[Announcement] New secessionist movement: 'Project Midlandia'

[Announcement] New secessionist movement: 'Project Midlandia'

Background: 2020 a year of transition for Western Civilization

The year of 2020 seems to mark a transition from the era that was defined by 9/11 into what Oswald Spengler, a Conservative Revolutionary thinker of interwar Germany, called "The age of Caesarism". According to Spengler, this is the final stage in the lifecycle of civilizations, characterized by power-politics as opposed to the money-politics that characterized the preceding age. This isn't viewed as a good or bad thing necessarily, rather it is simply the spirit of the age and a necessary phase civilization must go through. The age of money corrupted the Republic, and now it's hollow shell is bound to collapse over a long period of time.

It is now undeniable that America and the whole of western civilization is in a state of decay- morally, socially, politically and spiritually. We have seen the establishment of two poles in society. A stagnant, rural conservative bloc of majority whites and the competing pole, an urbanite, progressive movement promoting an anti-white cultural revolution and agenda. These two poles are completely irreconcilable because their values are antithetical. These poles that have had a long period of buildup are now escalating tensions with each other, forming two irreconcilable wills that have already seen some serious clashes in 2020. The Progressive left is essentially promoting a new, non-Soviet, "softer" form of Neo-Marxism wherein non-whites are the proletariat fighting the vestiges of "White Supremacy". This is cultural marxism, and it receives support from academia, mass media, the film industry and all the big corporations. This anti-white cultural revolution is spurred on from the top-down, enjoying support from the deep state with financiers such as George Soros.

In activity the Left takes on a proactive form and energy while the right is reactive and defensive. The Left has continued pursuing and pushing it's cultural marxist agenda offensively, while conservatives simply react defensively on most fronts. The "conservatives" have mostly abandoned any true cultural conservatism, ceding this entire front to the cultural marxists. The GOP has failed tremendously at truly conserving anything, becoming the party of "fiscal responsibility" and Israel lobbying. Trump ran on the hopes of the alienated white conservatives of the "fly over states". A base population that was growing increasingly anxious at the encroaching anti-white cultural marxism. However, even with Trump's victory in 2016, his presidency failed to carry out many of his promises, showing that even executive powers would not be enough to reverse the march of the cultural marxists. His presidency was sabotaged by the deep state, who sought to discredit him through rumors of "Russian interference" in the 2016 election. The establishment managed to put Trump on the defensive for the duration of his presidency, whilst portraying him as a Caesar figure- an imaginary Hitler that absolutely needed to be stopped. Now, with massive evidence of the election of 2020 being subject to fraud in favor of Biden it should be clear to all that there is no political solution. Trump tried to turn back the decay on just a few fronts and even in his position of POTUS he failed to do so. He failed to prevent or even slow the demographic decline of whites coupled with violent anti-white propaganda and he didn't even run with those as explicit policy objectives- it didn't matter to the establishment, they still treated him as an imaginary Hitler as they do any counter-revolutionary. Trump's attempts at "Making America Great Again" failed even if he enjoyed the power of POTUS. The deep state Oligarchy with it's fifth column revolutionary wing of neo-Marxists were able to contest the Trump era enough to resist his efforts and actually succeed in increasing anti-white rhetoric and revolutionary actions culturally, politically, economically and socially as we saw with the riots of 2020.

The Federal government and the Republic at large has fallen completely into Progressive Oligarchy under the yoke of the estate of lobbyists, plutocrats, bankers, Hollywood, Silicon valley, and the intelligentsia of Marxist academia. This estate influences 1/3 of America, a pattern that reflects itself across Western civilization. This 1/3 is a fifth column, composed of the leftist bloc from which the foot soldiers of the progressive estate march. It's composition, disposition and strength lies in it's control over all urban centers of power, from which they project their influence over the surrounding rural estate of white conservatives, farmers and workers. It promotes identity for non-whites while labeling any white that does so, even implicitly rather than explicitly, as a racist. The much feared "R" word that the Progressive estate invokes in their numerous inquisitions and in the endless hunt for heretics. This fifth column is mobilized as a bloc of non-white interests, and a neo-Marxist urbanite white population as is especially apparent in the case of Portland.

It is clear that the decay of the Republic can't be reversed even with the election of a "conservative" POTUS, the Progressive Oligarchic estate will contest every attempt at the President and will even commit to voter fraud in order to remove him. Thus, it is now clearer than ever that there is no political solution

Secession? A pathway for conservative revolution post-2020?

With the fall of the Republic to the Progressive Oligarchy, the question of what options are available going forward is increasingly relevant to cultural conservatives, right-wingers and traditionalists- in fact, anyone deemed "counter-revolutionary" by the cancel-culture inquisition of the Progressive Estate and it's oppressive fifth column of Antifa and rioters. To be "counter-revolutionary" is to simply not be in-line with the latest cultural-Marxist agenda which is always building off it's last agenda. Therein lies the reason for the constant leftward motion of the imploding west. neo-Marxists push for a new agenda and eventually the "conservatives" accept the agenda in a vain attempt to adapt to the changing population in order to secure more votes- a losing battle.

It is now clear that we can't hope to restore the country though elections or taking part in the political system. There is no political solution. We can't take back Washington D.C, not holistically and not enough to prevent our demographic and cultural destruction. However, we can look to secure for ourselves that which is in our reach. We can take a regional focus and attempt to influence change for the better proactively in our own local areas. Not many of us can influence Washington D.C, but all of us can network with like-minded individuals, find key influencers and work in synergy with parallels efforts in pursuit of the same goals. This is the way going forward after Trump's presidency revealed to us the hopelessness of effecting real change in the Federal govt which has fallen to the Progressive Oligarchy. We can't oppose this oligarchy in it's seat of power, but we can oppose it locally where it tries to influence us nearby. In so doing, we establish a proactive counter-culture whilst simultaneously insulating our communities from its' destructive effects. As Washington D.C crumbles, and falls into increasing reign of the oligarchy, at some point down the road the prospects of secession by cultural conservatives becomes inevitable. William S. Lind, American Conservative author and the man responsible for the formulation of the increasingly relevant "4th Generation Warfare" theory, was ahead of his time in many of his thoughts. At the time he stated some of his opinions, they seemed crazy, but with 2020 that is no longer the case.

While he was Director of the Center for Cultural Conservatism at the Free Congress Foundation, he advocated for a "Declaration of Cultural Independence" by cultural Conservatives of the U.S as a result of the Federal governments failure to represent Conservative beliefs and that the Progressive Oligarchy would start to harm cultural conservatives and their communities as American culture and it's institutions headed for collapse. It supported the creation of independent, parallel institutions with a "right to secession and a highly decentralized nature that would rely on individual responsibility and discipline to remain intact but prevent the takeover of the institutions by those hostile to cultural conservatism"

We strongly believe William S. Lind's plans and ideas will now start to come to fruition with the 2020 election fraud and example of Trump's vain attempt at restoration in the Federal government. We must do as William S. Lind said going forward post-2020 if we seek to defend ourselves adequately against the cultural Marxists who have proven time and time again that they will riot, loot and destroy your communities in order to destroy the "last vestiges of white supremacy". Whites are a global minority, yet white countries are the only ones seeing this wave of enforced multiculturalism coupled with demographic decline, promotion of miscegenation and any one who resists is deemed a racist and treated as a heretic by the inquisitors of the Progressive Estate, who'll dispatch their fifth column "activists" to punish you for your wrong-think. The civilization scale of this implosion and decline means that the ideas of William S. Lind not only take on an implicitly ethnonationalist character, but must be pursued in any nation of Western Civilization looking for a pathway to stop the decline and restore national honor and virtue. We must look towards the establishment of "cultures of resistance" from the ground-up to fight the oppressive global progressive oligarchy and it's cultural marxist agenda. These emergent cultures that embody virtue and honor within themselves and fight proactively for their natural right to self-expression against this multicultural system, will be the wellspring from which future movements, nations, parties and if necessary insurgencies and armies will arise. The resiliency of all of these things is dependent on the strength of it's culture substratum which is able to ensure the recovery and propagation of these elements whenever the cultural marxists destroy it. They can imprison, silence and kill individuals, whole parties and movements, but it means nothing if there is a strong culture of resistance that is the wellspring from which future resistance is guaranteed to arise once more. The development of this culture in a proactive matter is the task of the awakened Conservative Revolutionary, and the prerequisite to effective resistance campaigns on the pathway to national restoration of honor and virtue.

Midlandia- a midwestern breakaway state?

The Midwestern region of the United States is a heavily agricultural region. The "breadbasket" of North America. Not only are these rural counties majority white conservative, making it a prime focus for white ethnonationalists seeking for an anchor in North America. But they already have a very strong regional identity present in North America, comparable to that of the Pioneer French ethnic identity of Quebec. The Midwestern states were heavily influenced culturally by Germanic immigrants to the region in the 18th and 19th centuries, the descendants of whom make up the majority of the population. This regional identity could be invoked and strengthened in a culture of resistance that could form an emergent nation, a German-pioneer state in North America. Of course it wouldn't be a mere copy/paste of Germany inscribed onto North America as the cultural development of "Midlandia" is influenced by other whites such as the Nordics, Anglos, French, Irish etc. It has very much a culture of it's own that is capable of integrating the White American ethnicities into it's own new nation. A subgroup within the wider Germanic identity and therefore an authentic expression and manifestation of the pioneer elements of European explorers, frontiersmen and conquerors. The culture of the Midwest has much more in common with it's friendly northern neighbors across the great lakes in Ontario than it does with say, California or New Mexico. Therefore the culture-building efforts should expand across the arbitrary borders to the inclusion of Canadian Nationalists, Conservative Revolutionaries and Traditionalists for the sake of building an authentic expression of this emergent post-American Nation, another branch in the family of Indo-European Nations.

The proposed state of Midlandia actually has more white population than in many European states. In Wisconsin, for example there are more ethnic Germans than in certain German states. In the midwest, multiculturalism is relegated to just the metro areas, and all of these facts make Midlandia a potential bastion for White Civilization in North America as the US collapses and implodes upon itself. The Progressive Oligarchy only rules as vassal city-states in the Midwest, enforcing the will of the Coastal Liberal Elite upon the Midwestern whites from it's regional power bases. The Chicago-Madison-Milwaukee triangle is the primary power center from which this Vassal entity of the Progressive Oligarchy oppresses the surrounding agrarian counties and towns. If Midwesterners banded together, they could break the yoke of cultural marxist influence and power over the region and secure for themselves a bastion of Conservative Revolution to insulate the emergent Nation from cultural marxism.

If the above sounds too "violent" then you clearly do not appreciate the severity of the situation. 2020 was all the proof we needed, a glimpse of just what the Marxist designs for the Midwest are. The rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin and other towns- widespread destruction and looting which would spillover into white rural communities where downplayed by the mass media as "peaceful protests" and were justified as protests against an imaginary "white supremacy". The anti-white narrative in all this is important to understand, for this is a devious design to attack the moral of white conservatives in the Midwest. They need to break the willpower of cultural conservatism in the Midwest, so they gamble with an ambitious propaganda narrative. They reveal the true anti-white agenda of their mission by revealing their inquisition on the "remnants of white supremacy". This is a dangerous gamble for them actually because it is a polarizing statement, when the white conservative hears this propaganda he can go one of two extremes. First, he could submit to the Liberal agenda and accept the premises that everything "Law & Order" about America he'd loved as a Conservative where actually remnants of white supremacy that must be destroyed so we can create new Progressive institutions for a post-white America. Secondly, and the much more likely outcome as we have seen in recent months (just look at the white disapproval ratings of BLM as the rioting went on) he will realize that, yes these are remnants of white civilization and in fact your progressive attack on this civilization merits a counter-attack! It is time to go on the offensive and reclaim our civilization from the agents of entropy. The unjust arrest and trial of Kyle Rittenhouse when he defended Kenosha from the rioting and shot 3 Antifa degenerates as they attacked him is further proof that the legal system in the Midwest, heavily influenced by the media wing of the Progressive Oligarchy, will reign with an anti-white narrative that will escalate increasingly as the Progressive Oligarchy pursues it's aims of breaking the will to resistance of Midwestern culture. These attempts however should only strengthen our resolve and expand our horizons as we begin to fully comprehend the situation with ever-increasing clarity. Their attempts to destroy our identity will only lead to increased awareness of it and this will result in demands for an organic legal system, media and various institutions as the hostility of the Progressive Estate in the region is further revealed.

One day Midlandia will throw off the yoke of the Progressive Oligarchy. We will have a figure the likes of Arminius or George Washington that will lead us to victory in a grand Conservative Revolution and Crusade against the cultural marxists!

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