Arbidex Arbitrage profit Accrual Guide:

Arbidex Arbitrage profit Accrual Guide:

How Arbidex arbitrage calculates profit? Here's a short example guide on profit accrual by means of these 2 examples:

Example 1: 

You add an amount to arbitrage on 01/01. This amount will start operating in arbitrage the next day from 00:00 until 23:59 (UTC 00:00). At 00:00 on 03/01 the sum is re-calculated based on the profit percentage for 02/01.

The next day, on 04/01, profit for 03/01 is added to the original deposited sum, and the sum is re-calculated based on the profit percentage for 03/01.

Example 2:

It is 01/01 and I am sending 1 ETH to arbitrage. From 02/01 starting at 00:00-23:59 (UTC 00:00) the sum of 1 ETH begins participating in arbitrage. On 03/01 at 00:00 I will get % profit from 02/01.

Hypothetically. if the profit is 0,05%, on the 03/01 at 00:00 I will get 0.0005 ETH

This entry will look like this in the arbitrage history section of the control panel:

Arbitrage history:

Date Amount Type Status / Profit

1/03/2018, 00:00 0.0005 profit 0,05%

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