Army Gals Harem Ending

Army Gals Harem Ending


Army Gals Harem Ending

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ARMY GALS Endings Guide and Walk-Throughs
This Guide presents the “walk-throughs” as “Paths” that were followed to attain the 21 ARMY GALS endings plus other Achievements. Along with these Paths, are included the “strategies” and reasoning behind each Path. The Paths shown are not unique solutions. There are other “Paths” that will reach each ending. Choices important to a particular Path / Ending are Underlined . Other choices seem to be not so important. My selections for these “unimportant” steps are included without underlining in case they later may be found to have some effect. A Gamer may want to try other choices for these selections to see whether the Ending is affected. If you find such an example, please feel free to leave a “Comment” so other ARMY GALS Gamers may benefit from your discovery. Thank you in advance for your contributions. Some “non-choice” events are included in {brackets} to give context to the day's choices for that path. Examples of such events would be the Gals having an {Argument} or {Yelling}, or the survival party finding a {Cabin} or a {Stream}. Often, multiple endings are possible by branching from a particular save point during the primary path. For some of these cases, a note is inserted to “Save Game”. After completing the primary path, one could Load this save and follow an altered path, or “Spur,” to get to a different ending without having to replay the whole game from the Start. There seem to be three endings for each of the Army Gals . A high “affection” level would lead to a “Good” end, like ”Andrea Love” . Very low affection would lead to a “Bad” end, such as ”Andrea Revenge” . Affection somewhere in between might yield a “Guilty” ending, like ”Andrea Guilty” . The Gamer can alter this affection level for a particular Gal by making choices that pay attention to, or please {or displease} that Gal. Happy hiking, Y'all !!
Denna artikel har lagts till i dina Favoriter .
INSANITY & SACRIFICED & BEAR Attack Endings #4 & #3 & #1
ENSLAVED & BEAR Attack Endings #6 & #1
Raen SICK & BEAR Attack Endings # 15 & #1
Raen DEATH & CHERYL Endings #16 & #2
Raen Death PATH and CHERYL End PATH
HAREM & WITCH Food Endings #17 & #5
ARMY GALS Ending Paths: Overview & General Considerations
A general rule advised by the Dev is that in order to reach the Endings for the Gals, NEVER talk to the same Gal at night two days in a row . Also to reach any Gal's ending requires going through the ”Accuse” choices. A prerequisite for these is that Kyle must have suspicion that there was “foul play” in Shelton's death. That means Kyle must check either the “Tire tracks” or “Under the car” on Day 4 .
Regarding the Paths for Andrea, Edda and Raen, several alternate endings can be reached by Saving your game on Day 10 just before the choice to Protect the 3 girls or Hannah . After completing the main Ending, simply Load that Day 10 save and retrace the path from there to the “Accuse” choices. Repeat this process for each other Ending you want to try.
For example, the Raen Love path also could lead to Andrea Revenge, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, Guilty Girls, Gunshot, & Hannah Love, by selected a different “Accuse” option or by Protecting Hannah instead of the Gals. Use the Skip function to speed past any text you don't wish to
re-read. Skip automatically will stop at the next choice point.
I still am trying to nail down the "Ironman" Path. I think I have it, but I cannot get an in-game confirmation that it's correct. This may be because it is not an "Ending." I will add it "as is" and continue to see what else I can determine about it. In the meanwhile, having it posted in the Guide will allow other Gamers to check it on a fresh game that has not already gained that Achievement.
It has been confirmed that the "Ironman" Path in this guide does work.
INSANITY & SACRIFICED & BEAR Attack Endings #4 & #3 & #1
Jalhalla; posted a path for Food Insanity in APR2017.
BEAR Attack Ending #1 is completed!
ENSLAVED & BEAR Attack Endings #6 & #1
Bae_Watch – Softpa on 19APR2017 posted a path for Raen Sick ending.
BEAR Attack Ending #1 is completed!
GUNSHOT is associated with the HANNAH Ending #20. In any of the ARMY GALS' endings that take the ”We have to do something” choice on Day 9 , there also is a Day 10 option to ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Gals. If this is selected, the ensuing fight with Reed presents another choice: ”Look for a weapon” or ”Turn around swinging” . Gunshot results if Kyle looks for a weapon.
sehro posted a path on 18APR2017 for Edda Love.
Travel Day : {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} { Any responses to Cheryl are OK}
“You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” ” I'll take the couch .”

Day 1 : {The counselors left} {Tents} What about your tent ?
” We probably shouldn't be doing this .”

Day 2 : {Liquor} “ Strip poker could be fun .” ” Let's play something else .”
{Spin the bottle} “ Let's not .”

Day 3 : {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy}

Day 4 : {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk ,
Check the Tire Tracks . No talk this night.

Day 5 : {Shelton's pack} “ Edda can handle it .” Go North . {Stream}
“ Into isn't the right word .” Don't push any of the girls . Talk to Andrea . {Defeat}

Day 6 : {Arguing} Leave it alone . Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen}
Say nothing . Talk to Edda . {Not chatty}

Day 7 : {Auto shop} Keep to yourself . Go North {Stream; wash off}
Grab Edda's foot . Use a net . {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea . {Just this once}

Day 8 : {Yelling} Talk to Edda . {Shouldn't ignore your instincts}
<{Save game to change Choices }> Go Northeast . Warn Edda .
Press the subject . Talk to Edda . “ I won't go anywhere ?” {Priorities}

Day 9 : {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night.

Day 10 : {Water bottles} Ask Edda . {Glade} I think Andrea's right .
{Cave} “It was nothing.” {Captured} “ Tell her to stop .”
{ SAVE Game for other “Accuse” endings}
Protect the 3 girls . Spare him . {Hannah is killed]

sehro posted a path on 19APR2017 for Edda.
Travel Day : {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} { Any responses to Cheryl are OK}
“You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” ” I'll take the couch .”

Day 1 : {The counselors left} {Tents} Slip inside with her.
” We probably shouldn't be doing this .”

Day 2 : {Liquor} “ Strip poker could be fun .” ” Let's play something else .”
{Spin the bottle} “ Let's not .”

Day 3 : {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy}

Day 4 : {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk
Check the Tire Tracks . No talk this night.

Day 5 : {Shelton's pack} “ Edda can handle it .” Go North . {Stream}
“ Into isn't the right word .” Don't push any of the girls . Talk to Andrea . {Defeat}

Day 6 : {Arguing} Leave it alone . Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen}
Say nothing . Talk to Edda . {Not chatty}

Day 7 : {Auto shop} Keep to yourself . Go North {Stream}
Grab Edda's foot . Use a net . {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea . {Just this once}

Day 8 : {Yelling} Talk to Edda . {Shouldn't ignore your instincts}
<{ Save game to change Choices }> Go Northeast . Warn Edda .
Press the subject . Talk to Edda . “ Do I get something in return ?”

Day 9 : {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night.

Day 10 : {Water bottles} Ask Edda . {Glade} I think Andrea's right . {Cave}
“It was nothing.” {Captured} “ Tell her to stop .”
{ SAVE Game for other “Accuse” endings}
Protect the 3 girls . Spare him .

CTR_Eagle_86 posted a path for Andrea Guilty.
sehro posted a path on 19APR2017 for Andrea Love.
Travel Day : {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} { Any responses to Cheryl are OK}
“You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” ” I'll take the couch .”

Day 1 : {The counselors left} “What about your tent?” ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”.

Day 2 : “ Strip poker could be fun .” ” I am not a quitter .” Talk to Andrea {Defeat}

Day 3 : {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy}

Day 4 : {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk . Check the Tire Tracks .
No talk this night.

Day 5 : {Shelton's pack} “Edda can handle it.” Go North . {Stream}
“ Sounds like my idea of a good time .” Push Andrea . Talk to Raen.
“ Maybe just a fun conversation .”

day 6 : {Arguing} Leave it alone . Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen} Say nothing .
Talk to Andrea . {Maybe just this once}

Day 7 : Keep to yourself . Go Northeast {Stream} Turn around . No talk this night
{A “next day” is inserted}
{Stream} Grab Andrea's foot . Use a net . Talk to Edda. {About missed night}

Day 8 : {Yelling} Talk to Andrea . Go Northeast . Warn Andrea .
<{Save game to change “Talk to ...” }> Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.”

Day 9 : {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} {Game}
Ask Andrea if she masturbates . Talk to Andrea . Kiss her .
<<{Also works if Kyle picks “We can't help them.” No talk this night. }>>

Day 10 : {Water bottles} Ask Andrea . {Glade} I think Andrea's right .
{Cave} “I'll Check it out.” {Captured}
{SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings}
Protect the 3 girls . Spare him . {Hannah is killed}
{ "Kill him" will lead to the same endings but Hannah survives. }

CTR_Eagle_86 posted an alternate route to Andrea Guilty in APR2017.
sehro on 18APR2017 posted a path for Raen Guilty.
Travel Day : {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} { Any responses to Cheryl are OK}
“Uh, hi. I'm Kyle” & “I'm going to die, aren't I?” ” I'll take the couch .”

Day 1 : {The counselors left} {Tents} What about your tent ?
”We probably shouldn't be doing this” .

Day 2 : {Liquor} “ Strip Poker could be fun.” “ I'm not a quitter .”
Talk to Raen . “ Maybe just a fun conversation .”

Day 3 : {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea. ==> {Defeat}

Day 4 : {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk .
Check the Tire Tracks . No talk this night.

Day 5 : {Shelton's pack} “Edda can handle it.” Go North . {Stream}
“ No, that's definitely not my scene .” Push Raen . Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.”

Day 6 : {Arguing} Leave it alone . Go Northeast . {Edda vs Raen} Side with Raen. Talk to Edda.

Day 7 : {Auto shop} Keep to yourself . Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go Right
“ I don't think it's a good idea .” {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea {Just this once}

Day 8 : {Yelling} Talk to Raen . Go Northeast . Warn Raen . {gopher hole}
Talk to Raen . “Not this time.” {BJ} “And it's appreciated, but no.”

Day 9 : {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night

Day 10 : {Water bottles} Ask Raen . {Glade} We could wish for something awesome !” {? Nap ?}
{Cave} “I'll check it out.” {Captured} ” Tell her to stop .” *
{SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & other endings}
Protect the 3 girls . Kill him

sehro on 18APR2017 posted a path for Raen Guilty.
Travel Day : {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} { Any responses to Cheryl are OK}
“Uh, hi. I'm Kyle” & “I'm going to die, aren't I?” " I'll take the couch ."

Day 1 : {The counselors left} {Tents} What about your tent ?
”We probably shouldn't be doing this” .

Day 2 : " Strip Poker could be fun." " I'm not a quitter ." Talk to Raen .
“ Maybe just a fun conversation .”

Day 3 : {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea. ==> {Defeat}

Day 4 : {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk
Check the Tire Tracks . No talk this night.

Day 5 : {Shelton's pack} Edda can handle it. Go North . {Stream}
“ No, that's definitely not my scene .” Push Raen . Talk to Raen . “ Let's just chat .”

Day 6 : {Arguing} Leave it alone . Go Northeast . {Edda vs Raen}
Side with Raen . Talk to Edda.

Day 7 : {Auto shop} Keep to yourself . Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go Right
“ I don't think it's a good idea .” {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea {Just this once}

Day 8 : {Yelling} Talk to Raen . Go Northeast . Warn Raen . {gopher hole}
Talk to Raen . “Not this time.” {Offers BJ} “And it's appreciated, but no.”

Day 9 : {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night.

Day 10 : {Water bottles} Ask Raen . {Glade} We could wish for something awesome !” {? Nap ?}
{Cave} “I'll check it out.” {Captured} ” Tell her to stop .” *
{SAVE Game for “Accuse” and other endings}
Protect the 3 girls . Kill him

Raen SICK & BEAR Attack Endings # 15 & #1
Bae_Watch – Softpa on 19APR2017 posted a path for Raen Sick ending.
BEAR Attack Ending #1 is completed!
Raen DEATH & CHERYL Endings #16 & #2
CTR_Eagle_86 on 18APR2017 posted a path for Raen's BAD ending.
Raen Death PATH and CHERYL End PATH
HAREM & WITCH Food Endings #17 & #5
CTR_Eagle_86 & sehro posted alternate routes for Andrea endings in APR2017
Hannah Love is associated with the Day 9 choice ”We have to do something” to rescue Hannah from a sunken tunnel. This choice leads to an option to ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Gals on Day 10 . If this is selected, the ensuing fight with Reed presents another choice: ”Look for a weapon” or ”Turn around swinging” . Hannah Love results if Kyle turns around swinging.
CTR_Eagle_86 & sehro posted alternate routes for Andrea endings in APR2017.
CTR_Eagle_86 & sehro posted alternate routes for Andrea endings in APR2017.
Record of Actual 23MAY2017 Play-through with Fate's Direction results.

Fantastic guide, thank you for putting this together. Made it really easy to knock out all the achievements. One small critique: the Accuse endings are mismatched between each girl and the resulting ending. But it was still easy to make the correct connections.

thank you really much, i have the game finish with your Guide

Great play through manual, but there are some errors. In the Edda love path @day 10 it's stated that Hannah is killed, but that it's Reed that's killed. Also it says in the accused endings that you should load the 'Protect ...' choice, however there's nothing to choose but one option and has therefor no influence whatsoever. This should be the 'Accuse ...' choices.

On the Raen love path, following it exactly but saying no than yes at the end of day eight leads to the Raen sick ending

'Andrea Love Path'-'Accuse' section. Raen is listed twice & choice for Andrea is wrong

Just install the patch and launch the game

Could someone help me in getting the patched at start achivement? much appreciated

That is correct. The 30 Achievements include 21 Endings.
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