App Information

App Information

Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Privacy Policy page. Here, we explain the measures we take regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information when you opt to use our Service.

By using our Service, you are agreeing to the collection and usage of your information as outlined in this policy. Rest assured, your information is safe with us and won’t be shared with any third parties. We employ several security measures to ensure your privacy is protected while you use our Services.

The terms defined in this Privacy Policy carry the same meanings as those in our Terms and Conditions, available in our appendices, unless stated otherwise in this document.


- You do not need to register to use our products and/or services.

- We only request personal information, like your email address, if you contact our support team.

- The App does not store your browsing history or record personal information directly.

- We do not track your IP address, though third-party sites you visit via our App might. Please refer to their privacy policies for more details.

- Our VPN servers are log-free.

- We do not collect information about the websites you visit, your cookies, stored passwords, downloaded files, favorite sites, or bookmarks.

Collection and Use of Information

Using our software and services does not require any personal information.

To enhance your experience with our Service, we may need certain personal information, such as your email address, if you seek help or support. Any information you provide will be stored and handled according to this privacy policy.

Our App is free from third-party services that could collect identifiable information, maintaining your anonymity and privacy at all times.

Your personal information may be used to:

- Enhance service quality.

- Improve user experience.

- Gather feedback.

- Conduct statistical analysis to understand user preferences.

- Enhance product development.


Cookies are small data files used as unique identifiers. They are transferred to your device from websites you visit and stored internally.

Our Service does not explicitly use cookies.


Your trust is invaluable to us, which is why we utilize commercially reasonable safeguards to protect your personal information. Please note, however, that no internet transmission or electronic storage method is entirely secure. While we aim for maximum security, absolute safety cannot be guaranteed. We continuously adopt new procedures to safeguard your privacy.

Links to Other Websites

Our privacy policy does not extend to third-party services or sites, even those that may appear in our app or are linked from our services.

If you follow a third-party link, you’ll be directed to that external site. We do not control, and thus cannot be responsible for, the content or privacy practices of these third-party sites.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We update our privacy policy periodically when we change our practices significantly. We recommend reviewing this page occasionally for updates. Any changes will be announced here.

While we hope you will be comfortable with our updates, we understand if you choose to discontinue using our services due to changes in our data practices.

This policy is effective as of 2024-11-04.

You can contact us at:

Report Page