Animal Slut

Animal Slut


Animal Slut
8 Animals You Didn't Know Were Sluts
By Kristen Droesch — Written on Jul 26, 2013
When it comes to promiscuity , some animals have us beat, paws down. From bonobos to dolphins to snakes, we've found the eight sluttiest animals in the world.
1. Sea Hares are hermaphrodites, and make good use of having both sets of equipment. They form long…let’s call them “ love trains,” with multiple partners involved.
2. Female Fiddler Crabs will give it up for protection from a male, setting up camp on the beach near a likely defender.
3. Female Topi Antelopes are, in general, only in the mood one day a year, but boy do they make that one day count! They spend most of the day breeding, with as many as five partners.
4. Bonobos are the sluttiest of the sluttiest in the animal kingdom. Sex is their “Aloha,” for everything from meals to settling fights to meeting a new ape.
5. Dolphins will get it on with just about anything that swims across their path, including certain whales, resulting in the very rare wholphin (yeah, it’s a thing).
6. Northern Elephant Seals operate at a ratio of one male to 50-100 females. Over the course of his lifetime, a male can father as many as 500 pups with his harem.
7. Female Eastern Garter Snake stand out from other snakes due to not laying eggs, but rather giving birth to live offspring. The competition to impregnate a female is fierce, with as many as 30,000 snakes forming a large writhing ball and just hoping for the best.
8. The Antechinus, a mouse-like marsupial, is renowned for its stamina…mainly because they don’t do much else. Males will copulate with a female for up to 12 hours, often resulting in death by exhaustion.
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By Toby Meyjes , Assistant news editor
This week, a court heard how 64-year-old Carol Bowditch was filmed as she had sex with dogs and then their owners at animal sex parties in the UK.
The case exposed the seedy underworld of bestiality and the people who take part in the extreme activity. investigated the parties and what drives those that take part in them.
The forums where zoo parties – human and animal orgies – are discussed are full of threads with advice for those arranging events for the first time.
One woman describes how her first time was in front of her husband and eight other members of their BDSM group.
She explains how she was tied to a ‘breeding bench’ – a restraint device – and ‘taken’ by a Black Lab as the others watched..
The most sought after locations for zoophile orgies are the discreet ones. Zoophiles often express the desire to find rural sites that are remote enough to ensure privacy but are still accessible for those taking part.
Perversely, looking out for one another appears to be a common theme amongst those arranging parties where they watch each other have sex with animals
Many suggest setting rules first and almost all stress the importance of meeting other ‘zoo friends’ – and their animals – in M & Gs (meet and greets) before taking part.
One user stresses the importance of meeting other participants beforehand citing a bad experience in a room surrounded by ‘six random guys’ with ‘very bad personal hygiene’ and ‘poor social skills’
Later he warns ‘just inviting random people off the internet into your house or indeed turning up at [someone’s] house on a promise… It can get extremely weird quickly.’
Another suggests all participants take an STD check before pointing out the ‘really nice’ thing about dogs is that they can’t become infected by human STDs.
The rules are important for a number of reasons, not least because the activities taking place at the parties are highly illegal, at least in the UK.
Just this week, Bowditch was handed a community order for having sex with a St Bernard, a black Labrador and an Alsatian.
The maximum sentence for sex with an animal in the UK is two years.
Many forums forbid the discussion of a meeting and its locations within the threads, and restrict feedback to simple remarks like ‘had fun at a M&G’.
But still people are brazen enough to make it clear that they want to take part.
In one thread in the UK, a guy explains he is single, ‘into dog and horse perversion’ sex and looking to arrange a ‘private party’.
He gets a number of responses including from one amateur photographer who offers to document the proceedings. But the desire for secrecy means the contents of the sex parties are rarely discussed in detail.
Many spell out their fantasies in stories they claim to be pure fiction but occasionally someone shares their experiences.
Other accounts provide a little more detail of the perversions.
One forum member describes attending a party organised by his college admin in the 1970s where he watched as she was mounted by a dog. He recalls she then repeated the act at two later parties.
Website Ex Berliner carries a more detailed description of a party in Essen, Germany, attended by 10 men, four women and two dogs.
Research on zoo parties is limited however academics have highlighted several reasons people have sex with animals. 
Dr Mark Griffiths, who is a professor of behavioural addiction at Nottingham Trent University, has written a number of articles on zoophilia . He pointed us to several key studies that have taken place.
The Kinsey Reports – which were published between 1948 and 53 – suggested that 8% of males and 4% of females had at least one sexual experience with an animal.
Professor John Money asserted that zoophilic behaviours were usually transitory occurring when there is no other sexual outlet available.
However, more recent studies have suggested alternative reasons for engaging in sex with animals.
Dr Hani Miletski, who featured in Channel 4 documentary Animal Passions , researched zoophilia for her book Understanding Bestiality & Zoophilia
She found most men (91%) said they had sex with animals because they were attracted to them, had love or affection (75%) or that they were accepting or easy to please (57%).
Only a small portion (7%) said it was because they were too shy to have sex with humans. All women approached said they were sexually attracted to the animal (100%).
A study of 32 zoophiles by Andrea Beetz found some started by getting aroused watching animal matings on TV, while others began by touching the genitals of their pet dog out of curiosity.
Alternatively, a study in the journal Romanian Neurosurgery describes how a 42-year-old suddenly started developing zoophile tendencies towards his hens after an aneurysm in the posterior cerebral artery.
The request was for heterosexual participants but the only one to attempt sex with the animal was the host’s wife, Brigit.
The account describes how the men and their dogs circled the bed as Brigit first played with and then attempted to have sex with a three-year-old Alsatian called Cash.
On that occasion, Cash, is described as ‘jabbing frantically’ for several seconds but failing to penetrate Brigit. The harrowing account continues with Cash wetting the bed twice before being taken for a walk by his owner.
When the pair left, talk in the room turned to how they were concerned the dog was being beaten.
It is difficult to determine parties of this nature take place, but according to one poll of users on the site one in five had experienced sex with ‘nine or more’ at once.
Whether this is in reference to humans or animals isn’t clear, but one user brags about having sex with 10 ewes and 10 sows in one night.
Another describes how she is in a poly relationship and the dog gets ‘involved now and then’.
Ohio (being banned), Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming, and the District of Columbia
Indeed, while the site does not actively encourage meet-ups, there is a personal ads section on the forum filled with people seeking to meet other like-minded users.
In the UK the thread is 444 pages long with users explaining their most perverted fantasies and what they are looking to do in real life.
While bestiality has been illegal in Britain for some time, other countries, including a number of US States have a far more relaxed approach.
Until the law was passed, sex with animals was still legal as long as the animal was unharmed.
However, activists claimed this was difficult to prove, with the Danish Ethical Council for Animals reporting of animal brothels and organised animal sex shows in the country.
Despite this some remain adamant sex with animals should be allowed.
Zoophile groups such as ZETA (a play on PETA) in Germany tried to argue banning bestiality was unconstitutional and that if an animal was not harmed it was ‘moral law’.
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A former member, who has now stepped back from the group, told it does not organise sex parties or know of any.
Some are adamant sex should only happen with the animal’s consent, and make the distinction between ‘beasts’ – whose focus is sexual gratification – and ‘zoophiles’, who they say genuinely care about the animal’s welfare.
A forum user in Germany called Blackwolf describes how he believes the parties are tantamount to animal abuse and that sex can only happen by mutual consent and must never be forced.
This morality, of course, is entirely taken from the perspective of the animal lover’s sexuality and has failed to convince authorities making it illegal is anything but the right thing to do.

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Knotting is a sexual phenomenon that happens to a male dog when it intercourses with a bitch. So, unless you’re engaging with a dog sexually, there is no way that knotting will happen. But what if the unthinkable happens? What if you get it on with a dog? Hey, I’m talking to you, girl! And even you, boy (we all know that the anus is an entry point and an erogenous zone).
Let’s imagine that a dog knots any of your entry points. The experience will be similar to that of a dog knotting inside a bitch. When the dog’s penis enters, the swelling will start, and the dog will attempt to lock itself inside. If yours is a large one (like a Rottweiler or a Great Dane ), you could get damaged in the rectal area. Since those big dogs mate furiously, the bone-like thing in their penis will make it very painful for a human to keep up with the session.
If anyone decides to mouth the penis, the knotting can also happen. Actually, things can get ugly because of the penis’ hardness – it can cause soft tissue damage to the throat area.
And forget about the knotting for a while; what about dog semen? Since dogs constantly ejaculate when mating and even after knotting, you may drown in the liquid. Indeed, that sounds too disgusting and should beat you out of the whole curiosity about knotting.
So, to avoid the eew-ish subject, let’s talk about dogs and what happens during mating. From this point onwards, this read will focus on why dogs get stuck and knotted during sexual activity. Stick around till the end because I’m sure there’s info here that’ll knock you off!
If you’ve ever witnessed intercourse between a bitch and her mate, you know that things don’t usually have a happy ending. The scene becomes a little too scary since one of the dogs starts acting like they are stuck – and it is typically the male, mostly.
If you’re a breeder , you can get anxious when you see the dogs in the glued, awkward position. For humans, there is nothing to do rather than sit and watch things happening. But you needn’t feel weird, worried, or any kind of I-need-to-do-something feeling. Things eventually normalize, and the dogs get their freedom from each other.
The knot, or what some sources call the copulatory tie , is a biologically normal thing that you’ll understand as you read between the lines that follow:
Because it does – that’s why. Anyway, dogs get stuck because it is the main stage in dog intercourse, and an organ is at the center of all the attention: the bulbus glandis .
This organ (an erectile tissue) sits at the base of the doggy penis. It has one primary role: keeping the ejaculate in the female’s system. For that to happen, it expands (while inside the uterus) and gets locked there. This is a natural adaptation to ensure that conception occurs.
When you see a dog knotting another, smile; nothing terrible is happening, and everything is just going according to plan.
Well, butts will rub each other for anything between 5 and 15 minutes, so it can be a long while before the action dies. Sometimes, the knot will last about 30 minutes before nature calls it off.
But it depends on how the dogs are behaving at the time of the tie. If both of them are calm, the bulbus glandis will contract, and everything will be over. If both dogs are whining and trying to pull each other, well, the position will last.
There is one rule to follow for breeders or anyone who is witnessing the mating position: DO NOT INTERRUPT. You only need to wait for about 20 minutes without making any move, and viola, things will normalize. Once the male dog ejaculates, the bulbus glandis will experience a period of toughness before it starts to relax.
Take your walk; the two love birds (or dogs, haha!) will be done in no time!
For many canines (wolves, dogs, et cetera), the knot is a vital part of the sexual business. When those animals mate, some stages follow, and getting stuck happens either during or after the dog has ejaculated.
When the female starts its flirtatious moves (of showcasing her genital area), the dog gets appetized. It will stop whatever it is doing (playing with toys, et cetera) and move closer to the bitch. Then, the dog will rise to the occasion (literally).
While on top, the dog needs to make readjustments until it has located, identified, and penetrated the vulva. If the dog is having sex for the first time, it may need help from the human or breeder in charge.
The dog does not hump too much. Once it successfully locates the vulva, ejaculation follows shortly after. The fluid that comes out includes semen together with the prostatic fluid.
This stage has not been placed in order since it can happen anytime around the ejaculation stage. During the knotting, the dog’s penis is enlarged. After ejaculation occurs, the penis shrinks, and the knot contracts. Eventually, the dogs’ butts get off each other.
When the male knots the female , things can be pretty painful. For example, if breeding is happening for the first time, the sexual process and the knotting stage can knock the dog off. It is because of the breeding inexperience that the dog develops confusion. If the dog does not position itself well, it will feel uncomfortable and painful until the very end of things.
Before I even kick out this topic, you should know that a dog knotting a human isn’t socially acceptable. I mean, many will find it scandalous when you ask such questions, but I won’t. Actually, many forums open you up to the bottomless pit that is human curiosity.
But off with the judge-y tone. If your dog knots you, remain calm. The dog (which will be male) will try to pull itself out, and one of you needs to get things together. So, if you can, relax, even if the experience is painful. It won’t be long until the dog is done. We’re done here.
Any comments? Engage me in the comment box below. If you loved the read, consider going through these dog-related articles:
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