Answers to the frequent questions related to the rockclimbing on the natural rocks and indoor rockclimbing gyms

Answers to the frequent questions related to the rockclimbing on the natural rocks and indoor rockclimbing gyms

MCS AlexClimb

Original text is here

Collection of the rockclimbing tours in here 

What is rockclimbing?
Is arm strength necessary for rockclimbing?
What are rockclimbing tours?

Why rockclimbing is not Olympic?

Where and when to do rockclimbing?

What is a rockclimbing program class?

What is rockclimbing motivation?

Rockclimbing in Mallorca

Any person who comes to the rockclimbing wall for the first time or wants to try himself on a rockclimbing route, even on the simplest one, inevitably faces a number of the special rockclimbing questions. What is rockclimbing, why to climb a wall, where is the best place to rockclimb, with whom to climb, is it safe to do rockclimbing - and so on....

Rockclimbing in Cuba

Traditionally, many misconceptions and inaccuracies are associated with this sport, which stem from the rather narrow specifics of the sport rockclimbing. For many, the association of rockclimbing with extreme sports and mountaineering is an inevitable consequence of watching movies and videos about mountains and rocks, in which, for the sake of plot dynamics, a variety of activities are mixed in a ball.

Rockclimbing in Kalymnos, Greece

Understanding the specifics of sport rockclimbing, separating this concept from other activities associated with it, is the most important step in starting your passion for rockclimbing as a leisure, sport or fitness. This dynamic, healthy and exciting type of activity will bring to you a huge amount of emotions and pleasure - after all, rockclimbing is an open door to the world of sports, achievements, smiles, new friends and the brightest, most memorable emotions.

Rockclimbing in Tenerife, Spain

In this section you will find general information about rockclimbing, various types and forms of this sport. You will find basic tips on the rockclimbing technique and tactics, descriptions of different rockclimbing areas, tests and reviews of the rockclimbing equipment. The collection of articles on the subject of rockclimbing on this site is constantly updated and supplemented - for 20 years of professional rockclimbing, our interest in this phenomenon has not decreased at all – but quite the contrary.

Rockclimbing in Madagascar

New unique locations, rockclimbing expeditions to the most remote corners of the globe, constant training and new achievements... All this and much more became the basis for writing of the rockclimbing FAQ section on this website.

The author of the texts and photos - Alex Trubachev

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