Ansible Conditionally Set Variable

Ansible Conditionally Set Variable





Variables that are environment specific and that need to be overridden should be in all caps

Often in a playbook it may be useful to store the result of a given command in a variable and access it later Ansible when variable contains string We can also make a conditional statement based on whether the variable contains a particular string . I have been using Ansible professionally now for 15 months and let me first say that I really enjoy using Ansible over the other automation tools I have We will start with where variables can be set โ€ข Setting up and transferring SSH keys allows playbooks to be run and tasks โ€ข Tasks have a name & module keys .

This gives me a 'bad colour' error when I start tmux

yaml โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ meta โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”‚ โ””โ”€โ”€ This avoids the bloat induced by running the conditional on each task, while accomplishing the same goal yaml โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ meta โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”‚ โ””โ”€โ”€ This avoids the bloat induced by running the conditional on each task, while accomplishing the same goal . Ansible modules are, in a way, what commands are to a Linux computer By default, variables are merged/flattened to the specific host before a play is run .

Additionally, you should explicitly set the ansible_user variable to the use rna me to use when connecting to the server

The os_horizon role now supports distribution of user custom themes These are builtin variables which cannot be set by the user and which Ansible will always override . In addition to customizing Ansible's default settings, these variables are also accessible from your playbooks, which enables Delegated facts ยถ By default, any fact gathered by a delegated task are assigned to the inventory_hostname (the current host) instead of the host which actually produced the facts (the delegated to host) .

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Getting back to the topic at hand, iterating over the hash can be achieved by creating a custom jinja2 filter Using the variables above, Ansible will connect to the Windows host with Basic authentication through HTTPS . But provisioning a fresh server, and updating the Nginx and Gunicorn config files, was all left as a manual process Ansible is used to manage configurations of multiple servers and environments .

Given that the average devops person is already stuck with yaml, many of those problems are addressed by jsonnet

Letโ€™s refactor this playbook to work against apt and yum distributions You can then take the Ansible Fact and use it further down in a Playbook . Ansible is the Swiss Army knife of DevOps, capable of handling many powerful automation tasks with the flexibility to adapt to many environments and workflows trim_blocks: If this is set to True the first newline after a block is removed (block, not variable tag!) .

It helps you to use and assign a Below is the example to demonstrate the usage of Loops in Ansible

Letโ€™s try and define each of them individually and while showing some examples along the way What is Ansible? Ansible is an all in one IT solution . With the outer loop and the inner loop using item , Ansible had a problem The main workhorse of the previous example is the assert Ansible module .

I found a workaround to install packages with pip into a virtualenv managed by pyenv

TiDB Ansible enables you to quickly deploy Edit the deploy_dir variable to configure the deployment directory There are plenty of good reasons for conditional tasks, like . Note that, the fact-gathering needs to be โ€˜ONโ€™ if you want to access this Set diff return variable to a dict of changes applied .

Roles provide a framework for fully independent, or interdependent collections of variables, tasks, files, templates, and modules

Collectively, the list of Ansible predefined variables is referred to as Ansible facts and these are gathered when a playbook is executed Ansible is a system of configuration management written in Python programming language which uses a declarative markup language to describe configurations . Ansible has a lot of power, but you need to know how to use it Ansible supports variables to store values that can be used in Playbooks .

Since weโ€™re calling the Dynamic Inventory File, the ansible_host value will be changed and the debug output will show us the new value

It is required to use the internal IP address to deploy Ansible roles are consists of many playbooks, which is similar to modules in puppet and cook books in chef . In any normal programming language, we achieve these using loops Ansibleโ€™s approach to configuration โ€“ separating variables from tasks, keeps your playbooks from turning into arbitrary code with ugly nested ifs, conditionals, and so on - and results in more streamlined & auditable configuration rules โ€“ especially because there are a minimum of decision points to track .

Many times this also works in a way where one variableโ€™s value is dependent on another variable

The example below defines a variable package that later is used inside a task:--- - hosts: all become: true vars: package: vim tasks: - name: Install Package apt: name= package state=latest This behavior is the equivalent of Tag inheritance: adding tags to multiple tasks . Each time Ansible executes a task, the first step is to collect facts about nodes Other variables such as passwords or specific ports or specific connection parameters can also be defined in this file .

For instance, let us assume that you want to check disk usage of managed nodes in respective root directories using the df -Th / command

The first statement in the template creates a new variable selinux_statusand set its value to ansible_facts'selinux''status' list prints the IPs of all the hosts which match the criteria set out in the inventory and / or limits . yml --user atmouser Using a specific SSH private key: ansible -m ping hosts --private-key=~/ This server will not have writable access to our Git repos so This allows for variables to be site specific .

Ansible allows to create variables per host, per group, or site wide variables by setting group_vars/all

In the Ansible Managed target Node, System Administrator has setup the ansible user password protected to perform SSH and become Sudo Tagged ansible, debug, hostvars, variables Languages bash, yaml . Check if httpd package is installed using shell module and register the output into result variable; Use set_fact to store the output into result variable as we are doing some operation runtime and storing the variable we couldn't use vars (this is covered in Ansible Variables and Data Types chapter) I would like the variable to remain undefined if the condition does not resolve to true .

It takes me hours to understand different types of variables of ansible Ansible is often used to manage Linux-nodes, but Windows is also supported . Our first variable is strname and the second is vm_size provided after the -name: tag The only time there may be confusion is if a host is part of two groups, letโ€™s say production and app, and the .

Consider a scenario where we want to create multiple users or want to install multiple packages

Ansible gives you conditionals to use when you want to check if something meets a certain criteria Using Ansible โ€œwhenโ€ statements allows you to set parameters for when a task should play out . Itโ€™s a great idea to keep your playbooks under source control, but you may wish to make the playbook source public while keeping certain important variables private These can be also used to implement conditional execution of tasks .

Weโ€™ll override the weave role variables for satisfying our needs

We set the Ansible fact size to the string small, medium or large depending on the number selected at the Next set group-specific variables by server role, which take priority over all . Include_role VS import_role include_role: - Supports loops - Absolute mess - Broken in each new ansible release in a new way (hello, 2 โ€ขPlaybook variable ,registered variables and ansible facts can be tested with conditionals 8/31/2018 Prepared By Sumit Kumar Chaurasia 67 68 .

The fix? Use loop_control to specify a non-default variable name for the inner item variable name

local => 'msg': 'AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or These files will be passed in when the relevant ansible-playbook commands are run . Section Introduction Need to separate data from code Diving into Jinja2 templates Understanding ansible vars, Precedence Levels and Best Practices Advanced vars concepts Dynamically defining app version with vars and tasks Managing app configs with templates and vars Playing with vars precedence Registered variables and conditional execution Another category of variables are special variables .

Sometimes you may want to execute multiple task conditionally

--- - hosts: all tasks: - lineinfile $ ansible-playbook -i inventory # # In older versions, $config_path will be set to the string /etc/$config # config: ntpd . Ansible has changed its behaviour over time regarding whether or not ansible_user is defined, and it is most effective to define it explicitly even when it can sometimes be inferred See Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules for details on the relative precedence of each source .

Ansible's ability to merge variables from host/group vars in an intelligent way and futher allow those variables to be accessed per host truly is a great feature

- hosts: all vars: test1 We can also make a conditional statement based on whether the variable contains a particular string For example: If job template A succeeds, job template B automatically executes afterwards But in case of failure, job template C will be run . In this instance, the updates will only be installed when the string of text defined in the regular expression is present in the variable check that was previously registered, and the run variable is set to true In each of the three different cases, you display a message that reflects Selinux status .

Each assert's condition is an Ansible test, and the assert task will fail if any of the listed conditionals evaluates to false

This module provides you the information about the server hardware, network and some of the ansible-related software settings hosts: this is a list of machines (as per /etc/ansible/hosts) where the following tasks will be performed . Assume the url for where the application gets published is part of each varset I usually create a variable to represent the list of packages to install, for example package_list and define it in an OS specific var file, such as RedHat .

Additionally, you can have a list or an array of variables as shown: The playbook below shows a variable called For example: # ansible -m setup database_server

This works well when combined with Ansibleโ€™s built in variables yml file with a play that sets up the variables you need using when clauses, and then importing (or including) them in your main playbook . For working with lists and dictionary variables in ansible, refer to following example: --- - name: Test playbook for checking dictionaries hosts: all remote_user: root vars: dict1: hostname: test, ip: 127 Ansible is a simple automation tool that can: โ—Execute tasks on one or many hosts โ—Orchestrate an otherwise complex order of operations, even conditionally based on system facts or variables provided at runtime .

I tried these two approaches and both of them produce recursive loop: namespace: namespace

You are accessing the register variable eth0 by trying to use the name register which doesn't exist I want to conditionally define a variable in an Ansible playbook like this: my_var: 'foo' if my_condition . There are many ways to pass/define variables in ansible (command line, vars in playbook, include a yaml, vars dir in a role, defaults dir, etc) however, there The closest to setting a constant in the way you ask for it is setting your variables as defaults(that is defaults/main - name: trick, set a dictionary variable from an array .

UPDATE_CEPH_DEV_SHA1: (default: latest) This would configure the ceph-ansible variable ceph_dev_sha1 which defines which sha1 weโ€™d like to update to from shaman The tasks is to copy the set of all the war files from one directory to tomcat webapps folder . Set and modify play variables Conditional logic Ansible supports the conditional execution of a task based on the run-time evaluation of variable, fact, or SUMMARY Suprrious Deprecation warning and regular (non-deprecation) warnings when using boolean vars .

The Ansible inventory sets a VENDOR_MODEL host variable for each machine Moreover, the slave variable registers the outcome of the mysql_replication call with mode=getslave, because To prevent that, the comma is conditionally added for all but the last element by checking for the special

The most common operation is to use a default filter as in the example While it is possible to use set_fact in order to set variables, establishing a clear convention that facts are the result of command execution seems Ansible can be run as root only But login and security reasons often request non-root access Use become method - so Ansible scripts are executed via sudo (sudo is easy to track) Best: create an Ansible only user Donโ€™t try to limit sudo rights to certain commands - Ansible does not work that way! . To get a list of unique system variable names run the command Another method that I use is when I might want to create a semi-private repository to ensure that I or .

This default has been removed to allow the default to be set by the nova code instead

These variables are available to subsequent plays in a playbook Variablesยถ There are times when we have a bunch of similar servers but they are not exactly the same . But these configuration files can vary for each cluster or remote server Working with Ansible Register Variables, Ansible registers are used when you want to capture the output of a task to a variable .

If we focus on the apache-php apps for this example, the apache-php varset template get instantiated 4 time, 1 for each of A, B, C and D

read more For now you should know that CLI variables have the top priority Lastly, as noted, when this code is run, ensure the ANSIBLE_CONFIG environment variable is set with the full path to the ansible . Jinja2 variables and expressions within playbooks and tasks allow us to create roles that are very flexible when: This conditional phrase specifies the conditions which must be met for this task to run .

In Ansible, conditionals include when, loop, custom facts, register variables, and commonly used facts

Help with conditional variables : ansible, Maybe use the template module and jinja to generate a yaml file conditionally defining your vars? Then use the include_vars module in a task and point to the Using 'when' conditional statement Traditional programming language usually uses the When we set a variable via the command line for the run of the playbook, the variable is available in the . Weโ€™d like to reuse the same playbook but use a different module depending on the operating system But the author of an Ansible Role cannot predict how the end user would like to customize variables for their environment using group_vars, host_vars, play vars, inventory, etc .

For more information, you can now visit the official

In case itโ€™s needed, we can use another fact to conditionally set the name of the checksum binary The best you got to leverage is local variables, reference types, and (perhaps) ByRef . Selecting Files And Templates Based On Variables ยถ Awesome tool to query data from various sources!!! .

The magic variable inventory_hostname is to get the host

Ansible YAML is a poor substitute for a real language once you add conditional logic to the mix I want to conditionally define a variable in an Ansible playbook like this Because of the different sudo conventions used by Ubuntu versus other platforms, here I am telling Ansible to set a variable named sudoGroup to sudo if the platform is Ubuntu, otherwise set it to wheel . Itโ€™s used for automation of configuration and OS setup There are different ways in which you can define variables in Ansible .

Booleans (True or False) In the example playbook below, I print โ€œHello worldโ€ when theโ€test_varโ€ variable is true

Ansible is a systems automation tool, similar to Chef and Puppet but with a very different approach Registered variables are similar to facts, with a few key differences . The module path can also be set using an environment variable Archiving refers to the compression of a file or folder to a format that is easily portable and smaller in size .

These Job Templates donโ€™t even have to share inventory, Playbooks or even permissions

ini --extra-vars hosts=gns3 username=cisco password=cisco If the value is undefined it will return the passed default value, otherwise the value of the variable Configuring Ansible through the Global Tool Configuration in Jenkins (Jenkins โ†’ Manage Jenkins โ†’ Global Tool Configuration) allows for multiple Ansible installations to be present and used by different Jenkins jobs . Create a playbook on control that uses the debug task to show amount of memory free on the target host; runs a debug task if a variable run_me is set An ansible register is used for capturing a taskโ€™s output and save it a variable .

Like facts, registered variables are host-level variables We use a very similar syntax to that which you've already seen . In this case, it is a Fact which returns an inventory index of the host being processed (a number representing a position of the host in the inventory; first host would return 1, second would return 2, and so on) However conditionals can become annoying if you need many include statements or repeat tasks based on facts .

You can read more about adding variables to an Ansible inventory on the Ansible documentation website

So the first tests could be done to see what needed to be done to switch from 2 The variables mechanism provided by ansible is great, however, not well documented . For each role in ansible (assume 1 role per application here), we have to define a set of variables (template) that gets applied to the nodes There's nothing particularly complicated about using Variables inside a Playbook .

You'll learn how to apply these libraries to your project and see how to use Ansible Playbooks with tasks, handlers, and templates to go from a bare Linux installation to a running Python web application

Because templates use the Jinja2 engine, they have a lot of features In this example weโ€™ll look at a common scenario where you need to manually create the JAVA_HOME environment variable and add it to the existing PATH environment variable because the . Join Robert Starmer for an in-depth discussion in this video, Looping tasks with variable lists, part of Ansible Essential Training This is actually a tiny snippet # is set to 'brown' above .

when: ansible_os_family == RedHat and ansible_lsb

An alternative is to declare a list, and put in it the variables we want to set Conditionally define variable in Ansible, You could use something like this: my_var: 'foo' if my_condition else '' . Grouping your tasks into roles is one of the best ways to maximize the power of Ansibleโ€™s modularity and reusability, as organizing things into roles let you reuse common configuration steps between ansible-vault is a super useful tool that lets you encrypt secrets for your group using a pre-shared key .

Example 4-11 shows how to set the variable named token to the value 12345

Common Ansible loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, and repeating a polling step until a certain result is reached There are multiple ways of setting the values of the variables used in an Ansible playbook . Cool Tip: Jenkins installation and basic configuration! Read more โ†’ Conditional Variables in Jenkins Declarative Pipeline In our case, itโ€™s port 22 (default SSH port) on our host coming up and accepting connections .

The include_vars module can be used in a playbook or role to load variables from a file

) Registered variables are only valid on the host for the rest of the current playbook run At some point, for one of the roles being worked on (some elasticsearch mini-cluster in this particular case), a specific role needed to be applied to some servers, but only when a condition was met . However, I felt a need to write a few example Playbooks for my own and to give others another way to look at it If you want to store the output in a variable and use it later, then you can use the Ansible register module .

Here we define that the variable 'webserver_package' is httpd for each host

Ansible When Variable is defined or undefined Examples set_fact: x: foo when: x is not defined # this task sets a value for x You can create a playbook that works on multiple platforms and OS versions with a minimum of syntax by placing your variable values in vars files and conditionally importing them . jdk role็š„็›ฎๅฝ•็ป“ๆž„ๅฆ‚ไธ‹๏ผš email protected roles# tree jdk jdk โ”œโ”€โ”€ defaults โ”œโ”€โ”€ files โ”‚ โ””โ”€โ”€ jdk-8u101-linux-x64 Design, develop, and solve real-world automation and orchestration problems by unlocking the automation capabilities of Ansible .

Conditionally include variables - you may wish to load different variables based on host-specific properties or in response to tasks

) I've attached an example playbook (which reads in animals 8 and donโ€™t generate a lot of stopped GitLab CI-jobs due to new warnings and errors . Ansible allows you to reference variables in your playbooks using the Jinja2 templating system The following Playbook creates a list of developer languages and assigns that variable into an Ansible Fact .

That way you can have all vars conditionally defined in a single file

Chris ran the Ubuntu repository ppa:chris-lea/node Today I want to describe my own set of best practices for easy working with multiple environment Ansible allows you to describe list of steps, called playbooks, that are executed through SSH on Managing Environment-specific variables and secrets . com keyword in it, it should directly store the value to host All Ansible best practices relate back to this thinking in one way or another .

Ansible gives an error if I try to do this: fatal: [foo

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