Anime Couple

Anime Couple


“Popular” means exactly what it sounds like: popular, famous.
The reason I say that is because a lot of people in the anime community can be bias when it comes to these things. Straying from the point instead of staying on track.
So I’ll keep it as “factual” as possible.
With that said – let’s get into these popular anime couples!
Goku And Chi Chi have to the most popular anime couples, no questions asked.
They might not be the best and most admired couple, but it doesn’t change how popular they are in the DBZ universe.
I haven’t even watched Naruto Shippuden. Or the first Naruto series. Or even the Boruto series.
And yet… I know how popular Hinata and Naruto are as a couple in the anime world. It’s hard to ignore their fame, or even deny the facts when it’s “in your face” no matter where you go.
Thank Naruto’s popularity for that. And their relationship is one of the “best” subjectively, as well.
Chuunibyou is an anime series created by Kyoto Animation. And as with many of their anime shows, especially romance or slice of life, this one is well-known.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Yutua and Rikka are on this list.
Their relationship is wacky and weird, because of their “chuunibyou” ways. And the weirdness Rikka Takanashi gets up to.
Their unlike any other partner on this list.
I’m not gonna lie. Darling In The Franxx was my favorite anime series in 2018, until it went downhill and took a u-turn on the original plot.
But that doesn’t change the popularity of Zero Two in particular, and especially Zero Two with Hiro as a couple.
There are wallpapers everywhere on the internet that showcase it. And not to mention – Darling In The Franxx is extremely popular, despite the controversial ending and anime in general.
Sousuke And Kaname’s relationship is one of the most official on this list. It’s been building up since the first season of FMP. And made lots of progress since FMP season 3.
As far as popularity – Full Metal Panic is one of the most known and consistent anime shows to date.
The same goes for the protagonists!
Sakura gets abused in the anime community a little too much from my point of view, But I’ve never watched Naruto.
And Sasuke is well-known for his behavior in the anime series, and I know that despite not watching a single episode.
Even still – while their relationship as a couple isn’t anything to sing about, they’re still insanely popular so it’s only right I include them.
Vegeta and Bulma are individually popular in the anime world.
There’s probably not a person who hasn’t seen or heard of either character in some way or another.
And as a couple? They’re a power couple who make things happen in the world of Dragon Ball Z and DB Super.
Taichi and Inaba are known because of the popularity of Kokoro Connect. It’s what I call a “middle ground” series because while it’s not super famous, it’s still quite popular.
Inaba is the typical Tsundere girl who calms down later on into the series. Where as Taichi is used as “fodder” for Inaba’s Tsundere tendencies.
Taiga is another girl who’s a typical Tsundere in the anime community. Because of the constant verbal and even physical abuse in the form of “comedy”.
I’d even go as far as saying she’s one of the most famous. And for that reason – their relationship, the dramatics, and how it turns out makes them popular as anime couples.
They’re not official like other couples on this list. And the author of Fairy Tail probably won’t take it in that direction. But that doesn’t change how they’re perceived as “couples”.
Nalu (as anime fans call them) has become a big thing in the anime community for romance and anime couples.
And these guys are already as popular as it is in the Shounen world anyway.
Subaru And Emilia will become official someday in the future of Re:Zero’s franchise. But as for now – it’s still in “standby”.
With that said – the obvious signs, clues and plot paints a clear picture of Emilia and Subaru being the perfect couple.
Alongside their popularity, it’s only natural I’d add them to this list.
Mikasa And Eren are a strange bunch. Mikasa treats Eren more like a kid at times, but then again – with the way he behaves that’s not surprising.
And then Eren despite growing up with Mikasa, hasn’t really made a move like that.
As far as they see it – they’re couples. It’s what anime fans want, but who knows if it’ll happen.
I’d argue that in the modern-day of the anime industry, Kirito And Asuna are one of the biggest anime couples ever created.
If we’re talking about anime couples, Kirito And Asuna are likely to come up in conversation. Or even images when you search for related things on the internet.
Plus SAO is a powerhouse in the anime industry as it is!
Light And Misa’s relationship reminds me of Sasuke’s and Sakura’s from Naruto: it’s nothing to get excited about.
Their relationship is more of a convenience, and somewhat broken. But the popularity of these 2 characters can’t be ignored, even if they’re a bad example of “anime couples”.
Lelouch And Kallen’s relationship isn’t the most official either. Just like Light And Misa.
Because the protagonists are similar from Death note And Code Geass, their relationships are more about convenience and achieving their goals.
But even still – people still ship it. And both characters are popular when talking about anime couples and relationships.
Gray And Juvia, or as people say: “Gruvia” isn’t official just like most Fairy Tail relationships. Because the anime doesn’t focus purely on romance, even if it has a lot of subtle hints.
But even still – Juvia loves Gray, and even though Gray is hesitant in sharing the same feelings, it’s clear he has “something” for Juvia.
Krillin And Android 18’s relationship is one of the most curious because of the back story and how it came about.
It’s one of the more relaxed, sweet and legit relationships I’ve seen in an anime.
They’re like a real family, and underrated in my eyes (regardless of popularity).
I would have rather Ichigo end up with Rukia Kuchiki in the Bleach series. It’s clear from the beginning that Rukia and Ichigo were meant for each other.
And either way – Ichigo with either Orihime or Rukia still makes it a “power” couple with tons of popularity among anime characters.
Edward is only small in the beginning of FMA. And apparently Winry isn’t interested in “small” guys in the plot-line. But all that changes.
Fullmetal Alchemist is legendary for its philosophical plot and deep story.
And together – Edward And Winry, the mechanic, are well-recognized.
Misaki And Usui make an unusual and hilarious pair together. Usui somewhat “calms” her down, because she initially hates men after her father runs off and leaves the family in debt.
Considering Maid Sama is a Shoujo anime, they’re a popular couple in the world of romance and anime in general.
Tatsumi And Mine end up married in the Manga. So that seals the deal in terms of their relationship and the Manga’s crazy popularity. On top of the anime itself.
Akame Ga Kill is an action series, but similar to DBZ: It still manages to reel you into the characters romance and relationships.
Eureka Seven is a high rated Mecha series with a touch of mystery and sci-fi.
Made by studio bones, the characters as you’d expect from this studio – are on point, with lots of depth and personality.
Renton And Eureka’s relationship is one you’ll either love or hate because of Renton’s personality in general.
But their popularity is undeniable.
Izuku Midoriya has always been interested in Ochako Uraraka, to some extent. And the same is true for Ochako as well.
The anime is obviously not too focused on romance, but it’s clear how flustered they get from being around each other… That at some point in MHA, they’ll be an official couple.
I don’t need to speak of the popularity because it’s obvious!
Clannad is a classic romance series produced by Kyoto Animation. One of the best studios in the industry.
It’s an original anime that started the trend of “romance gone bad” where something awful happens to the protagonist.
Tomoya And Nagisa’s relationship is a cruel reminder of what can happen to people in real life. It’s the reason Clannad (and this couple) are popular at all.
Erza And Jellal are at least a little more official than Lucy and Natsu or Gray and Juvia. But they’re still unofficial regardless of how popular they are.
Fairy Tail is that kind of anime, and none of the main characters popularity can be denied without being delusional to the facts.
To end this post – we’ll go with Inuyasha and Kagome. One of the most loved anime couples, with one of the longest relationships we’ve seen in an anime series.
The deeper you get into this popular, but classic series, the more their love “blossoms” for each other.
I'm the Founder of Anime Motivation. Featured as a judge in Crunchyroll's 2021 anime awards. The 1st anime I watched was Dragon Ball Z. I've seen 100's since then, with Saiki K being one of my all time favorites.
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what about kaneki and touka? (tokyo ghoul)
who else likes takumi and misaki (maid sama)
they’re actually twelve at the start of the anime, but near the end they’re 13…
I don’t know why Sakura is so mistreated. Maybe it’s because she’s weak compared to Sasuke and Naruto. But Sakura is strong too
Great list I must say. Nicely done. But I have to agree with the comment about Tokyo Ghoul. You defo know why kaneki and Toure should be on that list whether its love, endurance or popularity.
Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
Haruhi and Tamaki (Ouran high-school host club)
Mariko and Yuta (Recovery of an MMO junkie)
Shirayuki and Zen (Snow White with the red hair)
Just a few I think should be on the list 😉
Sango and Miroku. Easily my favorite anime couple.
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Anime is packed with different kinds of couples just like in real life. Some of us follow anime just so that we can keep up with what goes on between couples.
Anyway, I thought we should take the opportunity to learn a bit more about couples within in anime.
Are they a couple or not? There are times when I am not sure that Android 18 and Krillin are a couple. Perhaps you had better watch one of the many offerings from the Dragon Ball franchise by Akira to find out more.
As we all know. Dragon Ball characters have many interesting super powers. This couple will impress you with their flying and martial art skills.
Mikasa and Eren from Attack on Titan is another cute anime couple that has what I like to call a weird relationship dynamic going. At times, Mikasa treats Eren as a naughty little boy.
But, she might be doing the right thing. There are those who say that boys will always be boys.
Both have dark hair, and even though they are not what most people would call an official couple, it is obvious that something is going on in between them. Both Mikasa and Eren make Attack On Titan a series worth watching.
What can I say? Once again we have the concept of cute girl and intense guy. I was not sure that I was going to mention them, but they are popular anime couple so I guess that they deserve their place on this list.
Misaki and Usui are another romantic couple who's you will probably enjoy watching. You will find them in the anime series Kaichou wa Maid-Sama. Classical combination of blonde haired anime boy and dark-haired anime girl.
Blonde girl and dark haired guy from Toradora meet and fall in love – do I need to say more? Just be aware that this is a little bit of controversial relationship and a dramatic one.
It may not be for everybody, but as I said at the beginning, almost any kind of relationship is considered normal in anime. You never know what you are going to come across.
Sword Art Online has managed to create one of the best anime couples as far as I am concerned. They are very much part of the storyline and I enjoy watching them. They are not over the top romantic with each other but they certainly seem to have a great relationship.
This is a great classical anime and I would even go as far as to say that Sword Art Online is one of the best anime.
Not a fully developed relationship yet, but I suspect that these two will very much become a famous anime couple in the future.
Emilia comes across as really sweet and Subaru is popular with many female anime fans. I know that he is sort of suave and sophisticated and many girls do like that.
If you would like to keep an eye on their developing relationship, you should check out Re:Zero
8. Goku and Chichi From Dragon Ball
This is perhaps the cutest anime couple that you will come across. Goku and Chichi always seem to be looking deep into each others eyes. Maybe that is why they are such and admired couple in the world of anime. Check them out in Dragon Ball.
9. Lelouch and Kallen from Code Geass
Not sure that that Lelouch and Kallen are ever going to become an “item” as YaYa would say, but they do get up to a lot of adventures together. They are a force to be reckoned with and this rather off the wall anime series should be on your list to check out.
If you like romance with a touch of action, you should watch InuYasha. Miroku and Sango is one of the cutest anime couples you will come across in anime. They are what YaYa would call sweet.
Yes, I guess that they are sweet on each other and girls will certainly enjoy their relationship.
Dragon Ball has come up with many interesting characters and I am sure that you will agree when I say Vegeta and Bulma make an interesting combination. Most fans of anime will have heard of this couple.
Anyway, I love the characters, and if you are new to anime, you must make sure you watch Dragon Ball.
So far we have not mentioned Clannad but we have to. Why? It is one of my favorite series and I watch it a lot. It is one of those magna series you can watch and always find something new.
If you are into Clannad, or are thinking about watching it, you will come across Nagisa and Tomoya.
This is a true couple and they are actually married. Their wedding in Fairy Tail looked a lot like a rock star wedding and I thought it was pretty cool. If you would like some wedding inspiration, you should watch them in Fairy Tail.
Have you seen the anime series Chuunibyou? It is one of those animes that a lot of people seem to miss out on. Perhaps it is not promoted very well by Kyoto Animation. Anyway, I think that it is well worth watching.
When you do decide to watch it, you will quickly come across Rikka and Yuuto. One can I say about their relationship? I think it goes to show as far as anime relationships go, almost anything works.
That is true for real life as well. I am not sure how to describe their relationship but I guess you can say that they are a pretty unique combination. You really do need to see it for yourself.
Full Metal Panic is what I would describe as a new style Japanese anime. It seems to reflect real way in a way that other anime series doesn't do. The couple in the series is called Sousuke and Kaname.
I watch the series simply because I think that it is beautiful and on of the best anime creations that I have come across. And, of course, than there is Sousuke and Kaname...
I don't know if YaYa has been inspired by Sakura but when we last spoke, YaYa had added some pink color to her dark curls.
Sasuke is one of the most handsome anime guys and I can see why so many girls like him. He has great physique and amazing dark eyes. She is cute and many of my friends call her sexy. One of the most popular anime couples.
Finally. I think that Cobra and Kinana from Fairy Tail should be included on this list. It is testament to prove how many great characters this Fairy Tail has produced. I am sure that it will go down as one of the all time classics.
I think it is a great series, and I like everything about it. It plays with your imagination. If you want to escape from the world for a while and just relax, it is the best.
18. Zero Two and Hiro from Darling In The Franxx
Some say that this anime is not as good as it used to be. I have not watched every episode recently, but I still think it is a good series which is worth watching. The series feature Zero Two and Hiro. Together they make up one of the more interesting couples.
I am not going to give too much away but I certainly think that you should check them out.
It is characters such as Elfman and Evergreen that make Fairy Tail such a great series. You can follow this couples love story. It is packed with a little bit of everything and makes for great drama.
There is something a little bit less worldly about these two as you may know if you have watched Noragami. They make an interesting addition to our list and I think they deserve to be part of it.
21. Taichi and Inaba from Kokoro Connect
YaYa has this rather strange expression that she has come up with and it is “ loved up”. I am not sure where she gets it from but I guess her English dad may have something to do with it. Taichi and Inaba are certainly very loved up or in love.
Kokoro Connect is not one of the most popular series, but I think it will go down as a bit of cult series in the future. You should definitely watch it as it is well worth it.
They are not really a couple but to me, they appear to belong together. Besides, I think that Lucy is cute so I thought they deserved a mention. The dynamics in between them are interesting and I think that Natsu does have feeling for the gorgeous blonde Lucy.
She is dark and he is a dashing tall blonde hero. Some would say that this is the perfect combination for success and adventurous romance. They are maybe the most famous couple on this list.
I think that Hinata is cute. She is tough but vulnerable at the same time. I guess many find her appealing and a lot of girls really do seem to like Naruto.
24. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon
The amazing healing abilities of this couple will impress you. On top of that, they also look great together. You will find them in the Sailor Moon franchise and they also appear in Super S: The Movie.
Do you like men with long hair? In that case, you need to watch the series Inuyasha. It is getting a bit old and I did not realize that it dates back to 2000.
However, it is a good watch and Kagome and Inuyasha are two characters worth getting to know. I am sure they will come back to grace our screens again.
One of the more passionate couples in Japanese manga. You will find them in Fairy Tail. Mavis is one of the sexiest anime stars and I guess that he is a really gorgeous guy. 
Most of you are probably familiar with them as I am sure by now you would have seen Fairy Tail.
I am mentioning this couple because of a particular reason. You will find them in a manga series called Highschool DxD. Unfortunately, I don't think that this series is mentioned as
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