Aries Woman Erogenous Zone

Aries Woman Erogenous Zone


Aries Woman Erogenous Zone
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The governing planet of the sign Aries is Mars . This is the planet that rules both over war and sexual attraction or lust. It is because of this that individuals who are born under the Aries sign show a lot of originality, and are extremely sexual in the bedroom. Therefore, they are the type of person that’s less about being seduced and more about being the seducer. This is an individual that when they want something in life they’re going to do everything in their power to get it, and this includes in the bedroom as well.
Best Partners : Aquarius , Gemini , Leo , Sagittarius , Aries
Aries Sex Position : scissoring, reverse cowgirl
Aries sex drive : High
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Their main strength when it comes to their sexuality is their initiative and strength. This is not one of those signs that will wait for something to come to them, they will be the ones that go out looking for pleasure. When they find the pleasure that they seek, they will dominate and take control of the situation without any issues.
This would be that sometimes they really put themselves first before their partners. A lot of the time they don’t realize that they are doing that, it’s just that when they are in the moment, they just want to get to work. Sometimes this can lead to a very quick experience especially if it becomes only about them. Even though sex is a two-way street, sometimes they can be selfish when it comes to the bedroom. Something that might leave their partner wanting more but not getting it. Not every Aries is like that.
This is a sign that if they had their way completely, then they would be having sex as many times as they can in a day. That overwhelming lust that they have will bring them to wanting to continue to have it more and more.
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Take the time to compliment them on their main features and traits, the things that really turn you on about this individual. Talk to them about how you’re feeling, and what things they do that drive you crazy. Use this opportunity to really let loose and bring all those cheeky conversations to life.
Make sure that the action takes place in an atmosphere that has a lot of ambiances and puts things into a very comfortable position. Most importantly entice them with a lot of physical contact. Make sure that you have them looking right into your eyes as you talk, and don’t be afraid to use your hands to get them into the mood. As for what to wear try and use bright or distinctive colors.
They love to see that they have a partner who has gotten ready for this moment and put a lot of thought behind it. They also love somebody that leaves their modesty at the door and is open-minded for almost anything. Their main motto when it comes to the bedroom is freedom and being open-minded.
Make sure that you take care of yourself because they are all about visual experiences. When it comes to the bedroom you’re definitely dealing with somebody that is a perfectionist. They like to have everything perfect.
There is no problem with bringing the dirty talk to the bedroom, just try and make sure that it’s not too cursive. You want to be able to drive them crazy you don’t want to turn them off.
Try not to keep them waiting, and make sure that the foreplay is there but it’s not long-lasting. They’re the type of sign that wants to get down to business. Also, make sure that when you are with them that you leave your embarrassment and insecurities at the door.
The astrology sex profile of Aries indicates Aries is on fire in a bed. Kinky is Aries middle name in bed as they are not afraid to try anything once, however unusual. In addition, there is no guessing what sexual Aries likes in bed, as they will tell their partner straight out. Aries in bed are very enthusiastic and explosive. They love to stoke the fire until they go off like a firecracker. They also love partners who boost their ego in bed. So be prepared to offer lots of compliments about Aries sexual technique. And Aries love compliments about their body too. The problem with Aries as a sexual partner is they can get bored very quickly. They need a partner who is continuously bringing new and exciting elements to the bedroom. To keep Aries sexually entertained try sexual role-playing or some new sex toys. Aries may be too much for some signs and just right for others.
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When it comes to Aries sex , The Ram is more of a tiger. Like many other sleek animals, they love the hunt. Spontaneity is vital to their sex lives and they can be quickly aroused. They are direct and to the point – they would rather rip off your clothes than dropping subtle hints.
This native is a physical and fearless lover blessed with the stamina to go all night long. Love affairs and adventures will certainly turn them on. Invite Aries to a race in the swimming pool, telling him/her that the winner will be rewarded with great oral sex in the bedroom. Compliment Aries on his/her great moves and include plenty of pleasurable oohs and aahs — you will certainly turn on your partner. When it comes to sex, people under this sign are probably the noisiest of all the zodiac signs — keep that in mind if you plan to have a quickie with your Aries lover in your parents’ house.
So you’ve found yourself having a crush on an Aries man or woman and you’re dying to conquer them. Aries loves the challenge, don’t hold back when you talk to an Aries, mention the success in your career better yet show him or her some of your adventurous sides. Introduce a new activity to your Aries and remember to always keep them entertained, although they might end up talking about themselves, it’s a good thing for an Aries, they love it.
Aries love to conquer so be the country that he would want to conquer, but don’t try to flirt your way with any other man or woman because that will only drive your Aries away. Adopt the habit of a Libra, be balance, flirtatious, and intellectual, let’s not forget the fact that you should love your freedom too. For an Aries to fall for you, it’s a great idea to have your own entertaining life full of activities, be there for your Aries, but there’s no need to cling to them, they value freedom!
You must be an open-minded lover who knows how to satisfy his/her partner. Eroticism is very important to them, but it’s the mental connection that actually turns them on. Most likely, The Ram will be the dominant partner between the sheets. Expect it to be physical, quick, and rough. They are very passionate and demanding when it comes to sexual relationships. If you ever argue with your Aries lover, your argument is likely to end up with great sex. Anger can really arouse them!
Turn them on by surprising him/her with a most adventurous and physical workout. Remember that sex is a physical work-out for them. The men and women are pretty open-minded so there’s no need to be coy about revealing your own little fetishes. Boredom comes easily and the constant demands of your Aries lover can become more and more unreasonable. They love to have sex in the morning, so surprise them with a great performance before breakfast. They will certainly spend all day long thinking of your great body and moves.
When it comes to body parts, the head and face are their most power-rich erogenous zones. Rubbing their scalp and stroking their hair will make them feel at ease and will heighten their sensations. Take a nibble on their ears to turn them on, for the men and women born under this sign will not be able to resist your moves.
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We all have different zones on our bodies that feel electric when touched. These are called erogenous zones, and they are areas of our bodies that are sensitive to arousal. There’s no rhyme or reason behind why some people love neck kisses and others don't, but astrology might have something to do with it. Not only do different zodiac signs have different hidden, erogenous zones, but your sign can actually help guide you to discover more about your body (or your partner’s body) and its desires.
Aries tend to be stimulated above the neck: we’re talking face, head, and even hair. For foreplay, try a sensual head massage while gently running fingers through their hair. Hair play can awaken the senses, but know if your Aries prefers soft strokes or a rougher tug.
From hickeys to light kisses, the Taurus is all about the neck. If they prefer a more aggressive touch, this may translate to light choking (always on the sides of the neck, never covering the windpipe) or if they prefer a gentler touch, even running your fingers up the back of the neck can induce tingles.
This is not a place you normally associate with sensuality: the arms. But touching the underside of the arm can actually set off a ton of nerves. Consider playing with a feather, or lightly tracing your fingers up the arms. Hands are also a strong point of arousal. Maybe start things off with a hand massage.
The chest area cannot be ignored on a Cancer. While others might not feel as much heightened sensitivity around the breasts and nipples, any bust action gets a Cancer hot and heavy. Think kissing, massaging, even some light biting to spice things up.
It's all about the back. A Leo loves having hands wrapped around them, back massages, and soft touches up the spine. Any back action will get a Leo’s endorphins going, including around the shoulders.
Even the most subtle of touches can drive a Virgo crazy—but you need to know the geography of their body first. The torso is what gets this sign turned on. Consider some gentle bites or kisses up and down the stomach, chest, and along the waistline.
The erogenous zone on a Libra is tucked into their lower back, which also happens to be where many of us physically hold onto stress. Try massaging this sensitive area, and maybe some light scratching. The booty is also a zone that should be paid attention to on a Libra.
A Scorpio is straightforward, passionate, and prefers genital stimulation over all else. This means that their genitals are very sensitive (more so than other signs) and they can get hot and bothered with the lightest of touches. Perhaps try some teasing with kisses, strokes, and finger play around this area.
A Sagittarius is most sensitive around the thighs, hips, and upper legs. Even a fleeting, secret touch under the dinner table is enough to make send a Sagittarius over the edge. Activate those passionate senses by going south and massaging these limbs for surprisingly pleasurable results. Inner thighs especially.
Just like a Sagittarius, the legs and knees are the main erogenous zone of focus. Any leg action, from calf traces to thigh bites, will satisfy a Cappie’s deepest urges. Capricorns feel deeply connected by touch, so give them a few sensual kisses when their legs are up over your shoulders and see what happens.
How come the further down the zodiac signs we go, the further down the body we go? For the Aquarius, ankles and calves are everything. These are often neglected zones that can open up incredible sensations. Try some calf tickling, putting their ankles in handcuffs, and tying them up.
Foot rubs mean the world to a Pisces, so if they kick off their shoes after a long day at work, you know what to do. Anyone with a thing for feet is a potential soulmate of a Pisces. Still, this sign has very sensitive feet, so communicate with them on how much touching they like, and what kind of touch.

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Can you imagine understanding mathematical errands without learning the basics of addition subtraction division & multiplication. The answer is a universal number, so this is what our zodiac signs are for each one of us. Our zodiac can give you so many intricate characteristics about us to which we were blind always. So is here to give you sneak peek into your zodiac.

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Every sign in the zodiac has at least one or two hidden erogenous zones on their body that have to power to get them seriously turned-on.
Some signs love having their hair played with, some are suckers for those neck kisses and some will melt if you give them a sensual back massage.
So today, I present to you, the hidden erogenous zones of the zodiac signs!
Aries erogenous zone: their head, face and hair.
Aries can’t say no to a deep and satisfying head massage. Not only will it leave them feeling calmer and happier… but it can put them in a state of total arousal.
They’ll also shiver with waves of euphoria if you gently run your fingers through their hair!
Taurus erogenous zone: the back of their neck.
The Taurus has a hidden erogenous zone right on the back of their neck.
Simply running your fingers up and down this area can induce a powerful response and sensual kisses can drive them crazy with lust!
Gemini erogenous zone: their hands and arms.
Geminis are surprisingly responsive to being touched on their hands and arms.
Massaging the back of their hand as well as giving them a light tickle up their arms can seriously raise their arousal levels.
Cancer erogenous zone: chests, abs and breasts.
Cancers are extremely sensitive and receptive to touch around their chest area. They love to be kissed, massaged and can even get into a bit of soft biting.
Anything involving their nipples is also a surefire way to get them hot and bothered!
Leo erogenous zone: their back and shoulders.
Leos have a bit of a weakness for being touched anywhere on their back area. They love deep and sensual shoulder and back massages.
Running your fingers along their spine is also a surprisingly effective way to gets their endorphin’s going.
Virgo erogenous zone: their stomach and waistline.
Virgos have a hidden erogenous zone right in the middle of their stomachs. When touched around this area it can induce arousal and have a very powerful effect on them.
Kissing them along their waistline is also sure to drive them wild!
Libra erogenous zone: their lower back area.
The Libra has an erogenous zone tucked away on their lower back. Simply giving them a gentle massage around this area can be a powerful way to send their libido soaring.
Throw in a few light scratches too and you can make them lose their mind!
Scorpio erogenous zone: their genital region.
Sure, most people get hot and bothered having their junk touched but for Scorpio this is especially true.
Their biggest erogenous zone is focused and concentrated right around their genital region making them extremely sensitive to even the lightest of touch.
Sagittarius erogenous zone: their thighs and hips.
If you’re looking to turn a Sagittarius on then you should pay close attention to their thighs and hips.
These little-known erogenous zones are extremely responsive to any sort of touching, kissing, or massaging.
Simply running your hands lightly along their inner thigh can be enough to make them weak at the knees!
Capricorn erogenous zone: their legs and knees.
The Capricorn has an erogenous zone right around their knees and legs. This often overlooked area is super receptive to all kinds of physical contact.
Try running your hands up and down each of their legs and even lightly tickling the back of their knees and they’ll get giddy and playful real fast.
Aquarius erogenous zone: their calves and ankles.
It’s a well-kept secret that Aquarians are extremely sensitive around their calves and ankles.
Pay close attention to these areas the next time you’re showing them affection and you’ll be amazed at how receptive they are to your touch!
Pisces has a hidden erogenous zone right in the souls of their feet. If you offer them a foot massage you’ll find they rarely turn it down.
Play with their toes and gently rub the bottom of their feet and you’ll leave them feeling utterly relaxed and even a little turned-on!

What Are The Zodiac Erogenous Zones? - Spice Things Up!
Astrology says a lot about you sexually, including where your pleasure points are located and which parts of your body are the most receptive to stimulation and touch. What are your zodiac sign's erogenous zones? Knowing how to please your partner in bed is down to knowing where you need to focus your attention and with which level of intensity. Everyone is different and needs something special to be turned on, find out what you and your lover need.


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