Anime Incest

Anime Incest


Anime Incest
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Anime is loved by millions but it also has its problematic moments & features. Here's a look at 10 times anime normalized extremely questionable acts!
Fans who’ve been watching anime for a while know that anime is an extremely problematic medium. Right from incest to pedophilia to abuse – there isn’t much that Japan hasn’t kawaii-fied and presented to their non-Japanese audience as something that's totally normal.
A lot of people use the “Oh, it’s not real so it’s okay” logic to excuse a lot of questionable actions, but let’s face it – as a whole, the entire anime community has become numb (instead of still being repulsed and horrified) as to what should rightly repulse them.
The best example of this is the anime No Game No Life . It centers around the story of two siblings, a teenage boy and a prepubescent girl, who couldn’t be more than 12. Ignoring the problematic incestuous undertones of their relationship, what was more repugnant was how the audience was forced to go through panty shots of a minor for no other reason than titillation for sickos.
Not only is anime flooded with pedophilic relationships, it has them presented in such a manner as to make audiences root for them. A perfect example would be anime like Kodomo no Jikan which revolves around romantic love and sexual lust that third grader Aoki Daisuke (yes, that's right) has for her 23-year-old virginal Daisuke sensei. When pedophilia isn’t presented with rose tinted glasses, Japan uses the “Oh, she looks 12 but she’s actually a 2000 year old mage cursed to forever look like a child” trope to claim that technically this wouldn’t be pedophilia. Or Japan presents high school girls (aka teenagers) who are shipped with supernatural creatures that are at least a century old, like in Inuyasha or Noragami . It should be noted how young girls are almost always the victims of such pedophilic acts.
More examples include The Garden Of Words (27 - year - old lady x 15 - year - old child) and though technically not pedophilia they were skating on thin ice with After the Rain (45 - year - old man x 17 - year - old girl).
One of the most intolerable aspects of Japanese subs is how sexist their dubbings are. 30 year old women sound like they’re 15, 15-year-old girls sound like they’re nine. Men, on the other hand, are the opposite – 15 year old boys sound like they’re 30 and 30-year-old men sound like 50-year-old truck drivers.
Women are made to appear and sound younger while it’s the opposite for men, which is quite telling of the mindset of the anime industry.
Pedophilia aside, anime is full of verbally (and sometimes physically) abusive relationships that are normalized as “romantic”. This trope has been used to death in the shoujo genre, where again, the girls are brainless, bumbling messes who are pushed around by dudes who are controlling, possessive, and extremely jealous in nature.
Not many people realize how being verbally and physically abusive should not be the beginning of any healthy relationship. Yet, we see many people (especially boys) preferring tsundere anime characters by a huge margin. This stems from two misogynistic schools of thought – one that says women can’t really hurt men because their punches are too “weak” and second, one that propagates the “real men don’t feel pain” myth.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in genres like ecchi, harem and shounen, where women serve as nothing more than pieces of meat for the male protagonists (and male viewers) to consume as and when they please. They don’t have personalities and all their traits can be boiled down to only their personal appearances (which is usually their breast sizes).
How often have we seen girls become embarrassed or uncomfortable due to the physical actions (always sexual) of male characters? More than one can count, especially seeing how the boys continue with their behavior, despite the obvious distress they’re causing to the girls. Another excellent example is how often boys kiss girls (without their consent), the girls blush, they either run away, get angry or become shy, but not a single one of them reprimands the boy for touching her without her consent.
This one’s self explanatory. It doesn’t matter what the male protagonist’s crime is – emotional or physical abuse, sexual harassment or abuse, or even rape (in rare cases). Japan’s idea of punishment is to forgive and forget, which is exactly what all the women in anime do. Sometimes, everybody laughs off sexual harassment as a joke and moves on, as if being harassed is something as normal as eating one's breakfast.
Anime is full of straight males who are always fair skinned. We hardly get to see any dark skinned men, straight or gay, and the only time we get to see gay couples are when the anime are either from the yaoi or yuri genres.
Not to mention how for every 10 men on screen, we only get to see one woman (despite women being nearly half of the world population). Unless it’s harem or ecchi, there’s conveniently an overabundance of women and just one insipid boy, upon whom all girls fall like nine-pins.
Despite women forming almost half of anime's fanbase, they have very few choices given to them. Apart from shoujo and niche genres like yaoi or reverse harem, all genres are predominantly aimed at male fans. This is proven time and again by how few female characters are shown on screen (as opposed to their male counterparts), and how most of the time these women exist to server as either love interests or dead mothers to the male characters. Almost as if that’s how the dichotomy of women exists in the minds of males – sex object or not a sex object.
Sonal is a full time freelance writer from India, who's been writing and editing for over a decade now. If there's a genre out there (that doesn't require her to be a rocket scientist), then she's written on it! And CBR happens to be one of her favorite projects, as she's paid to write about two things she loves - manga and anime.
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Okay, some people may think this is very disturbing. I mean, the kids look like they're 10... there's this guy who has sex with the kid... and the three kids have a threesome together. Oh, and Pico and Chico watch Chico's sister masturbate. That's all I can say about that. But I would recommend it for some disturbing thoughts!
Japan how can you make disgusting things. Eating poisonous fish - blowfish called fugu. Weird vending machines. Gory game shows. (No offense to any fans) Electric Solider Porygon. Boku no Pico.
I'm not even going to explain. 3 little boys that have sex. Has so many disturbing features in it I'm not going to explain. It's a hentai, yaoi shotacon anime and I highly suggest you don't watch it.
It's a disgrace even to other hentai animes! Who though it was a good idea to make this? Nothing against homosexuals, but this? Pedophilla! I wish this be banned!
My all time favourite anime, Higurashi tells a compelling story through the development of characters and the excessive use of gore. While the plot is confusing the first season, the second later goes on to explain just why time is looping and the answer is more disturbing than you could imagine. Every act of violence isn't without a purpose, which is the most horrifying part of the anime. The story is told through arcs which loop back through time, revealing key pieces of information in exciting, fresh ways each time. If you like mystery and gore, this anime is definitely for you.
Higurashi is a complex story with many ins and outs. If you can get your hands on KAI I suggest you watch it if you want just a generic kind of, explination. It tells us that the whole thing is in a loop and Rika the shrine maiden is stuck and trying to get out of the loop but things keep happening. I have a better review on my facebook if youd like to see. BalthazarDaevarius
It's damn confusing and I'll be really grateful if some explain me, who in this series is the killer because everybody is messed up by some drug. Anyway, some scenes are awesome!
This show is indeed confusing and disturbing but the second season is actually a very happy ending.
It's an amazing anime, but yes, I have to agree: It's pretty disturbing, especially the death scenes. And some of the characters are also pretty crazy, just the way they ACT. Don't get me started on Number 35.
This is one of my favorite animes but has some sick incest that bothers me! Oh, and let's not forget myu's sick stepfather who basically molests her. If all of that we're taken out it would be 10/10 anime. But I have to give it 9/10.
It opened my mind and emotions. I believe that this is the best and most emotional anime ever made. If you think about massages which Elfen Lied offers, you can learn a lot.
Elfen Lied is a great anime, but it's said to be the most disturbing of all. Many people were scarred for life from the infamous Dog Scene.
Whether you're a manga reader or anime watcher of this amazing work of art, we all know about the infamous ending to the Golden Age arc. When Guts was screaming and fighting off the horde of apostles as he was fighting for his life--it was so incredible and the context of his situation was so, so disturbing.
This work contains some of the most gruesome and visually disgusting scenes, period. It is also disturbing in it's themes, leaving the reader/watcher contemplating and absorbing what just happened.
The ending is one of the most disturbing moments I had in my life. if you watch this series just be prepared to leave something behind.
This anime is very disturbing. I've watched it only because my friend recommended it to me but after episode 6 or so, I was done. It freaked and grossed me out so much. I mean, the two girls are practically just trying to get the brother to make out with them the whole time. There was this one episode too where the boy was trapped in a storage closet with some random girl from school and she needed to use the restroom and pissed all over the boy. GROSS! After that, I just couldn't watch it anymore.
This was disturbing as hell. It's disgusting, to top it off they got open support from the parents. They aren't blood related, but growing up with someone all your life should make them feel like siblings, not your objects of fantasy. Moreover all the episodes have a lot of mature content. That's alright since it is 18+ but this felt like more of a bizarre Hentai ride rather than contain any proper plot. All the girls exhibit bizarre sexual symbolism and have little personality.
This is's the worst possible way to trivialise sibling relations, objectify women and put men in a bad light, and it shocks me how they think slapping boobs and panty shots everywhere can cover up its lack of a decent plot. Yes, it's not that far off from being as nauseating as Boku no Pico.
I actually enjoyed this anime and watched the whole thing plus all the OVA's... and I'm only 12.
Had a great ending but in between it's quite the stomach turner. I loved it the last episode is full of blood though.
One of my favorite. If you're looking for suspicion and love horror I would recommend this anime! It will keep you at the edge of your chair
This Anime is actually really good and captivating, but I guess it has its disturbing moments.
Very Disturbing. The ending is so gory not to mention that it started out a romantic dramatic anime.
Uh, YEAH. I mean, they cut off his head and have sex with him. The girl literally cuts off his head because she can't have him >. >
Someone told me that it was your typical romance highscool anime, so I watched it... Didn't end so well... Let's just say this anime is a bit distu
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