Antinous God

Antinous God


Antinous God
Antinous drowned in the Nile river
in October of the year 130. The local people of Egypt indicated that
Antinous had become a sacred being...they believed that all those
who drowned in the Nile had been embraced by Osiris, that the drowned
person would become Osiris, rising up from the underworld to live
forever as an immortal, and that through their death, the Inundation
of the Nile would be assured. The Greek philosophers hearing that
Antinous had become a local demigod brought the news to Hadrian, assuring
him that as the living God-King, Pharoah and Divine Emperor of Rome,
the years that had been taken away from Antinous were now added to
his own life. Hadrian responded by issuing a declaration, that a New
God had arisen from the Nile. Hadrian decreed that Antinous was to
be numbered among the gods and heroes of the Roman Religion.
Temples were dedicated to Antinous,
and a new cult was ordained to serve his worshipers. The center of
this cult was the city of Antinoopolis where Antinous died, but many
other cities, mostly in the Greek provinces also built Temples, and
there were private shrines dedicated to Antinous everywhere, from
Britania, to the Danube Frontier to North Africa. Priests of Antinous
were appointed to perform the ceremonies that would perpetuate the
memory of the New God Antinous for all eternity.
Athletic games were celebrated in
the major centers of his religion, such as Antinoopolis, Bithynia,
and Mantinea. The competitors were primarily young men called Ephebes.
In Antinoopolis these included swimming and boat races in the Nile,
but the Antinous Games were unique in that they also included competition
in the arts and music. The over-all winner was consecrated as the
living embodiment of Antinous and given citizenship in Antinoopolis,
with an all-expense-paid life of luxury and adoration. He was worshiped
in the temple as the representative of Antinous, the emblem of youth
and masculinity. He was the Divine Ephebe.
The gentle gay religion of Antinous
was the last manifestation of the ancient pagan faith. It summoned
the glories of the past in final triumph, and was also a religion
of individual salvation, reflecting the spiritual changes that were
taking place as Christianity and the other eastern mystery faiths
gained strength. Antinous was the Last God of ancient Rome, and he
was also unfortunately used as a weapon against the pagans by the
Catholic faith. The Christians found an easy target in the supposedly
questionable moral message that Antinous embodied. They used him as
an example to illustrate that the Roman Religion had become a religion
of pederasty, immoral sexual indulgence, and idolatry. The small cult
of Antinous was always at the forefront of controversy between the
pagans and the early Christians, primarily because of overtly homosexual
elements of Antinous, but also because his religion was spoken of
as comparable to Christianity in many ways by more traditional pagans,
because of the salvation and blessing that Antinous bestowed upon
his worshipers.
Antinous was compared to the boy gods
who had given their lives for the benefit of mankind. Among them the
Egyptian Osiris, Hermes the messenger, and Dionysus god of the vine
whose homosexuality had always been celebrated for a thousand years
in Greece. Also Ganymede, the beautiful boy whom the great god Jupiter
had taken to be his lover, and the cup bearer of heaven, the young
deity who served the cup of immortality to the gods. Jupiter had swept
down upon Ganymede in the form of an eagle and carried him to Olympus,
just as Hadrian whose symbol as Emperor was the eagle, had swept down
upon Antinous and carried him to world-wide fame.
Under Hadrian's direction, statues
of Antinous were fashioned, using models that had been carved while
Antinous was still alive. These statues often portrayed Antinous in
the costume and symbols of the famous beautiful boy-gods, but many
show Antinous without divine attributes, suggesting that Antinous
was a new unprecedented God. These statues were set up everywhere
in the Empire within the official Temples of Antinous, and in private
shrines within the homes of his worshipers. Hundreds remain and can
be found in the great museums of the world. Looking upon them, one
is struck by their beauty and by their astonishing similarity. They
are so perfect that they are like photographs, revealing the true,
unmistakable image of what Antinous looked like in life. There is
no god in the world whose face is so well captured. And it is for
this reason that Beauty is among the most important spiritual elements
of his faith. His beauty was so extraordinary that it was crucial
that it be captured and replicated with exactitude. Over the centuries
his beauty has astonished and captivated all those who look upon him,
leaving a deep impression of godliness within the soul.
The religion of Antinous lasted several
hundred years, well into the Christian era, but it suffered severe
persecution and was eventually eradicated. It is significant to note
that when the cult of Antinous was denounced and his images smashed
by the iconoclasts, the peace and stability of Rome went into decline.
Hadrian had blessed the Empire with a gentle protector, who gave her
prosperity and grace. When the Empire turned against her vulnerable
guardian, the way was open for chaos and destruction.

The extraordinary story of Antinous was preserved by the Church in
documents denouncing paganism. The beautiful images of Antinous were
often carefully buried underground by his worshipers to protect them
from the destruction, eventually, hundreds of years later, the statues
were discovered and were seen as absolute treasures from the ancient
age. One colossal head of Antinous even being described as the greatest
achievement of ancient art.
And now, in this day, as the Gay Spirit is returning to the world
again without fear of death and violence, we find that Antinous has
come again. His statues and Temples are uncovered , and his star is
again shinning, but what is more significant is that here in this
New Gay Religion, and in the hearts of homosexual men all over the
world, his gentle spirit is rising up from the vineyards where long
ago, the last priests buried his image, in expectation and hope for
better days....the hope and the dream of the ancients is coming into
being...Gay Rights are now one of the most important social issues
in the world, this is what Antinous has always stood for, what he
represented in the ancient sense, and what he means now..that Antinous,
although he is a God, was once a living human being, as real and as
beautiful as any of us, and like Antinous, we are all immortal beings
capable of becoming gods, that homosexuality is a sacred state of
being, that it is a form of Love and all forms of Love are sacred
and beautiful and worthy of our highest devotion and reverence. Antinous
is the God of all Gay people, he was a homosexual, and it is therefore
our calling as gay men to restore his name and the place of his religion
to the reverence of his ancient past.
Hadrian deified Antinous because he
loved him, because he wanted to give Antinous everything that he had
within his power to bestow upon Antinous. Hadrian inaugurated the
ancient religion of Antinous as a way of asking other gay men to remember
Antinous and ensure that his name would never be forgotten and that
his beauty and his gentle heart would never fade away. For centuries,
Hadrian's request was enthusiastically granted by ancient gay men
and people in general, who worshiped Antinous with deep devotion,
long, long after Hadrian and his successors. The name and beauty of
Antinous fascinated people, throughout history, especially gay men.
And now the beautiful mystery of Antinous has been given to us, to
the Modern Gay Community. It is therefore our duty (for those who
choose to take his image upon their shoulders) in answer to the request
of Hadrian, for the world, for gay men, to remember Antinous, to perpetuate
his name, and to love him for all eternity, as Hadrian loved him.
This is the deepest foundation of
the Modern Religion of hear the call of Hadrian across
the centuries, to love, worship and care for the memory of the beautiful
Antinous, because without us, the Name of Antinous could vanish into
oblivion, or else he could merely languish on a shelf in a museum
without anyone to ever say:
Behold the Divine Antinous
May He live Forever!
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Antinoüs , (born c. 110, Bithynium, Bithynia—died 130, near Besa, Egypt), homosexual lover of the Roman emperor Hadrian , deified by the emperor after his death in Egypt , where he drowned. Hadrian erected temples to him throughout the empire and founded a city, named Antinoöpolis , in his honour, near the place where he died. An obelisk , now in Rome near the Porta Maggiore, marked his tomb. Many sculptures, gems, and coins survive depicting Antinoüs as a model of youthful beauty.
The 10-second read: A fascinating nugget of information, delivered to your inbox.

Antinous was born in a small
town called Bithynium-Claudiopolis, in the northwest corner of Asia Minor,
which we now call Turkey, in the year 111 A.D. He was likely from a family
of minor nobility or influence in the town. Antinous came from nowhere,
but by the end of his short life, he was known all over the world. His
name and image has survived through history because of the mysterious
love that occurred between this strange, exotic young man, and his lover
Hadrian, the ruler of the Roman Empire. The details of Antinous's life
are mostly unknown. The exact year of his birth is unknown but the date
is recorded as November 27th. He was repeatedly described as being an
“Ephebe” at the time of his death which is a Greek term for
a young man of about 18 years of age.
What he looked like is certain, based on hundreds of surviving sculptures,
he was extraordinarily beautiful, a living god, a visible manifestation
of divine perfection. He has been compared to Ganymede, Adonis, and many
beautiful boys whose beauty attracted the attention of the Gods.
The Emperor Hadrian passed through Bithynia in the year 123 A.D. and may
have encountered Antinous for the first time. With his parents permission,
Antinous was sent to be educated at the finest school for boys in Rome,
where he learned the liberal arts, and how to be a model Roman citizen.
He also began training his body in the gymnasium, and over time, under
the guidance of Greek trainers, sculpted it into one of the finest examples
of Classical male beauty.
Antinous was an excellent hunter, which was Hadrian's favorite past time...they
are known to have spent much of their free time hunting wild animals,
including a man-eating lion in the Libyan desert. Antinous surely felt
deep affection for Hadrian's hunting hounds, the finest dogs in the world
at that time and in many ways Antinous can be compared to one of them,
because of his loyalty and devotion, his beauty and youth, his athletic
strength, and the expression in his eyes, all of which conveys deep canine
In his short life, Antinous affected the course of human history, he became
the first historical person to be declared a god because of his homosexuality,
for whom a religion was initiated, which lasted for several hundred years.
His religion prompted Christians to react against homosexuality in ways
that continue to affect us even now.
The relationship between Hadrian and Antinous did not begin until Antinous
reached legal adulthood. There is no contemporary historical evidence
to prove otherwise, despite what many claim. Early Christians spread vicious,
homophobic rumors to exterminate his gay religion, and much of this falsehood
persist to this day. Antinous was the last god of the ancient Roman religion.
The beauty of Antinous is timeless. He is as perfect to our modern eyes
as he was 1900 years ago. He has captivated lovers of male beauty ever
since. Antinous was the first and the longest lasting Male supermodel.

Hadrian is the only emperor
to have traveled throughout the whole of Roman Empire, having visited
every province from Brittania to Israel, and from the Danube to North
Africa, several times. He enjoyed personally overseeing the administration
of his government, and he was deeply interested in improving the lives
of his subjects by tangible means. Hadrian was in love with the Greek
ideal of civilization, and was devoted to carrying his vision of a perfect
world to every corner of the Empire.
So it was that in the late summer of the year 128, the Imperial Court
embarked on a grand tour of the East. The Empress Sabina, Hadrian's wife,
and her attenda
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