Anime Ecstasy Face

Anime Ecstasy Face


Anime Ecstasy Face







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Anne Heche Is in a Coma, Doing Worse Than Previously Reported
Shimizu Anya is the daughter of the two former top Tennis Players of the world. And now, it's her time to conquer the domain of Professional Tennis at least until her destined rival came and completely crushed her before she could even break out of her bubble . This is where her one-sided rivalry begins.
I'm sorry, but I find this webtoon straight out terrible, terrible enough to compel me to write a review. Maybe it will redeem itself as it's still ongoing after all, I might read it again and edit this review once it's finished just for the sake of consistency but for now it's horrible.
Story: 2/10
For the first few chapters the story was actually decent. We get some insight into Anya's past before proceeding to the present, where she is now a tennis player hoping to become the best of the best, and of course beat her rival Axel aka the dude who trained under her father.
And then it all spirals into a big. fat. mess.
The story deviated from its sports plot to become something.. excuse me for the lack of better wording - edgy, not in a good way. I won't get into details, but it went from a little girl and her tennis dreams to some nonsensical yakuza crap, drugs and hitmen business. To make it worse, we're pushed onto the POV of Anya's cousin, who wasn't even that relevant in the first place. Let me stress the fact that this all happened within the span of the first 30-40 chapters without proper pacing and transitioning, if there even was any.
On another note, I've read until chapter 70 until I dropped it, and the closest thing there was to sports was a tennis practice or two between Axel and Anya. 
I'd also like to talk about all the unnecessary filler-like dialogue and subplots, but really, I could go on forever so I'll stop here.
Art: 2/10
So I liked the art. It's the only reason why I stuck around this webtoon. However (I advise you to continue on with an open mind), this was sent to me by a friend and let's just say that art is out of the question, for me at least.
Characters: 1/10
Oh god the characters. I don't know how to describe the main characters other than messy, contradicting and just plain unrealistic.
An example is that Anya is constantly being shown, even self-described as a headstrong, independent woman yet she literally becomes a living pile of goo whenever she sees Axel. 
Axel is even worse. He has a split personality sort of thing which good lord god I cannot stand, mainly because whenever that side of him comes up he gets this carnal desire to screw with women, and the only explanation we get for that is some trauma (not even related to sex in the slightest) from his younger years + a blow to his head. 
In contrast to the two main characters, other characters are bland and generic. they don't stand out much.
Overall Rating: 1.7/10
at least the author tried
This comic may be the worst comic ive ever read, and ive read some horrid shit but this takes the cake in overall storytelling, character developing and world building, ive read hentai with more compelling characters than this.
1. the "story"
holyshit what a trainwreck, the story is beyond bad. it was promising in the begining, we were shown the life of anya and her past aswell as her parents pasts, it seemed like an nice ol sports comic. we are given hints in the begining telling us its gonna be a sports comic, but then, axel shows up.
after axels introduction everything goes downhill, new subplots get indroduced such as a really pointless yakuza plot, a love triangle and lots of family drama and angst. WHY DOES THE YAKUZA EXIST IN THIS COMIC, i swear to god this entire story sounds like something out off some outakus narrowminded view of japan.
the yakuza plot is confusing, we are told they were responsible for axels fathers death(im gonna talk about axels past later on) but thats pretty much it, they dont do much more and u could honestly remove them from the story and it would all still be the same, we dont need these pointless yakuza characters that add nothing but confusion and plotholes.
the love triangle indruduced manager kim, who i was honestly intriged by. he seemed like the polar opposite of axel and brought balance to the already shacky storyline. he was also the exeption of the cast that being he was the only nice and likeable character, actually treating anya with respect compared to axels manipulation and abuse. but then the author had to mess it up, reveiling hes a cheater and had no problem having two girlfriends. i dont know if this was an attempt by the author to make axel look good in comparision(which it doesnt hes still a peace of shit), but then the whole love triangle plot gets dropped quicker than we even knew it had started and manager kim goes on without punishment or learning from his mistakes(his chracter gets worse later on)
i swear it takes the story 80 chapters and ten sexual remarks about anyas body later before we get back to the actual tennis plot, u know, the thing the storys about? and boy is it underwelming, all the are given is a few training sequences and a few matches between anya and axel before it gets back to the "romance". im not sure the author actually plays tennis or ever have tried to because alot of the "tecniques" the characters use is straight up stupid, they act and look like something out of some shonen anime, im expecting them to say "YoU HAVENT EVEN SEEN MY FINAL FORM!!" and "omg its his secret tecnique!!!" it comes of as really cringey.
theres so much more i have to say but ill keep it short and skip to the ending, the endings trash. alot of characters just straight up dissapear and we never see what their doing or where they are, they have no relevancie to the overall plot yet the author thought they where CRUCIAL to the story and HAD to add ten extra characters that dont even affect the ending.
the storys rushed ending makes everything just feel worse, anyas and axels first consentual kiss gets rushed and it all feels so sudden. we arent given proper time to even process axels sudden colapse att their tennis game and out of nowhere the russian chick(cant remember her name, cant be bothered to search it up) and manager kim break up after she finds out hes been unfaithfull, again, kim faces no punsiment or even learns from it, it doesnt even seem like he cares about their breakeup as he just shows up att her game in the end and just sorta stares, no emotion or feelings expressed. like i said before, i was intrigued by manager kim at the start, he was a supposed bullied nerd turned model manager who gets every girl in the world, i recall anya saying hes secrative and dosent let his emotions show, what couldve been a character moment for him gets rushed and forgotten about and nothing is learned. so just like every other character in this comic, its all pointless fluff to fill out the story.
oh and sumire? foget her shes pointless anyway and we dont even get a final scene with her so thats that. 
2. the "characters"
every character apart from anya and axel are irelevant or boring, they add nothing to the story apart from filler. all of the characters invloved with the yakuza are completely pointless, i dont recall a single one of their names (which is really bad for an author if ur audience cant remember the name of your characters), we are barely given time with them and we cant form an opinion of them or even understand them, i dont know their motives, feelings or anything of that sort, they just sorta exist for the porpuse of existing.
near the end of the story a new girl gets introduced as a new member of their tennis team, and right of the bat she exclaimes shes gay, we didnt ask nor is it relevant to their converstation, she just causally points out "me and axel cant date cuz im GAY" this feels cheap to me as people in the comments of that page where saying" omg a gay character yay!!" but the reality was that we werent given anymore info on her apart from that and were left with just a token gay character, this feels like an attempt by the author to check of the "diversity box" and get praise. if ur going to have gay characters as a way to appease the lgbt community do it properly, give her more than just being the gay character, but it isnt just her that lacks substance, its every other character. 
i have to talk about the parents, ayane is anyas mother and we are told from the start shes a feminist and wants her daughter to be independent and strong, YET she allows her daughter to hang with a boy that has 1. embarassed her daughter with a deragotive photo infront of her family 2. breaks her ancle during a tennis match as part of his "tecnique" 3. makes out with her cousin and video calls anya to show her 4. says she so pretty he has to contain the monster within him to not hurt her -which she replies with "shut up y-y-you idiot~"(ahem wtf??!!) 5. almost sexually assaults anya in her sleep before stopping himself..... you would think any sane mother would never allow their 16 year old daughter to hang with someone like that, AND EVEN AFTER HE CONFESSES THAT HE WAS USING ANYA her mother does NOTHING!!. ayane is supposedly very strict when it comes to boys but has nothing against a crazy, sex devinat hanging around her daughter.
nathan is a fukin emberassment, he knows axels is messed up, he knows axel has a tendency to hurt people but he still just stands their and watches as axel tries to kiss anya(HIS DAUGHTER BTW) then they first meet again after 7-8 years, the parenting in this comic is fantastic. 
anya however, is the queen of inconsistency, she starts of as being sorta shy and introverted but halfway becomes some sorta boss bitch who doesnt take no for an answere. i dont know if shes supposed to be headstrong and independent or a crybaby, because she cries ALOT. the amount of crying anya does in this comic att a point starts becoming anoying, she would cry over the most trivial things and its seemes to always be because of axel (boyfriend material right there), and after shes done crying like a bich she goes back to being strong and independant, likewhat? we are also told somehwere halfthrough that anya was bullied as a child because she matured faster than others(whatever that means) and thats why shes sensitive around axel and cries alot because she dosent like his bullying......WELL WHY DO YOU HANG OUT WITH HIM IF U DONT LIKE HIM?, christ this whole comic whould be alot shorter if she would just ditch axel but she just keeps on comming back even though her trust for axel has been tested multiple times. her journey as a character is also lackluster, she goes on about finding her own playstyle instead of relying on her moms playstyle, but we are never shown if she succeds cause the comic ends so suddenly
axel is att the top when it comse to horrible characters, hes a super broken bad boy with all the daddy issues u can ask for, but never seemes to come to termes with his inner issues, it just sorta dissapears. im so tired of characters wth mental disorders being crazier than a fukin inverted cat lady, axel is treated like hes only bad because of his disorder and without it he would be nice. this comes off as extremely offensive for people with these disorders and paints a bad picture of such people, saying someones flaw is their mental disorder is a huge overstatement and overshadows other flaws that could be pointed out.
axels past is...really dumb, let me get started with the yakuzas "plan", so they make fake dna results that tell that axel is not his fathers kid, and sumire as a kid goes to their place to deliver the news, on her way she passes by axel, axels father gets the dna results from sumire and does he....a) get suspicious because sumire is a member of a yakuza family? b)get mad at his wife and file divorce or c) MURDERS HIS OWN FAMILY AND KILLS HIMSELF... if u answred c you are correct well done! but serioulsy how did the yakuza predict he was going to kill himself when finding out, i think most sane people wouldent go murder mode on the poeple they have loved for years after just getting some dna results. and then axel claimes he doesnt remember the beating his father gave or anything else and lost his memory,BUT he does remember that sumire was outside before it happened? and he managed to link her to his fathers death even though he says he doesnt remeber it? whilst reading the comic i came across these plotholes and it just bugges me that the author didnt think this over, everything from the yakuza murder plot to axels supposed memory loss is all bullshit and dosent make sence. 
Axel is continually excused off his mistakes, even after being horrible towards anya he is forgiven and even get with anya in the end even though he did nothing to earn that trust and its all just brushed of as "well it was because of his mental disorder!! sooooo.. its ok!!" i hate how this comic acts if toxic relationships are cute, they are not. anya is constantly frown back in with him with the excuse of "she can fix him!!", even her own father says this. its disgusting how she has to the the batteri to a broken man who honestly needs therapy and help but instead everything lays on anya to fix axel, even though it shouldnt be. Nathan should have helped axel properly instead of condoning his behaviour and putting his daughter to risk. its very common in alot of amatuer stories to have these kind of relationships were the girl has to "fix" an abusive boyfriend who does nothing but belittle her.
i dont get the hate and shit sumire gets, for no reason anya gives sumire the cold shoulder and this just confuses me, all sumire did to anya was make out with axel even though they werent dating, but anya still treats her like trash and i just find that to be sad.
3. the art
the art is ok, not great but its ok. i find that the artist of this comic puts WAAY to many highlights on the characters and the surrondings, everything is overly bright and the characters(especially the females) have highlights allover their bodies, this honestly looks like a hentai with the amount of highlights it has. another issue i came across is the characters look way to similer, i found myslef in multiply situations where i was unable to identify the character because to many look alike, this is ussually refered as same face syndrom in the art community, basically an artists learns to draw one face and then only draws the same face for every character with the only thing different being hair colour, eye colour and clothing. in this comic to many characters resemble one another to the point its just frustrating, in one chapter sumire cuts her hair making her look identicle to ayane, in another chapter the russian chick confronts the girl manager kim had slept with, and alot of people in the comments of that page confused the other girl for anya because they looked so similer. an easy fix to this could be making unique body types, maybe a bit more petite, thick or taller cuz now every female in the story apart from children have hourglass bodies and double Ds and the men are all packing with an eightpack and muscles, not every character has to have a kim k body even if its pleasing to the eye. changing facial features could help to, making the eyes smaller, org ive different noses or give some of the characters very distinct clothing which could help to easily identify the character.
overall the story is not worth the 80+ pages, most of it is fluff and filler that dosent do much for the overall story, as someone who has given the story way to many chances to redeem itself believe me when i say its a waste of time which could be spent reading better romance/sports comics, such as windbreaker a story about a group of teens competing in a cyckling competion, it actually has likeable characters and a consivable story without yakuza. or for a heartwarming romance read socializing101, it digs deep in the anxiety of starting of fresh in new schools and relationships. 
ecstasy hearts couldve been better if it did without all the extra characters and plotlines and instead focused on the core , the romace and tennis. if the author had actually given more than five seconds of thought to the comic and made likeable characters and a decent love plot it could have actually been a good comic.
Alright so I have made an account on this platform just to give a review on this webtoon or I wouldn't be able to sleep after reading all the reviews. Seriously this is one of the most underrated webtoons I've ever read. I think most of the people who are giving bad reviews had either not read it till the end or they were the genuine sports reader who were disappointed after finding the story out of the genre. Yes the biggest mistake the author made is to place this story under sports genre when it should have been placed under drama or romance genre. Sports reader will obviously find it bland as it contains more stuff about relationship than tennis, although the story starts with tennis and ends with tennis. As for me....I found this story really engaging and interesting. Surely in the beginning I too was about to drop it when I saw weird plot I was like wtf these children are talking about adult stuffs and parents are senseless and careless. The story wasn't making sense at all but I still kept on reading and after I think 20 or 30 chapters I started finding the story so interesting that I couldn't stop scrolling. Everything started making sense little by little when the author slowly justified the behaviour of every characters.... And trust me I don't even regret a single second that I read it... It was worth it..... In nutshull, I started the story with "The ML is such a jerk trash and asshole and the FL is so idiot and weak" and I ended the story with "Oh my god pls give the ML the true happiness he deserves and admiring the FL for being so intelligent, beautiful and independent"...... You would get to see a HUGE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT as the story progresses. Patience is the key to read this webtoon.
ART– I would also like to talk about the art here. Just like the story, the art isn't that good in the beginning..... It just felt like I'm watching some typical Japanese anime and honestly I didn't find the characters beautiful. I even got some hentai vibes from this and was about to give up on the story but then I waited for few more chapters and then the art also started to get better and better.....especially the ML looks so...... F" cking hot I couldn't stop myself from taking screenshots and the FL and FLs mom looked so beautiful...... And also the scenes where the character play tennis is so perfectly made.....they look so freaking sexy while playing the point I started considering learning tennis all of the sudden.....
ENDING– I have read many reviews about people absolutely disappointed with the ending.... They found it incomplete and abrupt.... Now again from the sport's comic reader's point of view, the ending is definitely incomplete...... I personally liked the ending as it isn't like your typical storylines with MCs living happily ever after and all the problems solved in the end....... The ending of this story is realistic..... It's like the future isn't sure....anything could happen but they will keep on fighting and loving each other...... The MCs end up fighting their own battle..... And it really touched my heart.....
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