Answer to Issue #1 on Template #75

Answer to Issue #1 on Template #75


Link to chuchu's issue text

  1. First things first. I don't see what you see. My screenshot:

2. This widget is in almost every page of the website. Articles are pretty informative and always include prices in plain text. It is not essential for understanding those articles. We can't just unsupport half of the site, you know.

3. I was aware that my tempate included links which were not shown on the site and that the widget is dynamic. I included it in the first place as a nice option for the reader to search for the item in shops, doesn't matter in which one.

4.1. But after some thinking about all this and taking an advice in IV chat, I decided to simply delete it. I came to conlusion that it is simply not an essential content. Plus it's dynamic, plus it includes site's referral links. Some variations of this widgets are even blocked by adblock.
4.2. In my opinion, your point that this widget is essential, because site gets money thanks to it is wrong. Should we include partner sites ads and such then? Checklist says no. It's not a libre independent journal, they get their money, believe me.

5. And the answer to your "footnotes", for sure. If you checked mine and benuzak's templates throughly, you wouldn't make such false accusations. Anyway, I don't even have to say that. Admin team have access to the code and can check what you say easily.

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