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Tales of the Veils




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As fate would have had it, Rasiya was caught in the middle of a big problem. The Arab Empire was in a crisis. The fraud begun by Ahmed had created inflation in some parts of the economy. The public was angry at the Empire’s inability to spot or cease the fraud and the resultant inflation. This created a big pressure on the Government, which hastily came up with a solution. The solution was, since Ahmed was at large, all the blame would be transferred to Rasiya, and she would be tried for the crime. The solution did not matter to the Government, as it thought that Rasiya knew about the fraud all the while and was responsible for letting Ahmed flee. The Government decided to conceal the fact that Ahmed was part of fraud, since if that would be revealed to public, the public would then ask questions over the capabilities of the police for tracing and catching Ahmed. Thus, once the final decision was made, Rasiya’s lawyer, Mr.Hamid met her in the women’s prison. The lawyer spoke the following words, “The Government has decided to prosecute you for the crime. As Ahmed is still at large, his name has been dropped from the case. Thus, in the light that you will be prosecuted, some rules have been made. One of them is that your mouth will be operated upon to remove the springs that keep your mouth closed. In their place you will be gagged, preferably using a ball gag or whatever the authorities deem fit. The next rule is that you will not be allowed to speak in the courtroom. The reason for this is that the Government has declared to the public that you are the culprit, and all the evidence points to you. Thus, the court, in its order of starting the trial, has withdrawn from you the right to speak in the courtroom. Whatever you want to say or tell the court you need to tell me. I will present it in writing to the judge.” However the next words which the lawyer spoke shattered Rasiya’s world. He said, “The Government is in crisis and so is the Empire. They are facing the wrath of the public. So to subdue the anger they have decided to give you no chance of getting free of the charges. Thus, even though I am taking your case, I cannot guarantee that you will be freed. It’s like they are making you a scapegoat. Be ready for a tough sentence.” Then a bell was rung. This indicated that meeting time was over and Rasiya was taken to a separate cell this time.
Rasiya was taken to a new cell. The cell was made of plain cement walls. There were no windows and the door was made of steel. A single bulb hung from the ceiling. There was a small rug on the floor. Apart from that the cell was empty. A lady officer came and spoke, “The trial starts in two days. Till then you will be operated on to remove those springs from your mouth. The Government has charged you with a serious crime and so you are considered dangerous. That’s the reason you are kept in a separate cell. Tonight you sleep. Tomorrow you have an appointment with the doctor.” However, unlike as the officer had said Rasiya did not get any sleep. The lawyer’s words were doing rounds in her mind. She knew she was in deep trouble, but given the state she was in, there was no escape available. Rasiya’s mind diverted to Ahmed and Raessa. She wondered where they currently were. Unknown to her however, Ahmed had been able to bluff the police and flee along with Raessa and their children. He knew he was going to be caught so he had fled the country after Rasiya had been caught. He went to his native Pakistan. Raessa on the other hand had to wait till her questioning was over. As it was found that she was in no way connected to the company or the crime she was released. After her release she also fled the country and joined Ahmed in Pakistan along with their children. The only one left in Saudi Arabia was Rasiya, who was awaiting her trial. Rasiya, was crying all the time she was in her cell. In the middle of the night, the small bulb was switched off, thus only light source gone. The cell was completely dark and agonizingly silent. Rasiya was both scared and sad, for she knew that her future was also dark like the cell.
In the dark, Rasiya had fallen asleep, so when the door suddenly opened and strong light poured into the room, it awakened her. Two female officers approached her. They grabbed her arms and roughly brought her to a standing position. A third lady officer entered and she said, “I am Fatima. I’m the officer in charge of the case and you. And you must be the traitor. Actually looking at you, I once used to feel that I want to be like you. But today I pity that I ever thought so. A traitor like you must be given a death sentence. However it’s not my duty to do so, however, I will make sure you do not enjoy your stay here and start repenting even before the trial starts, why did you do the crime and why I came under Officer Fatima. Officers, take her to the bathing room. Strip her, shackle her and bathe her.” For the first time in her life Rasiya was stripped. All the layers of burka’s were removed, her undergarments, even her chastity belt was removed and corsets as well. Then she was taken on to a cage. The cage was rectangular, with grills all around. The grills were closely placed so that only fingers could pass through the holes. The cage allowed only standing. She was forced inside, her arms were shackled together and her legs to the sides of the cage. Also a shackle was placed around her neck and the cage closed. Without warning, through pipes, strong streams of cold icy water showered over Rasiya’s body. She was shocked and chilled throughout her body. She tried escaping the shower but the shackles kept her in place. Fatima then ordered, “Use the soap you have been supplied with bitch. You will not be bathing for the entire day now. Do it fast.” Rasiya, was too shattered to disobey. She picked up the soap provided in the cage and started rubbing it on her body . At the end, another shower of cold water drenched Rasiya for a good five minutes. She rinsed herself thoroughly. Once the shower was over she was made to wait for five minutes. Fatima then spoke, “Good bitch. Now you will be taken out of the cage. Remember, officers are all around you, so no tricks. You will be handed a towel. Dry yourself and then return to the cage.” Rasiya slowly left the cage. She was self-conscious and tried to cover her body but was barely able to. She took the towel and dried herself then again stood back in the cage as ordered. This time she was not shackled. A powder was sprayed on her body and she was taken from the cage. At this moment Fatima approached. She pushed Rasiya’s hands behind her and handcuffed them. Her legs were also cuffed. She produced a collar and fixed it to her neck and a leash was attached to it. This she pulled and led her towards the dressing room.
As soon as Rasiya was standing outside the dressing room, Fatima pushed her inside with two other female officers. The female officers had the following dress code. They wore pants and a shirt and gloves covered their hands, all of a blue material. They also wore a hood, which only revealed their eyes and mouths. Over the hood they wore a scarf, such that it covered their face from nose down, both in blue. A belt with a big iron rod and a small gun and handcuffs was tightly cinched about their waists, the legs to the knees covered in leather boots with pencil thin heels. Once they were all inside room the door was closed from outside. The officers removed Rasiya’s restraints and then handed her a light blue catsuit made of latex. Because she was powdered, it easily slid on her body. The catsuit had built in gloves along with an attached hood that covered her face except for eyes, nose and mouth. The catsuit had holes at rear and crotch for bodily functions. Rasiya found that the gloves did not have fingers and were in fact a pair of mittens with just thumb and hand. The hood and catsuit was carefully zipped. The zips met each other at her neck. A collar was locked at her neck, which meant that without removing the collar the suit could not be removed. Her hair was pulled through a hole at the crown of her head as a ponytail. Next an armbinder was used to crush Rasiya’s arms together, elbows touching, at her back. This was also locked. A silver colored chastity belt was produced and locked on her crotch. A pair of boots with three inch heels was locked onto her feet and legs. Following this her legs were cuffed and a spreader bar that forced her to keep her legs ten inches apart was attached between her ankles. To hide her features and maintain modesty a burka was pulled over her body. The burka’s lower part was big enough to accommodate the spreader bar as well.
Fatima then entered the room. She attached a leash to Rasiya’s collar and then pulled on it. She said, “Doctor’s appointment inmate.” Rasiya, trying to balance herself, slowly followed Fatima to the doctor’s cabin. In the cabin, there were two nurses and a doctor. The nurses wore green burka’s with slits for their hands which were covered with brown gloves, whereas the doctor wore white burka, again with slits for hands and with surgical gloves. Fatima started speaking to the doctor. The doctor just nodded. Rasiya came to the conclusion that the doctor was probably gagged. Rasiya’s armbinder was removed. She was led to a chair where her hands were strapped to the armrests. A light was diverted to her mouth and the doctor got down to her work. About an hour later, Rasiya sensed commotion and by the expression of Fatima, she thought that the operation was over. Fatima then took a letter passed to her by the doctor. She read out loud “According to the doctor you will have to keep quiet for another hour or so for pain to subside. Later you will be gagged. She also notices that your vocal cords have been not used for a few years so if you try to speak they will cause some pain. But the pain will reduce and in a matter of two months your vocal cords will be fully functional.” Fatima then closed the letter and added “If the court allows you to speak for the rest of your life.” This sentenced shocked Rasiya, but soon a tape gag was put over her mouth and the armbinder restored. She was taken to a different cell where her burka was removed and pinned to a hook outside the cell .Once inside she was diverted and arrived at a tiny cell that was little more than a cage. Two officers bent down and Rasiya was asked to kneel and she was pushed inside, the cell. It was very small, not allowing a person to stand. The occupant would have to remain in a seated or kneeling position. Once inside the cell the cuffs on her legs were fixed to the floor and locked in such a manner as to keep her legs apart. The leash was removed and a small chain which was protruding from the ground in front of her was attached to her collar and locked there. The chain was very short, barely seven or eight inches long, forcing Rasiya to remain kneeling, her body bent forward with her neck leashed to the ground she had to keep her head very close to the ground and her ass in the air. Then she felt a light slap on her ass. This was followed by more slaps that became harder with each blow. After every slap Rasiya would squeal and whine. About thirty slaps were delivered before they stopped, leaving her breathing heavily through her nose. Fatima then spoke from behind her. “This cell is usually for those inmates who are violent and do not do as they are told by the officers and try to resist. However under the Government’s orders, you are to be kept in this cage till the trial finishes. Also I believe you must repent your time here. So every hour an officer will come and spank you on your ass. Thirty spanks every hour. Enjoy bitch.” With this Fatima turned on her heels and went away. The cell door slammed shut. It turned dark. Only small slot in the door allowed some light. The air was hot in the cell and Rasiya was already sweating. She whined and tried to get somebody’s attention, but no one listened. After trying for twenty minutes she tried to relaxed, realizing it was of no use, nobody was going to help her. Rasiya, in an awkward position, was left only with her stinging ass and her thoughts.
She was spanked every hour and it was never good. She was crying whenever she was spanked but there was no one to listen to her cries. She only thought what worse could be happening to her. She was given lunch in the afternoon. It was some sort of mashed rice and some water. Both were given in a bowl. She expected that her hands will be released but the food was placed in front of her, her gag was removed and the door slammed on her face. With her arms behind her back and her legs fixed, she had no option but to put her face into the bowl and eat it. It was humiliating. She felt as if she was a dog who was eating his biscuits. However as it was she was hungry and she gulped the food and drank the water as well. Half an hour later the dishes were taken away, the gag was replaced and the door slammed shut. The next two days were a repetition of the first. In the morning, Rasiya would be stripped and bathed in icy cold water then powdered, put in a catsuit and restrained, returned to her cell, fixed in a kneeling position gagged and spanked every hour. Thoroughly humiliated she did not know when it would end. However on the third day, she was bathed dressed and restrained, a hood being added to her face. It was a leather hood and had only nose holes and also had padding over the ears, leaving her blind, deaf and mute. A burka was put over her. Instead of a spreader bar this time a short chain was attached between her legs. Also her thighs were cuffed and linked by a small chain. Dressed this way she was dragged to the police van, pushed inside and restrained to her seat and driven to the courtroom.
In the courtroom Rasiya’s hood was removed but the gag and burka remained. She was taken to a booth. The booth was a cage similar to her bathing cage and was made of glass. She was securely restrained in the cage and the cage locked. It was sound proof so she could see what was happening but could hear nothing. A voice began speaking through a speaker turned on by a court official. The voice announced “As Rasiya, wife of Ahmed, is charged with fraud and causing grief to the public, leading to an unstable economy and lives, she will remain in the booth. She is to be deprived not only of speaking but also hearing the proceedings. Her charge is of a serious nature, thus in the case she is convicted, she will hear the judgment but nothing else.” The speaker was turned off and all became silent. She could see her lawyer through the mesh of her burka and the glass. There were words exchanged, witnesses produced. She saw Mr. Mirza, her original employer. He was shown the photo of Rasiya in which her face was uncovered. Suddenly Rasiya heard the judge asking Mr. Mirza, “Do you know this woman.” Mirza replied, “Yes my lord”. The judge turned to Rasiya, “Does the accused know Mr. Mirza?” She nodded her head vigorously. She felt he was the only hope of her survival. Then all went silent again. Hours went by and everything seemed so meaningless to Rasiya. At the end the judge spoke and Rasiya could hear his words. “The court has heard from all the witnesses. It reserves its judgment for one week. The judgment will be announced next week. If the defense lawyer has anything to prove, he can do so. Otherwise, the judgment will be announced. The court closes for the day.” Rasiya was taken out of the cage under high security and returned to the police van and taken to the jail. There however before putting her back to her cell, her hood was removed and she was taken to the meeting room. In the meeting room her lawyer was waiting for her. As she was seated the lawyer spoke, “Madam, as you were deprived of hearing the proceedings you must be confused as to what happened and how the judgment was decided so fast. Actually, every employee from the corporation you were the head of has testified against you. This means that you have been found guilty of the charges. The story you presented to me, was true but the time for trial too short. This caused investigation lapses and I did not have enough proof to save you. The case was one sided from the start itself and now it’s over. I do not have anything else to prove and thus, would only appeal for a less harsh sentence for you. I give you my apologies.” With that he went away. Rasiya now knew she was to be convicted and thanked lord that she was given time to prepare herself for the sentence and her future life.
As there was a week left, Rasiya was taken back to the cell where she was lodged. She was gagged, arms bound behind back and made to kneel with her ass up and open to the air. She was then slapped thirty times on the ass by Fatima. After finishing the spanking, Rasiya was in tears, trying to lessen the burning sensation, but could do nothing. Fatima then spoke, “I see, you are crying. You should as well because now the sentence is surely to be of prison. Only thing to be seen is how many years do they sentence you to.” In her mind Rasiya thought “If I had done anything wrong I would accept the sentence. But why punish me for no offence of mine.” Rasiya knew only too well that her freedom was now in her lawyer’s hands, as only he could appeal for leniency. Though not in a position to use her hands
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