Argyreia nervosa

Argyreia nervosa

Argyreia nervosa

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Sweet Convolvulus nervosus Burm. Argyreia nervosa is a perennial climbing vine that is native to the Indian subcontinent and introduced to numerous areas worldwide, including Hawaii , Africa and the Caribbean. Though it can be invasive, it is often prized for its aesthetic value. There are two botanical varieties: Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds may be consumed for their various lysergamide alkaloids , such as ergine , \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ unreliable source? The plant is a rare example of a plant whose hallucinogenic properties were not recognized until recent times. While its cousins in the Convolvulaceae family, such as the Rivea corymbosa Ololiuhqui and Ipomoea tricolor Tlitliltzin , were used in shamanic rituals of Latin America for centuries, the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose was not traditionally recognized as a hallucinogen. Its properties were first brought to attention in the s, despite the fact that the chemical composition of its seeds is nearly identical to those of the two species mentioned above, and the seeds contain the highest concentration of psychoactive compounds in the entire family. Within the first one to two years of growth, this plant grows into a compact bush. After that, some of the leaves will fall off and it will elongate into vines. If consistent water availability is not maintained, these vines may die out and be replaced by fresh growth. The vine will dry out to the closest node during this point. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is very well adapted to a dry tropical climate such as areas near rivers and creeks but with a distinct wet and dry season. It is not naturally found in the Wet tropics. The plant can start growing flowers as early as 18 months from seed. For this to occur, there must be sufficient watering and adequate room for the roots to grow; it can take up to five years for the first signs of flowering to become visible. If the leaves receive too much light they will scorch or wilt; this is also seen with lack of watering. Some people place approximately 2—5 centimetres 1—2 in in rich potting soil with a good drainage system. It is very important during the first stages of growth to keep the soil moist, though well drained, as saturation will cause root rot. It is important to keep the mix well aerated. The massive root system of this plant can cause the plant to become rootbound within the first year or so. For example, a 5-year-old plant in a gallon pot after only six months will begin to show signs of becoming rootbound. It is suggested to use a gallon drum or a feeding trough commonly used for livestock and horses. The seeds are found in the pods of dried flowers. These cannot be harvested until the pods are completely dried. There are 3 to 5 seeds , commonly 4, per flower. In most countries it is legal to purchase, sell or germinate Argyreia nervosa seeds, but they are generally unapproved for human consumption. Depending on the country, it may be illegal to buy seeds with the intention to consume them, and several countries have outlawed ergine-containing seeds altogether. In Australia, retailers are required to treat their seeds with chemicals to discourage consumption, and it is illegal to buy or possess untreated seeds. Extracting ergine from Argyreia speciosa seeds is illegal in the USA, since it is a scheduled substance. Argyreia nervosa 'Hawaiian Baby Woodrose' redirects here. For Hawaiian woodrose, see Merremia tuberosa. Argyreia nervosa Argyreia nervosa flowers enlarge Scientific classification Kingdom: Bojer Synonyms Argyreia speciosa L. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Convolvulaceae Plants described in Entheogens Herbal and fungal hallucinogens Natural sources of lysergamides Medicinal plants Invasive plant species in Hawaii Flora of India. Look at other dictionaries: Dictionaries export , created on PHP,. Mark and share Look up in the dictionary Browse synonyms Search through all dictionaries Translate… Search Internet Search in the same category. Argyreia nervosa flowers enlarge. Contents 1 History 2 Morphology 2.

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