Aries In Bed Man

Aries In Bed Man


Aries In Bed Man
The Aries man loves confident women who aren't afraid to speak their minds. They have dark fantasies and when they fall for you, they could find it difficult to keep their hands off you.
So, what is an Aries man attracted to? How to seduce and please an Aries man in bed? Which zodiac signs are sexually compatible with the Aries man?
Here are few things which will help you attract an Aries man in bed, turn him on and drive him crazy!
Aries is passionate, energetic and competitive. If your Aries man likes you , you'll feel an intense sexual energy around him from the first night. They like to take charge and accomplish their goals. This is a sign that is a bit aggressive and impulsive. They may also throw a fit of rage if they are disrespected or disregarded in their relationship.
An Aries man does not mind experimenting with their sex life. The men born under the Aries Zodiac sign are indeed insanely curious individuals. They dislike a monotonous routine for a spicy sex life is what they desire from their partner. As soon as boredom creeps in, the Aries man will rush out to greener pastures.
Aries men have the capacity to give their partners a great sexual experience. It does not matter whether this is a fling or a serious relationship. They are givers and enjoy being on the top when they make love. Sex is important for the Aries natives.
Aries males need to feel the excitement in their relationships or they could be turned off quickly. They want to accomplish a lot in little time and hence, they could act hastily. Aries men love to leave an impression on their mates each time they get intimate.
Aries is one of the kinkiest signs of the Zodiac.
They will easily give up if they have to deal with a boring partner between the sheets. Give them "vanilla" sex and they will bail out.
They do have the potential to be promiscuous if they are dissatisfied. But once they are deeply committed to their partners, they may crave for more excitement and change in bed rather than changing partners frequently.
Aries men seek instant satisfaction of their sexual needs. They will love some BDSM and seek satisfaction from some unusual kinks. Aries can talk dirty fluently in and outside the bedroom. Intimate conversations turn him on. Seduce them and they will lure you to the bed in no time. Once they have their eyes on you, they'll treat you like a conquest they have to win at all costs.
They need a submissive partner who allows them to explore and experiment without inhibitions. However, whether they are in it for the long haul is a different matter altogether.
Now let's see what is the best sexual compatibility of the Aries man. Know that they are most sexually compatible with air and fire signs and least with water signs.
Aries man tends to be a bit too aggressive for the Cancer woman.
While the fiery Aries may be attractive to the sensitive Cancer superficially, problems might surface soon enough when they seek a common ground of understanding.
The Cancer woman may like it slow while the Aries man craves rough sex. Cancer woman may look for warmth and compassion but the warrior Mars-ruled Aries man struggles to stay attached or cling.
However, sex can be exciting when both learn to communicate and trust.
The Leo woman and Aries man have great potential to be the best sexual partners given similar preferences and level of passion they have for each other.
There is high energy in these fire signs that is waiting to surface in their sexual encounters. The need for sexual intimacy is so primal to these signs that a sexless life is a ticket to boredom and disappointment in their relationship.
If this couple learns the art of staying calm, stable and at peace with themselves, sex could be an exhilarating experience.
Burning with passion and energy, what they truly miss is the tenderness of emotions when they make love to each other.
While Scorpio women are revengeful, aggressive, mysterious and passionate, they could end up stonewalling themselves around the reckless and impulsive Aries man.
An intense sexual relationship develops between these zodiac signs.
They could find themselves almost completing each other as they get closer. When they engage with utmost sincerity, respect for space and emotions, their sexual compatibility intensifies manifold.
Libra fills the fiery Aries man with tenderness and emotions while Aries reciprocates his passion with vigor.
The Aquarius woman is unpredictable and wild. She loves her freedom and adventurous spirit. Both share an intense passion that culminates into an active and fulfilling sex life.
However, if Aries tries to dominate the Aquarius woman and the latter puts on a cold face, they will move away from each other in no time.
Sagittarius women love the fiery and passionate instinct of an Aries man.
Both these signs are wild and adventurous. They love to experiment with new sexual positions. The first night with the Aries man will be a very special moment for the Sagittarius woman.
His sexy charm works its magic on her the moment they lock eyes. As they love rough sex, their intimate moments will leave then gasping for breath. They will talk dirty to each other and engage regularly in passionate encounters.
Bold and uninhibited, Sagittarius women will get along really well with an Aries man between the sheets for his stamina is worth all the praise.
The couple will have trouble connecting truly on an emotional level which will affect the physical intimacy between them.
Pisces women are more comfortable being alone than with someone who rushes sex and does not infuse art into lovemaking.
The Aries man is far too aggressive and rash to slow down and reciprocate in a soft and tender fashion when their mind is occupied with important priorities.
For nearly 15 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of the zodiac signs, their characteristics and personality traits, their compatibility, their relationships and their passionate loves, with all the beauty but also all the complexity this can entail.
All the secrets about Zodiac Signs and their compatibility in love revealed

by Denise May 8, 2018, 12:18 pm
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Aries natives praise themselves as great conquerors and masters in bed. They expect a lot from a romantic partner, mainly to keep up the pace with their dominating lead.
Trying hard to make you become enthralled with their charm and sex appeal, these natives also require a bit of cooperation from your part, so that everything is perfect.
With Mars keeping watch , Arians were bound to be aggressive and confident individuals, with a fiery and volcanic attitude when it comes to love-making.
They are in touch with their feral instincts, making sado-masochistic techniques pretty common and desirable.
What really sets an Aries apart from nearly all other zodiac signs is their warlike personality, which goes on to influence how they perceive intimate relationships.
Always seeking to establish control and dominate the flow of the act, nothing makes an Aries more excited than knowing himself on top of the world.
To these natives, what matters the most is the fulfilling of the act, the satisfaction of certain cravings, which is why they tend to overlook the partner’s feeling and happiness.
Leaving aside any kind of foreplay or preparatory stages, they get into the action with no regard for anything else.
Being by far one of the most impulsive and gluttonous people out there, Arians come off as pretty mysterious sometimes, but further observation usually renders their motives quite clear.
There doesn’t seem to be any other stronger motivations to them, apart from receiving the daily dose of sexual pleasure.
Living with that immense sexual appetite is anything if not unbearable and utterly uncomfortable. Arians could very well go insane if they don’t release that pressure building up inside in the quickest time possible. The sooner this gets done, the merrier it is.
With Mars at the helm, no one is expecting this native to be classy and an elegant romantic, courting someone with the patience and perseverance of a true gentleman. Instead, a straightforward and in-the-face attitude is way more like it.
Sex is basically the only thing they will ever think about when seeing a woman, and they feel even more attracted when a woman knows how to capitalize on that.
Experience and insight are highly valued by an Arian, and a woman who possesses these traits is definitely on top of the list.
Being bathed in the volcanic waters of their primordial element, Aries natives are naturally endowed with a sense of royal superiority, or better yet, of hegemony/dominance over others.
They need a strong and reliant partner, and so those who can’t even get the courage to take the first step, are not even worth the effort.
It might also be that taking the initiative is seen as unsuitable for a person of their caliber. Anyway, what is clear here is that Aries natives are looking for confident and straightforward individuals, those who can take some risks and walk out unscathed, eyeing the potential and seizing it by force.
Arians are big fans of sexual games, and we’re not talking about BDSM specifically, although that’s not out of the question either. But this time, we’re focused on their predatory nature.
Taking the role of a hunter, or the other way around, of the prey, can be a very stimulating and replenishing experience for these dynamic natives.
They are thus beings of great sexual prowess and intensity, the satisfaction of which must be prompt and fulfilling enough.
The lack of inhibitions and anxieties further increases their hunger and ability to sate it at the same time. Having sex on the first date ? What a good idea. Practicing voyeurism? Now that’s even more intriguing and thrill-inducing for an Aries individual.
Given all that pent-up sexual appetite (which can turn into straight-up frustration if not properly taken care of), it’s only normal for there to be problems with devotion and loyalty.
If they’re not happy and satisfied, what else can they do, except solve the problem immediately?
More so for single individuals than for couples though, because the latter case implies a certain emotional connection and a fundamental trustworthiness. If it ever comes to that, chances are it will only be something fugitive and non-important.
The zodiac says that Arians are incredibly witty and intellectual, as well as spirited and dynamic (this was already very apparent already).
What it doesn’t say though, is that those perks are quite handy and useful when applied to sexual life. Creativity, restlessness and ferocity.
Are these not the perfect traits of a master in the arts of love-making? The woman who could resist them was probably not born yet, nor will it ever be.
The perfect partners for these Arians are our “go for the kill” Sagittarians. This combination is simply mind-numbing and fantastic. Nothing could ever be in so perfect a harmony than the feelings and experiences of these guys.
Both crave for the maximum level of satisfaction and bliss, and both receive it as a result. The apex of an intimate relationship, this is what an Aries and a Sagittarius succeed in doing.
Filled with nothing but boundless energy and a wicked sense of pleasure, these natives are among the best couples in the world, in terms of compatibility, if not the most successful.
Free of all limitations and hesitations, their love touches the realm of paroxysm and uninhibited bliss.
An Aries native prefers their partners smart, intuitive and dominating, the latter being almost an essential perk, the lack of which will almost certainly lead to disaster.
If your aim is to make them become utterly attached and obsessed with you, pay close attention to how sexual fantasies and dreams are achieved.
Their attitudes and behaviors, impulses and reactions, these are very important, in order to find a way of taking a more active role in the relationship.
Staying put and waiting for them to do everything will eventually make it all fall into nothingness, so avoid inactivity.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope .

Copyright 2022 © Building Beautiful Souls, Inc. .
Anyone with a fondness for an Aries Man knows this creature is not like any other! Like the hero we so often read about in the works of Lord Byron (and a decadent dessert), your Aries Man can be oh so very good and oh so very bad – all at once!
When an Aries male isn’t dark, emotionally intense, deep, and broody, he’s a force of energetic action. This Zodiac Sign is filled with ambition, courage, and fiery enough to inspire! There’s no doubt when you’ve encountered the Aries Man as he is one with the all-consuming, set-you-on-fire gaze and the smoking hot persona to match! So just what makes the Aries Man so fascinating?
Aries men are industrious, independent, and willful; they march to the beat of their own drum, and, for the most part, remain amiable and optimistic. A born-to-lead kind of individual, you’ll find your Aries Man has many positive qualities.
Because the Aries Man has so much awesomeness to offer, the good outweighs the otherwise negative attributes associated with this fiery sun sign! You’ll find it a whole lot easier to overlook his somewhat inflated ego, rash decision making, poor temperament, and impatience. Just remember this ooh la la bad boy can turn into the ‘terrible two’s tyrant’ in 0 to 15 seconds. This means the Aries Man will require a woman who is ready for the roller coaster ride of a lifetime!
Now, let’s find out a bit more about this powerful Aries Man of yours and just what there is to love!
The planet Mars rules over the sun sign of Aries, and it is a perfectly suited match being “The Red Planet,” and having similar fiery properties. With Mars as the ruling planet, the Aries Man becomes one who is highly passionate, energetic and is one who carries a level of determination matched by few in this lifetime. If you find personal drive and steadfast characteristics attractive, the Aries male is likely to melt your heart and quickly!
While the key mantra of the people under this sun sign is “I am,” it might seem more appropriate to say the mantra of men who are born under this sign might just as well be “Carpe diem … Seize the Day,”. Though it easily could be the famous words of Julius Caesar, “Vini, Vidi, Vici” or “I came, I saw, I conquered!” (And Caesar didn’t give one iota about comma splices either…)
The deepest desire of the Aries Man, thanks to the planet influencing him, is to act … immediate action! You won’t find an Aries male acting like a wallflower or sitting on a bench waiting to get in the game. Instead, these confident creatures are at the ready to take the lead, and their natural competitive nature compels the Aries Man to take on challenges and obstacles “head on” just like the forceful Ram!
As Aries is the sun sign ruling the head, it is the same region of the body serving as the erogenous zone for the Aries male. There’s just nothing like a seriously intense hair washing, scalp massaging, hair stroking encounter to stir up desire in the Aries male.
The cheeks and ears are particularly sensitive to the touch, and Aries men love having their face stroked as you touch them! Whisper ever so softly in an Aries Man’s ear and watch the magic happen!
As an adventurous soul and Aries Man translates the same risk and daring into the bedroom. They like straightforward sex but are not afraid to try something new.
If you have a compassionate Aries he’ll be sure to address your needs as well, but sometimes the Aries Man can get carried away by addressing only his own needs instead – he doesn’t necessarily mean to circumvent your personal satisfaction as he gets lost in the moment before he realizes he’s gotten carried away with it!
Since this sun sign makes the Aries male a person who enjoys the thrill of the chase, if you play coy, you might keep his attention, but once he’s won his trophy prize, he may be off on a new hunt in no time whatsoever.
So, what kind of woman captures the Aries’ male’s heart – one who is shy, coy, quiet, and a challenge at every turn! Keep him hopping, and he’s all yours. One note of warning, though, remain loyal and attentive to this male and stray from angering him: He has the fiery wrath of a ram and a short fuse to match!
Confidence, ambition, drive, focused will, pioneering attitude, self-supporting and sufficient, adventurous, energetic, optimistic, and extroverted. Aries males have all these personality traits – all these and more! This Zodiac Sign seeks to forge a path for those who follow.
And then we flip the coin and the not-so-appealing characteristics “rear their head,” in the Aries personality – particularly the characteristics of self-centeredness (remember, the key phrase of this man is “I am” while his key concept is “appearance”) and self-involvement. Just like the myth where Narcissus succumbs to vanity when he falls in love with his own reflection after catching sight of himself in a still pond; so, too, are the Aries men prone to fall when drawn in by their own magnetism!
To harmonize these negative qualities the Aries male would do well to consider his balancing quality of “caution,” and to take care of not falling into the trap excessive self-focus can bring forth.
Aries men do like to have things their way, and a little lie or two won’t stop them from getting it; Good thing for you the Aries male becomes somewhat transparent when trying to lie, so it becomes obvious what your bad boy is up to at the time. His drive might prove to make him rash, quick to make decisions, and can instigate feelings of insecurity. The drive for perfection and to prove one’s self repetitiously in competitive ways can prove physically and mentally exhausting.
The Aries man key challenging personality traits? Short fuse, egocentric thinking, self-centeredness, and emotional insecurity. Aggressive action, Narcissistic behavior, and no thought for others when empathy is required.
The home life of an Aries man should allow him personal freedom and plenty of room to grow independently, even if he is part of a couple or married. He’s an adventurous soul and likes to keep the atmosphere lively with music running in the background, good company, and the presence of family and friends alike. At the same time, the Aries Man very much likes to be the ruler of his own domain and will not tolerate any person, male or female, stepping into the role he plays within the household.
To an Aries male, his home is his fortress, and one where the “weary warrior,” enjoys some good old fashioned quiet time. Occasionally, he wants to safely unwind without the usual façade of always being energetic, and never-endingly resolute. A lover of nature, sometimes a rainy Sunday afternoon with raindrops beating on the windows and rooftop make the perfect nap-time solution for this otherwise tireless weekday warrior.
When thinking about the health and well-being of an Aries man, consider the image of the Ram’s head with large horns, as much of the anatomical associations with this Sun Sign are issues occurring in and around the head, brain, neck, face, throat, and mouth. The Aries man might find himself dealing with fevers, headaches or migraines, depression or other mood disorders, and neuralgia.
The Aries Man also experiences nervous conditions. Since Aries Men are those who tend to forge ahead with projects and responsibilities, sometimes the movement forward is so fast potential injuries and/or accidents are the result. The Aries Male should be particularly careful of these a
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