Anon Ib Cosplay

Anon Ib Cosplay


Anon Ib Cosplay
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Upcoming events, meets, cosplay progress and local drama. Go!

>>7766875 Probably has caught it all by now

>>7766892 Definitely a few Krabbies and the lingering smell of Magikarp.

Did anyone actually get the video? Is it even worth watching?

>>7766936 I fapped to it, but felt disgusted afterwards because it's ai-honey.

Ai-honey is old and busted, Ophelia is the new hotness

>>7766938 Something about a complete skank turns me on. Eh, I'll just wait for the next time someone brings her up and the video gets a resurge.

I'm heading out to Camcon next week, never been to it before don't really know anything about it but it's only a few miles away so at the least I'll get to check out the Merch and cosplay. Anyone ever been to this one before and know anything, or going this year?

>>7766938 Can you post a link to the video?

Did anyone see this in the MCM group?

>>7767025 >Getting an abortion for cosplay My nigga are u fucking serious

>>7767025 >>7767039 I think, though the grammar is awful, she's asking for opinions on the idea of cosplaying Erza Scarlet. Not the abortion. But she doesn't look that bad in the photo so why she felt the need to justifying it by being pregnant and then broadcast that she's considering abortion is beyond me. It makes the whole process seem so casual. Oh look at me, I got knocked up, silly me, thinking of aborting though.

>>7767025 New hero. Knows her priorities.

>>7766942 is she one of the brit girls who's a camwhore now?

>>7766875 >>7766938 Where can I download or stream the video from?

>>7767083 yep, although probs 80% of all attractive female cosplayers are camwhores

Who is going to the aya ball in London in sep?

>>7767362 I'll be there, fellow anon - quite excited

>>7767362 It's going to be on-par with a school disco.

>>7767521 A school disco with alcohol, though And can't be as a bad as Gemucon's party hall

>>7767598 Such awkward fail dancing

>>7767083 Literally 70% of the UK community camwhores now

>>7767598 Oh god 'slow dancing' is the worst.

>>7767662 Went to SunnyCon - Shit con don't go there. But my god it was wonderful in a way. No sluts.

Daily reminder that Cunt Master is the qt-est Britslut

>>7767669 Why is sunnycon a shit con? I haven't heard much bad about it

>>7767838 I went to Sunnycon too, it was decent enough. There wasn't much in the line of the events, I didn't even pay attention to that anyway but as far as things went it was pretty much just a big market stall. I went there and spent 3 hours wandering around looking at merch, had lunch and a pint, had another quick look around and then hit the beach for a few hours. Did the same thing again on sunday. All in all I had a really nice time and they had some decent stuff, and some good cosplays which is all you can ask from a small-time convention like that. As an added bonus they had a nice beach nearby. The biggest issue I had with the convention is that the staff seemed to forget to set up any kind of bins anywhere, I couldn't see a single bin all weekend, there were a few plastic bags placed around that filled up in an hour, and after that the place got incredibly littered, especially so outside on the green.

Is anybody going to Alcon this year? I've never been and I've heard about all the shit about Michael Towers - I'm going just because the amount of awful sounds fucking brilliant Four days of absolute drunkardness surrounded by sperglords - I'm up for that! I just hope there's decent cosplay and multiple slags

>>7767865 I have been there 3 years in a row. 1st year went fine no problems 2nd year got sexually harassed by a guy and spent all night with the police as they charged him from sexually harassing a few people.. 3rd year, a little better but ended up going with the wrong people, one 'friend' stalked me the whole convention so I was un able to do what i wanted with her crying and whining at me. Not going this year though.

>>7767865 Personally I love Alcon, it's really chilled and a good laugh, doesn't take itself too seriously. It's also really close to me, loads of my mates go and I'm pretty fucking spergie myself so my opinion of it probably doesn't mean much pfft Anyway, I haven't came to cgl in ages and couldn't help but notice that name Ophelia. She was that period/tampon girl right? And Cuntmaster, before having that name was ultimate camwhore but then changed and everyone liked her/hated her a bit less? Good times.

>>7767865 I'm going again. I'll probably be very petty and post pictures and shit of godawful abominations I see (starting from the registration queue on thursday) like I did last time.

>>OP What happened to Annie? The girl who made fun of Weenus with her Penus Pathetic vidyas and was trying hard to be underweight?

>>7768686 Works for Bodyline, mostly sorted her shit out. No crazy behaviour in a long time.

>>7768686 >>7768787 She seemed cool when I met her in 2011. I was surprised, with all the drama surrounding her.

>>7767928 Got any pictures from last time? I've never been and I want to see what i'm getting myself in to

>>7768791 She basically had a period of balls-to-the-wall crazy and then turned into a nice person.

Anybody going to the Sheffield con next weekend by any chance?

Does anyone have a masterlist of all UK/ based cons? Big or small? I checked but I'm sure there are smaller ones not on there right?

>>7769791 UK Cosplay group on FB has one in the documents section

>>7767865 My brother is going so maybe I should tag along to judge it for my self/share cringe-feels with my fellow seagulls.

>>7768791 That is sort of to do with me with fucking around in the threads from then and 2012 was my prime year of it all. I'm more grown up from when I was 16 and also a nice person now. I still won't go to a meet though as I learned my life lesson there.

>>7773479 >I still won't go to a meet though as I learned my life lesson there. D-do you still go to MCM/cons?

>>7773496 I do still go to MCM, but just not the meets, meets are not worth it for me these days for all the dramus and shit. I normally prefer to find some people to hang out with around and on the grass, and also around the DJ with those dancing and hanging around. That way has worked better for me than the meets and I intend to go to a next event with a friend I made at work who wants to see what the MCM event is like even though I gave him the basic specifics and so fourth.

>>7773537 I will keep an eye out. I usually just wander around on my own the whole time, so it would be cool to chat with people a little or whatever.

>>7767865 I was signed up but met the community and decided I didn't want to pay money to hang out with them, so I got a refund. I wish I could find more stuff in that area though, it's local to me and I'm trying to get out more, but I have standards above AOL chat full of 10 year old Sailor moon fans.

>>7773479 Meets aren't really a thing anymore. most people found bigger friend groups and moved on or stopped visiting /Cgl/ all together because it's shit. I only visit britfag threads to trash talk events and bitches now. Who even posts in these threads that used to go to meets?

>>7767247 >>7767662 Cosplay is the gateway drug to camwhoring. The buzz that Cosplay attention-whoring provided them with just isn't enough, eventually they need to have the validation of fapping strangers to fill the gaping void that is their pathetic lives. Fuck knows what they will do when they age and lose their looks/figures.

>>7773894 Some of us just want to make some friends dude. There is no need to shit on everything.

>>7773894 I'm sure there's still some people who'd be down for doing a meet at cons. It used to be a really good way to meet con buddies from what I remember, shame they apparently don't happen much anymore.

>>7773894 I already know the first point from the last set of bitching and moan I heard from the second to last MCM event and the event before that in London. I think there are many on here who did go to meets, but it was either bullshit and moved on, or more likely a majority of these people are only on before it is like a month or few weeks before the MCM event. I'm sure we all know of the particular people that this didn't work for and all the bullshit with it. As trash talking events and bitches I really couldn't bother given that time could be dedicated to playing PlanetSide 2. :D

>>7775213 Dramu tore the main peeps away from the meets and it kinda fell apart from there Maybe a reboot is in order

>>7775288 You really want to avoid it. I can imagine the dramu receiving the reboot too. :D

>>7775288 Do it! >>7775295 The person in charge has to take no shit. If you drama whore you get told to fuck off and not return.

>>7775301 A part of the issue was some people didn't get a long, there was a division occurring and of course there was bitching where people just got dragged in whether they wanted to be involved or not. Issue with joining a small group is that it eventually goes from being a random set of people to becoming set for a particular type of people after kicking out all the people who didn't "fit" in. Of course those who get kicked out will start to bitch and it will then become a repeat of the same thing. Again. Also in terms of having people in charge the last time some people were in charge they were the drama whores so asking a drama whore to govern themselves is simply pointless as it won't work. Getting past the pessimism the meets could be attempted again if there is enough interest, but I think I will keep to the life lesson that I learned.

>>7775330 I would just like to make some friends who share similar ideals to me (channers) and interests (Japanese media). The problem with drama queens is they exclude people who could do with these groups to make friends.

Pretty sure Micnax and a bunch of lonely guys looking to get laid are the only one who want the meets to be a thing again.

>>7775365 >a bunch of lonely guys looking to get laid Sounds gud to me :DDD

>>7775356 For it to work it can't be any of these bitchy room parties or all staying together at a bar. I would recommend meeting at one of the open spots outside, have the initial meet and have individual groups disperse to do their own thing rather than have a single set party or event in mind; and only have a set event as just one of the options that a few anons could do if that takes their interest. Of course this ideal requires anons to want to do something they individually want to do and actually be creative which is difficult for those who want to mingle, blend in and fit in well enough to seem like a part of the group and maybe get some pussy (the pussy part is over exaggerated, but a previous post does imply this though).

>>7775365 Well my interest for a meet would be to meet someone or others with similar interests and perhaps enjoy a night of drinking. Getting laid/ pussy would simply be a bonus for me personally, but isn't my main goal even though it is for some lonely people.

>>7775365 Pretty sure those peeps got girlfriends

Please don't go to a meet and expect to get laid. It's awkward for everyone.

Why does nobody ever want to just hang out at the Expo/con together? Why does it always have to be about after parties? I spent one of the days with somebody I met in one of these threads and it wasn't so bad.

>>7773894 I used to go to London meets back in 2007 - 2009ish

>>7775534 As somebody whose friends aren't really into cons and expos, I'd be up for meeting people purely to hang out with during the day. Don't even go to the parties anymore. I think starting up meets again would be good so long as people don't take it too seriously. Like just chill and hang out and make friends.

>>7776860 > Is this the same lady who advertised on the MCM Expo group? I know for a fact more inspiring and even better looking couples e-mailed her about that. If it is her, this is another classic example of the media making thinly veiled humiliation jabs under the guise of positive articles. Pathetic.

>>7777398 It's the daily mail no one gives a fuck

Amechibi opens in 30 minutes! Giving fair warning since some folk grumbled when Toko reg filled up so fast. >>7777924 Its the next Tea Party Club birthday meet. Looks pretty good, gutted I will miss it.

>>7778620 If anyone doesn't know about it by now they're pretty stuffed tbh. Although when the email went out I forgot that it was a bank holiday, and between midday on a monday and it being the week before payday I couldn't work out why they picked it. 500 places are going to fill up pretty fast.

Dear God the Amechibi con is crashing like crazy. It's like a DDOS attack. Just taken me 15 minutes to register 2 memberships, might wait until I pay because the site can't stay up.

Why is Ami chibi £47.50? I thought it was going to be the smaller cheap alternative. Don't know if I want to blow that much on the worst hotel for conventions in the UK.

>>7778655 Paying is crashing as well, good choice. I've tried and it crashed so I'm going to leave it now and hope it didn't go through because I need to do verified by visa.

>>7777834 The Saturday, but not the Sunday. I didn't realise there were top table tickets for auction until after the fact, and I don't really want to just go for the tea party because most of my friends are going Saturday and can't afford Sunday as well

>>7767865 I'm going. And yeah, it's amazing that everyone I talk to knows Towers is bad news. I go because it's local. I've not had any problems myself with the con.

Anyone been to Amechibi? What's it like?

Managed to get my AmeChibi reg in and paid - over half the spaces have been registered for despite the site issues! And even smaller conventions tend to be around the same price, as there is less income from less people, and less economies of scale.

Amechibi is new, so no one will have been, but people will have been to the big Amecon which is run by the same people - Ame was my first con in 07 and loved it and have been to each one since! Lots of events and things to do (fingers crossed AmeChibi will be the same)

Has anyone else got the amechibi hotel discount to work? I tried online and over the phone but it doesn't seem to have been activated yet.

Na, booked into the Travelodge over the road - sharing with a friend for 3 days and it is costing £45 each for the entire stay!

>>7778691 They're just sorting out the codes now :/

>>7778691 >>7778693 Booked into the Travel lodge and found it gets even cheaper if you stay 4 nights instead - it's £39 each for us. The Brittania has a terrible rep so I won't be surprised if the con doesn't get many hotel bookings.

>>7778683 Amecon has been alright for the time that it's been running, but the new venue is fucking terrible. There's only two six man lifts for the whole hotel and they're prone to breakdowns and everything feels like it's been taken out of North Korea. Bar is nice though.

>>7778714 Oh god, fuck no to the lifts breaking down. :(

Apparently the Travelodge is fully booked already? What the hell. I live 40 mins away from Nottingham, might just drive in instead.

Fuck Ame Chibi. I'd rather save up for Kita.

>>7778866 So many hotels near by it doesn't really matter.

>>7778866 It's not fully booked, I just checked.

>>7779448 That isn't what your mum said last night

I will have to keep checking until somebody who can't pay drops out. I don't live far from Nottingham, plus I have a friend who lives there anyway so maybe I can just crash at his.

>>7781041 How far down are you on the waiting list?

i'm finishing shit up for alcon and i'm gonna find my phone battery life extender or whatever its called, because last year my phone died in the queue and i only posted maybe three photos. plus i would like to say in advance that whilst i will insult shitty cosplays/cosplayers behind their backs, i am fully aware that i'm pretty shit myself, but i'm steadily improving with each passing year and actually want concrit.

>>7782977 Well this could be one of two reasons. Either he isn't muscled enough or he's not fat enough. A lot of life drawing classes use less than perfect forms because the nuances and curves make for better art than 'anatomy study' facilitated by more toned bodies. His response to his 'hate mail' is priceless though. Did he send this same message about his unloved childhood to the art class? Or should they not have to take their negativity with them because they're an institution and not an individual? Posting about being rejected is just asking for attention. It just is. He goes on about how his personal facebook is for close friends only. This sort of rejection, if it really makes him feel bad, should really only be shared with them. At least their comfort is likely to come from a less shallow place than a bunch of strangers saying 'oh no Andy, you have the body of a God'. Why post about rejection on your public page at all? Aren't public pages just about displaying an awesome persona to the world?

>>7766975 Not going but I know the guys running the Niche Comics panel, I'm sure they'd appreciate some attention.

>>7783302 He's not the only one to post personal info to their cosplay page in the UK. Hilarious to watch though.

>>OP What happened to Annie? The crazy bitch with herpes?

>>7783302 Oh boo hoo daddy didn't love me as a child. Grow up you're married and over 30, get over yourself. No one wants you at a life drawing class waaaa

>>7783302 His public pages is clearly for anything he would like to post to share with the public. Clearly he is not limiting it to his "awesome persona" as you mentioned. Also it is painfully clear he is expressing himself to his loyal fans which appears to include you and the other anons ( >>7783589 and >>7783653 ). >>7783650 It was mentioned in the posts, here I found it for you: >>7768686 I know you are so invaluably thankful to me and you can follow a few other posts which followed on from there.

>>7783659 I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or you're genuinely calling me a fan? I'm so confused.

>>7783952 A bit of both really in some ways. Interpret it as you will. Assuming your post is the one I was replying to directly (not the two indirect ones) then the reality I interpreted you as a critic, but your dedication in finding this stuff about Valentine seems to be consistent with a loyal fan. There again the dedication could be that you keep up-to-date with the UK cosplay scene. Maybe this helps with the confusion, or makes it worst than previously?

>>7783984 I'm not a fan of him, I find him irritating in person and I'm not impressed by his online persona, hence my criticism. I was curious what the responses were to his post that anon posted >>7782977 so I looked on his page only to see this new post >>7783302 . I honestly don't understand why people meet hate and critcism with 'oh here's my back story, why didn't you concider that it might be my back story.' That's not a winning argument. The winning argument is always 'You can think what you like, and I may or may not agree with you, but it was tactless of you to phra
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