Are You A Bitch Test

Are You A Bitch Test


Are You A Bitch Test

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time limit:t < 10 min - Developed by: George Smith - Developed on: 2002-12-15 - 19,379 taken - User Rating: 3,6 of 5 - 1,836 Votes
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This Quiz has been designed by George Smith .
You are on the cheerleading squad. (No, this does not automatically make you a bitch) Someone suggests a cheer she thinks would be good to use in the next game. You hate the cheer. What do you say?

You let her know you didn't like the cheer, while giving her a disgusting look, and tell her there is nooo way you will be performing that cheer. It may be harsh, but someone's gotta be upfront with her.
Sit quietly and say nothing. You don't want anyone to think bad of you.
Consider everyone else's opinion. If the majority seem to like it, go with it; it won't kill you. You are pretty flexible.
Tell her you don't want to do the cheer because it looks bad. Besides, you have better ideas, and everyone's entitled to their opinion.
There is a huge party, and all your friends are going together. You have to come an hour after them because you were stuck babysitting your sister. When you get there, you see your friends, but they don't see you. What do you do?

Realize that they are having fun at the party, so you take charge and say hi to them first. You love your friends!
Feel neglected but you just kind of sit on the couch and wait for them to see you. You don't want to interrupt their fun.
Get a little mad they didn't notice you. You begin to wonder if they are your true friends, after all real friends always notice you.
Get pissed off and assume they are trying to ignore you, so you ignore them for about an hour. How could they NOT see you come in?
You and your friends are all at the mall. While one of your friends is getting food, you go into your favorite store. Your friend meets you in the store and asks you if they have cool clothes in there. Your response...

Say "Uhhh.. we're in the store." She can look herself. You aren't supposed to know her opinion.
Just give her a casual..."yeah.." Later on you can tell all of your friends how lazy she was being.
Say, "Yeah, it's pretty cool." Then ask her what she thinks of it. You love listening to other peoples opinions.
Give her your honest opinion of the store. You guys are friends and love sharing opinions!!
Not to my face, or at least not that I know of.
Heck no!! Nobody would ever call me that.
Yes, plenty of times by people and possibly a friend. Hey, it's not my fault they think that!
Yeah, some people deserve it. Besides, nobody is perfect.
If I am extremely pissed off at someone, maybe I will throw a look in.
If I have a good reason to, of course.
No, dirty looks don't help anything.
Most of the time I talk to my close friends, but once in a while I talk with someone I don't know to well if I have a reason to.
I prefer to only talk to my close friends. Friends should spend time together and you really don't have time to get to know more people.
I talk to anyone and everyone, and I am really nice to them, even when I feel like being a little mean. It is kind of hard for me to stand up to people.
I talk to my close friends, and people I don't know very well. I like to get to know other people.
Somebody tells you that you look a little chubby in the pants you are wearing. What do you say?

Give them a nasty "Fuck you." If they're being mean to you, you can be mean back. They need to know not to mess with you.
Tell them they don't look so great themselves. Some people are so rude!
Don't say anything, but cry when you go home, and never wear the pants again.
Gently tell them you hurt your feelings, but you respect their opinion. Hey, some people just have different opinions.
Do you talk about some of your friends behind their backs?

Sometimes. It helps you to get your feelings out.
Yeah, but everyone does.. and plus I only talk about them when they do something that pisses me off. And I make sure I make the person look bad. They deserve it.
I ONLY say good things about all of my friends.
Rarely. Only when something happens that really needs to be talked about.
When someone makes a suggestion that you don't agree with, what do you do?

Listen to their opinion and tell them you feel the same. You don't want to cause a dispute.
Tell them your opinion. You know once they hear it they will agree with you.
Consider their opinion, and nicely suggest your own. Maybe you guys can compromise.
I usually find myself getting defensive. I have my own opinions and I don't want to consider others.

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Hannah Smothers
Hannah writes about health, sex, and relationships for Cosmopolitan, and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram .

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Time to face facts: Everyone is a bitch. But not all bitches are the same. Some are passive-aggressive, some are aggressive-aggressive, and others are, frankly, terrifying. See how your bitchy tendencies measure up in these bitchy polls, and find out what kind of bitch you are in your heart of hearts.
You're an aggressive bitch. You don't take any shit, and people know this about you. You have zero patience for people messing with you, you do not tolerate personal injustice, and if you have a problem with someone? They know it. Oh, they know it.
You're a passive-aggressive bitch. People shouldn't cross you, but they probably don't know that, because all of your retaliative measures are private and secretive. You pride yourself on being "non-confrontational," but actually you're just discretely confrontational. Are you scorpio? I bet you're a scorpio.

Find out if your a bitch from this test((:
A ex friend has just wrote about you in the bathroom walls and it was your biggest secret EVER! And just to top it off the janitor can't wash it off for another week! So every girl will see it at your school..What do you do?
Write about that bitch two and make it all lies just to piss her off!!! ((:
Go in the bathroom and spread a rumor that, that bitch fucked a teacher so she gets expelled. ((:
Go and comfort that bitch for what she really is which is a fake and make sure you tell everyone that she is. ((:
That would never happen to mean im too nice to do any of that, i mean i have been called the angel of my generation((:
Your enemy has been talking shit about you to everyone in the cafeteria ...They are starting to belive it what do you do??
Comfront her for what she has done and make her feel like a fool that bitch is gonna pay...
Go right up to that bitch and sock her in the face she deserves it anyway and then take your water all pour it all over her... ((: hehehe
 Have someone tell her that if she dosen't stop that bitch is gonna pay!!!(you do this because you don't wanna draw attension)..
Go talk to the principal get that bitch in t.r.o.u.b.l.e((:
Your friend has asked you if you wanna hang out today and you promised her, then you get a call from your bf and he asks you if you wanna go to a movie today. What do you do?
Seriously I would call my friend up and cancel I mean it's my bf what do you expect!! ((:
Call up my friend and tell her i can't make it and when she begins to ask why you " Cause I can bitch, now suck it!" hehe ((:
Tell your bf you can't but wish that you cancelled on your friend insted of your bf, you have now realized you would have more fun with him...((;
You cancell on your bf cause you know what they say bf are in the moment but best friends are forever..((:
If you and your friends got into a little arguement what would you do?
Start to yell in her face obivously your always right..
Slap that bitch in the face and take her down whille your doing that start to yell in her ear and say "Hell ya whos the right one now!?"
Disagree with her and call her names, then go back to being friends. I mean we r not always gonna get along, right?
Agree or just drop the subject because you don;t want to cause an arguement((:
Your at a night club with your bf and you see a hotass guy comming onto you what do you do?
Be like "HELL YA" even though you know your bf is sensitve and will probualy break up with you...
Tottally ditch you boyfriend for a "new peice of ass"...
Dance a lil with the new guy then go back to your boyfriend...
*point at your boyfriend until the unwanted dancer goes away*...
It's lunchtime and you are sat at your desk at work. An extremely overweight girl walks up to you and asks if she can borrow some money for lunch as she is short on cash until the end of the month. You recognise her immediately - she is that girl who has been smiling at your boyfriend and acting flirty with him whenever he comes to pick you up from work. Now she is asking you for money - what do you do?
Smile, hand her some cash and say, "Yes of course, no problem". You are happy to help someone in need. Deep down you feel secure within yourself that she doesn't stand a chance with your man - no matter how much she flirts.
Pretend you don't have any money and say, "I'm sorry, I don't have any cash on me today because my boyfriend is gonna be here soon. He's treating me to dinner, and afterwards we're going shopping for a size 10 dress.". You make sure you ram every word down her jealous, burning throat, so this fat bag of lard realises he is YOUR MAN and doesn't flirt with him again.
Look up and say, "Why don't you go look in the toilet you retarded lard monster? You crap out enough corn to feed a family of 6 for a whole year so I'm sure you can find something to munch on if you sift through your splutterbeans!". You then smile and say, "Oh and by the way, my boyfriend says to stay the hell away from him - he doesn't want your scabies!". You add even more fuel to the fire by repeatedly saying, "Waddle! Waddle!" as she walks away - in tears!
Your best friend comes up to you seeking advice on a serious problem. Basically she got jiggy with some old man down at the club last night and she cannot stop itching "down there". She thinks she has a sexually transmitted disease and is really worried. What do you do?
You care a lot about her and so naturally you are really concerned. You advice her to go see a doctor immediately.
Deep down you cringe with disgust but you try not to show it. You advise to see a doctor. Then without making it too obvious, you try your best to keep away from her, despite knowing that crabs can only be caught through sexual contact. You talk about her behind her back, and tell people not to say anything to anyone about it - knowing very well they'll still go ahead and tell the whole world!
Laugh in her face and tell her to stuff plenty of ice down her knickers to keep the crabs fresh, incase the VD doctors need to analyze them for new species of fungus and e-coli. You then suggest she shave her pits, brows, lashes and nipples in case her "visitors from beyond the bush" get sick of the smell of muffville and decide to migrate somewhere cleaner. You finally crown your streak of bitchiness by emailing all your friends and giving them the good news.
Say ew and never talk to her again, you wouldn't even want a bestfriend that gets it on with old men!!!
You find several condoms in your man's wallet - which is rather odd considering you are on the pill. There's obviously something suspicious going on here. What do you do?
Demand an explanation - you're certain there's got to be a reasonable explanation for this.
You grab him from behind, wrestle him to the floor, tie him up and electrocute his happy sack with a 200,000 volt tazer until he confesses! Demand that he spill the beans on his new bitch, otherwise you will shock his nutmegs until the hairs fall out.
Grab a fine needle and discreetly perforate every single condom with more holes than a golf course. You crown your revenge by burning his collection of Maxim magazines, and re-wiring his Playstation so it explodes when he switches it on.
Ask for a reason about this in a good manner....
You are on holiday and are sharing a hotel room with your best friend. She decides to pop out to pick up a few supplies from the local store. As you are sat there alone in the hotel room, you notice a piece of paper sticking out of the back pocket of your friend's pair of jeans (which she casually tossed on the bed). Upon closer inspection it turns out to be your boyfriend's cellphone number! What do you do?
Forget about it - its probably nothing to worry about. You know deep down your boyfriend would never betray you or break his allegiance with you. You'll ask him later, and find out what its all about.
Screw up the piece of paper and throw it at her nose whilst demanding an explanation. You threaten to rearrange her ugly face with a toilet brush, unless she spills the beans about her little affair!
Go into the bathroom, grab her toothbrush and ram it so far up your ass, it hits your kidneys. You then brush your brown-eye squeaky clean before using your phone cam to take a photograph of the handle sticking out of your bunghole. You pee on it a little before discretely drying and placing her toothbrush exactly as you found it. You then send her the phone-cam pics via email 2 weeks later with a message saying, "How does my ass taste, you back-stabbing little slut!?". You take the liberty of sending the pics to everyone you know - along with pics of your boyfriend's smashed up XBox.
Yell at her for what she is doing that bitchh!!!!!
 Your next door neighbour knocks on your door one day, and tells you she is having trouble maintaining a relationship, as every guy she dates seems to disappear or not bother calling her. She's never been the most attractive girl in the world, and deep down she probably realises this. She's very upset and wants your advice. What do you do?
Invite her in, make her a cup of coffee, listen to everything she has to say and then reassure her that its the guys who are missing out on such a wonderful person and that she will find Mr.Right real soon.
You're not interested in her problems. Tell her you have a date tonight and you have to get ready quickly because your long-term boyfriend will be here any moment. You gain a lot of pleasure from watching her well up with envy.
Laugh and say, "Awww are you not seeing any action? Maybe its because your face looks like someone tried to put out a forest fire with a screwdriver! Why don't you shove a horse-shoe up your gaping anus for good luck and see if that helps, you Picasso-faced skank-whore!"
 You are single, and somehow this really cute guy winds up working in your office. Just one problem - one of your friends who works in the same office, also likes him. What do you do?
Keep cool, leave it alone and let nature handle it. At the end of the day if he likes you for who you are then you are confident he will go for you. And if he doesn't like you, then its just not meant to be.
You go upto your friend and make some snide comment about him, which makes the two of you laugh. You make sure he clearly sees the two of you giggling away and looking in his direction. Then later on, go up to the guy and tell him "what she said about him" and make her out to be some kind of super-bitch. You use this opportunity to start a nice little friendship with the guy.
Go to the chemist and buy a bottle of antibiotics. You carefully peel off the label, scan it into your computer and add your friend's name to it, along with the words "Anti-Gonorrhoea Treatment - Take 3 Times a Day". You then print it out, stick it to the bottle and casually leave it on the floor, near the cute guy's desk for him to "accidentally find".



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