Are Sagittarius Selfish

Are Sagittarius Selfish


Are Sagittarius Selfish
I recently shared with a friend that my ascendant sign is Sagittarius. He responded with surprise and said he never would have guessed it. When I inquired why. He said that I did not strike him as very self-centered. According to him, Sagittarians are very egotistical. This is their #1 trait.
I agree with my friend and do not see myself as having a self-centered personality, but I wondered if others might perceive me as such. How did the self-centered stereotype become associated with Sagittarius? Sometimes stereotypes have a kernel of truth behind them that becomes grossly exaggerated over time. Is this the case for Sagittarius? I decided to find out for myself.
Generally, Sagittarius draws attention to themselves by their tendency to hijack conversations. Their non-conformist personality does not bend easily to the will of others and their carefree nature gives people the impression that they don’t care about anyone but themselves.
While Sagittarius may inadvertently give off the impression of being selfish and unconcerned with others, this is not usually malicious on the part of the Sagittarius. Keep reading to learn more about the appearance of self-centeredness in people born under the sign of Sagittarius.
When you first meet a Sagittarius , you might be inclined to see them in a self-centered light. After all, Sagittarians may seem a lot more concerned with their own goings-on than they are with the situations of anyone else they meet. This can give others the impression that Sagittarius is self-important or arrogant.
However, this isn’t entirely the case. While it’s true that Sagittarius natives may concentrate on what’s going on in their lives, their lack of attention to others’ lives isn’t due to arrogance. Instead, Sagittarius simply is so hyper-focused on what is capturing their attention at the moment that they don’t have much energy left to show concern for what’s going on around them. It’s not that they don’t notice that other people have things happening; they just find it difficult to make themselves care about the drama of other people.
Sagittarius is also prone to passionate love affairs and other intense relationships, and this can leave them with little emotional energy for the affairs of others. [ Source ]
Sagittarians also tend to be highly intelligent, which can give them a birds-eye view of others’ problems. This sign learns early that trying to intervene in other people’s affairs usually only leads to aggravation for the Sagittarius. So as they grow up, they make a point to avoid conflicts that don’t directly involve them.
Sagittarius is known as one of the more unconventional and non-conformist zodiac signs. This lack of conformity can lead people to perceive Sagittarius as self-centered when they disregard the standards of social convention and adopt rules of their own design.
Sagittarius natives may be prone to some of the following:
This isn’t an indication that Sagittarius is self-centered, though. Sagittarians recognize that the judgment of others often lacks full insight into the situation and is centered around awareness of how one is perceived by others. But Sagittarius is ruled by their own perceptions, which means that they often adopt a devil-may-care attitude towards others’ judgments.
This can appear self-centered because Sagittarians may explicitly disobey the wishes of others to wrest authority away from them. This is driven by the need for Sagittarians to be free from the rule of others. When Sagittarians refuse to obey out of spite or pettiness, this can cause them to come off as selfish or self-centered. 
The advantage of Sagittarius natives having such a non-conformist attitude is that they often become some of the world’s greatest innovators. Unafraid of being judged negatively for blazing a trail, Sagittarians are never afraid to walk a solitary path to achieve their goals.
Unlike an indecisive Libra or Aquarius , Sagittarians know their own mind. They know how they want to do things, and they want to do them their way. This means that when Sagittarians are put in a position of power, they may refuse to compromise with others when it comes to executive decisions. This “my way or the highway” attitude in both business and domestic affairs can make Sagittarians seem self-centered. 
But Sagittarius natives don’t just want things done their way to get their own way. They have a strong innate belief that their way is the best way to do things. Because they are such innovative minds and have a reputation for both emotional and technical intelligence, they can sometimes see solutions to problems that others cannot see. Unfortunately, the opposite also is true. Sagittarians can be blind to solutions that are staring them right in the face and that others can readily see.
Along with being misperceived as self-centered, Sagittarius is also often misperceived as self-assured. While Sagittarius does give off an air of not caring what other people think of them, this can often hide a deep well of self-criticism and doubt. [ Source ]
Sagittarians are constantly on the move in life—if they’re not physically on the move while traveling or participating in activities such as sports, they forever have their eyes on the horizon or the next big thing coming up in their lives. Sagittarius natives are concerned with their futures and fate, causing them to be perceived as self-centered by others who do not share their vision.
This deep desire for freedom (not just of movement but of mind) can cause Sagittarius to make life decisions based on their sense of independence. This can have the unfortunate effect of leaving a distance between them and other people. [ Source ]
Because of this distance, many people may misinterpret the aloof Sagittarius nature as self-absorption.
If a Sagittarian chooses wanderlust over stable home life, such as investing in a career that involves long away trips or other travel, this can put a strain on their relationships with family members. Family members may not understand a Sagittarian’s need to explore new horizons, which can lead to a perception of self-centeredness or an unwillingness to compromise for the good of the family.
A common characteristic of Sagittarius that may stand out even to people who first meet them is their carefree nature. Even older Sagittarians can have a childlike air about them, and most never lose their sense of play. For more serious zodiac signs, this playful nature can come across as recklessness or a lack of maturity. 
When it comes to more serious matters, Sagittarians can step up and act mature towards their responsibilities. Still, they will feel resentful of being asked to shoulder the responsibilities of others since this is a limit on their cherished freedoms. Sagittarians are—as a general rule—way too restless to be bound by the rules or obligations of others. 
The carefree nature of Sagittarians may lead others to believe that they are self-centered and don’t care about the problems of other people. To an extent, this is the truth and the result of some degree of emotional immaturity. But it isn’t that Sagittarians don’t have compassion for the problems of others. In fact, Sagittarius is known for being one of the most compassionate and emotionally intelligent of the signs. It’s just that they’re too invested in protecting their own freedom to be caught up in someone else’s troubles.
When people hear that Sagittarius has a reputation for being self-centered, this is usually interpreted negatively, as if the Sagittarius is selfish or egotistical. But the self-absorption of Sagittarius is usually the result of wanting to stay free of other people’s troubles more than the result of self-love, vanity, or pride. 
While it’s true that Sagittarius sometimes tends to come off as self-centered, there are also many other positive traits in a Sagittarius such as friendliness and intelligence that help off-set their somewhat extreme need for freedom and self-control.

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Why are Sagittarius men so selfish and disloyal?
Solutions Consultant, CPBA, CPMA, CEQA ( 2018 – present ) · Author has 1.4K answers and 1.9M answer views · 2 y ·
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When is a Sagittarius man done with you?
Are Sagittarius men known as cheaters?
Can a Sagittarius man ever be loyal and faithful to the woman he loves?
Why will a Sagittarius come back only after breaking up with you?
When is a Sagittarius man done with you?
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How do I deal with Sagittarius men in a relationship?
I am talking to a Sagittarius man who says he loves me very much and I am amazing, but when I asked him why he’s being distant he said he doesn’t know. What should I do? He is an amazing man.
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Are Sagittarius men known as cheaters?
Can a Sagittarius man ever be loyal and faithful to the woman he loves?
Why will a Sagittarius come back only after breaking up with you?
When is a Sagittarius man done with you?
How do I get revenge on a Sagittarius?
How do I deal with Sagittarius men in a relationship?
I am talking to a Sagittarius man who says he loves me very much and I am amazing, but when I asked him why he’s being distant he said he doesn’t know. What should I do? He is an amazing man.
Why is Sagittarius so hard to date?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
My view; I do not for a single day believe that it has anything to do with a person’s Zodiac sign.
I am in belief it has something to do with their behaviors (or lack thereof). How they were raised (on love or survival), what drives then to do bad or good things.
Any man, or woman, can be selfish and disloyal.

The 4 Most Selfish Zodiac Signs | iSTOCK
We all have an internal balance which tips slightly towards altruism or selfishness. Will your zodiac be one of the 4 most selfish signs?

by Paul Waits

31/07/2020 22:18h

Selfishness is a trait with two faces. W e tend to think of selfishness as quite a negative characteristic, and we usually believe that selfish people only look out for themselves and always put their needs before those of others. This is a trait which can be seen even through the eyes of astrology, as the most selfish signs usually have a similar attitude.
However, looking out for yourself isn't inherently bad, as long as we're able to draw the line. At the end of the day, making sure we will survive is a basic and primeval instinct of any human being, and is also an inherent characteristic of our species since time immemorial.
The problem begins when this need for individualism is expressed through greedy actions, and the people in question begin to look out only for themselves and allow egocentrism to become their modus vivendi. The solution is to find a comfortable balance between both extremes, but this isn't easy, and because of the difficulty of the task many people succumb to the power of their ego.
Today, Magic Horoscope proudly presents the 4 most selfish zodiac signs , because our star sign plays an important role in deciding whether our internal balance tips to one side or the other.
Our zodiac sign bestows upon us a series of good and bad characteristics against which it is very difficult and sometimes even impossible to fight. Due to this, depending on what zodiac sign we were born under, we will have more or less difficulty being an altruist, and we may tend to believe that our necessities take priority over those of others.
This isn't an inherently bad mindset, as long as our actions don't hurt anyone. If that were the case, it would mean that we've fallen into our own trap , and we've crossed the faint line which separates a selfishness meant simply to protect ourselves, from a bad selfishness in which we are only concerned only about ourselves with no regard for anyone else.
Would you like to find out which are the 4 most selfish zodiac signs? Well then, don't wait a second more, and keep reading reader!
These 4 zodiac signs are definitely the most selfish ones, we have placed them from the least selfish of the selfish signs, to the most selfish. Read on!
The dark side of a Capricorn manifests itself on many occasions and tends to be expressed through being too ambitious and greedy. Their hunger for success and respect can make them focus so intensely on their own objectives that they seem to be almost obsessed by them, forgetting that other people also live in this world and have their own objectives. Due to this, Capricorn has won this spot on the list of the 4 most selfish zodiac signs.
However, it must be noted that out of all the different types of egocentrism, this type could be considered as quite weak or as seemingly innocent, but just because their egocentrism may not have root in malice or jealousy, does not mean it should be ignored. At the end of the day, we shouldn't fear a Capricorn's egocentrism as long as we don't put ourselves between them and their objective, because if we do, we should be willing and prepared to fight.
Geminis come in third place on the ranking of the 4 most selfish zodiac signs, as egocentrism is a defining trait of their "twin personality", and an innate trait of children. This is seen in Geminis as they simply aren't interested in growing up and don't want to mature because life from a child's perspective is much more fun and innocent. This, sadly, has a downside to it. On many occasions, Geminis lose grip with reality and only think about satisfying their inner child, which make them think solely about themselves with no regard for others, just like a real child can do.
Furthermore, we mustn't forget that Geminis have an unparalleled capacity for the manipulation of others , which usually results in the other person following Gemini's bidding and can even make the most confident person doubt their own beliefs. Geminis use their gift of the gab to bring you to their terrain and convince you to see life from their perspective and to do their bidding . Because of their ability to manipulate others, I'd recommend being very cautious when dealing with any Geminis as this is the only way you'll be able to see their intentions from afar and may give you the upper hand if they decide to use their ability on you.
We arrive at second place, the silver medal for the list of the 4 most selfish signs of the zodiac, which is nothing more and nothing less than... Aries! The fact that they are the first zodiac sign of the zodiac wheel plays an important role here , it creates a tendency in the people born under this star to want to be first in everything. For an Aries, nothing is more important than knowing what they want, and knowing what they have to do to get it. Once they have their strategy all planned out, their immense determination takes care of the rest , and it will take a miracle to stop them from getting what they want. At the end of the day, an Aries never gives up!
If you ever meet an Aries, try not to get mixed up or interfere in their plans, because they'll have enough energy to push you out of their way, reach their objective, and then return to finish with the person who once stood in their way. Also, watch out for small gestures as an Aries can interpret them as offensive, and if there is something you do not want in life, it's an Aries as your enemy. It's much better to become their ally and to feed off their energy , because their passion and enthusiasm can catapult you to the top of the world!
Finally we get to the sign which comes in first place on the ranking of the 4 most selfish zodiac signs. When their most selfish side comes out, their obstinacy and greed are unparalleled. If you manage to upset a Taurus by saying that they will never have what they most desire in life, you will have managed to awaken the beast and will see the definition of someone acting without scruples. When a Taurus spots something they want, the only law they abide by is "the end justifies the means", and they will be willing to accept any and all consequences as long as they get what they want. These grand desires are very difficult to control for someone born under this sign!
Furthermore, Taurus is a sign well-known for their love of money and of excessive pleasures, both which add to their greed and selfishness. Materialism is altruism's worst enemy, and this sign is very materialistic. This means that a Taurus not only forgets about the needs of others, but also about the mere existence of others. When their most stubborn side comes out, a Taurus sees themself as the centre of the universe, and believes that everyone else is beneath them. If you'd like, you can try to get that idea which borderlines an obsession out of their head, but when you decide to tackle a Taurus head on, you never know how or when they will react and what they will choose to do about it. It's highly likely that once you've initiated your decision to tackle them , the rivalry will never go away as resentment is an innate trait of this sign, and they will never forget the bad blood there once was between you two.

Home Astrology 10 Reasons Sagittarius is the Worst Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius are the tactless people. They don’t know how to deal with the situations.
It is very hard to deal with Careless people. Sagittarius love the straightforward conversation that hurts sometimes.
Sagittarius spend enough time during conversations to learn that information. They have superficial nature
Sagittarians have plenty of plans that are going to change the world, but they usually have an inconsistent nature. 
Sagittarian’s restlessness rarely goes away. If you know such a person, don’t get frustrated and deal the situation with care
Confidence is one of the factors that can’t be seen physically but is displayed via actions, but Sagittarius are overconfident in their activities.
Sagittarius is more likely to cheat. They are not loyal to anyone. They love their changing nature.
Sagittarian’s way of talking is just blunt, so at least you get an honest opinion about something when you ask them for one.
A Sagittarius is the nosiest and also the most likel
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