Armor Blitz Candy

Armor Blitz Candy


Armor Blitz Candy
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By Benny Carrillo / September 19th, 2017

Nutaku is one of the big names these days when it comes to Eroge, especially for Western developed titles. However, at Anime Expo this year Nutaku decided to do something rather interesting. They made Armor Blitz the crown jewel of their show strategy, even making the developers special guests at their panel. Why do I find this intriguing? Well, we need to talk a bit about Armor Blitz itself first.
In short, Armor Blitz is a game that combines elements of lane-battling, real-time strategy, and collectible card games that is played either in your browser for the Nutaku version or for Android devices using Google Play . In fact, originally the game was only available on Google Play. The Nutaku version was launched on July 13, 2017, which means to really understand the title we need to go back… to 2015.
This is an image of the Panzer III from a 2015 entry of the Dev Blog when they were just getting started.
While the release date of Armor Blitz is listed as November 1st, 2016 , the developers have been maintaining a dev blog since early 2015 and from the looks of it, they’ve been pretty open about the process. In fact, one of the most interesting things is the change in character art from the 2015-era to the Nutaku-era of today. I’ll leave it to you delve through the early posts, but what this does prove is that this is not some fly-by-night dev team. These guys have put in a lot of hard work into the product and Nutaku saw something in that. So that’s the history, but what the heck is this game actually about?
You are the commander of an army tasked with fighting back against an invading force known as “The Corruption”. However, instead of normal tanks and vehicles, you instead have an army of badass adorable girls who represent various vehicles from both World War II and the Cold War. If this sounds a lot like Kantai Collection , you’d be right. That said, there’s no reason another creator can’t come in and try and improve upon the idea.
By contrast, here’s the character art for the ARL44 which was rolled out the week of September 6th.
While I’ve yet to try the game personally, there are a few people here at oprainfall who are fans of the game. As such, I figured why not reach out to Nutaku and see if I could learn a little bit more about the title from a newbie’s stance and see how this collaboration got started. Thankfully, Nutaku was willing to answer my questions, which I now present to you.
Operation Rainfall: What kind of game is Armor Blitz and what is the general premise of the game?
Nutaku: Armor Blitz is a browser game on Nutaku where you assemble an army of cute anime girls for battle! Each girl represents the soul of a historical military vehicle from the WWII to early Cold War era. The player takes on the role as General of the army – so it’s up to you to lead them against the forces of the Corruption.
OR: Originally Armor Blitz was developed for mobile devices before being made available online via Nutaku. Since the game wasn’t originally developed with an 18+ version, what made Armor Blitz an ideal game for Nutaku’s platform?
Nutaku: Nutaku searches for unique games with adult-ifying potential. We opt to look for games in which we can add mature content to seamlessly fit the storyline. The original Armor Blitz had the potential to create intimate relationships with the characters because it already featured sexy tank girls. The H-scenes fit in the storyline and players would be able to build intimate relationships with the cute anime tank girls. The game also meets our criteria in terms of quality- it has beautiful art and addictive gameplay. The elaborate story further contributes to an overall great game that we were willing to put on the adult gaming platform.
OR: What sets the Nutaku version of Armor Blitz apart from the mobile version of the game?
Nutaku: The Nutaku version of Armor Blitz is exactly the same as the mobile version. The only difference is the lewd content that was added for our platform.
OR: Armor Blitz was part of Nutaku’s “Wake Up Your Waifu Contest”. What was this contest and what role did Armor Blitz play in it?
Nutaku: The “Wake Up Your Waifu” contest gave the opportunity for players to get more involved in a game than ever before. By simply taking a photo at our booth at Anime Expo and posting it on Instagram with the hashtag #NutakuAX2017, attendees entered the chance at winning the grand prize of 10000 Nutaku Gold and creating a character for the game, Armor Blitz . The two follow up winners grabbed a bunch of Nutaku Gold and other sweet prizes. With the help of the Armor Blitz team, the top winner is now in the process of dreaming up a character that will be in the game for thousands of gamers to enjoy.
It was the collaboration with the Armor Blitz team that allowed us to offer such an amazing grand prize. Attendees at the expo were very excited for this opportunity!
OR: Armor Blitz was a central part of Nutaku’s Anime Expo presence. What feedback did you hear from attendees of the convention?
Nutaku: Armor Blitz attended Anime Expo with Nutaku before they launched their game. Their presence helped hype up the new title as well as promoted pre-registration for the game. The team developed an interesting way to get players to sign-up early. Depending on the number of people who signed up, all pre-registered players would receive bonus rewards. This puts emphasis on the community working together to get the best bonus. In the end, enough people signed up to get the highest reward!
At the expo itself, it wasn’t uncommon for attendees to take pictures in front of the Armor Blitz backdrop. People complimented the stunning art and were very excited to get prints of the game- the prints were even signed by the developers!
Attendees were also shocked to find out that the song in the trailer of Armor Blitz was performed by AmaLee who is well-known in the industry. Check out the trailer here
OR: Let’s delve a little more in depth into the game itself. The story of Armor Blitz is one of the major features of the game. What sets Armor Blitz ’s story apart from other browser titles and roughly how long will it take players to experience the full plotline?
Nutaku: Armor Blitz was designed so the story setting has an expansive mythology. The world takes place in Valhalla, where the souls of weapons ascend and manifest as anthropomorphic beings. While the game focuses on anime tank girls, there are other beings that live in this world. An example are handheld firearms that manifest as cute cats and antitank weapons are rabbits. There are also deeper origins for where the Corruption comes from which will be revealed in the future. The story is currently ongoing and we will be expanding the plot as new zones are opened to players over the next few months. So far, the most dedicated of players have been able to complete the whole story within a month. But it will become more and more difficult as the map reveals itself!
OR: Armor Blitz features a store in which players use Nutaku Gold. What is Nutaku Gold, how does one acquire it, and is the shop required to complete the game?
Nutaku: As members of the platform, players use Nutaku Gold to buy in-game currency as well as downloadable games. So games don’t actually use Nutaku Gold. For example, Armor Blitz uses Cores and Candies which you can collect in the game or you can buy with Nutaku Gold. The platform’s currency just allows players to have a reserve of Gold to spend for in-game currency instead of completing transactions for every game.
OR: Armor Blitz features a combination of real-time combat and collectible card game mechanics. How do these two systems come together and complement each other to form a unique experience?
Nutaku: When the Armor Blitz team designed the combat system, they wanted to combine the excitement of collecting awesome cards with the strategy of real-time decision making. The player’s army acts like a traditional deck in a collectible card game where the player has to strategize and plan beforehand. In battle, you then “draw” from the army and it creates a hand that you must fight with. For combat, you must deploy characters on the battlefield and they will push towards the enemy commander. The team made the battles real-time so players must constantly think about the move, and time their abilities to optimize their strategy in combat. It makes battles feel more interactive than having all the characters stand and act on a turn-to-turn basis.
OR: Another feature of Armor Blitz is the ability to build a relationship with various girls you recruit. How does this system work and how do the H-scenes in the Nutaku version function?
Nutaku: For the relationship system, the player must collect a special resource called Candies in the game. You can gift these Candies to your favorite girls to unlock relationship levels. Leveling up the relationship levels will allow the player to boost the character’s stats and unlocks little visual novel story scenes. Once you maximize the relationship, you will unlock a special character skin and H-scene at the end of the story. Our campaign mode also includes story scenes with H content, so everyone can experience those while gathering Candy.
OR: At the moment only certain girls have H-scenes and stories available for them. Will all the girls eventually be getting these kind of scenes and development or will it only be limited to select ones?
Nutaku: They’re working on it! The team is currently working on adding more scenes and skins for the characters in the game so keep an eye out! No lewding of the Hetzer though!
OR: Some gamers consider browser based games to be inferior to their console and PC-native counterparts. What does Armor Blitz do in general to show the quality that these types of games are capable of and why should more people give the browser platform more of a fair chance?
Nutaku: Browser games serve a different market than most console and PC-native games. Playing Console/PC games is comparable to watching movies, while browser games are like watching YouTube videos. Browser games are accessible to the world in a format that everyone already has – right in your computer browser! Both types of gaming are entertaining, but they ultimately satisfy different needs.
Armor Blitz makes a great use of the browser format by giving the player bursts of action between careful planning and management sessions. The fact that it has full 3D environments and models with real-time combat pushes the limits of what browser games have represented in the past. The Armor Blitz team makes the best usage of both innovative gameplay and technology to back it up. Over time, the quality of browser games will keep increasing as engine tech and Web browsers get better and better.
OR: Finally, is there anything Nutaku would like to say to both our readers and your fans out there?
Nutaku: On behalf of the Nutaku team, we are constantly trying to improve our platform by offering a wider selection of games types and art styles. If you have any recommended games you would like to see on our adult platform, let us know! Follow us on all social media @nutakugames
As you can see, there’s quite a lot going on during battle.
So, what are your thoughts? Does Armor Blitz seem like more than just another browser based game? Or were you already a fan and have been enjoying building your army since the July launch? Let us know either via Facebook , Twitter or in the comments below.
I’d like to extend my thanks to both Nutaku for answering my questions and to the Armor Blitz team for putting so much visible effort into this title.
You can follow Nutaku via Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , YouTube , and Twitch .
Also be sure to follow Armor Blitz as well via Facebook , Twitter , and their Discord channels ( Mobile ver. & Nutaku ver. )
Thanks for reading and see you next interview!
Is this the end of your fight, or merely the beginning? Let us know what your thoughts on Armor Blitz are and thanks for reading!
A gamer since the days of the NES, this professional otaku adores Mega Man, Super Robot Wars, Yuri, Visual Novels, the Slice of Life anime genre, and of course Hyperdimension Neptunia. His mission on oprainfall is to help deliver the news straight to you.

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Subreddit dedicated to the mobile game Armor Blitz. Discuss topics related to the game, post fan-art, and keep in touch!
Emblems, the final frontier. Powerful tools that can potentially help your tanks fight enemies a hundred levels higher than them in the endgame, but also complex and randomized and often misunderstood. This (somewhat updated) guide is here to help you make the most of these important power-ups!
It's not the number of stars on the emblem, it's how you use it. At the time I originally wrote this guide, I made use of 6 2* emblems because those ones happened to be best sources of the stats I needed on the tanks they were on (primarily high DR and armor on defensive emblems), and was fighting level 120+ enemies and finishing in 2nd place in the PoC on a regular basis. You don't need great luck or lots of money to outfit your tanks to be ready for anything, you just need to know what you're trying to do and how to do it. That's what we're here for.
The "DUR" stat is almost meaningless, and potentially harmful. Keeping in mind this guide is more geared towards endgame content and especially climbing in the PoC, trying to equip your defensive tanks to maximize the DUR numbers you see on the army screen is likely to keep them from being good defensive tanks. Not only does the game use a formula that's different from what your tank's mathematical durability should really be (heavily favoring health over evasion, and especially armor and DR [damage reduction]), but even the correct formula doesn't count for much when facing tanks 2-3 times your level. What you want your heavies and heavy-likes to do is to get as close to 100% combined DR as possible when using their active abilities. Because defensive abilities that increase DR stack with the DR on emblems and the DR you get from your tank's total armor, this is something you can accomplish with most heavies, and even some mediums and TDs!
The "DPS" stat also kind of sucks. This is a smaller issue than DUR which can actively lead you in the wrong direction, but when facing higher level content like the winter parts of the campaign and the PoC, enemy armor values and effective DR start to get pretty high, so having 20-30% penetration on your damage dealers is quite important. The DPS numbers won't reflect your penetration, however. Interestingly enough, tanks with less than 100% accuracy will have their DPS values reduced for the stat, but bringing their accuracy back up to 100% or beyond will do nothing to recover the DPS, making tanks like S-51 and Panzerwerfer look permanently weaker than they really are. On that note, DPS also tells you nothing about the value your tanks gain from long range or dealing splash damage, so lower DPS artillery are likely to get a lot more work done than higher DPS TDs. DPS can be a decent guiding principle as long as your penetration and accuracy are okay (just 100% acc is fine most of the time).
Synergy is key. Throwing your three best emblems onto your best tank can work, but picking emblems that compliment each other and especially the tank itself will give you the best results. You generally want your emblems to either bring out your tank's strengths, or cover up major weaknesses. There's the fairly obvious things like not using % crit damage increases on a tank with no crit chance, or trying to get higher +damage stats onto tanks that attack quickly with low base damage, but there's also increasing TDs' or Ls' range so they can stay away from enemy artillery explosions, focusing more on increasing damage and less on attack speed for tanks that have one-shot abilities, giving health-boosting emblems to light and artillery tanks to cover for their tiny health pools once the Abyssal Shard and Wretched commanders starts melting them too quickly.
With those ideas in mind, maybe you have all you need to make some positive changes to your emblem loadout! What follows next is my ideas about how to put these principles to use for the various tank types, but you may have your own ideas on what works best for you. The defense portion is non-negotiable, but in terms of offense, feel free to do whatever you want as long as it gets you the results you're after!
Heavies/heavy-like tanks . These make up your front line. When one falls, another should be there to take its place. Along with heavies themselves, this includes the likes of T-44, and Sturmtiger, and T-95. The first thing to note is their active abilities. Almost always, these will have a component of "Increase DR by %". This number, usually in the 35-50% range, is the key to identifying how much DR your tank needs in order to be effective against high-leveled content. The DR you gain from your armor value (the total amount on your tank's stats screen), plus the DR you gain from emblem substats, plus your active ability's value, should equal 100% or more. You can get away with 99.5%, but any less than that and you're starting to compromise the purpose of all that DR you're hoarding. 98% damage reduction sounds great (and is great), but that's 4x more damage you're taking from non-penetrating sources than 99.5%. I'd say you should be willing to give up almost any amount of extra health or evasion to get to 100%, because chances are your tank's going to melt pretty quickly once the . You can find the formula to convert armor into DR as well as other important formulas in the mechanics section of the AB wiki ( link ), and you can make your life a lot easier by putting it/them into Excel or a Google Docs spreadsheet. For me, the armor converter eventually grew into its own spreadsheet for my heavies [here's a snippet from mine if you're not sure where to start or what the point is ( screencap ). You can enter this formula into Google Chrome and switch the XXX to the armor value, and it will tell you how much DR % you get: 100 - 25900/(XXX/1.01 + 260) . Playing around with the formula, you'll find that the DR substat gives you more DR than the armor substat, although having plenty of both is important for reaching higher DR goals. As your tanks level up, their total armor will increase, as will their total DR, so you'll have the opportunity to move emblems around and bring DR down while bringing up their health and evasion. To be clear though, the actual DR substat on emblems is the most important part of reaching your total DR goal. Pretty much all three of your heavies' emblems should have a good amount, and other defensive substats are a lower priority until you reach at least 99.5%! Also unless you enjoy feeding artillery shells to your backline, try to stay away from range-increasing emblems as much as possible. At least 11-12 range between your heavy and your nearest TD/artillery should keep you mostly safe from splash effects. Someone has created a freely-available spreadshe
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