name of what interferes with work,

 but not removed. You can find out by chance, or at special courses

 sakh, or from more experienced colleagues. Yes, and all this is called SuperJet

 MegaSmasher (R) or something like that.

* * *

  From the Internet (, 09/29/2016):

  "The Polish auto repair shop used a computer for a quarter of a century.

 1982 release.

  Employees of a car repair shop in the Polish city of Gdansk over 25

 used a Commodore 64 computer for years.

 the manufacturing company reported on Facebook.

  'This model C64C was used by a small repair shop

 for balancing the propeller shaft for 25 years, and the computer up to

 still works! And despite the flood he survived, he still

 continues to do so, 'says the Commodore USA post.

  In the comments under the publication, users of the social network

 admired the performance of the computer and noted that

 modern PCs, despite the many functions and additional

 possibilities do not have such vitality. 'No stupid

 Windows updates, no blue screens, no Gurus

 Meditations "(the name of a critical error in the operating system -

 approx. ""). A simple workhorse. This is what it really is

 there must be a computer, 'said one of the users of the social network.

  Commodore 64 - a home computer with 64 kilobytes of RAM

 memory, running on MOS Technology 6510 processor. Launched in

 sale by Commodore International in 1982 at a price of

 595 dollars. Over the entire production period (1982-1994), more than

 15 million models. "

  In total, without Microsoft, without Apple and even without IBM, a reliable

 powerful and functionally sufficient computer that, without the need for

 modernizations, performed the necessary work for a whole quarter of a century of turbulent

 development of electronics.

         * * *

  Computers have long been included in every decent house and even lay down

 in every pocket with holes, and people have not become either smarter or

 more informed, neither healthier, nor safer, nor freer from

 work, no happier. Problems somewhere diminished, but somewhere -

 on the contrary, and on the whole it turned out rather worse than better.

  The primary effects of the massive use of computers and

 computer networks are that ...

 1. The following has been significantly facilitated:

  - storage of large amounts of data;

  - sending large amounts of data;

  - automatic processing of large amounts of data;

  - individual access to various data;

  - individual "manual" work with data;

  - remote communication.

 2. The following became possible:

  - automatic quasi-intelligent data processing;

  - automatic quasi-intelligent control.

  Problems at the individual level, generated by personal

 computers and the Internet:

 1. Expand opportunities for the development of gambling addiction.

 2. Easier access to destructive information.

 3. There is an overload of unnecessary information, making

  impossible assimilation of the necessary.

 4. Information stupefaction is practiced - specific

  a means of obtaining a state of satisfaction from pseudoin-


 5. Facilitates the formation of defective communities in contact

  through the Internet.

 6. It has become easy to engage in unnecessary communication that wastes time.

 7. It has become easy to establish oversight (for example,

  parents over children), which reduces the supervised ability to

  making decisions.

 8. Decreases the moral threshold before insults, before entering

  conflict: people get used to conflict and insult when

  chatting on the Internet and then doing the same with direct

  venous communication.

 9. The worldview is absurd - because of getting used to all sorts of

  game models.

 10. People are more observable, making them more vulnerable

  for criminals and for the state.

  Social problems generated by personal computers

 ramie and internet:

 1. People are easier to diversify in all kinds of services related to

  data processing, accounting and management technologies,

  because of what unjustified difficulties began to accumulate there.

 2. Not only have the documentation capabilities developed, but also

  the possibility of forgery of documentary data and aggravated

  the problem of protecting this data from theft and from unauthorized


         * * *

  In his books, Bill Gates tries to present himself

 mega-sweeping visionary, but, in my opinion, firstly, they were written

 according to the developments of Gates employees (in such a large company as

 Microsoft, there are certainly divisions in which people are betrayed

 technical fantasies for money, as well as surfing the Internet in

 search for the fantasies of other people), secondly, presented in these

 books visions are sometimes very controversial - and generally worked out in

 the wrong key, based on a vague idea of


         * * *

  Bill Gates, Road to the Future:

  "The advent of the personal computer era has brought about a genuine

 a revolution that has affected millions of people. She brought us

 to what we at first could not have imagined. "

  Not this way. Without personal computers, but with personal

 terminals of multiuser computers, the world would look like


  There was a short period (circa 1985-1995) when the

 Native computers are already widespread, but the Internet is not yet. AT

 this period for users there was a significant difference

 between personal computers and personal terminals,

 and later she was gone.

  We have a world of personal computers (PCs) connected through

 the Internet with servers (which, in turn, are connected via

 Internet among themselves), and not the world of personal terminals (PT),

 related to large multiuser computers

 (which, in turn, are interconnected). It happened so

 just because the development of data transmission networks at the end

 The 1980s lagged behind the development of the PC by several years. If not

 lagged behind, but ahead, people would not buy personal

 computers, and personal terminals that would immediately receive

 excellent communication with each other and with the whole world.

  PCs were initially attracted by two things: 1) isolation,

 ensuring the confidentiality of data and activities, 2) ease

 transfer from place to place. (Then both things are somehow light

 refused - for the sake of ease of communication with other computers.) Pers-

 the perspective of pulling a cable to each house was originally introduced

 invoice, so the PT next to the PC looked unprofitable, so

 more that there was nothing from the network resources that could cause

 massive interest.

  If development had proceeded, nevertheless, along the PT branch, and not along

 branch of the PC, then the PT would probably expand functionally to the point where

 what later became known as netbooks. In other words, both branches

 somehow agreed. But development from personal terminals

 would give a lot more order in mass software and

 much more security against unauthorized access.

  And there wouldn't be any Microsoft Corporation, oh Lord!

         * * *

Network servers started (or even now appear) as usual

 or slightly more powerful personal computers, but gradually

 have risen in capabilities to the level at which the "big"

 computers in the days when the PCs appeared. And even surpassed this

 level. In other words, from the side of centralized processing sites

 data, too, there was a convergence of branches of development. Origin

 servers from a PC had a bad effect on the quality of the server software.

 a lot of security, forced to inherit early frivolous


         * * *

  Microsoft Corp. intensively breeds difficulties, the justification of which

 doubtful. Does the corporation use any internal powerful

 the means to deal with these ever-increasing complexities,

 not known. Most likely, he does not use, otherwise, positive re-

 the results would be noticeable already on the user interface of the

 products of Microsoft. It is doubtful if the situation was the same,

 as in the case of God: he supposedly manifests himself powerfully over and over again,

 but we just do not understand God's Providence - too much for us

 complex and sweeping - that's why we think that the Lord is either

 inactive, or just tossing and turning, not bothering


         * * *

  Remote work through computers connected to the network

 data exchange, which could significantly reduce passenger

 which transportation and, accordingly, make cities more suitable

 for life, as well as expand opportunities for life outside of cities,

 has not become as common as possible

 was expected and as far as is technically possible in principle, and

 would make sense. The reasons:

 1) insufficient speed of work through the network;

 2) insufficient communication reliability;

 3) insufficient data protection from unauthorized


 4) the complexity and hassle of technical implementation, requiring

  highly qualified and time-consuming maintenance in

  working condition.

  And the point is not that telecommuting is far from appropriate.

 for all types of activity and not for all types of personality,

 but the fact that today she is rather uncomfortable even in those

 situations where it is quite suitable, desirable, or even necessary.

  Much of the blame for all of this lies with Microsoft (=

 Bill Gates). Technically unjustified cumbersome software

 support and the presence of any "holes" in the protection (somewhere left

 deliberately, somewhere - through an oversight) - these are all manifestations

 technical paradigm cultivated at Microsoft and from

 books by Gates.

  It is possible for health to express a suspicion that the installation on

 the earliest possible achievement of convenient conditions for mass remote

 there is no work because the car manufacturing companies

 restrain this business in every way. But in fact, for this

 contain enough "immanent" features of Microsoft and

 other major companies making the weather in the field of telecom-

 naming and data processing.

         * * *

  Microsoft as a vase of humanity.

  The field of information technology is developing like an anthill:

 without a general plan, without a general concept, even without a general overview of the

 what has been done. Each "ant" in it makes its own little,

 but a difficult matter, not understanding the big picture and interacting only

 with a narrow circle of other "ants". There are great ideologues, there are

 big organizers, but they have little or no influence on anything.

 To develop common approaches in such an expanded area, in

 we need a different, next level of development of thinking and other

 goy, the next level of computer support for thinking and collective

 intellectual work, but the understanding of these levels

 also missing. Bill Gates has a real opportunity to

 to struggle with the solution of this superproblem, or at least identify, collect

 and support those who are able to work on it, but for

 this requires an understanding that the specified superproblem

 exists, but it, apparently, just does not exist. Microsoft in general

 is on the side of her aggravators, and not on the side of her

 lei. The firm feeds on the aggravation of this problem, although it is mildly

 speaking, it will not lead to anything good. A successful promotion in

 side of solving it would mean for Microsoft, firstly, for the sake of

 a radical decrease in demand for her overly sophisticated crafts,

 secondly, a very unpleasant "debriefing".

  Free enterprise, planlessness, competition give

 useful for consumers result in the production of any

 pants, for example. But, say, in the production of cars or

 data processing tools, the situation is completely different: here already

 the structure of civilization, the nature of its needs is determined,

 the level of her capabilities, and gross imperfections in such matters,

 generated by unsystematic efforts are fraught with a global catastrophe

 foy of nature management. Microsoft - for sure, if not in the first

 top ten, then in the first hundred subjects making the greatest contribution to

 preparing for such a disaster. Microsoft's contribution to this dirty business

 is to prevent intellectualization and neutralize


 From discussion


  "And conspiracy theorists claim that a secret charity plan

 B. Gates is still in the reduction of the population where it is strong

 multiplied. All these stupid circumstances of his life are not otherwise

 as a thorough cover for a given good purpose. So far no one but

 conspiracy theorists, have not guessed yet. "

  I appreciate your humor expressed in the last sentence.

  "But let's be fair, Gates has a very modest

 nye attempts, regarding his capabilities. "

  Possibilities for real consumption of food, air, etc. for everyone

 we are about the same order (they differ only at times).

 The possibilities of doing nasty things to society are also (differences only in

 available methods). Let's say I can go and set fire to the forest (and not

 one). But I don't. And Gates did and is doing something equivalent

 tape to this.

  "Wealth can be used to reformat the world ... Well, how

 Soros does something. And then it turns out that its not so

 a lot, not a million is superfluous. "

  With their brains, they'd better just waste resources, and not

 reformat the world. Soros including.

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