Aromatherapy Massage Oil Recipes

Aromatherapy Massage Oil Recipes

Massage using aromatherapy has used essential oils for hundreds of years. Essential oils have been proved to boost moods and enhance the quality of air. Find out how to make your own essential oils at home for a relaxing massage. We've put together 22 Aromatherapy Massage Oil Recipes that you can make to make a home massage. Keep reading to discover more. Before we get started, let's take a look at some of some of the top Aromatherapy massage oils.

Lavender oil

In addition to the numerous benefits of essential oils of lavender and aromatherapy, massage is an excellent method for relieving the physical and emotional discomfort. If applied to the skin, lavender may ease symptoms of menopause. It can help reduce headaches and nausea, and it can also ease tension and relieve pain. Aromatic oils are well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties . It can also help to reduce pain caused by osteoarthritis. To get you started start, mix a couple of drops with carrier oil and then apply it to massage your body.

It can also be employed for aromatherapy massage. Its relaxing effects can be another advantage. This aromatic oil has a soothing effect on our bodies as well as aiding in the treatment of restless leg syndrome. This is an illness in which legs feel uncomfortable and need to be moving. It quickly enters the bloodstream, which makes it a fantastic massage oil. It's free of artificial scents, colors or preservatives. That makes it the ideal option for those who want an unscented massage.

인천출장마사지 Lemongrass oil

You're in the right spot if you are considering Lemongrass oil to massage your body with aromatherapy. It's not just smell delicious, it's also got several benefits. Essential oil can be an effective natural stimulant that can help alleviate headaches and stress. The antiseptic properties and the deodorizing qualities aid in fighting fungus and bacteria, and it can also be utilized in skincare products. Its strong, citrus scent makes it a natural insect repellent.

When it comes to aromatherapy massage, lemongrass is used to treat various health conditions and illnesses. It can be applied with Q-tips, or even your fingers. It can be diluted by rubbing it into your temples. You can apply it on your chest and temples, and you can also utilize it for helping you unwind. Lemongrass oil should be used twice per week for best results. It is important to know that lemongrass essential oil can increase the risk of allergic reactions or skin sensitization than many other essential oils, so take care.

Oil of Geranium

Geranium oil, which is taken from the geranium flower and can help refresh and relax. The aromatherapy massage is reminiscent of an aromatherapy massage within a green space. Traditional medicines use geranium oils to improve circulation and boost your nervous system. It is also an as an astringent. It's beneficial to those with depression, anxiety, stress and symptoms of menopausal.

Its sweet scent is recognized for its ability to decrease acne. Geranium oil is great for massages since it aids in maintaining good skin. The result will be bright and glowing skin due to its anti-aging properties. It is a great addition to carrier oils such as olive oil or jojoba oil for a better experience for your skin. In addition to promoting beautiful skin, the essential oil of geranium is effective for treating muscular tension, inflammation and pain in the nerves.

Oil from grapefruit

When used as part of aromatherapy, grapefruit essential oil can help with all kinds of digestive problems and easing the effects of a hangover. You can also use it as a fragrance. It is possible to dilute it with a carrier oil, for example, jojoba oil and applied to chest or upper chest area. The body will then expel the oil. There are many benefits to essential oils of grapefruit, in this post, we will explore certain of them.

The aroma of the oil is positive and pleasing to the symbiosis. The main chemical component is limonene. It has been shown to have antioxidant and purifying properties. It is believed to be a major contributor in the enhancement of mood. Grapefruit oil also contains other significant terpenes. They are also recognized as efficient antioxidants and cleanser agents. It's an excellent detoxifier. It's relaxing and can help deal with stress and mental tension.


Lavender aromatherapy massage can lessen burnout from work and at home. An investigation examined the impact of this massage on client burnout. Massages have a positive impact on work stress and HRV variables. After completing the lavender aromatherapy massage the subjects reported fewer symptoms of fatigue. It is in line with earlier studies. Massages can have greater benefits in terms of health and wellbeing if you utilize essential oils that calm the body.

Essential oils of lavender are beneficial to your mind and body. Essential oils are able to boost massage effects in boosting immunity and boosting one's mood. The advantages of lavender essential oil are especially helpful for insomnia as well as other sleep troubles. This oil is also useful for treating menstrual, anxiety and depression troubles. Additionally, it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities, which can help those suffering from depression.


An experiment showed that those who received an aromatherapy massage by using Geranium oil, were more likely to be depressed. Randomly, the research involved women being randomly assigned to the aromatherapy massage with geranium oil in almond oil, or an uncontrolled group of placebo. Participants who had the aromatherapy massages noticed significant improvement in their well-being and reduced fatigue. Although there are risks associated when using essential oils the treatments generally are safe.

Another study showed that massages using aromatherapy were effective for women suffering from PMS. The treatment dramatically reduced the intensity of PMS symptoms. It was then followed for 8 weeks. Both groups used geranium essential oils that were diluted in almond oil. The women reported less pain following having an aromatherapy massage by qualified midwives. Aromatherapy massages significantly decreased the symptoms and indicators of PMS.

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