Are vape pens safe for our health?

Are vape pens safe for our health?

Edward Jack

Inhaling vapors is almost certainly not completely safe, but the risks are similar to those of tightly regulated drugs and daily activities. Understanding that exposure is the number one factor can further reduce risk. If inhaling vapor is not completely safe, it is even safer to inhale less vapor. This is done by using mouth-to-lung devices and higher nicotine levels, contrary to the current trend of using higher wattage devices with much lower nicotine levels. If you want to buy a shatter pen?

Examining anti-vape propaganda reveals that it comes from ideology rather than science. Millions of dollars have been spent damaging vaping's credibility and confusing the problem. This strange phenomenon will eventually kill millions of people. There are now suffering and dying people who may have benefited from switching from smoking to vaping.

If everyone on the planet inhales steam and no one smokes, it is a net public health benefit. Of course, that's not what I want, but it's pretty bitter that most anti-vaporizes stroking junk science do this, not because of public health concerns, but because of an ideology that has taken root for decades. It shows the points.

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