Art Solo

Art Solo


Art Solo

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Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery A division of Fusion Art, LLC © 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces its 21st “Solo Art Series” Online Art Competition. The gallery will judge the Top 12 artists who have the most complete “Body of Work” to show. From that group of 12 artists, the gallery will award 4 monthly Solo Art Exhibitions and the next 8 artists will be awarded and featured in the gallery’s Artist Showcase Section .
The first of the four Solo Art Exhibitions will begin on May 15, 2022, and each solo exhibition will run for approximately 30 days through September 14, 2022. The Artist Showcase features will also begin on May 15, 2022, with one of the 8 artists being shown on the 1st and 15th of each month. The Artist Showcase content will be the artist's Solo Art Series entry package posted on the website and promoted in the gallery’s social media networks.
The gallery invites online submission of 2D and 3D art (including photography and digital art) from artists around the world for possible selection as one of the Gallery’s 4 Solo Art Exhibitions or 8 Artist Showcase Features. 
The gallery is trying to identify and promote artists who have a complete “Body of Work” to show and it encourages artists regardless of where they reside to submit their best abstract and representational art. There is No Theme for this “Solo Art Series” Competition.
This LST Solo Art Series offers emerging artists the opportunity to showcase a full body of their artworks (from 10 to 25 images) in an individual month-long online solo art exhibition. 
For guidance as to the type and quality of art that was featured in prior shows, view our prior shows at Solo Art Series Exhibition Archives . The Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery Website also contains several “How To” articles to assist artists with their entry preparation and entry materials (See Our Helpful Articles Below) .
The 8 Artist Showcase artists (selected from the Solo Art Series Competition) will be promoted to over 350+ major news outlets, with inclusion on Google News & Bing News.
Important Dates for Participating Artists
Winning artists for each solo art exhibition will be promoted and circulated to over 550+ major News Outlets, Premium FOX, CBS, NBC, Affiliated Sites, Guaranteed inclusion on Google News & Bing News and Social Media Inclusion. 
The winning images will be seen by an international audience of gallery directors, art collectors, and art consultants. News of each winning artist’s participation is also emailed to the over 28,000+ subscribers. Those who subscribe to our newsletter bulletins include gallery owners, corporate art representatives, art collectors, and decision makers in the fine arts field. 
The winning entries will be featured on the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery website for one month and then remain in the gallery’s Archives for 5 years.
Winning artists will have their art exhibition results posted and promoted on ArtWeek/ArtJobs . Artweek produces 800,000-page impressions per month, 280,000 website visitors per month and has 30,000 newsletter subscribers. 
Winning artists will also have their art exhibition results posted and promoted on . Art.Base produces 100,000 page views per month, 35,000 monthly unique visitors and has 10,000+ newsletter subscribers.
By having their work on the LST website, winning artists should increase exposure to their work, enhance their professional resume and create a high-quality backlink to their own website.
There will also be a video of the winning artists' artworks on the Light Space & Time YouTube Channel. The gallery’s YouTube Channel has more than 126,000+ video views and thousands of shares. In addition, there will also be links back to the artists' website as part of this achievement package. Winning artists also receive a digital Award Certificate, Event Postcard, and Press Release for their art portfolio. 
For a complete list of art exhibition promotions and benefits see our Benefits Page here .
The competitive process will encompass not only the quality and depth of the artist’s artwork but will also include an evaluation of the overall presentation of the artist’s biography and artist’s statement as included in the entry package.  The purpose of this competition from the gallery’s point-of-view to judge the artists who have a complete “Body of Work” to show. 
The requirement of a complete entry package creates an opportunity for the artist to craft and or to polish their current artist statement and artist biography.
Amateur or professional 2D and 3D artists (including photography) with or without prior group or solo art exhibition experience are encouraged to submit their entries to the Solo Art Series .  
Artists may only be selected for a solo art exhibition once in a 12 month period. After 12 months, artists may again qualify for a solo art exhibition, but only with different body of work. Artists may qualify and be selected for an Artist Showcase more than once per year, but also only with a different body of work.
Any art that was previously entered and shown on the Light Space & Time website may also be entered for the Solo Art Series.  
Results Emailed to Artists & Posted
First Artist Showcase Feature Opens

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We are pleased to announce our third "Solo Online Art Competition" hosted by the Artist Space Gallery. The Gallery will accept entries in 3 different cattegories (painting, photography and sculpture). Through the Art Competitions, emerging artists will have the opportunity to show a range of their artworks (from 8 to 24 images) in an individual solo art exhibition lasting one full month.
The third "Solo Online Art Competition" will begin on March 30, 2022. This is an international competition and it is open to all artists of 18 years of age or older. The jury will not consider artworks with pornographic or satanic content. The works submited do not need to be from the same cycle in order to be considered. Judging the artwork will be based on the following criteria: creativity, originality and quality of art, overall design, demonstration of artistic ability, and usage of medium. If not selected for the solo art exhibition your work may still be considered for inclusion in the group art show, based on its quality. Participation fee is $58 for the 10 images. Entry fees are non-refundable. Artwork images should be labeled as follows: First Name, Last Name, Title of Art. The deadline to enter the contest is May 03, 2022.
- Upload an image of your artwork (up to 2.0 MB)
- Include a short biography with your artwork, along with your artist statement
- Fill out all information required
- Your will be redirected to Pay Pal for payment
- After your payment is complete, you will receive a confirmation email
The jury will select three winners for solo exhibitions in three categories (painting, photography, and sculpture). Each winner will have a solo exhibition lasting one month and featured on our website. All category winners will receive a digital award certificate and the exhibition poster. Artist Showcase content will include an artist Solo Art Exhibition along with a slideshow featured on the gallery's website and promoted through its social media platforms. We will archive each Solo Art Exhibition on our website within our gallery archives section including the artist's contact information.
By using our website you must agree to the following:
A jury claims the right to make the final decision on the number of works that will be represented at the solo exhibition based on its evaluation of the works. Images will be used only for marketing, promotion, and display purposes within the context of any show organized by Artist Space Gallery. The artist agrees that Artist Space Gallery is permitted to archive selected artworks as part of our gallery archive section. Upon submission of an image to any contest organized by our gallery, the artist retains all copyrights. It is prohibited to resell, exchange, or copy images from this site.
© 2021 Artist Space Gallery. All rights reserved.

Tampa Bay’s premier gallery representing only the best in fine art. The paintings, sculpture and glass displayed are some of the most interesting and elite, created by emerging artists from all over the country. We specialize in large contemporary art of all genres.

September 1, 2022-September 19, 2022

Artwork Available Now and Created to Order
© SOLO. Contemporary Fine Art. All rights Reserved. Website by Iris Union .
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From Contemporary Artists Across the US
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Below you can find some of the latest artwork added to the website.
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