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The #1 Source For Oldtime Strongman Training Secrets

The ONLY Man to lift 371 pounds overhead with one arm… now you too can learn the training Secrets of the IRON MASTER
A Blast from the Past… and a Look Toward the Future
The Arthur Saxon Collection (2 books): _________ $29.99 plus s/h
How many men in the history of the World can say they ever put over 370 Pounds overhead with one arm? I don’t know for sure, but the answer is undoubtedly “not many.” In fact, I know of only one: Arthur Saxon, “The Iron Master” …the man whose records will never be equaled or surpassed…
If you’re into training, I’m sure you have always wonders how such a man as Arthur Saxon became so strong… but what if you had a time machine and could go back and talk to the man himself You could ask him exactly how he trained… what he ate… his views on strength… his favorite exercises… what his routine looked like… and what it felt like to lift 350+ pounds overhead with one hand.
Though time travel isn’t currently an option, you can still find out all that and more directly from Arthur Saxon through his two excellent training books: The Development of Physical Power and The Textbook of Weight-Lifting — and they are every bit as useful today as they were the day they were written, well over a century ago! These two classic courses, penned by one of the strongest men in recorded history, are now available once again in high quality modern reprint format:
Details of Saxon’s typical routine… Which types of lifts you should include in every workout… What an advanced lifter should do when he trains… The value of competition… The best question to ask about over-training… Nutrition information for the would-be strongman… The best place to train… One of the secrets to Saxon’s success…
What it feels like to lift 350 lbs. with one hand… The only thought that should be in your head when going for a record lift… Notes on the performance the bent-press… How to perform the One-Hand Snatch… The Single-Handed Dumb-bell Swing… Two-Dumb-bell lifting… Notes on Ring and ball (kettlebell) lifting… Measurements and record lifts… Measurements of Hermann and Kurt Saxon… Saxon’s open challenge to the world!
An eye witness account by famous physical culture authority Thomas Inch, which substantiates Saxon’s claims, rounds out the book. The photos on the front and back cover plus 45 rare photos and illustrations contained therein are more than worth the price of this beautiful 5-inch x 7-inch trade paperback with 122 pages. This is a unique look into the training and philosophy of one of the strongest men who ever lived whose methods you can incorporate into your own training.
The correct path that the bar should take… The two-dumb-bell clean… The dumb-bell swing… Four things you need to know about performing the snatch… The best “all-around” lift: bent-press…The two-handed bar-bell push… Records set by the German lifter Josef Steinbach… Ring, Ball and Square Weight-lifting… Records set by the French lifting champion Jean Francois LeBreton… Weight-lifting Exercises vs. Exercises with Weights… Several Kettlebell exercises for forearm development… Mental “tricks” to use for lifting more weight… Exhibition and Trick Weight-Lifting Feats…
The Textbook of Weight-Lifting was originally published in 1910… The modern reprint edition is 5-inches x 7-inches in size and 85 pages in length. There are also 30 rare photographs of Arthur Saxon in action demonstrating the lifts and techniques discussed in the text. “Textbook” makes a worthy sequel to Saxon’s first book and an excellent addition to your training library.
Despite having been written over a century ago, Saxon’s writing’s are amazingly relevant to today’s lifters. His descriptions and tips on the oldtime lifts etc are, of course, top notch, but it is his advice on the other factors of lifting success are the real value to these courses. Saxon weighs in on such topics as proper diet, how often to train, “specificity,” the value of lifting for athletes, balanced development, the proper application of lifting and conditioning work for true athletic development, and mental training techniques… all concepts which were amazingly ahead of their time.
We are also talking about a man who routinely lifted more weight with one arm than most lifters — oldtime or modern — could lift with two, and this is a unique opportunity to learn the details of his exact approach. Saxon’s routines are not complicated and his advice is extremely practical which are two lessons that should not be lost on modern trainees. If you are looking to build your strength and power, you certainly can’t go wrong studying the methods and insight of one of the strongest men who ever lived.

The World’s Largest Selection of Weightlifting and Strength Training Publications!
The author won Bernarr Macfadden’s “America’s Strongest Man” contest in 1922. He was a world renowned strongman featured month after month in Alan Calvert’s “Strength” magazine, books, and courses. Learn complete relaxation and concentration to enable you to control every muscle of your body. Read More!
The famous name Thomas Inch brings to mind one thing, grip strength. He made a name by offering a prize of £200 to anyone in the world who could lift his “unliftable” Challenge Dumbbell. Many strength athletes tried, all of them failed. Inch gives his training methods in this course. Read More!
Originally published in 1974, this book, unlike any other, became an instant best seller. The author’s no nonsense approach to productive, progressive, weight training exercise, has placed him at or near the top of the list for all time most popular authors. Read More!
TWO Famous 4 Week Training Schedules of 11 different exercises. SPECIAL BONUS! Reg Park’s, “How I Trained for the Bench Press”. The EXACT training schedule used to become the FIRST bodybuilder, and SECOND man in the World, to Bench Press 500 lbs.! Read More!
Volume 4 of the Legacy of Iron series, begins when the United States entered WW II. The war demanded an all out effort from every citizen, the people of the York Barbell Co. lead the charge by using training routines with whatever was at hand. Read More!
Considered to be the author’s best book with 24 chapters including his life story, why home training is best; the truth about exercise; defining the mystery of strength; the science of weight lifting; etc. Plus photos of famous strong men. A Classic! Read More!
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Copyright © 2001-2020 SuperStrengthTraining.com and Bill Hinbern. All Rights Reserved
At 14 years of age, Arthur Hennig and a few friends started an athletic club in the family potato cellar.
He fashioned their weights out of stone and they trained twice a week.
Soon they were putting on shows and challenging other boys at either weight lifting or wrestling.
Little did they know that this was the beginning of the most famous strong man act of all time…
Arthur Saxon along with his brothers Hermann and Kurt comprised one of the most famous strong man acts of all time.
Their death defying acts were legendary while traveling with the Ringling Brother’s Circus as The Saxon Trio .
Ringling Brother’s Circus hired them and brought them to America as their athletic feature.
The Saxon Trio was billed as The Great German Giants of Strength .
Arthur Saxon was billed as The Strongest Man on Earth .
One of their most famous feats of strength and daring was supporting on their feet a bridge, a speeding automobile and six men, in all 8000 pounds!
“…they showed that neither size nor ‘cut’ of muscle is, or ever can be, the real determining factor in feats of physical strength. It is the quality of the substance that counts—and the force of the powers that drive it!”
W. A. Pullum
British Weight-Lifting Champion
“Wizard of the Weight-Lifting World!”
Arthur Saxon challenged anyone and everyone of the time to weightlifting contests.
He offered one hundred pounds sterling to anyone who could lift his barbell that was said to weigh 325 pounds.
One such strongman that took him up on the challenge was none other than Eugen Sandow.
Anytime there is a discussion regarding the strongest man of all time, Arthur Saxon is most certainly a strong contender.
After all, no one else has ever Bent Pressed 370 pounds!
In addition, his record for the Snatch was 195 pounds and he Military Pressed 252 pounds.
But his most famous lift of all, the one that catapulted him to gigantic proportions in the weightlifting world, was that of a Two Hands Anyhow of 448 pounds!
Just imagine, for a moment, Bent Pressing a 336 pound barbell with your right hand, and then pulling in and pressing to arm’s length overhead a 112 pound kettlebell!!!
Fortunately, the training methods used by himself and his brothers live on today!
Check out this valuable information in the form of two very rare books listed below that the Great Arthur Saxon wrote while at the peak of his career!
Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
Click on either book by Arthur Saxon for more information:
Anderson, Bob – Stretching by Bob Anderson Anderson, Paul – Power by Paul by Paul Anderson Anderson, Paul – Secrets of My Strength by Paul Anderson Anderson, Paul – Weights & Sports by Paul Anderson Ansorge, Harold – How to Bent Press Correctly by Harold Ansorge Aston, Edward – How to Develop a Powerful Grip by Edward Aston Baptiste, Walt – Muscle Control by Walt Baptiste Berry, Mark – Physical Training Simplified by Mark Berry Berry, Mark – John Grimek Weightlifting Courses Brown, Michael – Diagnostic Bodybuilding by Michael H. Brown Brown, Michael – Iron Claws by Michael H. Brown Brown, Michael – Sex, Money and Power by Michael H. Brown Brown, Michael – The Strength of Samson by Michael H. Brown Calvert, Alan – Milo Bar Bell Courses by Alan Calvert Calvert, Alan – Super Strength by Alan Calvert Calvert, Alan – The Truth About Weight Lifting by Alan Calvert Chapman, David – Sandow the Magnificent by David Chapman Chapman, David – The Kings of Strength by David Chapman Delorme and Watkins, – Progressive Resistance Exercise by Delorme and Watkins Dempsey, Jack – Championship Fighting by Jack Dempsey Ditillo, Anthony – The Development of Muscular Bulk & Power by Anthony Ditillo Ditillo, Anthony – The Development of Physical Strength by Anthony Ditillo Hackenschmidt, George – The Way To Live in Health and Physical Fitness by George Hackenschmidt Higgins, Henry – The Henry Higgins Strength and Muscle Course Hinbern, Bill – Hand-Balancing for Muscular Development by Bill Hinbern Hoffman, Bob – The York Advanced Methods of Weight Training by Bob Hoffman Hoffman, Bob – The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training by Bob Hoffman Inch, Thomas – Developing the Grip and Forearm by Thomas Inch Inch, Thomas – Scientific Weight Lifting by Thomas Inch Inch, Thomas – The Art & Science of Lifting by Thomas Inch Inch, Thomas – Thomas Inch on Strength by Thomas Inch Jesse, John – Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia by John Jesse Johnson, Jim – Treat Your Own Rotator Cuff by Jim Johnson Jones, Brian – The Complete Sandbag Training Course by Brian Jones Jowett, George – Molding a Mighty Grip by George F. Jowett Jowett, George – The Jowett Institute Course by George F. Jowett Jowett, George – The Key to Might and Muscle by George F. Jowett Klein, Siegmund – How to Bent Press by Siegmund Klein Kubik, Brooks – Black Iron: The John Davis Story by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Chalk and Sweat by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Dinosaur Bodyweight Training by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Dinosaur Dumbbell Training by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Dinosaur Training by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Gray Hair and Black Iron by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Knife, Fork, Muscle by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Legacy of Iron: A Novel by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Legacy of Iron: Barbells in the Pacific by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Legacy of Iron: Clouds of War by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Legacy of Iron: The 1,000 Pound Total by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Legacy of Iron: York Goes to War! by Brooks Kubik Kubik, Brooks – Strength, Muscle and Power by Brooks Kubik MacMahon, Charles – Feats of Strength and Dexterity by Charles MacMahon Matysek, Anton – Muscle Control by Anton Matysek Maxick, – Muscle Control by Maxick McCallum, John – The Complete Keys to Progress by John McCallum Mueller, Edgar – Goerner the Mighty by Edgar Mueller Park, Reg – A Big Chest For You by Reg Park – Mr. Universe Park, Reg – Big Arms by Reg Park – Mr. Universe Park, Reg – Strength and Bulk Training for Weight Lifters and Body Builders by Reg Park – Mr. Universe Park, Reg – The Reg Park Mr. Universe Barbell and Dumbbell Course Park, Reg – The Reg Park Mr Universe Specialization Courses Park, Reg – The Science of Dumbbell Training by Reg Park – Mr. Universe Park, Reg – The Secret of the Multi-Set System by Reg Park – Mr. Universe Park, Reg – Training for Power by Reg Park – Mr. Universe Paschall, Harry – Development of Strength by Harry B. Paschall Paschall, Harry – Muscle Moulding by Harry B. Paschall Paschall, Harry – Muscular Arms and Shoulders by Harry B. Paschall Paschall, Harry – The Bosco System of Progressive Physical Training by Harry B. Paschall Peoples, Bob – Developing Physical Strength by Bob Peoples Pullum, William – How to Use a Barbell by William Pullum Pullum, William – Weight-Lifting Made Easy and Interesting by William Pullum Rader, Peary – Iron Man Barbell and Dumbbell Courses by Peary Rader Rader, Peary – The Rader Master Bodybuilding and Weight Gaining System by Peary Rader Salvati, Michael – The Production of Muscular Bulk by Michael J. Salvati Saxon, Arthur – The Development of Physical Power by Arthur Saxon Saxon, Arthur – The Text Book of Weight-Lifting by Arthur Saxon Steiner, Bradley – A Complete Guide to Effective Barbell Training by Bradley J. Steiner Strossen, Randall – Super Squats by Randall J. Strossen Tucker, Rich – Biblical Nutrition by Rich Tucker Whitley, David – Taming the Bent Press: A Guide to the King of Lifts by Dave Whitley Willoughby and Hinbern, – The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding by Willoughby and Hinbern Salvati, Michael – Michael J. Salvati – The Production of Muscular Bulk Steiner, Bradley – Bradley J. Steiner – A Complete Guide to Effective Barbell Training Strossen, Randall – Randall J. Strossen – Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks! Tucker, Rich – Rich Tucker – Biblical Nutrition Willoughby, David P. – Willoughby and Hinbern – The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding Ditillo, Salvati, Park, – The Bigger and Stronger Collection Ansorge, Klein, Whitley, – The Classic Bent Press Collection Aston, Brown, Inch, Jowett, – The Classic Grip Course Collection Baptiste, Matysek, Maxick, – The Muscle Control Collection

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