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Artemisia Gentileschi was raped repeatedly by Agostina Tassi , an artist who worked with her father , Orazio Gentileschi. Artemesia accused him of rape and then had to undergo a humiliating medical exam to 'prove' that she had been a virgin prior to being assaulted by Tassi. However , Artemesia prevailed , and Tassi spent a little less than a year in prison. After his release , her father allowed him back in their workplace. Susanna and the Elders Artemisia Gentileschi. In the Stars Gentileschi led a progressive life for a woman of her time by sustaining a career independent of male oversight. Finding a kindred spirit in the unconventional Galileo , she befriended the famed astronomer while living in Florence and maintained their relationship through letter-writing. Gentileschi must have learned a thing or two from Galileo , since the depiction of blood squirting in 'Judith Slaying Holofernes' c. Mary Magdalene as Melancholy Artemisia Gentileschi. Advantage of Painting Live Nude The nude is the genre focused on the aesthetic aspect of the naked human body. The nude is the genre focused on the aesthetic aspect of the naked human body. The Renaissance is the period that began around the 14th century and ended at the late 16th century, traditionally associated primarily with the Italian region. The ideas and images of the Renaissance largely determined the aesthetic ideals of modern man, his sense of harmony, measure and beauty. Lucretia Artemisia Gentileschi. Because of the reason above and that her work fell out of the canon of being too dramatic , too cruel , too unsuitable for a 'well-bred' artist , her works were not so popular. It is the first painting by Gentileschi that the Viennese auction house has handled—her work rarely comes up for sale , and the Artnet price database lists 62 auction entries , all modestly estimated. Lucretia was consigned from a private European collection , and is believed to have entered it in around the midth century , says Mark MacDonnell of Dorotheum. A painting of Lucretia entered the collection of the Jatta family from Ruvo di Puglia in the 19th century , and the documents in the family archives refer to a painting of a belle donne nude The nude is the genre focused on the aesthetic aspect of the naked human body. It was started by the artist Giorgio Vasari and Cosimo Medici. It accepted only the most talented artists in the area , including the legendary sculptor Michelangelo. Other members include Agnolo Bronzino and Benvenuto Cellini. It was an esteemed place to be , and the very first woman accepted into this previously males-only academy was Artemisia Gentileschi. Recommended artists. Nina Rassen. Russia, 10 artworks. Alexei Evgenievich Shalaev. Russia, 34 artworks PRO. Daria Motovilova. Russia, 67 artworks. Sergey Nikolayevich Lukyanov. Russia, 29 artworks. Goncharova Marina Grigorievna. Russia, 20 artworks PRO. Self-portrait in the image of a martyr Artemisia Gentileschi. She still received a great amount of recognition in history , but many attributed her very early works to her father , who often worked alongside her. Artemesia carved out an unmistakable niche for herself as an artist , a feat difficult for anyone at the time , much less a woman. Cleopatra Artemisia Gentileschi. Painted Images of Strong Women Artemisia Gentileschi painted plenty of scenes from the Bible , a popular motif during the Late Renaissance The Renaissance is the period that began around the 14th century and ended at the late 16th century, traditionally associated primarily with the Italian region. The baroque style replaced the Renaissance, and it sought to shock the soul, in contrast to the Renaissance art, which kept the distance between an artwork and the audience. Jael and Sisara. Artemisia Gentileschi. Judith and her maid. Esther before Artaxerxes. Saint Catherine of Alexandria. As a proof that women are still 'worth' less than men , a newly discovered painting attributed to Artemisia Gentischi was auctioned off in That is a lot for one of her lesser-known works , called Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy. It is one of many paintings by Gentileschi of the Magdalene but the depiction in this particular painting is possibly a self-portrait feeling relief , possibly after winning her rape trial of The painting was virtually forgotten until recently. Thankfully , Artemisia has overshadowed her father in renown , if not in auction prices. It was a record price for works by Gentileschi , that was broken in with the sale of her Self-Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Self-portrait as Saint Catherine Artemisia Gentileschi. She painted upwards of 20 works for the Medici family , who were known for their discerning eye for talent. Gentileschi also traveled throughout Italy and other parts of Europe during her life , going to where her patrons were located. This was common at the time , as many artists led itinerant lifestyles where they were always on the go , looking for people who wanted to commission their works. However , most of those artists were male; it was rare for a woman to travel widely , especially unaccompanied by their spouse. Gonfaloniera portrait Artemisia Gentileschi. Recommended exhibitions and views. So it is amazing that Artemisia Gentileschi left her husband , Peter Antonio Stiattesi , and took their child. The pair were married shortly after her rapist was sent to prison. Needless to say , the marriage did not last long. Either way , Gentileschi left her husband behind in Florence while she traveled elsewhere in Italy in order to fulfill her work duties for her patrons and she took her daughter , Prudentia , with her. Prudentia would later become a painter herself. Title illustration: Artemisia Gentileschi. Lucretia , detail. Based on materials from Artnet , The Artnewspaper. Share article. To post comments log in or sign up. Choose a language. Apps and services Create a site of an artist or a gallery. Mobile apps for artists Mobile apps for galleries, museums and exhibition projects All Arthive apps.

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