Apps To Maximize Your Productivity, Plans, and Resolutions

Apps To Maximize Your Productivity, Plans, and Resolutions


Resolutions and Plans are made to improve our daily lives. We wake up with so many plans on our minds and maybe failed to achieve them. It's a new year, resolutions are flying in; but how far did we achieve the last year's resolutions? Partnering your plans with apps can be effective in a way of achieving our plans and resolutions.

Maximize Your Plans and Resolutions With These Apps

 1. Evernote:

This is the best note taking an app that I have. Simple, effective, and most importantly, awesome. Evernote helps you take down your resolutions for the year. It works as a reminder for your plans and activities. With multiple syncs on your devices, keep your notes ever alive and focus on your plans always. Ever-Note your Plans! Write, Collect and Capture ideas as searchable notes, notebooks, checklists, and to-do lists. Attach documents, photos to your notes. This app is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

2. Self Control For Android: 

This is too good for students. This wonderful app makes sure your addiction to some apps or phone is limited. I use this app to "discipline" myself. It works and very helpful for students and phone addicts. This is a paid app. Download HereForest: Stay focused is the best alternative. These apps make you focus on what is to be done at the right time. It is available on Android and iOS.

3. Nike Training Club:

Wishing to get fit? This app is for you. With over 100 free different workout plans, you are sure to practice best workout techniques. Train yourself, get that physique you want and improve your confidence level. Download for iOS and Android.

4. Quit Smoking:

Bad habits are hard to stop. Easier to learn like web, hard like ropes to loosen. Quit smoking is one of many resolutions to make this year. Apps help you draft plans and with discipline, you are good to stop that bad habit. MyQuit Coach (iOS) creates a personalized plan to help you quit smoking. Android users can do the same with Quit Smoking. For extra motivation in the form of meditation, supplement a stop-smoking app with Quit Smoking With Andrew Johnson for iOS, and Android. The Sean Connery-sounding hypnotherapy is soothing and effective.

5. Better Job:

New to the job market, LinkedIn will be your destination app. With improvements over the years, getting better on your workplace is on the palms of your hand. Head over to store and install the app. For iOS OR Android users. Use Resume Star (iOS) or My Resume Builder (Android) for creating a professional Resume / CV. Glassdoor for iOS and Android has reviews of workplaces from current and past employees, salary ranges, and the lowdown on what it might otherwise take you months at the water cooler to learn.

6. Save More Money:

My Budget Book for Android will help you keep records of your expenses. This app is great to track your expenses. One of the greatest features is that you can track how your money "disappear" at the end of the month. Reduce how your money goes out to unimportant tasks. Saving money makes you rich, trust me. Download Here. An alternative is Mint for iOS and Android. This is a better alternative for Budget Book.

7. Better Time Management:

Use Time Better. Get a handle on your habits with Productive (iOS). You can watch your progress as you build good behaviors. It's a helpful way to not just see how you spend your days but decide how you want to spend them. Smarter Time is a similar product for Android users. If you feel like productivity management might actually take too much time out of your day, then you'll likely benefit best from a simple but efficient to-do app like Todoist for iOS, and Android.

Budget Book


Nike Training Club


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