Aries Sex Tips

Aries Sex Tips


Aries Sex Tips
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So you’ve bagged a fiery Aries man. Wondering what your new beau likes in bed? Here’s what astrology says about how to please an Aries man sexually.
Are you up for an adventure? Be ready—the Aries guy is going to take you on a wild ride.
He’s passionate and highly sexually driven. It goes without saying that if you know what his turn-ons are, you’re going to rock his world—if you can keep up!
There’s a whole lot more you can learn about the sextrology aspect of being with an Aries man in Aries Man Secrets .
In the meantime, here’s a beginner’s guide to how to please an Aries man sexually.
The Aries man’s sex drive knows no bounds. If your sex drive isn’t high, you may not be ready to handle the Aries sexual appetite. You’ve got to love spontaneity to keep the chemistry going between you two.
Routine crushes his soul. He’s far from the Taurus man in that sense. When it comes to sex, Aries doesn’t want to be limited by any time or space constraints. That means he’ll want to do it indoors, outdoors, at a party, in public…you get the picture.
You don’t have to indulge an Aries man every single time he gets riled up. I’m just saying to prepare yourself for a lot of sex, whenever, wherever. If that’s your bag, Aries is your man.
The type of gal who only likes soft, sweet caresses and gentle love making is not going to like an Aries guy’s style. And he’ll be bored, too.
Aries are pretty famous for their tendencies to like it hard and fast. They’re incredibly steamy for the right partner, but others may find them a bit too aggressive.
That’s why the partner who likes it rough is the best match for the Ram. He’ll worship you if you two are on the same page sexually.
Leadership is a defining quality of the sign of Aries. What that means is that the Aries man likes to take charge in all situations, and sex is no different.
This is the kind of man who wants to take control in the bedroom. It turns him on to be the dominant one, so if you’re into that, let him lead. 
A caveat: Make sure you don’t let the Aries get so carried away that he reaches the finish line before you do. He has a tendency to get tunnel vision, and he’ll likely be unaware that you’re not actually getting yours.
So don’t be afraid to give him some direction in that sense. Your pleasure is equally important.
Did I mention that Aries hates routine? As you can imagine, routine sex positions are not popular with him.
If your favorite position is missionary, expand your horizons. In fact, Aries men are known for loving doggie style. But just being into doing something different, including switching positions several times in one session, will indulge his need for spontaneity.
Handcuffs, straps, nipple clamps…yeah, the Aries man is down. Even if he doesn’t introduce some light bondage to the bedroom, when you do, it’s pretty likely that he’s going to be so excited that he won’t be able to contain himself.
You’ve probably noticed as you’ve been reading that a paint-by-numbers lover is not his taste. And his penchant for dominance translates well to BDSM.
Now, if the term scares you, I’m not talking about going full masked leather bodysuit and whips and chains here (though if anyone’s going to meet you on that, it’s Aries). Frisky spanking, tying you to the bed, hair pulling and blindfolds are all part of the BDSM world.
Now that I mention it, he probably likes the spanking part.
Ultimately, spicing things up is the best way to please an Aries man. Don’t worry about scaring him with your requests. Role playing? Sex toys? Fantasies you’ve never fulfilled? Aries is game.
He’s not afraid to try new things, which is good because he wants the same from you. If you’ve ever wanted to experiment in bed, Aries is the man to do it with.
The bottom line is to be creative and bold like your Aries man. He’ll thank his lucky stars you’re all his.
Are you two sexually compatible? Is an Aries man loyal? Answers to questions like these can be found in the comprehensive guide Aries Man Secrets.
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What It's Really Like To Have Sex With An Aries
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Should you be lucky enough to find yourself in the position of having a sexual relationship with an Aries, knowing a thing or two about how to have great sex that keeps them satisfied will go a long, long way in your favor.
The first thing to know is that you should be prepared for a long, hard ride — both literally and figuratively. As lovers, the Rams' fiery personality traits make them the most relentless of all zodiac signs in astrology.
They are known for having particularly great stamina, and for Aries men and women alike, sex is a quest. They go at it wholeheartedly with gusto until both of you are sore (but only in the very best of ways).
An Aries will truly treat sex like a sport, and they won't be satisfied to remain a spectator.
Those born under the sign of Aries (between March 20 and April 20 of any given year) get off on both the challenge and the chase.
In fact, some may enjoy the pursuit and the conquest even more than the act of having sex itself.
As with everything else in their lives, the Aries lover knows what they want and when they want it, and they won't give up willingly until they get it.
Pursuit is the best kind of like foreplay for them.
If their prospective partners are equally aroused by being desired so intensely, that's great! And if not, this may cause huge problems.
After all, there's a fine line between being pursued and stalked ...
Although Aries has the capacity to be very devoted and loving, don't expect hearts, flowers and romance from them, at least not in the traditional sense.
For example, when prodded to say, “I love you,” a typical Aries response could be, "Of course, I love you ... or else I wouldn't be here!"
Get used to it. Aries are highly sensual, but very cut and dry about what they want and need.
Like the other barnyard animals in the zodiac (Capricorn and Taurus), Aries are lusty critters indeed, but more so for Aries because they have the added bonus of being fueled by the "combustibles" characteristic of being a Fire Sign. Aries are most satiated physically when the sex is spontaneous and unrestricted. Wild and uninhibited is their preference.
Remember, as the Evel Knievels among the sun signs, Aries are game for almost anything.
They're known to say that they'll try anything at least once; twice if they really like it. Because of this, it's not uncommon for those born under the sign of Aries to be bisexual, even if it's just occasionally.
I love to tell the story of an Aries friend who found himself in a peep show booth (see, there's that wonderful Aries sense of adventure). When the screen went up, there was a beautiful, bountiful Latina on the other side, who revealed "a Johnson bigger than mine." Instead of being put off by this minor technicality, my buddy made the best of the situation, focused on the bits he liked, and came away with not only a climax, but a hilarious, typically Aries escapade to regale with.
As they do in everyday life, Aries likes to take control in bed. They have an uncanny ability for calling the shots, even when they're on the bottom .
An Aries man can be perfectly content being ridden like a stallion for a time, but he'll somehow manage to take charge using his movements and words even from below, grabbing his partner's buttocks, urging them on, and so forth.
Likewise, the Aries woman is by no means submissive, even when in missionary position. Beneath her partner, she will move like a liquid fire, hips rising up to meet each thrust.
Although Aries tend to be very aggressive in bed, it's never tinged with violence, just super-intense.
Again, if you're expecting violins and rose-petals strewn on the sheets, you will be sadly disappointed.
But if you crave a spontaneous encounter in an alley that leaves you with your legs trembling, then look no further.
For Aries, their heads are their most erogenous zones.
They love it when you muss their hair or grab their face, and vice versa.
It's not uncommon for male Aries to grab a handful of your ponytail as they head down the homestretch. They usually give fantastic head rubs and will be yours forever if you give one in return.
And as for giving or getting "head," well ... that goes without saying.
Aries also tend to have extremely sensitive nipples, although many Aries males might be reluctant to admit this for fear it will make them seem feminine or vulnerable. But rest assured, big, strong Aries men have been known to get rock solid just from a little nipple play.
It's not uncommon for Aries women to have hyper-sensitive nipples and even be able to have orgasms solely from having their nipples stimulated in just the right way .
Simply put, the Aries mate is also very aroused by their partner's sex organs, so be prepared to be put in the spotlight and have your hotspots worshipped.
Adventurous and outrageous, that's what you can expect from Aries between the sheets. Don't be surprised if they spray-paint their pubes bright green just for fun.
Don't expect flowers, but do expect the ride of your life.
Ariella Moonstone has been a sought-after astrologer for several decades, counting many recognizable names among her private clientele. Vivian Woodley, MA/MFT, has been a licensed therapist for more than 20 years, specializing in issues related to sexuality. Their book, The Astrology Sex Diet is available on Amazon.
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Aries sexuality traits reveal that love and sex are both prominent aspects of life. One can be had without the other, and that’s why this whole article is about the sexual desires of Aries. The things in this article hold whether the Aries person is a man or a woman, straight or gay, having sex with a lifelong partner or hooking up with a stranger for the first time.
According to the sexuality traits, Aries people are energetic, exciting, determined , a bit aggressive at times, and full of life. All of these personality traits translate well into their sex lives.
Anyone who is with an Aries person, whether it is just for one night of passion or for a lifetime of love, is sure to have a great time. Aries people love to please themselves, and they are sure to please their partner in the process.
Sex is important for the signs, but what happens before an Aries person has sex is important, too. As per the Aries sexuality traits male and female, both of them love to have sex. They can be impulsive in many areas of their lives, and their sex life is no exception. Aries people love the thrill of impulsive sex.
Aries always need to have sex with strangers. They can be content in long-term sexual relationships, as long as things stay exciting. To keep the excitement, Aries people will often act quickly. There are usually two ways an Aries person goes about foreplay: being hard and passionate or avoiding it altogether and getting right to the point.
What they do will probably depend on who their partner is and how many times they have been with them before. As per the Aries sexuality forecast, when trying to impress, they are more likely to use foreplay. When in a committed, stable relationship, they may jump to it to make sex more exciting.
Aries people are extremely passionate. It doesn’t matter if they have been with someone for years or if they have only just met their new partner. They love to impress their partner. However, they often care more about pleasing themselves than pleasing their partner.
Luckily, Aries often please their partner while they are focusing on pleasing themselves. Aries people love to play the leader in both their work life, social life, and in their sex life. They prefer to be dominant, and on topmost of the time, so they will be the happiest when they are with someone who prefers to be submissive or on the bottom.
According to Aries love compatibility , sex with Aries people is energetic and passionate. If a person can’t keep up with an Aries person, things are not likely to last long with them.
Among the zodiac signs, Aries is one of the kinkier signs. They will get bored easily if they only have “vanilla” or plain sex. They like to mix things up and keep things fresh and exciting. These people don’t constantly need new partners to be happy, but they do need to keep trying new things to be content in their sex lives.
Aries people love to be dominant in the bedroom, and they can sometimes be a bit aggressive because of this. Sometimes Aries play this off as being sexy, but some may just be abusive. People in relationships with Aries need to understand this difference if they want to have a healthy relationship.
The Aries sexuality facts show that when being aggressive in a sexy way, Aries will often have sex a little rougher than the other signs do. They may also be into bondage or other kinks that make them more dominant and their partner more submissive. An Aries will sometimes act submissive to mix things up, but for the most part, they will be happiest when they are in charge.
Aries loves to have sex, but that doesn’t mean that sex with every sign is going to be great. Some zodiac partners are just better for Aries than others.
Aries people are sure to have a great sex life when they are with another Aries person. Their energy will help to drive each other to try new and creative things. It may be difficult at times because both people will want to be in charge, but they can learn to make it work.
An Aries person should not expect much from a Taurus person in the bedroom. They like to take things slow and steady, and they can’t keep up with an Aries person. However, their submissive attitude may be seen as attractive at times.
Gemini people love to have a good time. They are highly creative people, which can help to entertain an Aries person. As per the Aries sex drive, together, they can have a passionate sexual relationship full of energy and some kinks.
Cancer people are okay in bed when they are with Aries people. They aren’t the worst partner, but they aren’t the best, either. They tend to be submissive, and an Aries person will love knowing that they can do just about anything they want to with them.
When Aries and Leo get together for sex, it is sure to be electric. Leo is insanely creative and just as energetic as an Aries person. However, Leo people also love to be in charge, so this dynamic pair will need to learn how to take turns.
Virgo people may not seem like they’d make a good match for Aries, but when it comes to sex, they are nearly perfect for each other. Virgos tend to be submissive, which leaves Aries to be in charge as often as they want. Although they look tame, Virgos can also add some passion to the bedroom as well.
Libra people like to be dominant at times, and submissive at other times. Sometimes they feel kinky, and other times they want plain vanilla sex. All in all, Libra people make good sometimes partners for Aries, but an Aries would likely get bored to sleep with Libra people all of the time.
Scorpio people are some of the most passionate out there. They are also creative, and they don’t mind playing the submissive or trying out new kinks. Based on the Aries compatibility in sex, they can make for a great sexual partner for Aries people.
Sagittarius people are creative and carefree as anyone could be. They are not shy about hooking up and pushing sex to the limits, which an Aries person is sure to find attractive. These two will make a great pair, whether they are having a fling or a serious relationship together.
Capricorn people are not so creative by themselves, so they do not come up with many of their ideas. However, they are willing to try new things if someone else thinks of something fun to do, and Aries people almost always have something new on their mind.
Aquarius people are creative like Aries people, and they love trying out new kinks, but they don’t want to be submissive all of the time. Aries people will need to learn to be submissive at times if this relationship is to work.
Pisces people are more romantic than sexual, but they still know how to be passionate in bed. They will love to try new things, but they aren’t usually the type to want to have sex as often as an Aries person will want to.
The zodiac sexual compatibility shows that Aries people lead an exciting sex life, and only those with enough energy and creativity will be able to keep up. Anyone who sleeps with an Aries person, whether it only happens once or a hundred times, is sure to be in for a good time.
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Be honest. You’re dying to know how your new Aries man fares under the sheets. 
The good news is I can help you out with this!
Better yet, I also have 14 handy tips to help you turn him on. 
Without further ado, let’s get down to (dirty) business! 
Aries men are charismatic talkers. They can charm their way into your hearts – and your panties.
So don’t be surprised if he ends up spewing a lot of sweet words and promises. It’s part of his game – and that is to get you home. 
And, should you decide to play hard to get, know that it’ll only turn him more. 
He likes the chase, for it makes the prize of his conquest (aka you) even sweeter! 
One of the best things about an Aries man is that he won’t skip foreplay.
You can expect him to spend a lot of time on foreplay – using toys or restraints along the way. 
Being ever aggressive, he may bite or suck you hard while he’s down on you.
He may even spank you along the way! 
While he may not necessarily ask you if you’re done (he’s chauvinistic that way,) he’ll make it a point to spend a long time in your nether areas. 
Aries men are powerful and intense. Fortunately for you, they’re sure to bring these traits to the bedroom. 
It’s not surprising that they’re dominant sexual partners – but not necessarily in the BDSM sense. Then again, they’re open to this! 
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