Antifascism must be political

Antifascism must be political


UA version

What is Antifa?

Antifa is an abbreviation for antifascist. Antifa is an international horizontal movement against fascism. That is, rigidly organized authoritarian systems (communities, corporations, or states) and movements loyal to them. It doesn't matter whether we are talking about Italian fascism of the 1920s, German Nazism of the 1930s, Romanian ultra-nationalism of Codreanu, neoliberal dictatorship of Pinochet in 1970s, Putin's authoritarian regime or modern hybrid regimes.

So, antifa are: antifascists, anti-nazis, anti-nationalists (if we are talking about conservative, right-wing nationalism), anti-racists, anti-sexists, anti-homophobes, eco-conscious, anti-capitalists. Leftists.

(A)political antifascism

The movement has a very long history and has always faced one important phenomenon, so called 'apolitical anti-fascism'. Not everyone who fights against fascism wants to associate themselves with political movements or trends, while still referring themselves to antifa. For example, you can often see people who are anti-racist and homophobic at the same time, or who oppose fascism but don't accept anti-capitalist theses, or who call themselves "anti-fascists" and are sexists. That is, there are people who combine incompatible things.

Why do antifascism must be political?

'Apolitical antifascism' is OK. But only as a temporary and individual phenomenon that should lead to political self-awareness and identification. Because something constructive cannot be built on "anti-". It's impossible to build an adequate social system if you have no alternative to the existing system. And it cannot be constructed without (self-)education, immersion in history, political philosophy etc. That is why everyone has to go from apolitical to political antifascism.

Also we have to mention those who see Putin as a global fighter against fascism, support pseudo-state formations in eastern Ukraine, or wish for the return of the USSR. They are not anti-fascists or antifa, no matter how they call themselves.
Read our during-the-invasion statement about this topic.

What ways do we see?

Antifa is and has always been a revolutionary movement that wants to create a society without wars, poverty, violence, exploitation and authoritarianism. The ideal of Antifa is a conscious, free, strong, self-sufficient, just, dignified and friendly person. That is why Antifa is a left-wing, socialist movement, and the only way for all those who call themselves or associate themselves with Antifa is socialism. Of course, free, anti-authoritarian & libertarian.

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To know more about antifascists who fought in Ukraine we advice you to visit our МЕМОРІАЛ Ⓐ MEMORIAL sub-project. We preserve and spread the memory about our dear comrades so future generations could be inspired by their lives and feats.
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