Animals Anal Vore

Animals Anal Vore

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John. A hardworking, kinda-depressed zoo keeper. The reason he was depressed? His girlfriend had just had an affair, and he had lost her to another bloke.

It isn't helped by the fact you were asked to be the night watchman. Well, asked possibly ISNT the right word. More like "if you don't do this, your fired."

So, here he was, standing behind the gates as they closed, and were locked by the automated system. One night. Thats all. Shouldnt be too hard, right?

John turns around, and slowly walks towards...
Where will this interactive story go?
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You press the button that has the anal vore horse on it, and you are shrunken down and teleported to the stable. In front of you stands a chestnut horse, looking down at you. This horse seems a bit bigger than the other horses in that stable. Then, she turns around, and starts to lower her big, round ass towards you. You get ready to be sucked in, but, it doesn't happen. Instead, she lowers it to right above your head, and lets it hover there. It seemed that she wanted you to climb in yourself. If it means being a satisfied costumer, then why not? You raise your hand up, and place it against the tight hole. Immediately, your arm is sucked in, the asshole puckering and pulsating. You do the same thing again, but with your other arm, and then you are slowly being sucked in. Your head is pulled inside, and you see nothing but darkness, and the smell is awful, but that doesn't matter. The gigantic horse stands up, letting her body do the rest of the work. Your legs are left sticking out, kicking around, while her asshole still continues to pull you in. Once you've been fully contracted inside, you stand up. This is your new home now.
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Ryan was sitting in his room one day, petting his dog, Roxy, who was laying her head on his lap. Roxy was a Husky, and she was about 28 years old in dog years. That would be four years old in human years. Anyway, Ryan was just staring off into space, bored out of his mind. Roxy didn't seem interested in playing at the moment, so that was off the list of possibilities. Having nothing to do left Ryan bored out of his mind. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation over him. It looked as if the room was getting bigger, and his head was pounding. He looked at Roxy, and she was looking at him curiously. Out of nowhere, Ryan was one centimeter tall, everything colossal compared to him. He slowly looked up, only to see Roxy, the size of a city compared to his size, staring down at him. He screamed and started to run way, but then saw that there was no safe way down from his bed. When he turned around, he saw Roxy's gigantic maw lunging at him. He tried to get away, but couldn't make it in time.
You decide to go with the unbirth horse, because you've always liked the thought of being like a baby again. Pressing the button, you get shrunk down, and when you appear at the stable, you see a palomino horse laying down. You sprint over to her, and you jump up and down in front of her field of vision. She notices you, and leans down to lick you. You laugh at the feeling of the slobbery tongue as she continues to lick. Then, you are fully covered in saliva from the beast. She grabs you with her mouth and rolls onto her back. Leaning her neck forward, she places you on her stomach, allowing you to walk over to her uterus yourself. The massive lips are slightly parted. All you need to do is step in and you'll slip on down. You get on all fours, and stick your head inside first, then you let your body fall inside. The mare whinnies, and curls her legs up close to her body. You continue to slide deeper and deeper into the clitoris, and eventually stop, due to a lack of room to slide
You go up to the horse's face. She is asleep, so you are careful not to wake her. You make your way around her eye, and towards her snout, her gigantic nostrils flare as she breaths in and out. Since you are by her nose, she can smell you, and she wakes up, noticing that you aren't sleeping near her belly like you were before. The huge beast slowly sits up, letting you slide to the floor, and then she grabs you with her mouth. To make sure that you don't wonder again and get lost and killed/seriously hurt, she needed to put you someplace safe and hard for you to move out of. The mare glanced at the area right below her stomach, and leaned her neck towards it. You feel her grip release on you, and what you see in front of you is terrifying! The massive, gaping uterus of the horse is right there, waiting for you to enter. You slowly back away, bumping into her snout. Now you realize what she's doing. You repeatedly mutter, "No no no no no no no," as she nudges you closer to the awaiting
You are laying down on top of the giant mare's back. You sit up, and you look around. After a little bit of waiting, you decide that you should just get up and walk around. Upon doing so, you slip, and you fall down onto the floor. The impact absolutely obliterated your bones, and knocked the wind out of your chest. You could no longer move, all you could do was lay there in pain. All of a sudden, you hear the sound of your caretaker's clip-clops approaching your practically lifeless body. BAM! She unawarely smashed you underneath her massive foot. THE END MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO BACK AND TRY FOR A DIFFERENT ENDING.

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