Anime World • Federation

Anime World • Federation

Niklaus Mikaelson

🔰 About Anime World • Federation:

▪️ Name: Anime World • Federation

▪️ Creator: Niklaus Mikaelson

▪️ Created On: 19 July 2020

▪️ No. Of Connected Groups: Approx. 80

▪️ Subscribed By: 2 Federations.

▪️ Fed ID: ca1f16b2-5fd3-4288-a570-e963a2ac8ba1

▪️ List Of FedAdmins: Tap Here

Fban: Ban In All Connected Groups.


Q. What Is Federation !?

▪️ Federation: Groups that have joined together to form a single group (Simply Federation is a group of groups)

▪️ Fban= Ban In All Connected Groups.

Note :- To maintain your trust, we will promote your group's owner as FedAdmin [Federation Admin]

Q. What are Fedadmins?

▪️ There are fedadmins in federation who can fban users. (Fban = Ban in all connected chat) but reason for fban will/should be relevant like Spammers, Scammers, Toxic Users.


🔰 Reasons For Fbans!!!

▪️ Reasons: Some Main Reasons Are Spammer, Scammer, Spam In Pm, Toxic User.

▪️ Spammer: a person that sends irrelevant or unsolicited messages over the internet, typically to large numbers of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.

▪️ Scammer: one who perpetrates a scam : a person who commits or participates in a fraudulent scheme [Example - Bitcoin Scammer]

▪️ Spam In Pm: Spamming/Advertising Links Of Channel/Groups In Pm.

▪️ Toxic User: A user who's spreading toxicity by abusing ,spreading fake rumours or impersonating and by many other ways.


🔰 Terms & Conditions Of Being A FedAdmin.

▪️ He/She should be a trusted/whitelisted user + his/her group must have 250+ members.

▪️ Spamwatched user can't be a FedAdmin.

▪️ Fbanning users without any relevant reason or Fbanning users for personal reasons will result FedDemotion of FedAdmin.

▪️ Reason Must Be Specified & Proof must be shared in @AW_FedChat.

▪️ No. Of FedAdmins shouldn't be more than 30 (Group owners won't get a FedPromotion if number of fedadmins is already 30)

▪️ If any one is worthy of being a FedAdmin then he/she will be promoted/replaced as a FedAdmin.


🔰 How To Join Federation !?

▪️ Ask Niklaus Mikaelson for joining federation in @AW_FedChat.

▪️ Add @MissRose_Bot In Your Group.

▪️ Copy & Paste /joinfed ca1f16b2-5fd3-4288-a570-e963a2ac8ba1 In Your Group.

Note- Only Owner Can Connect Chat To Fed.

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