Aquarius Males In Love

Aquarius Males In Love


Aquarius Males In Love

14 Hot Signs An Aquarius Man Is In Love (Is He Serious?)
May 7th, 2022

Aquarius Man Predictions For July 2022

June 29th, 2022

7 Key Things An Aquarius Man Wants In A Marriage

June 14th, 2022

How To Turn On An Aquarius Man Through Texts (And Mistakes To Avoid When Texting)

June 1st, 2022

Is My Aquarius Man Gone For Good? Signs He Is Done With You

May 30th, 2022

Aquarius Man Predictions For June 2022

May 24th, 2022

6 Negative Traits Of The Aquarius Man

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15 Signs An Aquarius Man Doesn’t Like You Anymore – Is There Still Hope?

May 18th, 2022

Questions To Ask An Aquarius Man To Get Him Interested In You

May 11th, 2022

Aquarius Man Pulling Away – Why He Does It And How To Pull Him Back?

May 10th, 2022

5 Secrets To A Happy Marriage With An Aquarius Man

May 8th, 2022

Would You like to Calculate Your Chances with Mr. Aquarius ?
How can you possibly tell that an Aquarius man is serious about you? These men are so confusing, that even I have to wrap my brain around them sometimes. And this is coming from a very experienced relationship Astrologer.
It isn’t always the easiest to tell if an Aquarius man is serious about you. He is so aloof and cool and likes to go about his life at his own pace. No one else is ever going to rush him into doing anything he doesn’t want to.
He plays by his own rules, and no one else’s. But I am sure you are curious to know if your Aquarius man is in love with you and if he is taking this relationship as seriously as you are. Well, you have come to the right place. If you’re looking to find out the signs that an Aquarius man is in love with you, then keep on reading to find out more:
The Aquarius man is one that loves his freedom and time. If he’s willing to start giving you some of it; he’s interested in you. He will start to text you, call you or spend face time with you.
To better understand him, you’ll definitely need to keep your eyes open for how he shows you the signs of an Aquarius Man in Love.
You’ll notice that he starts to ask you more personal questions about your life and what your goals or dreams are. He may ask you what you see your life like ten years from now.
These types of questions help him probe and figure out if you’re someone with whom he could have a lucrative future. He’ll also be able to find out what your values are as far as family goes or everyday life.
He will go out of his way to try to be around you more. While he’s mining for information; try not to give away too much. The idea is to get him intrigued so he can enjoy the mystery of getting to know you.
Telling him too much upfront will either turn him off or scare him away — neither of which you want to happen. Aquarius takes his time to fall in love and trying to figure out if you will be someone who will match him.
So if you notice you’ve been getting more text messages or more meaningful conversations, he may very well be falling for you.
You may be wondering “how to know if an Aquarius man loves me?” Keep reading to find out more juicy details on this delectable man and how he shows his care.
Aside from just spending time with you and sharing his life, he will also want to know more about you and who you are. He wants to know that your inner core values will match his.
If he goes this far, he’s falling for you or is very close to letting go and fully loving you. Either way, this is a tell-tale sign the Aquarius man is falling for you. Lots of questions about you and your life mean he’s genuinely in it for the right reasons.
Another one of the signs of an Aquarius man in love, he’ll try to figure out your likes, dislikes, your inner desires, your dreams, and hopes are important to him. He wants to make sure that you’re someone that does strive to achieve your goals.
While knowing this is useful information but you’re probably also now wondering how to know if an Aquarius man is serious about you as well. I’ve got more completely tasty tips so keep on reading!
Aside from him paying more attention to you; you’ll probably notice an increase in his romantic ways with you. He could start bringing you your favorite flowers, taking you to excellent restaurants, bringing you chocolate, etc.
This guy will show you Valentine’s Day year-round when he’s in love. He will even sit through chick flicks if that’s what you want to watch. This is one of the huge signs an Aquarius man is falling for you.
Again, it takes an Aquarius man a long time to get to this point, though. He loves his freedom, he loves to play with various people and likes to have fun. He sees commitment as a considerable ordeal.
Only when he feels he’s found the person he thinks is worth it; will he give up his freedom and settle down. In doing this; his inner romantic side comes out, and he will give you the world.
The catch in this is that he expects you to be still independent and not clingy with him. If you become either of these things, he will see this as an attempt to lock him down or take his freedom.
In that situation, he will drop you like a hot cake. Even if he loves you, he will not sacrifice who he is at the core to make you happy. He wants a partner that is equal to him.
When you start to get love letters, romantic texts, or seductive conversations, he’s probably falling in love with you. Watch his actions more than anything else. They’re very telling.
Aquarius men are truthful most of the time. They may not give up the information without you asking, but if you do, you better be prepared for the cold hard truth. Whether that means he loves you or he’s not that into you, he’ll let you know.
Typically though; if an Aquarius man is in love with you, he’ll likely tell you. If not directly “I’m falling for you” then he may say it in other ways like “I’m into you hardcore” or something similar.
Once he’s really in love with you, he’ll fully commit to you. If this happens, there is no way that you won’t know. He will, at that point, make it very clear, “I love you.”
He doesn’t fool around when it comes to love and what it takes to make sure that his relationship will last. He feels no reason to waste time once he knows for sure that you’re the one.
Telling you flat out what he feels, why he feels it, and how deeply he’s into building a closer bond with you, he is an Aquarius falling in love so trust it and trust him.
This is the man that will be the one to bring you dinner if you’re not feeling too well. He has no problem making you dinner at your place either. When Aquarius man loves you he will worry that you’re not feeling good.
The Aquarius will be the guy that will take your temperature, wait on you hand and foot to make sure that you’re on the healing path. He’s your manservant because he loves you and wants you to be well.
A man that will go above and beyond for his lady love is a man that is in love with his queen. If your Aquarius man is taking care of you, he loves you look for more signs an Aquarius man is falling for you. There are many!
An Aquarius man will not commit until he’s positive that you’re the one. If he does jump in too quick, he’ll freak out at some point and maybe back out unceremoniously.
That means that if he looks back and realizes that he moved too quickly, he will freak out on a mental level. This will make him reconsider everything, and it could make him know you’re not the one.
Whatever you do; do not rush an Aquarius man. If you take your time and let him do this at his pace, he’ll fall for you and then finally commit. When he commits to you, he means it. It’s definitely one of the signs an Aquarius man is falling for you.
This means he’s in it for the long haul and is yours! Getting to this point isn’t the easiest, but if you allow things to flow naturally, you’ll be glad you did. This guy only plays when he’s not committed.
He takes commitment very seriously, and as such, he tries to avoid it like the plague until he meets the right partner. Once he reaches the right person; he’ll know it, and it will scare him, but he’ll still go forward with it.
Aquarius men do not like to open up about their personal lives. This means it could take quite a while before he takes you home to meet his family. He isn’t one to bring just anyone home. This takes lots of trust from Aquarius man.
Once he starts doing things that indicate he trusts you, it’s a sign an Aquarius man is falling for you or is already in the throes of love with you. He will open up and start to talk to you about things that are important to him.
If you become his confidant, then he is going to feel safe, secure, and able to continue building a foundation for a long-lasting relationship. When an Aquarius man loves you, you’ll notice him talking to you more, texting you more, and investing his time in you as I mentioned in one of the other signs of an Aquarius man in love.
The Aquarius man knows how to lay it on thick when he wants to draw you in closer. He will go out of his way to be as romantic as possible. He’s the type that will cook you a candlelight dinner.
He will whisper to you all the things you long to hear. In bed, he’ll bring his “A” game to ensure that you enjoy every second you have with him. He will pull out all the stops, rose petals, hot bath, etc.
Getting you to understand that he is devoting all his energy and effort to you is what his goal is. If he is doing this, he’s in love with you or is one of the signs an Aquarius man is falling for you.
The Aquarius man in love will do whatever he can to make sure that you’re happy. He’ll make lots of jokes to make you laugh. He’ll also act like a total clown to show you that life shouldn’t ever be too serious.
He will want to be your everything. However, he will still need to have some of his freedom to thrive. When he’s with you, he’ll shine at making you happy and feeling adored.
Providing you with comic relief isn’t uncommon with these guys. They are often the clown at parties and people really like them. What’s not to like? When an Aquarius man loves you, he wants you to smile for him.
The Aquarius man is typically intellectually driven. He will be intrigued to discuss things that are important to him. Not just on a personal level but on an intellectual level.
If he talks enough to teach you about some of the things he’s interested in or is learning about, he’s opening up his heart to you in some way. By talking back to him about these things or the things, you’re passionate about will thrill him.
These signs are all how to know if an Aquarius man loves you. Take a good look at how the Aquarius man is with you and how he treats you. It should be quite easy to figure out where his mind is when it comes to love.
An Aquarius is not one to be dishonest. He typically is fine with openly acknowledging the truth and how he’s feeling (or at least what he thinks he is feeling).
For this reason, he is one sign that is straightforward about his romantic feelings, at least to his friends. The only issue is, it may take him a long time realize that he’s even crushing since he sees himself as an independent guy… the feelings may sneak up on him!
If he sees you as his friend, he’ll confide in you his feelings for the one in question. You won’t have to beg for information since Aquarians are pretty open with information.
If he’s in love with you, then you were almost certainly friends first… which means he is going nuts not being able to confide his feelings openly! Going to the next level can be hard for him, but you’ll know if it’s you he loves because he will have become way more emotionally open with you than ever.
Aquarians are like the other two air signs in the sense that they all tend to be notorious flirts! They are highly communicative and charming… they’re just built for it!
The difference with Aquarians is that they are a fixed sign , meaning that when they do find something they like, they stick with it for good.
So yeah, the Aquarius will flirt with just about anyone until they find that one person who they love… once they have that person, they pretty much cut it off for everyone else.
So, if the Aquarian has stopped flirting with you, you can believe that they found someone that’s made them hang up their Don Juan façade.
Now, if they’ve upped the flirting with you but you haven’t noticed him flirting with anyone else, you’re in luck, because you may just be the one on his radar!
An Aquarius has no shame about what they don’t know. They have scientific minds and they think less about what they already know than finding out more about what they don’t.
Aquarians are ruled by Uranus, a planet of boundary-breaking and pushing limits. It’s not the warmest planet, but it is a curious one.
The Aquarius is going to balance out what he doesn’t know about a subject by asking all the right questions to better inform himself… he’ll even do this on the topic of emotional expression!
If he’s asking you about where the best places to go on a date is, how to tell if someone is crushing on you, or how to tell another you’re crushing on them it is because he’s doing field research to fill in the holes in his knowledge.
And if he’s making it very clear that he’s asking how you can tell when someone is crushing on you, then I think it’s a safe bet that he’s not asking for a friend – he wants to know how to get the message across to you!
To say an Aquarius knows a lot of people is an understatement. He’s associated with the 11th house of friendship and community. In other words, he’s a friend to all.
So, when he really zones in on one person and they’re a huge topic of conversation for him, then it is a safe bet that he’s crushing hard and he might even be in love.
Just listen to what he’s saying when he speaks and what the topics tend to revolve around. If a specific name keeps popping up, then it’s a sure sign that at the very minimum, that person holds a special place in his heart.
Now, if he’s being extra attentive to you, and rather than talking up a certain person, he’s confiding in you about his problems, then consider that you are the person that he is telling everyone else in his life about!
Although the primary ruler of Aquarius is humanitarian Uranus, his secondary ruler is Saturn, the planet of restrictions and challenges.
This means that despite their approachable first impression, they are actually a pretty tough nut to crack. They can be distant and lack emotion at times.
When someone gets near enough to an Aquarius to warm their heart up, it shows. They seem to better understand empathy and kindness and they’re much easier to emotionally engage with at this time.
If it was only after he became a lot closer to you that he started to divulge emotionally charged confessions, then keep in mind that you could be the one who is triggering him to act more emotionally raw!
This is a good thing because this means the Aquarius is opening up to you… no small feat for aloof Aquarius!
Now that you know the signs of an Aquarius man who is serious about you, what about marriage? I hate to say it, but an Aquarius man isn’t usually the marrying kind, unless, of course, he meets the right lady.
Then he tends to be one of the most committed and loyal partners around. There are a couple of signs he is thinking of taking things to the next level with you, like he is interested in meeting your family or calls you his best friend.
If you are looking for more signs to see if this guy is actually thinking about the future with you, then check out this link!
Aquarius men definitely know what they want in life, and this also counts for their relationships. This man knows exactly what will work for him and what won’t. He is quite large standards and won’t lower them for anyone.
He isn’t always the easiest man to please in the zodiac, but if you think you have what it takes then you should definitely pursue him because there is a lot this guy can add to your life. Just go with the flow and see where it takes you.
When he is ready to take things to the next level, I promise he will make it known to you, but please do not rush him into anything he isn’t ready for. This is a sure-fire way of making your Aquarius man run away from you, never to return.
You need to play it cool with him and never put him under any pressure to make a decision about you. He goes by his own time, and this is something you need to learn quickly if you want to make this relationship a success.
Give it time and see if a relationship can come from this. Being with an Aquarius man can be really exciting, so follow what your heart tells you.
And remember to keep your wits about you, this guy is super clever and it can be easily to fall for him, so just be careful of your heart.
What if I told you there is still hope for you and your Aquarius man?
He might not be using you after all
It is important that you don’t lose hope in the situation
That not everything is lost and there is still something you can do to savor the relationship…
You would probably think I’m crazy because to you it certainly feels like your Aquarius man has given up on you, isn’t interested in you, and that the love you once shared is no longer there…
Trust me, if an Aquarius man ever liked you then there is certainly hope for the relationship to be salvaged
Why would he sleep with someone if he didn’t like them just even a little?
There is still a lot you can do to fix the relationship with your Aquarius man
And to make him see you for the woman you truly are
You may feel like you are at your wit’s end, but I promise, where there was once atrraction there is certainly still hope
It is just up to you and whether not you are serious enough about doing the work to get the results you are looking for…
And you can do this without running to him and begging him to love you again
Everything is up to you, you have him in the palm of your hands, so it is about time that you start believing that
Remember you are an empowered woman, so treat the situation as such
Wishing you so much love and happiness
Your Friend and Relationship Astrologer
Ready to calculate your chances with your Aquarius man ?
Don't hesitate to take this fast, 9-questions test and see is there a future for you two!
If an Aquarius man is born on Feb. 8 would you know hiss moon sign?
Moon sign depends on time he was born, not day.
All I ever attract lately is Aquarius men it’s sickening
I’m a Capricorn… and Lord knows I hate it these people are crazy flip!!!
They are crazy lol, but so worth it once they fall in love with you! Im a capricorn woman too and me and my boyfriend have been together about a year and 3 months, he’s 15 years younger than me. It took alot of patience and understanding with him to gain his trust and want to marry me. Im already married,
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