Archie Fucks Betty

Archie Fucks Betty


Archie Fucks Betty
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So, are we finally going to see The Thing's junk?
From reading the article I really don't think this means that they are going to start turning all the comics into porn. They would probably like to stay in business.
Rule of the internet: There will be porn of it.
I wonder how much they were paying anualy to have that stamp on the cover.
And then there was "Junkhesd" comics, from the National Lampoon. Long ago, when NatLamp was funny.
Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government!
4 words Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Betty & Veronica do not like each other enough to 3way Archie.
Apparently, he's already been there (NSFW) and done that (Also NSFW) . Or at least he has in some sick fan's mind. Now, they can publish it. /I'm now going to go stab my eyes out //I wish I had never GIS'd that...a little part of my childhood just died :-(
This thread has less pictures than I expected, but the readin's good and funny!
Eh, the whole "the big bad government *might* do something" boogeyman was a load of bull. Superhero comics weren't selling, but EC's horror stuff was, and the other companies had to do something. So they got together and came up with a "self-policing" code that mysteriously eliminated their only healthy competitor (but aligned perfectly well with their own at the time) all in the name of "protecting the kids". The idea that ridiculously-restrictive and arbitrary self-censorship is worse that whatever bureaucratic nonsense some non-existent government panel would come up with is a nice fable, but the stories about how you couldn't have the most basic horror creatures, or the entire drug-use stuff just kept comics in the under-13 ghetto for decades. If you can't beat 'em, ban 'em, right? The Hays Code did the same thing - protect weak product by using the threat of immorality to ban anything compelling which might compete with you. PMRC FTW!
If I started a comic book, I'd go out of my way to make sure the reader knew I wasn't complying with the CCA. I'd make it the primary selling point!
anything you can think of, it's been done in comics. /whether "wrong" or not.
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Captain Steroid : So, are we finally going to see The Thing's junk?
Skyfrog : From reading the article I really don't think this means that they are going to start turning all the comics into porn. They would probably like to stay in business.
Hoban Washburne : Captain Steroid: So, are we finally going to see The Thing's junk? Is it made of orange rock like the rest of him?
comslave : Rule of the internet: There will be porn of it.
FirstNationalBastard : Now, Archie will have ratings of "E" and "A", and that's it.
odinsposse : Skyfrog: From reading the article I really don't think this means that they are going to start turning all the comics into porn. They would probably like to stay in business. Porn isn't profitable?
BasqueBastard : Meh, it's been done before. /hotter than a Little Annie Fannie and Wicked Wanda threesome
odinsposse : Skyfrog: From reading the article I really don't think this means that they are going to start turning all the comics into porn. They would probably like to stay in business. Porn isn't profitable?
eggrolls : Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government!
FirstNationalBastard : eggrolls: Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government! ...what the hell does the government have to do with the comics code? Sure, the code was formed in the 1950s to prevent the government from stepping in and regulating comics, but the code has always been the comics industry's own attempt at self policing themselves. Now, the code is pointless, and variations on the video game industry's ratings are good enough.
eggrolls : FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government! ...what the hell does the government have to do with the comics code? Sure, the code was formed in the 1950s to prevent the government from stepping in and regulating comics, but the code has always been the comics industry's own attempt at self policing themselves. Now, the code is pointless, and variations on the video game industry's ratings are good enough. But it was regulation at the insistence of the government. /Jeez, don't think the joke to death, dude.
FirstNationalBastard : eggrolls: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government! ...what the hell does the government have to do with the comics code? Sure, the code was formed in the 1950s to prevent the government from stepping in and regulating comics, but the code has always been the comics industry's own attempt at self policing themselves. Now, the code is pointless, and variations on the video game industry's ratings are good enough. But it was regulation at the insistence of the government. /Jeez, don't think the joke to death, dude. Not necessarily at insistence from the government, but to make sure the government didn't interfere. It was the comics industry's idea. ...farking Estes Kefauver. He ruined comics, and made Bettie Page retire. If ever there was a need for a time machine, so someone in history could get cockpunched, Kefauver is somewhere in the top 20 of people in the 20th century who need a good cockpunching.
Fano : FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government! ...what the hell does the government have to do with the comics code? Sure, the code was formed in the 1950s to prevent the government from stepping in and regulating comics, but the code has always been the comics industry's own attempt at self policing themselves. Now, the code is pointless, and variations on the video game industry's ratings are good enough. But it was regulation at the insistence of the government. /Jeez, don't think the joke to death, dude. Not necessarily at insistence from the government, but to make sure the government didn't interfere. It was the comics industry's idea. ...farking Estes Kefauver. He ruined comics, and made Bettie Page retire. If ever there was a need for a time machine, so someone in history could get cockpunched, Kefauver is somewhere in the top 20 of people in the 20th century who need a good cockpunching. If you ever need a Ted to your Bill for that one, I'm up for it
FirstNationalBastard : Fano: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government! ...what the hell does the government have to do with the comics code? Sure, the code was formed in the 1950s to prevent the government from stepping in and regulating comics, but the code has always been the comics industry's own attempt at self policing themselves. Now, the code is pointless, and variations on the video game industry's ratings are good enough. But it was regulation at the insistence of the government. /Jeez, don't think the joke to death, dude. Not necessarily at insistence from the government, but to make sure the government didn't interfere. It was the comics industry's idea. ...farking Estes Kefauver. He ruined comics, and made Bettie Page retire. If ever there was a need for a time machine, so someone in history could get cockpunched, Kefauver is somewhere in the top 20 of people in the 20th century who need a good cockpunching. If you ever need a Ted to your Bill for that one, I'm up for it We're stopping off at Wertham's place, first! Oh, and we're bringing along a big, burly gay guy, dressing him like Batman, and letting him bugger Wertham, so ol' Freddie can finally have some of that hot Batman on Robin action he was always thinking he was seeing in the comics!
Fano : FirstNationalBastard: Fano: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government! ...what the hell does the government have to do with the comics code? Sure, the code was formed in the 1950s to prevent the government from stepping in and regulating comics, but the code has always been the comics industry's own attempt at self policing themselves. Now, the code is pointless, and variations on the video game industry's ratings are good enough. But it was regulation at the insistence of the government. /Jeez, don't think the joke to death, dude. Not necessarily at insistence from the government, but to make sure the government didn't interfere. It was the comics industry's idea. ...farking Estes Kefauver. He ruined comics, and made Bettie Page retire. If ever there was a need for a time machine, so someone in history could get cockpunched, Kefauver is somewhere in the top 20 of people in the 20th century who need a good cockpunching. If you ever need a Ted to your Bill for that one, I'm up for it We're stopping off at Wertham's place, first! Oh, and we're bringing along a big, burly gay guy, dressing him like Batman, and letting him bugger Wertham, so ol' Freddie can finally have some of that hot Batman on Robin action he was always thinking he was seeing in the comics! Don't forget to bring Wesley Willis to keep him from running amok.
Fano : FirstNationalBastard: Fano: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: FirstNationalBastard: eggrolls: Let's hear it for deregulation and smaller government! ...what the hell does the government have to do with the comics code? Sure, the code was formed in the 1950s to prevent the government from stepping in and regulating comics, but the code has always been the comics industry's own attempt at self policing themselves. Now, the code is pointless, and variations on the video game industry's ratings are good enough. But it was regulation at the insistence of the government. /Jeez, don't think the joke to death, dude. Not necessarily at insistence from the government, but to make sure the government didn't interfere. It was the comics industry's idea. ...farking Estes Kefauver. He ruined comics, and made Bettie Page retire. If ever there was a need for a time machine, so someone in history could get cockpunched, Kefauver is somewhere in the top 20 of people in the 20th century who need a good cockpunching. If you ever need a Ted to your Bill for that one, I'm up for it We're stopping off at Wertham's place, first! Oh, and we're bringing along a big, burly gay guy, dressing him like Batman, and letting him bugger Wertham, so ol' Freddie can finally have some of that hot Batman on Robin action he was always thinking he was seeing in the comics! Don't forget to bring Wesley Willis to keep him from running amok.
ghare : Betty & Veronica do not like each other enough to 3way Archie.
ghare : Betty & Veronica do not like each other enough to 3way Archie.
Hoban Washburne : Captain Steroid: So, are we finally going to see The Thing's junk? Is it made of orange rock like the rest of him?
whistleridge : Apparently, he's already been there (NSFW) and done that (Also NSFW). Or at least he has in some sick fan's mind. Now, they can publish it. /I'm now going to go stab my eyes out //I wish I had never GIS'd that...a little part of my childhood just died :-(
OtherLittleGuy : William Gaines approves.
FirstNationalBastard : They'd invite Big Ethel in, first!
ModernLuddite : Archie and Jughead are lovers.
calufrax : ModernLuddite: Archie and Jughead are lovers. Archie is NOT farking Mr Weatherbee!
SphericalTime : Archie and Jughead 4ever!
ModernLuddite : Archie and Jughead are lovers.
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Posted on October 23, 2019 by Rich Johnston
Back in October last year, Bleeding Cool broke the news that Image Comics had informed comic book retailers that they would no longer be publishing
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Back in October last year, Bleeding Cool broke the news that Image Comics had informed comic book retailers that they would no longer be publishing
Created by Jack Sparling for the newspaper PM, the comic book reprint of the strip caused some controversy with this Jack Kamen cover.
Yesterday, at London Film And Comic Con Summer 2022, it was a quiet day. It was a school day, it was a work day, it was a post-pandemic show, there were a
Betty Cooper first appeared in the Archie Comics anthology series in which Archie first appeared, Pep Comics #22. Veronica Lodge made her debut a few months later, in Pep Comics #26, as an immediate rival to Betty for Archie's affections. Together the pair formed the female part of the classic love triangle which has become a staple of the comic series since 1942.
And then, of course, we have the Riverdale TV series where anything goes.
But the official comic books, despite going in a variety of directions, seemed immune. Until today's Archie Vs Predator II #3 by Alex De Campi, Robert Hack and Kelly Fitzpatrick .
Might we see a very different Betty & Veronica going forward in this series? Archie Vs Predator II #3 is out today, #4 in December…
(W) Alex De Campi (A/CA) Robert Hack
Riverdale High is on lockdown while a group of new Predators and Predadogs menace the halls during the Halloween Dance. They're on the search for Archie-Predator and they don't care who stands in their way. It's up to Archie and his pals (both new and old) to stand up to this terrifying threat-but do they have what it takes?In Shops: Oct 23, 2019 SRP: $3.99
(W) Alex De Campi (A/CA) Robert Hack
Riverdale finds itself under an unexpected new leader as the New Predators wreak havoc on everything and everyone that comes across their paths.  In Shops: Dec 04, 2019
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Four years after high school, Betty turns up out of the blue at Archie's doorstep needing his help. What happens next will change the course of their relationship forever. Will they remain just good old friends or find their way to a happily ever after?
Takes place after Betty sees her red aura in the mirror and fears she might be capable of hurting those she loves, including Archie.
Betty and Archie have been tippy-toeing around those three words. Betty, never daring to utter those words with the piled up trauma trailing behind her. Archie, scared of scaring her away if he said them.
It's junior year for the gang. And everyone seems to have caught the love bug. Everyone expect jughead, that is. Perplexed, his friends decided to help him by getting him a date. Though very much to his dismay. Will they find him the perfect match or will the task be much more than they bargain for?
"You can break my heart in two, but when it heals it beats for you."
It had taken them both years to realize that they were meant to be together. It took them seven more years to realize that, no matter what happened, the only person that they wanted to be with was each other. AU Barchie after 5x03.
Based on the song Back to You by Selena Gomez
The earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed. But Veronica Lodge refuses to be taken.
While in hiding, she bonds with Jughead Jones and his little sister, Jellybean. But one day when she decides to risks everything, she fails and is caught.
Betty thought she knew what she was in for living inside a human. But she wasn’t prepared for the former tenant of her body to still be in there with her.
Veronica fills Betty’s thoughts with visions of her former life. Unable to separate herself from her body’s desires, the two set off to search for the man they both love. But will finding him only make things worse?
A take on The Host by Stephenie Meyer, crossed with the Riverdale world
*Written a few months ago for my Tumblr*
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Veronica smacked his arm playfully, “Stop it, they’re the cutest! Both of them lo
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