Are Shemales Real

Are Shemales Real


Are Shemales Real
Do shemales shown in porn videos really exist?
What do transgenders do to make their penises big?
What are the origin of the shemales? Are they natural or are they made by surgery?
What is the difference between a shemale and a trans woman? Which is akin to a hijra in India?
What are some pictures of trans women with a nice penis and balls?
transgender male and bisexual · · 4 y ·
What do transgenders do to make their penises big?
What are the origin of the shemales? Are they natural or are they made by surgery?
What is the difference between a shemale and a trans woman? Which is akin to a hijra in India?
What are some pictures of trans women with a nice penis and balls?
Do trans women who have penises generally like penetrating their partners or using their penises sexually, or do they abhor them and avoid their use?
Can a shemale have sex with a woman?
What shemale has the biggest penis?
Do porn shemales really exist, or are they men with boob jobs?
What is a shemale and girl sex look like?
How do some transsexual porn stars have such a feminine body but still have functioning male genitalia? Wouldn't taking female hormones and testosterone blockers which make the body very feminine make the male parts no longer "work"?
What are the secrets of ladyboys to have bigger penis?
What do transgenders do to make their penises big?
What are the origin of the shemales? Are they natural or are they made by surgery?
What is the difference between a shemale and a trans woman? Which is akin to a hijra in India?
What are some pictures of trans women with a nice penis and balls?
Do trans women who have penises generally like penetrating their partners or using their penises sexually, or do they abhor them and avoid their use?
Can a shemale have sex with a woman?
What shemale has the biggest penis?
Do porn shemales really exist, or are they men with boob jobs?
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Yes they are, what is usually called shemale in porn is usually preop trans persons (m2f) that have breast augmentation and some cosmetic surgery, sometimes hormone treatment, sometimes just good make-up to give a more female appearance.
I have been with a few shemale escorts in the past, so I can say that this is really existing, I have been with a few that would have made very attractive trans porn stars, I believe one time I was with one that I actually knew from a movie that I have seen before.
(I hope that my choice of words is not disrespectful, I was actually very fascinated by transsexua
Yes they are, what is usually called shemale in porn is usually preop trans persons (m2f) that have breast augmentation and some cosmetic surgery, sometimes hormone treatment, sometimes just good make-up to give a more female appearance.
I have been with a few shemale escorts in the past, so I can say that this is really existing, I have been with a few that would have made very attractive trans porn stars, I believe one time I was with one that I actually knew from a movie that I have seen before.
(I hope that my choice of words is not disrespectful, I was actually very fascinated by transsexual escorts in the past)
There are also some f2m transsexual persons in porn of course.
Before I answer your question, let me tell you that you should not say shemale when referring to a trans woman. It is very offensive and it is a slur.
Yes, trans women exist. Women who were born with a penis exist.
They are born (in most cases) with a ‘male’ body, with a penis and testicles, and the XY chromosome.
But the brain is different, where that they are not a boy, and wish to become a girl. They will likely change their name from their male name to a female name, and request that people call them ‘she’ and ‘her’ instead of ‘he’ and ‘him’.
Through hormone therapy (getting shots of oestrogen
Before I answer your question, let me tell you that you should not say shemale when referring to a trans woman. It is very offensive and it is a slur.
Yes, trans women exist. Women who were born with a penis exist.
They are born (in most cases) with a ‘male’ body, with a penis and testicles, and the XY chromosome.
But the brain is different, where that they are not a boy, and wish to become a girl. They will likely change their name from their male name to a female name, and request that people call them ‘she’ and ‘her’ instead of ‘he’ and ‘him’.
Through hormone therapy (getting shots of oestrogen and suppressing the testosterone their body makes) they can change their bodies to further become their desired look. They may also get surgeries to get breasts and a vagina.
Some girls decide on a career path as a porn star, specialising in ‘transgender porn’. Many titles of these videos use slurs like “shemale” and “tranny”. DO NOT use these words. They are very offensive.
Do some research about trans women! This is a very compressed and simplified explanation of the lovely ladies of the trans community.

Do real transsexuals and "shemale porn" have nothing in common?
I was born a girl. It just took me a while to catch on! · Author has 1.5K answers and 4.7M answer views · 4 y ·
I’m confused about sexuality because of TS porn. I consider myself a straight male, not attracted to men, but I get hornier with transsexual porn than regular ones. I think I like transsexuals more than women. How should I feel about this? I'm lost.
Can a shemale have sex with a woman?
What are some pictures of trans women with a nice penis and balls?
How do some transsexual porn stars have such a feminine body but still have functioning male genitalia? Wouldn't taking female hormones and testosterone blockers which make the body very feminine make the male parts no longer "work"?
queer trans woman · Author has 2K answers and 8.9M answer views · 6 y ·
I’m confused about sexuality because of TS porn. I consider myself a straight male, not attracted to men, but I get hornier with transsexual porn than regular ones. I think I like transsexuals more than women. How should I feel about this? I'm lost.
Can a shemale have sex with a woman?
What are some pictures of trans women with a nice penis and balls?
How do some transsexual porn stars have such a feminine body but still have functioning male genitalia? Wouldn't taking female hormones and testosterone blockers which make the body very feminine make the male parts no longer "work"?
Do porn shemales really exist, or are they men with boob jobs?
I fantasies fucking a shemale, is It normal?(
Do shemales shown in porn videos really exist?
Why am I attracted to transgender women?
Do trans women who have penises generally like penetrating their partners or using their penises sexually, or do they abhor them and avoid their use?
Does being attracted to transgender women who have penises, or porn involving them, mean a woman is gay?
I’m confused about sexuality because of TS porn. I consider myself a straight male, not attracted to men, but I get hornier with transsexual porn than regular ones. I think I like transsexuals more than women. How should I feel about this? I'm lost.
Can a shemale have sex with a woman?
What are some pictures of trans women with a nice penis and balls?
How do some transsexual porn stars have such a feminine body but still have functioning male genitalia? Wouldn't taking female hormones and testosterone blockers which make the body very feminine make the male parts no longer "work"?
Do porn shemales really exist, or are they men with boob jobs?
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I mean, maybe we’re just all figments of your imagination and don’t really exist.
If a tree falls in a forest with nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound?
A little more seriously, the word “shemale” is a wildly offensive way to refer to transgender women.
It is a term that does rear its head in the sex industry, as some other commenters pointed out. That doesn’t make it at all polite or kind, even within that line of work.
It’s a slur, plain and simple. It’s a way to insult trans women, to reduce them to a disgusting fetish and nothing more.
I mean, maybe we’re just all figments of your imagination and don’t really exist.
If a tree falls in a forest with nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound?
A little more seriously, the word “shemale” is a wildly offensive way to refer to transgender women.
It is a term that does rear its head in the sex industry, as some other commenters pointed out. That doesn’t make it at all polite or kind, even within that line of work.
It’s a slur, plain and simple. It’s a way to insult trans women, to reduce them to a disgusting fetish and nothing more.
Lord help you if call me that to my face.
I assume, based on the question, that you have seen what is commonly called “shemale” porn and are wondering if the people you see in that porn are real.
The simple answer is yes . The transgender women in mainstream porn are not a special effect or something like that, they are people who were born with penises who have transitioned to live as women using hormones and sometimes surgery (such as breast implants).
The slightly more complicated answer is that like pretty much all porn, what you see on screen doesn’t really reflect real life. Sex in pornography is staged to show what they think peop
I assume, based on the question, that you have seen what is commonly called “shemale” porn and are wondering if the people you see in that porn are real.
The simple answer is yes . The transgender women in mainstream porn are not a special effect or something like that, they are people who were born with penises who have transitioned to live as women using hormones and sometimes surgery (such as breast implants).
The slightly more complicated answer is that like pretty much all porn, what you see on screen doesn’t really reflect real life. Sex in pornography is staged to show what they think people want to see, not to reflect how people typically have sex. This is at least as true with pornography featuring trans people as it is with anything else. But the people you see doing it are actual people.

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Is Hermaphrodites and Shemale two different things and are they born like that?

Is Hermaphrodites and Shemale two different things and are they born like that?

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Is Hermaphrodites and Shemale (I know shemale is a porn name but I dont know the real name of it) two different things and are they born like that? I heard that shemale is some one who looks like a woman but have a penis so are there any one like that, I mean do they born like that and I heard that a Hermaphrodites is some one who have both penis and a vagina, so if there are any one like that, are they born like that.

And can any one tell me the real name of shemale



In my experience, "shemale" is a derogatory term for a hermaphrodite, which is a person with a rare condition whereby they are born with the genitalia of both a male and a female. Therefore a male or female that looks like the opposite sex is not a hermaprodite, they are just a particularly masculine female or a feminine male.



Do you mean transgender? By shemale, I assume you're referring to men who have had hormone therapy and breast implants but are pre-op. Then again, not all transgender people undergo gender-reassignment surgery.

That's completely different to hermaphroditism.



Shemales are actually males whom under hormonal changes to become women in actual sense transgender whilst hermaphrodites are born with it if you a girl you have a penis but because you a girl it's smaller that's what I know



In the medical community, a “shemale” (offensive, derogatory term) is the same a hermaphrodite. Hermaphrodites (today called ‘Intersexed’ or Intersex individuals) are born that way. However, contrary to common belief, they do NOT (or RARELY) have, both gender organs (a vagina AND a penis). Intersex individuals typically have only ONE functioning sexual organ, meaning they may have (non-functioning) ovaries, non-lactating breasts, but a functioning penis (albeit small). Functioning in the sense that they are able to have an erection and engage in intercourse, but unable to produce children. Intersex people typically have an imbalance of both male



( Original post by Sazzy890 )
In my experience, "shemale" is a derogatory term for a hermaphrodite, which is a person with a rare condition whereby they are born with the genitalia of both a male and a female. Therefore a male or female that looks like the opposite sex is not a hermaprodite, they are just a particularly masculine female or a feminine male.

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