Aquarius Worst Traits

Aquarius Worst Traits


Aquarius Worst Traits
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Home These Aquarius Negative Traits Could Get You Blacklisted
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Humans are neither angels nor devils. Each of them is similar yet different from the other. The fact that doesn’t let them settle well on either the good or bad side is that they possess both. Every human possesses good traits which are loved by others and bad characteristics that can be hated. It’s upon them and their karma that makes them good or bad in front of others. When it comes to Aquarius, they are known for their visionary and capable thinking capabilities. Their progressive and free nature keeps them going in life. They are some of those people who think about others and the world around them. 
However, despite possessing such great traits, they are also known for having a few traits which can make them seem ‘not so good to others!! Let’s look into their negative traits and examine the negative effects they can hold in their life. 
Lack of focus can be considered as one of their most common negative traits. These aloof creatures may at times get trapped in their own world for getting their work and surroundings. This may lead them to lack attention in projects or classes. An Aquarius student may spike up some funny incidents in their minds and forget about the test they were studying. They may find some work to be very boring and difficult due to their lack of focus. For such Aquarians, meditation is the best!! It helps them keep their minds blank and focus on what they are doing. Though it may be a bit difficult at the beginning, it can get better with time! 
This is one of the worst traits of an Aquarius. They are known for lacking empathy towards people. They are not someone who will feel bad for you when you burst out their emotions on them. It would be rather overwhelming for them. They don’t hold much sensitivity towards emotions and are more inclined towards the practical and logical side. This character can, at times, make them feel emotionless. 
Even though they are great at conversations, when it comes to heart-to-heart talks, they may be extremely uncomfortable in it. They are not someone who lets people know about their emotions. They conceal it very easily. Their persona may make them seem unempathetic, and they may actually be since it’s hard for them to think and put themselves in someone else’s shoes!! 
If you think nobody knows an Aquarius better than you, then buddy, think again!! This is because they are unpredictable with their choices and actions. You may not even know when they give you a shock or surprise amidst the chaos. Though being unpredictable is not something very bad or negative, at times, people may find it frustrating and hard to deal with it. This trait of an Aquarius makes it difficult for them to be with people who are bound to reality and prefer predictability and stability. 
Indecisiveness is probably the most frustrating trait that an Aquarius may hold. They are people who are always up for trying out new stuff. This desire for change and trying new things may lead them to evolve drastically and change themselves. It can also be frustrating for those who don’t like changes in people. Their indecisiveness in choosing or abiding by a decision can be very much irritating to people who don’t like sudden changes in plans. 
Aquarians are stubborn and hard-headed zodiac signs. Though they are known to hold a broad perspective towards different things, they can still be adamant about changing the decision to what they think is right! They are hard to manipulate and trick too. In Aquarius’ eyes, what they think is correct should be correct. Therefore, it can be hard for a person to change an Aquarius’ thoughts on something. But this stubbornness and indecisiveness can assure us that they may take some time to decide, but once they stick to it, nothing can change their minds!! 
This trait might be a bit contradictory to an Aquarius who is named as ‘cold and emotionless’…. They are definitely not someone who is very emotional or sensitive to feelings, but when they feel it, they take it to extremes!! In other words, you can say when they are sad, they will be very sad, when they are happy, they will be very happy, and when they are angry, they can be very angry!! Due to this extremism of feelings, they may often end up crossing the limits and doing things that all might not love!! 
One of the bad traits that an Aquarius tends to have is that they can be extremely pessimistic. They are more inclined towards looking out for cons than appreciating the pros. Their pessimism can often be not liked by people surrounding them. Humans often find themselves admiring people who always look out for positivity, but when someone only looks at negativity, it may repel them from that person. No matter how valid their point, if Aquarius only criticizes the negative traits rather than acknowledging the positive ones, they may hold a bad impression on themselves and may repel people around them!!
You can be a friend of an Aquarius, but getting close to them may take you a lot of effort!! They don’t easily let people in!! 
However, if someone wants to leave them, it won’t be hard for them to move on from them!! They won’t be creating big havoc over something breaking their friendship. Even if they are close to you, they probably won’t give an emotional speech about you leaving them or them leaving you. They would rather simply let you go!! Due to their detachment, they may be left alone without many people in their lives!! 
Aquarians are rebellious creatures. They don’t really mind going against rules and regulations. They do what they like without thinking about its implications!! Their rebellious nature at times can make it difficult for people to handle them! It is accurate to rebel against something which is wrong, but at times, they may simply rebel for their adventures, but it can be troublesome to their people and their close ones! 
People can be impatient at times!! Aquarius can be one of them!! If they want something, they want it now! They can be quite impatient and would probably wait for anything or anyone. Them being progressive creatures can add a plus point to this trait. Their constant need for moving ahead will make them impatient towards certain things in life!! 
Well, they kind of are! An Aquarius finds it difficult to connect with anyone emotionally. Hence, it becomes hard for them to put themselves in someone else’s shoes.
Yes, like every human being, they too feel emotions, but they lack in terms of expressing them. They may seem cold and rude at first glance if they tend to feel extreme emotions. If they are happy, they may become too happy, and if they are sad, they may become too sad. Similarly, if they are angry, they will be very angry. But you may not be able to detect their mood as they can hide their emotions very well!
An Aquarius’ indecisiveness can be, at times, very frustrating for an Aquarius. They always lookout for new opportunities and better things in life. Now that is not wrong at all!! But then jumping from one decision to another can often make it frustrating for a person. 
Apart from this, one more trait that people may find frustrating in an Aquarius is their stubbornness. They are people who look from all aspects before making a decision, but changing their minds can be difficult once they make their decision. They would not try to consider your point and would keep claiming their ones to be correct, which can be irritating!
It is often observed that Aquarius does have the capability to move on. They don’t have a particular way to do so. Some of them may prefer to attend social gatherings and make new friends. This will distract and help the Aquarius move on. While some Aquarians reduce their pains by socializing, others may do exactly the opposite! They will distance themselves from other people and may think about ways to move on in isolation.
Some Aquarius may even try to distract themselves from taking up different responsibilities and projects. In the end, no matter what way they take, their progressive minds will effectively move on from heartbreaks.
Even though they don’t showcase their inner emotions outside, they can be quite sensitive from the inside. They tend to feel extreme emotions which can be a weakness point. 
Apart from this, they are also known to be extremely possessive of their thoughts and opinions. They don’t like it when someone tries to overshadow their opinion. This could also be seen as their weak point.
Well, an Aquarius can be considered as a positive sign due to their progressive and creative minds. They are extremely sharp-witted and smart. They hold a deep desire for freedom and will do anything to achieve it. Apart from that, they are known to hold a wide perspective on things and are seen as one of the most free-spirited and non-judgmental people.
However, despite possessing such positive attributes that may still be seen as a negative sign due to their negative traits. These signs are known to possess non-empathetic people. Their logical brains find it difficult to sense and express emotions, be it someone else’s or their own! They are also known for their lack of commitment, which leads them to hold the tag of zodiac signs that are more prone to breakups. Their indecisive and stubborn nature may make them seem bad to people and repel them.
No! They are not! Just like every other person in the world, they are known to hold positive as well as negative traits. That’s why it would be inaccurate to categorize every single Aquarius as bad. It’s their particular actions and traits that will make them good or bad.  
Yes, Aquarius can lie. In fact, they are one of the three zodiacs that are considered to be best liars in astrology, the other two being Gemini and Scorpio. Their smartness and intelligence allow them to make up lies quickly and efficiently, whereas their charming personality and social skills can make people trust them easily, leading them to believe their lies eventually.
Though an Aquarian may not say it out loud, one thing that almost every Aquarian is scared of is being left alone. This fear is present in their minds due to awareness of not being the best at emotional things. Their difficulty to emotionally connect with people can be a big hindrance in their relationship. They fear that not letting anyone in may actually lead them to be alone forever!!
Every human being possesses something bad in them. Well, Aquarius does too! Their progressive, intellectual, and creative minds with charming personalities and social skills can be quite attractive to people, but their negative traits may actually repel them from others.
Even though they are great conversationalists, they are definitely not someone to have heart-to-heart talks with. They may lack understanding of one’s emotional point of view as they always tend to think from the logical side. Apart from these, they can be extremely indecisive and stubborn, which can make people get all frustrated with them. 
Apart from these, they are also the ones who often hold on to the negatives of a topic. Instead of looking at its good attributes, they only keep their eyes on looking for bad ones and point them out when found.
These qualities of an Aquarius make them extremely undesirable to other people. Do you agree? Or not?? 

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An Aquarius person can be suspicious and overanalytical. This sun sign is also known to be unpredictable and stubborn at times. They have an enigmatic personality and tend to be too idealistic.
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Specialty: Karmic And Relationship Astrology
Alice Alta is an author and practicing astrologer with 7+ years experience. She is the head of content for Futurio: Daily Horoscope 2022 app. Her main fields of interests are past lives, karmic bonds, and a soul’s purpose every person has... more
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journal... more
Those with Aquarius as their zodiac sign are kind, helpful people with progressive mindsets. However, like every other sign, a few negative traits of an Aquarius might be considered weaknesses.
Reigned over by Uranus, characterized by detachment and rebellion, an Aquarian can behave erratically and have eccentric habits while being rebellious towards authority.
Perhaps that’s why they make such great scientists and philanthropists, such as Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, Ashton Kutcher, and Oprah Winfrey. Here are some of the negative traits Aquarius people can have to understand them better.
Every zodiac sign grants its natives some good and bad personality traits. Here are some short comings of Aquarians.
Aquarians are strong-minded individuals who carefully listen to others’ views and opinions but seldom change their own. They decide after thorough contemplation and stand by their beliefs. That’s why they are known as stubborn intellects. At the same time, Aquarians can’t stand conflicts. So they may agree with you just to avoid an open confrontation and continue doing what they believe is right.
Uranus is the planet of innovation that grants Aquarius the ability to think big, bringing about positive reform on a large scale. However, when focusing on creating a change in society, they may neglect people close to them. They may also become distant in their romantic relationships .
The more Aquarians are forced or told to do something, the more rebellious they can get. They do not like being told what to do. When someone tries to change them or their opinion, they shun that personas they do not like control. This can make it difficult for someone to convince them about something, even for their good.
Aquarians like to analyze but often end up over-analyzing. This is because they are deep thinkers and space out even when someone is talking to them. As a result, they easily drift away wondering about anything in the universe and try to get into the topic’s depth. This habit of theirs may not affect them, but those with them may feel ignored.
Aquarians are adaptable and do not mind change. They love change, especially when it is for the better. Their love for adventure makes them bored easily, and their tendency to adjust easily sometimes makes them unpredictable. Their spontaneous nature can exasperate people around them as they won’t know what Aquarians can be up to next.
Wit and humor are some of Aquarian’s best features . Being sarcastic comes naturally to them, and they hardly realize it. People accustomed to their wicked humor enjoy their sarcasm, but those unaware may feel offended. The Aquarians mean no harm, but their sense of humor can unintentionally hurt people.
Aquarians are emotional. However, they prefer keeping their emotional side private and hidden from everyone else. When emotionally vulnerable, they may distance themselves from others to spend time by themselves. Their need to be by themselves could hurt those who care for them and wish to support them.
Even though Aquarians are friendly , they have a small group of friends. They are close to people with whom they share their feelings. They do not trust anyone easily and prefer to have a small group of trustworthy friends over a large gang of buddies.
Aquarians have a strong desire to be independent and are self-reliant. They trust their judgments and prefer making decisions. But sometimes, they may need help and guidance to proceed further. In such situations, asking for help may not come easily to them and may cause them problems.
Pessimism is a trait that affects Aquarians easily. If things don’t work in their favor or they meet an obstacle, they lose confidence. They get anxious quickly, and it becomes difficult for others to motivate them to come out of the situation.
Aquarians can sometimes be low on patience. If they set their mind on having something, they are unable to rest until they have it. Moreover, they want things quickly and may not wait too long for them.
There is hardly ever a middle way for Aquarians. They mostly hang on to the extremes. It is a good trait when working towards a goal as they are prepared to give their best, but it can act as a flaw in certain situations. For instance, their moods can fluctuate between the extremes, making them unpredictable. In the worst-case scenario, Aquarians think they are above any law and can do what they want. They can bring chaos and destruction just to have some fun.
Aquarians often daydream and can dwell in their imagination even when surrounded by people. They can easily detach themselves and concentrate on their deep thoughts. This quality of theirs can help them focus on something they are interested in. However, sometimes people who care for them and want to reach out to them may feel hurt because of their aloofness and mistake them for being cold and rude.
Do not expect Aquarians to open their hearts to you easily. They are often lost in their thoughts and take their time to trust someone. No amount of prodding can make them open up to you if they do not trust you. Their mysterious nature can frustrate their closed ones.
It is difficult to change Aquarians’ minds. To add to it, when they have a certain ideal image in mind about something, they want to achieve only that and nothing else. So they toil hard to achieve the perfect result. But when they cannot match their set standards, it can get frustrating for them to keep going.
There are good and bad characteristics of all zodiac signs. The negative traits of an Aquarius may include their stubborn and rebellious nature. They may seem detached at times and make their loved ones feel neglected. They strive to achieve perfection, which may rankle others. They need to understand that not everyone takes sarcasm easily. They always raise their voices against things they consider wrong. However, these firm and determined individuals need to start trusting more and overcome their impatience to achieve their goals.
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