Anime Is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Anime Is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Mangas and animes are playing an increasingly important role in streaming services. Whereas in the past, cartoons like Walt Disney were mostly only intended for the target group of children and young people, the spectrum has expanded significantly in recent years. With the manga and anime series so popular in Asia, it has been possible for some time now to increasingly lure older viewers to the streaming service providers' pages. 

The variety on offer is quite considerable and ranges from fantasy anime like "the seven deadly sins" and "Overlord" to series like "Black Butler". The storyline behind the series is often quite confusing and doesn't necessarily follow the general logic. But there are also series like "the Kings Avatar" set in the present and have a realistic background. Here the hero earns his bread as a professional player in online games. The dark side of this new industry is also examined in a socially critical way. The protagonist has real difficulties financially in making ends meet and cannot refer to friends and acquaintances' real circle. 

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