Aragon (ANT)

Aragon (ANT)


According to its founders, Aragon is all you'll ever need to run a decentralized company. It is powered by the Ethereum blockchain and allows users to create the DAOs with extensive functionality, including governance, fundraising, payroll, and accounting. In fact, such system eliminates the majority of intermediate contractors, simplifying business processes and substantially reducing costs.

Aragon's main advantage is that it's an easy-to-use, modular system. Smart contracts might seem quite complicated, yet even non-technical users can get them to work. With a significant number of modules, one could establish the governing system that will suit their very organization's needs. What's more, the company is also developing a decentralized arbitration system.

The platform is available on Linux, Mac OS, Windows, and in a web browser. The source code is published on GitHub.

The crowdsale of ANT tokens started on 5/17, at approximately 6:30 PM GMT. Although initially, the campaign had been designed to last for 30 days, all coins were purchased in 15 minutes. As much as 275,000 ETH ($25M worth) was sold.

The token price is now $1.69. Its graph has been right-skewed since the end of August after it had reached $3.10. Who knows, maybe now it's the best time to buy it.

The ANT tokens allow users to interact with the platform, specifically, enabling them to take part in making decisions regarding future services and vote on capital and investments distribution, network upgrades, etc.

There are currently 32,732,352 tokens in circulation, with the total supply of 39,609,524. Aragon uses Continuous Token Model, i.e., minting will be continued as is necessary. Right now, the number of tokens is limited because the Aragon Network is still underway. Later on, the token issuance will be regulated by monetary policy and inflation.

The company does also buy back its tokens, but not to manipulate the price. It fulfills its own needs, such as rewarding contributors, supporting bug bounty programs, and running hackathons where the prizes are paid in ANT.

The project is led by Luis Cuende and Jorge Izquierdo. Luis was on Forbes 30 Under 30 and MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35. Before Aragon, Luis founded Stampery, a blockchain-based data certification company. He also partnered with Microsoft, Telefonica, and worked as an advisor to the Vice-President of the European Commission.

Jorge also got some outstanding achievements. He developed various popular apps and is a Thiel Fellowship receiver. At the age of 15, he also received a WWDC Scholarship from Apple as the youngest and most promising developer. 

Company's main rival is Otonomos, whose aim is to transfer the creation of enterprises and all corporate processes to blockchain. It does, however, operate only in Singapore, Hong Kong, the Cayman Islands, and the Virgin Islands.


Aragon is a young team with a great background. They have a deep understanding of what they're creating right now and what the whole ecosystem will be in the future. It's highly likely they'll reach their goals.

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