Apple Watch and Healthcare: Role of Apps and Closer Patient Connections

Apple Watch and Healthcare: Role of Apps and Closer Patient Connections

The Apple Watch and healthcare marketing might sound incongruous when you envision the common uses for Apple's latest invention. Yet, as with all mobile devices, it's the perfect device to capture patient attention as consumers use smartphones and tablets to find quick information. Perhaps you've heard skeptics say that wearables will stay relegated to monitoring our heart rates or blood pressure while doing cardio exercise. Nobody said it should stop there, and the potential for wearables in healthcare marketing is an open book, including for plastic surgeons.

Everything is already in place on the Apple Watch to compellingly market your plastic surgery practice to new or existing patients. At the same time, you also have a new device for easier communication with new or current patients to help provide what they typically search for in solo loop band surgery.

What elements of the Apple Watch could help you connect better with your prospective or future patients? As many tools as there are, you still have to think of the screen width and how well viewers view your marketing content.

The Role of Apps on the Apple Watch

Using apps on the Apple Watch is a common activity as much as on smartphones. While you do have a smaller screen on the Apple Watch, many people track their health on specialized apps. However, how many apps have you seen on the device that provide inside information on different conditions?

The potentials here of medical practices creating apps that track or provide educative information is very eye-opening. Creating an app for your own plastic surgery practice has the same kind potential in providing information and revealing what patients want.

In this instance, you could create a tracker that monitors what people prefer in the way of plastic surgery procedures. By accumulating this information, you have a real-time way of determining what types of procedures are the most popular and what kind of results patients demand.

You also should provide information in your app about each procedure and what's involved. As with all apps, the simpler you make its use, the better. This could happen through an easy search box letting people find what they want done (in laymen terms) that leads them to a video or quick summary about what's involved.

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