Anus Spanking

Anus Spanking


Anus Spanking
Story:Teresa and her Daddy - ageplay, spanking, rectal temperature
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Teresa and her Daddy Mr. Mancuso is a single father- Teresa’s mother went back to Italy after their divorce eight years ago. Mr. Mancuso works free-lance at his home office which allowes him to take care of Teresa’s upbringing himself. Most of the household chores are done by a housekeeper, this leaves Mr. Mancuso enough time for his job and for his only daughter, he is always there for her when she has a problem, he helps her with her homework and takes care of her when she is ill. He always knows what is going on, and he takes his responsibility very seriously. Teresa is a bright and vivid girl, and her Daddy is very proud of her and he loves his little girl with all his heart. However, he is a firm believer in domestic discipline – and whenever Teresa acts up she is turned over her Daddy’s knee for a sound spanking. He is convinced that spanking is an excellent means to teach a naughty child or teenager right from wrong. He also thinks that a spanking is only effective when it is administered on the miscreant’s bare bottom, no matter how old the child is. Whenever Teresa is complaining that she is too old now for being spanked like a little girl he answers her that he will stop treating her like a little girl when she stops acting like one, not telling her that at 12 she IS alittle girl. After her punishment he always takes her in his arms and makes sure that she knows she is forgiven and still loved. He also chose a school for her that has an reputation for its strict principles. Most of the parents and all teachers share these views on raising children, and the children know that messing up at school will most probably end with a trip over a parental lap at home. 12 year old Teresa is unhappy. She is grounded for the rest of the week. She repeatedly forgot to do her homework. Mrs. Drake wrote a note home and her Daddy was very upset with her. He gave her a long lecture about how important her education is and that he won’t tolerate any negligence. Afterwards he pulled her over his knees and gave her a long and hard spanking.He also said she was grounded until she had completed all the assingments she hadn’t turned in. In addition she would have to write an essay for him about the importance of discipline at school. The grounding was almost worse than the spanking, especially on a day likethis. After two days of incessant rain the clouds are finally disappearing, the sun is coming through and she can hear the kids from the neighorhood playing outside. She opens her window and wistfully looksout. Kevin spots her and shouts: „Hi Tessa – why don’t you come out? It is so much fun jumping over the puddles!“ Kevin is her best friend since kindergarten, he lives across the street. Teresa thinks hard. She knows Daddy is visiting a client this afternoon and he won’t be back at least another two hours. This will give her enough time to play outside and sneak back into the house before he returns. She cannot resist the tempation: „Ok, Kevin I am coming!“ She quickly informs her friend that she is not supposed to be outside and she makes him promise not to tell anybody. „No prob, Tessa – I won’t tell on you – being grounded sucks, I knowthat!“ The two children have a great time, they don’t even realise that it has started raining again and that their feet are soaking wet, and they have completely lost track of time. Suddenly Teresa hears her Daddy’s angry voice: „Teresa Fabienne – what on earth are you doing out there? Who gave you permission to leave the house – get here immediately!“ Teresa is terrified – she looks at Kevin and whispers: „Oh boy, I am in big trouble – I better run now – bye!“ Kevin gives her a compassionate look, from his own experience he has a fairly good idea what Tessa is in for. Her Daddy is waiting for her at the door, and she can tell from his look that he is fuming.„Daddy – I can explain!“ „I don’t think so, young lady, unless you have found a way to explain blatant disobedience!“He grabs her wrist and drags her along into the bathroom. „Now look at yourself, wet feet and wet hair - and you have only just recovered from a flu! What did you think you were doing?“ He draws her a hot bath and starts undressing her, ignoring her pleas to let him do it herself. He answers her fidgeting with two hard slaps over her jeans. „Teresa Fabienne – I suggest you stop your whining and wiggling right away – you are in enough trouble as it is. Is that understood?“ „YES DADDY!!!!! OWWWWWW! She offers no further resistance. Daddy quickly undresses her and then lifts her up and sits her down in the bathtub. Teresa enjoys the warm water on her skin, she had not realized before how cold she was, and starts playing with the bubbles. Daddy takes a washcloth and washes her thoroughly, he also shampoos her hair. Too soon he tells her to get up. He holds a big terrycloth towel open for her and dries her off. After her long blond hair is dry he orders in a strict voice: „Wait a minute Teresa – I am going to get some dry clothes for you!“ Teresa waits patiently till Daddy returns. He has her sit down on the toilet seat while he dresses her quietly as if she were a baby. She hates being treated like a little girl – but she doesn’t dare toprotest anymore. Then Daddy takes her hand and leads her to her room. He is still angry – but he is calm enough to deal with her now: He sits down on the straight backed chair and stands her between his knees, starting to give her the inevitable pre-spanking lecture: he is telling her that he is very disappointed and that she is going to get her bare bottom spanked long and hard for being such a naughty brat this afternoon. Teresa’s hangs her head, her underlip quivers and her eyes get teary. She feels her stomach churn when Daddy finally pulls her over his lap. He pulls down her panties to her knees and raises his right hand high over his shoulder before he brings it down on her soft and chubby bottom. You will stay in your room when you are grounded – and you will NOT go out until you are permitted to do so! He spanks in a controlled way and at a regular pace, and soon the little girl thinks that her whole bottom is on fire. She is sobbing now, she is pleading her Daddy to stop and promises to never disobey him again. However, Daddy doesn’t stop until the real crying begins. He always knows intuitively when she is sorry, not because she gets spanked, but for what she has done. Then he lets her cry for some minutes over his lap, gently rubbing her hot and tender heinie before he orders: „Ok, baby – now go and stand in the corner for a while. I want you to think why you have been punished. Hold that t-shirt up and no rubbing!“ „Daddy pleeeeease, not the corner!“ „Teresa – do you want another spanking for arguing?“ Daddy askssternly. „No Sir, I am sorry“ Teresa hobbles over to the corner and keeps her hands at her side, even if her bottom stings real bad. She knows better than to rub during corner time – it would only earn her another session over Daddy’s lap. After 10 long minutes she hears her Daddy’s voice: „Ok, Teresa – your corner time is up! Pull up your panties and comehere!“ Teresa is quick to follow this order and she walks over to her Daddy who cradles her in his arms and lets her sit on his lap. „Teresa – I hope you know that I love you very much, I don’t like spanking you – but I am responsible for you , I know that little girls can’t help being naughty sometimes, but you have to learn to obey me until you are old enough to make your own decisions.“ He smiles inwardly, because he knows that there will be many more spankings before she will be able to to do this. Teresa is snuggling against his broad chest, still hiccupping from time to time, but very happy that she is restored to good graces again – she promises that she will be good in future and that Daddy won’t have to spank her anymore. „Shhhhh.. little one, it is all over now – you are forgiven and we won’t mention it anymore! Now I want you to lie down for a short nap while I fix dinner, ok?“ Daddy helps her to put on her pyjamas and lies her down carefully on her tummy, then pulls the covers up and kisses her forehead. Teresa falls asleep before he has left her room. She wakes up a two hours later and goes down to join her Daddy in the kitchen where he prepares dinner. They will have lasagna and mixed salad, one of Teresa’s favorite meals but she is not hungry today. They start eating but Teresa only pokes around in her food. „What is it sweetie? Don’t you like your lasagna?“ Daddy is startled. Normally she asks for a second helping before he is half finished. „No, Daddy I am not hungry – but I can I have some more juice, please?“ Daddy pours her another glass of juice and watches her closely. Her face is a little flushed and she seems unusually quiet. He walks over to her and feels her forehead. „Oh my, you certainly feel a bit warm. We’d better take your temperature. Come on, baby!“ „Nooo Daddy – I am ok, really! Just a bit tired!“ Teresa hates to have her temperature taken, Daddy always does it in her bottom and she thinks she is way too old for that. „No arguing, young lady! You were out in the rain this afternoon - and I don’t want to take any risks with your health!“ He takes her hand and leads the reluctant girl up to her room again. He sits her down on her bed and walks to the bathroom. When he is coming back holding the thermometer and a jar of vaseline in his hand, Teresa blurts out: „Daddy!!!! Noooooo! Please! I don’t want to have my temperature taken that way!!“ Daddy is looking at her, startled. He has always taken her temperaturerectally. „What do you mean, Tessa – you don’t want me to take your temperature „that way“?“ „Well – Kevin’s mom takes his temperature in his mouth – I saw it when I was over a few weeks ago, I asked her whether she always did it like that and she said that Kevin is old enough now to have it taken orally. He is only one year older than me and I want you to do it like Kevin’s mom. I am not a baby anymore! And I feel embarrassed if you take it in my bottom!“ Daddy smiles at this outburst, his little girl is certainly growing up. „No, Teresa – you are not a baby, but Doctor Stevens said that this is the best and most accurate way to take a child’s temperature. I am not Kevin’s mom – I will do it my way until the doctor says otherwise. There is really nothing to be embarrassed about. Now be a big girl and lie on your tummy for me!“ he ordered in a strict voice. Teresa feels a little blush in her face when she sees her Daddy dab the thermometer in the jar of vaseline. Yet she obeys and turns around, her head buried in her pillow. Daddy is happy that she cooperates – he would not have liked spanking her again. He gently pulls down her pj bottoms and parts her bottom cheeks which are still slightly pink from her spanking. „There’s my girl“ he reassures her while he carefully lubricates her little rosy anus. Teresa winces when she suddenly feels the cool tip of the thermometer at her bottom. She involuntarily clenches her cheeks when Daddy slowly slides it in. „Shhhh.. sweetie, relax – I know it feels a bit uncomfortable – but it will be over soon.“ He holds her bottomcheeks closed with one hand and strokes her back with his other hand while he is waiting for a reading. After five minutes he carefully takes the thermometer out and sees that she runs a slight fever.„Just as I thought, honey. I hope you are not coming down with something serious. I‘d better give Doctor Stevens a short call! “ He pulls up her pj bottoms again and then goes to call Robin Stevens who is a friend of his and fills him in on what happened thisafternoon. „Oh Marcello – this girl certainly is a handful! Do you want me to check on her right away?“ „That would be very kind, Robin, I am really worried - see you!“ 20 min later Dr. Stevens enters Teresa’s room and does a thorough exam. Her throat is a bit inflamed but her lungs sound clear. „Ok young lady – I guess your Daddy has already told you that playing out in the rain was not a good idea, but I guess we can prevent any serious consequences, and you will be fine within a couple of days. I will give you something to make you feel better.“ Teresa is blushing when Dr. Stevens mentions her discussion with Daddy, she is sure he knows that she got a spanking. She quickly lowers her eyes and almost bolts when she hears what Dr Stevens suggests: „Marcello – I will give her a suppository right now to bring that fever down, it will also help her to sleep. I‘ll leave you this package – you can insert one every four hours. Keep her in bed tomorrow, the fever should be gone by tomorrow evening.“ Teresa is getting really nervous now. She pulls up her covers to her chin when the doctor says „suppositories“. Dr Steven almost always prescribes them when she has a fever but she doesn’t like it when he or Daddy slides them into her bottom. „Oh please doctor – I feel fine – I.. I don‘ t need your medicine, really, and I don’t want a suppotory! “ Both men smile at the antics of the little girl but don’t correct her mistake – it is not important now.Daddy takes her hand and says firmly: „Now little one, the doctor knows what he is doing. Come on, roll over, it will be over before you know it!“ „Nooooooooo Daddy – I don’t want this and I won’t let him do it!“ Daddy sighs and threatens: „Teresa Fabienne – you will now do exactly as the doctor says, and you will do it NOW if you don’t want get your bottom smacked first!“ The miserable girl is looking directly into Dr Steven’s dark eyes, and decides to cooperate, she certainly does not want a spanking in front of somebody else. Daddy waits until she has found a comfortable positon, tugs at her pj bottoms and pulls them down to her knees. In the meantime Dr. Steven has removed the foil of the suppository and starts lubricating her anus. Teresa keeps her eyes tightly shut and whimpers when she feels the pressure against her little bottomhole. Dr. Stevens presses it deeply into her bottom. „Owwww Dr Stevens please no, take it out! It burns!“ She wants to push the foreign object out but the doctor has anticipated this reaction. He keeps his finger at her anus until the suppository has gone all the way in and starts melting. „Now, now Teresa – all done – that was not so bad after all, was it? You have been a brave little girl. Now I want you to sleep and get better soon – I will check on you tomorrow!“ She is really tired now, the suppository is beginning to work and shemumbles: „But I still don’t like it!“ Both men smile at each other. Teresa is already half asleep when her Daddy pulls up her pj bottoms and kisses her cheek before he leaves the room together with Dr.Stevens. Daddy checks on her again before he goes to bed. She is lying on her tummy, her thumb in her mouth – something she still does occasionally when she is emotionally upset. She still feels very warm, and once again her Daddy carefully lowers her pants. This time there is no struggling when he eases the suppository deep into her bottom – she only starts sucking her thumb more quickly.
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When Danielle’s father remarried, his young wife Elise insisted on a summer-long honeymoon in Europe. Dani wasn’t invited, of course: instead, she was sent to live with her stepmother’s relatives in Oklahoma, Aunt Connie, Uncle Ted, and her two new step-cousins, Rebecka and Timothy.
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