Anonib Ms

Anonib Ms


Anonib Ms
Last updated {{ '2021-11-01T15:54:16.672Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)
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Estilo Selecciona un estilo... Hispachan Hispablue Hispabook Hispanaranja Hispasecta Hispagirl Hispahack Hispademon Hispanight Hispaenie Hispagris Hispamierda Hispasexy, AnonIB

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Estilo Selecciona un estilo... Hispachan Hispablue Hispabook Hispanaranja Hispasecta Hispagirl Hispahack Hispademon Hispanight Hispaenie Hispagris Hispamierda Hispasexy, AnonIB anon ms it guy: more than break-fix









October 2010
December 2009
November 2009


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Hopefully you're like me and love to trim all the fat.
Whenever I touch a clients (XP Pro) computer or do a new install, this is what I do (with permission):
Right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Performance Settings, Adjust for best performance, Tick the following: Show window contents while dragging, Smooth edges of screen fonts, Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop, and only if the user REALLY wants it: Use visual styles on windows and buttons.
Start, Run, services.msc, enter.
Make all of these start up manually:
Cryptographic Services
Distrubuted Link Tracking Client
Error Reporting Service
Help and Support
IPSec Services
Logical Disk Manager
Remote Registry (unless in a corporate environment)
Secondary Logon
Security Center
System Restore Service (I've never ever had to use it)
Themes (unless customer really wants it)
Windows Firewall/ICS
Windows Image Acquisition (I've had this stall on startup sometimes when set to Automatic. Takes forever)
Wireless Zero Configuration (Unless it's actually got a wireless card and they're not using the third-party applications).
Install CCleaner (
Tick all except:
Internet Explorer history,
Recently typed URLs,
Autocomplete Form History,
Recent Documents,
Run (in Start Menu),
Search Autocomplete,
Other Explorer MRUs,
Empty Recycle Bin,
Wipe Free Space
In CCleaner, goto Tools -> Startup and aggressively delete all the startup items you can (I always ask the Customer if they need any before I do it. Most of the time they don't.)
Install Defraggler (
Schedule a daily/weekly defrag
Enable Remote Desktop (Right Click My Computer, Properties, Remote Tab, Allow users to connect remotely to this computer)
Add Domain Users to Local Administrators (if on an Active Directory Domain)
(I KNOW people will get upset with everyone being a local Administrator. Yes there are downsides, but so far they don't outweigh the benefits (in my opinion). So many times software will not run because of insufficient rights.)
Remove the annoying language bar for good.
Change the keyboard repeat delay to Short and make sure repeat rate is fastest.
Change resolution to at least 1024 x 768
If I have time, I install Windows XP PowerToys to remove the menu hover delay entirely. If it's an elderly user, or one that lacks some dexterity, I don't do this. I prefer a snappier interface, but some people lack the mouse control.
I still wonder why with all this computing power things are still so slow. 7 years ago we were sending emails, writing up word documents, playing with excel formulas, and wasting time on the web. Now, we are sending emails, writing up word documents, playing with excel formulas and wasting time on the web at the SAME SPEED DESPITE SUCH AN INCREASE IN CPU/RAM/HDD.
The eye candy is making us fat and slow. anon ms it guy: more than break-fix









October 2010
December 2009
November 2009


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Copyright © 2022 · Powered by WordPress Lightword Theme by Andrei Luca
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echo %date% only shows the day name if your short date format is: "d/MM/yyyy"
returns: "Fri 15/10/2010"
Which lets you do this:
echo %date:~0,3% to get "Fri"
This doesnt work when the date format has changed!
So, in script:
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v "sShortDate" /t REG_SZ /d "d/MM/yyyy" /f
rem change format to get day
echo %date:~0,3%
rem get day
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v "sShortDate" /t REG_SZ /d "dd/MM/yy" /f
rem change it back
xcopy d:\data\*.* c:\Backups\%date:~0,3%\ /e /v /c /h /r
Client of mine wanted me to modify a Crystal Report and the only thing I had was the .RPT file.
I started modifying the report in Visual Studio 2005 and everything was fine until I had to add new database fields.
Unfortunately I did not have access to the database from my machine. I ended up forwarding port 1433 to his SQL Server and allowing SQL Server Authentication. He was only using Windows Authentication.
I needed to create an XSD schema so that I could modify the fields that the report could access.
I found a neat SQL Server query to do this.
Declare @schema xml
Set @schema = (SELECT Top 1 * From dbo.Table FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, XMLSCHEMA(TableBlahRootElement))
select @schema
This returned the appropriate XSD file and I then used it to modify the report. (I removed all the data from the XSD as it was not required).
I did this multiple times for all the different tables/queries and adjusted the XSD appropriately.
As most of the Report tables were in fact queries, I had to change my SQL Query to:
Declare @schema xml
Set @schema = SELECT * FROM (SELECT * From dbo.Table) MyQuery FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, XMLSCHEMA(TableBlahRootElement))
select @schema
I had to log off, then log on to the "database" in Visual Studio, and select the XSD file. I then ran a Verify Database and my fields were viewable. Nice.
Windows Small Business Server 2003 has an Exchange limit of 75GB per mailbox store, and only 1 mailbox store allowed (for the Standard version of Exchange).
When clients reach this limit, we usually Exmerge to PST files.
It is such a hassle because it takes so much time to work out a date range that will get close to 2gb but not exceed it.
Here's a tip: exclude the Contacts folder! I always forget this and people wonder where their contacts have gone.
Hopefully you're like me and love to trim all the fat.
Whenever I touch a clients (XP Pro) computer or do a new install, this is what I do (with permission):
Right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Performance Settings, Adjust for best performance, Tick the following: Show window contents while dragging, Smooth edges of screen fonts, Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop, and only if the user REALLY wants it: Use visual styles on windows and buttons.
Start, Run, services.msc, enter.
Make all of these start up manually:
Cryptographic Services
Distrubuted Link Tracking Client
Error Reporting Service
Help and Support
IPSec Services
Logical Disk Manager
Remote Registry (unless in a corporate environment)
Secondary Logon
Security Center
System Restore Service (I've never ever had to use it)
Themes (unless customer really wants it)
Windows Firewall/ICS
Windows Image Acquisition (I've had this stall on startup sometimes when set to Automatic. Takes forever)
Wireless Zero Configuration (Unless it's actually got a wireless card and they're not using the third-party applications).
Install CCleaner (
Tick all except:
Internet Explorer history,
Recently typed URLs,
Autocomplete Form History,
Recent Documents,
Run (in Start Menu),
Search Autocomplete,
Other Explorer MRUs,
Empty Recycle Bin,
Wipe Free Space
In CCleaner, goto Tools -> Startup and aggressively delete all the startup items you can (I always ask the Customer if they need any before I do it. Most of the time they don't.)
Install Defraggler (
Schedule a daily/weekly defrag
Enable Remote Desktop (Right Click My Computer, Properties, Remote Tab, Allow users to connect remotely to this computer)
Add Domain Users to Local Administrators (if on an Active Directory Domain)
(I KNOW people will get upset with everyone being a local Administrator. Yes there are downsides, but so far they don't outweigh the benefits (in my opinion). So many times software will not run because of insufficient rights.)
Remove the annoying language bar for good.
Change the keyboard repeat delay to Short and make sure repeat rate is fastest.
Change resolution to at least 1024 x 768
If I have time, I install Windows XP PowerToys to remove the menu hover delay entirely. If it's an elderly user, or one that lacks some dexterity, I don't do this. I prefer a snappier interface, but some people lack the mouse control.
I still wonder why with all this computing power things are still so slow. 7 years ago we were sending emails, writing up word documents, playing with excel formulas, and wasting time on the web. Now, we are sending emails, writing up word documents, playing with excel formulas and wasting time on the web at the SAME SPEED DESPITE SUCH AN INCREASE IN CPU/RAM/HDD.
The eye candy is making us fat and slow.
A client of mine unfortunately cannot get ADSL2+ at their new office. They have 3 ADSL1 services instead.
We decided to use one for HTTP/HTTPS traffic to take some of the load off their primary link.
You can use Policy Based Routing to do this.
Default Gateway:
Secondary DSL router:
Vlan1 Address:
First, define an access list that selects your interesting traffic:
access-list 180 remark *** Select HTTP/HTTPS Traffic ***
access-list 180 permit tcp any eq 80
access-list 180 permit tcp any eq 443
Next, define a route-map that matches the interesting traffic, and sets the next-hop IP address.
route-map WebTraffic permit 10
match ip address 180
set ip next-hop

Apply it to the vlan interface
interface Vlan1
ip policy route-map WebTraffic
If, for example, they were hosting services on the second line using a server at, you can select more interesting traffic:
access-list 180 remark *** SELECT HTTP/HTTPS Server Traffic ***
access-list 180 permit tcp host eq 80 any
access-list 180 permit tcp host eq 443 any

To make my life easier, I often set up site-to-site VPNs to the clients my own company looks after.
I sometimes set up site-to-site VPNs to the larger clients of my employer.
I encountered a problem recently where my Client's and my Employer's Client's subnets were the same:
I knew what needed to be done, but whether or not it was possible I was not sure.
Basically I had two options:
1. Change the source as it left one of the client's, and change the destination on it's way back
2. Change my destination as it left my network, and change the source as it came back.
Even though I had full access to both Clients' routers, I thought it would be better if I did it on my own company's router. Option 2.
So, from my previous posts you will see that I particular like Tunnel interfaces.
I did some research, and found I had to change my usual Tunnel interface and define it as an outside nat interface.
MyRouter(config)# interface Tunnel9
MyRouter(config-if)# ip unnumbered Vlan1
MyRouter(config-if)# ip nat outside
MyRouter(config-if)# tunnel source Dialer0
MyRouter(config-if)# tunnel destination A.A.A.A
MyRouter(config-if)# tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
MyRouter(config-if)# tunnel protection ipsec profile ipsecProfile
I then needed to define my rules for translation, plus a new route.
ip nat inside source static network /24
ip nat outside source static network /24
ip route Tunnel9
Works perfectly, although I find the terms REALLY confusing!!!
Of course I will need a corresponding route on the remote router back to my network.
ip nat inside source static will change the SOURCE on its way OUT, and DESTINATION when it comes back in. (Compare this to a usual ip nat outside on a Dialer for internet sharing).
This seems counter-intuitive as the Tunnel interface is ip nat outside . When traffic goes out via the Tunnel, it is essentially going in->out, then why is the SOURCE not changed? The source will always be from my Vlan1, correct?
I can't explain this one. Any help is appreciated!
show ip nat translations will give:
Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global
--- ---     ---
--- ---     ---

If you're lazy like me and wish to set up a PPTP VPN Server instead of a Cisco IPSec one, you can with Virtual Private Dialup Networking (VPDN).
In this example I will not be configuring any authentication other than local.
RouterA(config)# aaa authentication ppp default local
Enable Virtual Private Dialup Networking
Define a VPDN Group, specify protocol and assign a Virtual Template interface. This will be used for incoming connections.
RouterA(config)# vpdn-group MyPPTPGroup
RouterA(config-vpdn)# accept-dialin
RouterA(config-vpdn-acc-in)# protocol pptp
RouterA(config-vpdn-acc-in)# virtual-template 1
Define some servers on your local network. These will be assigned to PPTP Clients.
RouterA(config)# async-bootp dns-server
RouterA(config)# async-bootp nbns-server
Set up the Virtual Template interface
RouterA(config)# interface Virtual-Template1
RouterA(config-if)# ip unnumbered Vlan1
RouterA(config-if)# peer default ip address pool PPTP-Pool
RouterA(config-if)# no keepalive
RouterA(config-if)# ppp encrypt mppe 128
RouterA(config-if)# ppp authentication ms-chap ms-chap-v2
RouterA(config)# ip local pool PPTP-Pool ! Same range as my Vlan 1
To see who's connected, do a show users
Nice and easy huh? At least we don't have to worry about pushing Cisco VPN Clients to everyone.
There are many ways to create Site-to-Site VPNs. One method that I like uses Virtual Tunnel Interfaces with optional IPSec encryption.
This method allows you to create a virtual interface and you are able to see if the tunnel is up/down.
I will be using IPSec in this example, and I assume both sites have Static IP addresses.
This example pretty much has 5 things involved: isakmp policy, isakmp key, transform set, and the actual tunnel interface, and of course a static route pushing other-site traffic across it.
First, define your ISAKMP Key to identify each side:
RouterA(config)# crypto isakmp key P455word address B.B.B.B
RouterA(config)# crypto isakmp policy 1
RouterA(config-isakmp)# encr 3des
RouterA(config-isakmp)# authentication pre-share
RouterA(config-isakmp)# group 2
Then define your IPSec Transform Set:
RouterA(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set ipsecTransformSet ah-sha-mac esp-3des
Now we are ready to define our Tunnel Interface:
RouterA(config)# interface Tunnel1
RouterA(config-if)# description *** Tunnel to RouterB ***
RouterA(config-if)# ip unnumbered Vlan1
RouterA(config-if)# keepalive 10 3
RouterA(config-if)# tunnel source A.A.A.A
RouterA(config-if)# tunnel destination B.B.B.B
RouterA(config-if)# tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
RouterA(config-if)# tunnel protection ipsec profile ipsecProfile
I personally like to limit the number of IP addresses I need to worry about, hence the use of ip unnumbered Vlan1. Other configurations include a different subnet (most likely a /30) to identify each side of the tunnel. This means you can ping the other side of the Tunnel if you wish.
Now we can identify our static route:
RouterA(config)#ip route Tunnel1 permanent
I add the permanent option here so that in the event the Tunnel is down, it does not go across the default route, usually a Dialer which goes out the internet.
If you are having trouble getting your Tunnel up, make sure you are not denying any IPSec or GRE traffic on your WAN connection and that you have the correct isakmp keys and addresses defined on both routers.
You may like to debug crypto isakmp and crypto ipsec to see what's going on.
You can temporarily leave your tunnel unsecure by removing:
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
tunnel protection ipsec profile ipsecProfile
The RouterB configuration will be the same except for the isakmp key (at address A.A.A.A) and the Tunnel interface source and destinations switched around.
Disclaimer: I don't know enough Cisco to answer all the questions regarding IPSec and Virtual Tunnel Interfaces. For all intents and purposes, I have no idea what I'm doing!
My weekend was dedicated to my new toy.
I bought a HWIC-3G-GSM the other day and finally had 2 connections to the internets. eBay is evil.
I also have a WIC-1AM but it's too slow/frustrating to do anything interesting. eBay is evil.
If you want some great info on how to set up the 3
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