Armor Games Logo

Armor Games Logo


Armor Games Logo
As you can see on our Blog, weโ€™ve launched our new logo. This design will be used on the new โ€˜Armor Games 2.0โ€™ as well.

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Logo: On a light blue background, we see snow falling down from the sky as the camera pans over some mountains. The camera stops on a grey castle covered with snow. The camera then zooms out to show the mountains again and a forest. The camera keeps zooming out to show a white bird flying through the sky. The camera then stops zooming out, now also showing a guy in metal armor holding a sword standing on a cliff of snow. The grey text "ARMOR GAMES" in a futuristic font fades in over the castle, with the word ".com" in white underneath it. Then, everything fades to black.

FX/SFX: The snow, the camera moving around and the "ARMOR GAMES" text fading in.

Music/Sounds: A catchy rock tune that slows down near the end.

Availability: Rare. Could be found on games made/shown on their website during the logo's usage.

Logo: On a black (or dark gray, or white, depending on games) background, A dark grey castle with a white outline zooms out quickly to the left. The screen flashes white two times during this. After the castle has zoomed to the left, the grey word "ARMOR" and the green word "GAMES" fades in to the right of the castle. The words point down to the bottom right corner. Everything fades to white afterwards.

FX/SFX: The castle zooming out and the text fading in and pointing to the corner. All done in a 3D manner.

Music/Sounds: Just the sound of a lightning strike.

Availability: Rare. Could be found on games made/shown on their website during the logo's usage. It will probably be easier to find this logo because it existed longer.

Editor's Note: The lightning and the fast movements might be scary to some.

Logo: On a black background, a light beige shield with a black medieval tower zooms in from the middle. The shield zooms back out a little. The red text "ARMOR GAMES" flashes in front of the shield. The URL of their website appears below it. Afterwards, two swords with black handles appear behind the shield with a small white glow around them. The entire logo flashes and then fades out.

FX/SFX: The shield, the text and the swords appearing.

Availability: Uncommon. Can be found on games such as MouseGame , Four Second Fury (and its sequels, Four Second Frenzy , and Four Second Firestorm ), Amberial , Dark Cut , Dark Cut 2 , and other flash games from that time.

Logo: On a black background, two swords (similar to the swords in the previous logo) quickly come up from the bottom and begin clashing. After the swords have clashed two times, they clash for a third time forming a X. The same shield from the previous logo, now with the black text "ARMOR GAMES" stacked on each other instead of the tower, zooms in from the middle after the swords have formed the X. After a while, the swords zoom away to the top and the shield zooms out. For the entirety of the logo, the text "Developed by" is above the logo.

FX/SFX: The swords clashing and the shield zooming in and out.

Music/Sounds: Only the sounds of the swords clashing, and a "woosh" when the swords zoom away.

Music/Sounds Variant: A more usual version exists, which includes two string chords and a woman singing (the same sound that was used for the "Logon" sound from the disproven sound scheme for Windows Longhorn). The "woosh" is the same.

Availability: Rare, seeing as the logo was used for about a year. Can be found on games published by them during the logo's usage.

Logo: On a black background, two swords (similar to the two previous pairs) come respectively from the left and right and begin clashing. Like before, after the swords have clashed two times, they clash for a third time and form a X. After that, a blue shield fades in front of the swords and zooms out a little. A blue glow appears behind the swords and the shield. The white text "Armor Games" zooms in quickly below the logo and then zooms out a bit. Then, the entire logo fades to black.

FX/SFX: The swords clashing, the shield appearing, the blue glow appearing and the text zooming in and out.

Music/Sounds: The end part of the main menu music from The Settlers II (10th Anniversary) , composed by Aaron Marks. The sounds of the swords clashing can be heard during this. In earlier years, the sword clashing sounds are different and weaker.

Availability: Very common. This logo can be found on practically any game on their website or any game they have developed.

Editor's Note: This logo is one of the longest living and most liked browser game logos out there. Many may remember this logo from their childhood.

Logo: On a black background, the white text " ARMOR GAMES" fade in the middle. To the left of the text, a white shield with a black crown and sword can be seen. The entire logo slowly zooms in for the entire duration of the logo.

Variant: On some games, the background is yellow, the white text is black and the logo is on top of the text.

Availability: Rare. This logo can be seen on newer games by the company, but it's usually replaced with the previous logo.

Editor's Note: This logo has gained some criticism for being too simple and modern. It has gotten more hate due to the fact that this is the company's official logo.

This page contains logos with elements that are Not Safe For Work. One or more logos featured specifically contain: Violence and gore (5th logo, Super Karoshi variant) Please use discretion when viewing images or videos on this page.

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Image, Armor Games Logo.png, Armor Games Wiki
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Armor Games logo by captainIronstar on Deviant
Casual Gameplay Design Competition #6 โ€” "Explore"
Old, Fight for Armor Games in the War of the Web, Armor ...
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