Английский Язык Контрольная Работа 7 Класс Вербицкая

Английский Язык Контрольная Работа 7 Класс Вербицкая


Английский Язык Контрольная Работа 7 Класс Вербицкая

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Приглашаем Вас на курсы для учителей от 800 рублей (72 часа), обмен документами в электронном виде

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Контрольная работа № 1 УМК "Forward-7"

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка
2760 руб.  
13800 руб.

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по...
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной...
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по...
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Контрольная работа № 1 по УМК "Forward-7"
Read Nina’s letter from the USA and complete the table.
Subject: School in the USA and the UK
You remember me, don’t you? I went to England last year with my parents.
Now I’m writing this e-mail to The RAP from Denver in the USA. My parents are staying here for six months, so I’m going to school here. Many RAP readers wanted to know about the English school system. Well, here’s a comparison of the English and American system.
In England you start school when you are five and go to primary school. When you’re eleven you go to secondary school, either a comprehensive school or a grammar school. Then, when you are sixteen, you take exams called GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Then you can leave! A lot of students stay at school and take A-level (Advanced levels) when they are eighteen before going to university. You can study for A-levels at the same school or you can go to a sixth-form college.
In the USA it’s all different. You start elementary school when you’re six in the first grade, and stay there until you are eleven years old in the sixth grade. Then you go to junior high school for the seventh, the eighth, and the ninth grade. You’re fourteen years old when you finish junior high school. Then you go to a high school for the tenth, the eleventh and the twelfth grade. They call you a freshman in the tenth grade. At the end of grade twelve you take a state graduation exam. You leave high school when you are seventeen.
Would you like to write me in the USA? Send letters to my e-mail address at the top of this letter.
Secondary School/sixth-form college
Whose bicycle is this? It’s Sally’s. It’s hers.
Whose pen is this? It’s Trevor’s. It’s _____ .
Whose house is this? It’s Jack and Jill’s. It’s _______ .
Is this pen mine or Trevor’s? It’s not Trevor’s. It’s ________ .
Is this Lord and Lady Forrester’s house? Yes, it is. It’s _______ .
3. Complete the sentences using the phrases from the box.
are very small, aren’t necessary, see animals in films,
I’m a Russian student, and I’m writing to tell you (1) ___________________ .
The cages (2) __________________________ . And the animals are (3) ________________________ .
Zoos are cruel, and they (4) ____________________________ . People don’t need zoos, because they can (5) _______________________________ on the television. Animals need their freedom.
Comment on the following statement : “Keeping animals in zoos”.
You are going to give a talk about one of the endangered animals. Choose one of the endangered animals (Siberian tigers, pandas, African elephants). You should say about:
In 1900 there were 25,000 snow leopards and in 1975 there were only 6,000. Snow leopards became an endangered species. In 1975 they seemed in real danger of extinction.
In 1900 there were 3,000 Siberian tigers and in 1975 there were only 475. Siberian tigers became an endangered species. In 1975 they seemed in real danger of extinction.
In 1900 there were 6,000 pandas and in 1975 there were only 1,000. Pandas became an endangered species. In 1975 they seemed in real danger of extinction.
White rhinos are rare animals. In 1900 there were 1,300 white rhinos and in 1975 there were only 30. White rhinos became an endangered species. In 1975 they seemed in real danger of extinction.
In 1900 there were 16,000 black rhinos and in 1975 there were only 3,000. Black rhinos became an endangered species. In 1975 they seemed in real danger of extinction.
In 1900 there were 75,000 African elephants and in 1975 there were only 9,000. African elephants became an endangered species. In 1975 they seemed in real danger of extinction.
In 1900 there were 130,000 Indian elephants and in 1975 there were only 25,000. Indian elephants became an endangered species. In 1975 they seemed in real danger of extinction.
Secondary School/sixth-form college
Whose bicycle is this? It’s Sally’s. It’s hers.
2. Did he use to have guitar lessons?
3. He didn’t live with his parents.
4. He used to have a lot of friends.
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Электронная тетрадь по английскому...
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Электронная тетрадь по английскому...
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