Английский Язык 11 Класс Spotlight Контрольные Работы

Английский Язык 11 Класс Spotlight Контрольные Работы


Английский Язык 11 Класс Spotlight Контрольные Работы
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Контрольные работы по английскому языку 11 класс SPOTLIGHT

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We are two friends, Dario and Michele. We sit together at school. We are eleven years old. We live in a village near Florence. …
2.  Join us for the trip of a lifetime, cycling 400 km across this most beautiful of Caribbean islands. Enjoy the lush, tropical landscapes, soft, sandy beaches, fine architecture and warm, friendly welcome of Cuba.
3.  The Man in the Iron Mask. Leonardo Di Caprio takes on the dual role of the evil Louis XIV and his kind twin brother in this Hollywood adaptation of the Dumas classic. With Gepardieu, John Malkovich and Jeremy Irons as the three musketeers, this should be a belter. Sadly, it isn’t.
4.  We are looking for new staff to join our friendly dedicated team and have a variety of posts available. You should have good communication skills, great personality and a strong will.
5.  The new Motorola has a built-in digital camera, Multi-media messaging, quality ringtones and downloadable games. Play more, say more and explore the world with Motorola.
6.  The world is changing around us. To stay ahead we need to keep learning. In many cases our careers depend on it. The Open University has become a leading provider of learning for people who need to develop their careers.
Behind the scenes at Warner Brothers Movie World Benjamin and his friends (1) _____ ready for the daily parade. He (2) _____ the train with the little carriages packed with the theme park’s cuddly stars through the park. Porky Pig (3) _____ already his position, Sylvester the Cat joins him. Star rabbit Bugs Bunny (4) _____ the parade in a golden stretch cabriolet. The daily parade with the stars of the theme park in Bottrop-Kirchhellen (5) _____ always a part of Benjamin’s job. The show is performed three times a day.
I always wanted to be a great (1) _______________ . I had the SCIENCE
dreams of discovering a new drug that would save the lives of
hundreds of people. Unfortunately, I was never very good at (2)
_______________ at school and the teacher used to be very CHEMIST
cross with me. After a while I decided I would become an inventor
and design an amazing new (3) _______________ which would PRODUCE
become a household name. My parents were encouraging but told
me not to be so (4) _______________ . A few weeks later I had a AMBITION
brilliant idea for a pen that would write upside down.
To my (5) _______________ a friend of mine pointed out that it DISAPPOINT
was not a new (6) _______________ . DISCOVER
Поставьте предложения в пассивный залог
We don’t add any harmful ingredients to our products.
The Government is now building a lot of new schools in the provinces.
The police have just arrested him on suspicion of cruelty to animals.
They are going to open a new supermarket next week.
You have received a letter from your friend who writes:
… All in all, my birthday party was great! However, one of my friends came to the party in casual clothes. Just jeans and a T-shirt! Of course I didn’t say anything but she felt a bit left out. I was really sorry for her! And what do you usually wear when you go to a birthday party? Is it important in Russia to wear smart clothes at parties? What would you do if you were me? I’ve got to go now as I have loads of homework to do. Drop me a line when you can. Lots of  love, Patricia
Write a letter to Patricia. In your letter answer her questions and ask 3 questions about her birthday presents.
Шкала оценивания 50-43 – «5» 42-35 – «4» 34-29 – «3» 28< «2»
1.Harmful ingredients are not added to our products.
2.A lot of new schools are being built in the provinces by the Government.
3.He has been arrested on suspicion of cruelty to animals.
4.A new supermarket is going to be opened next week.
Задание 5. Личное письмо (образец)
Dear Patricia, How are you? I have not seen you for ages! I wish I'd been at that party and had fun with all of you! What a news about your classmate! I didn’t know she has no taste at all! I like visiting parties too! There are no strict rules about a dress-code in my country. At a birthday party I usually wear casual clothes. If party is celebrating at a restaurant, I will wear a suit. But there are a lot of people who prefer wearing casual clothes even at wedding parties. As for me, it depends on a place of celebration. But there is an exclusion – special theme parties! People who visit this parties wear different costumes of their favourite characters, e.g. Halloween parties etc. It would be very stupid to go there in a suit or in a tuxedo! Considering your question. If I were you, I’d chose the most comfortable clothes for me. And I know that you’re the most stylish person I’ve ever met! So you don’t need to worry about you look. We have reached the semi- final of the Cup. The new goalkeeper we got after you left is great. You didn’t tell me how was your studying? You’ve mentioned about problems in maths before. Are you OK with it? I’m looking forward for your response.
Прочитайте тексты 1-6 и установите их соответствие рубрикам A - G , которым они могут быть отнесены. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании имеется одна лишняя рубрика.
In 2004 Australia was ranked the fourth most competitive economy in the world, up from the seventh place in 2003 and the tenth in 2002.
Australia is one of the world’s oldest landmasses and has been populated for an estimated 60 000 years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal peoples inhabited most areas of the continent. Australia’s contemporary history is quite short, with the first European settlement established by England in 1788.
On average, Australians spend more years in primary and secondary school than in many other countries, including Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Each year Australia welcomes an increasing number of international students.
Australia’s system of government reflects the British and North American models of liberal democracy, but has uniquely Australian features.
A great number of Australia’s native plants, animals and birds exist nowhere else in the world. Australia is committed to conserving its unique environment and natural heritage by a wide range of protecting measures.
State and Territory government have primary responsibility under the Constitution for the actual position of health services.
Прочитайте вопросы 1-6 и тексты, обозначенные буквами A - G . Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одном тексте. В задании один вопрос лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
What facts from the history of Australia describe
During the Second World War Australian forces made a contribution to the Allied victory. The generation that fought in the war and survived came out of the war with a sense of pride in Australia’s capabilities.
Before the arrival of European settlers, Aborigines inhabited most areas of Australia. Each people spoke one or more of hundreds of separate languages, had cultural traditions that differed according to the region in which they lived.
Nowadays Australia is one of the most dynamic societies in the world. Over 200 languages are spoken, with English the common language. The nation has ethnic media, an international business reputation, an innovative artistic community, diverse religious and cultural activities.
The1960s was a difficult period for Australia, all contributed to an atmosphere of political, economic and social change.
The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the federation of 6 states under a single constitution.
In 1770 Captain James Cook reached the east coast of Australia and claimed it for the British Crown.11 ships carried about 1500 people – half of them convicts. The fleet arrived Sydney Harbor on 26 January 1788.
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, выполните задания 1-6, обводя букву а),в),с),d), соответствующую ответу, который Вы считаете правильным.
In 1801, when he was just twenty years of age, Roderick Armstrong 1 _____________ to transportation for the term of his life. All through the unspeakable eight month’ voyage to New South Wales he proved 2 _____________ a difficult prisoner. When he arrived 3 _____________ Sydney in 1803 his behavior worsened, so he was shipped to Norfolk Island. They starved him and he laughed at them. At first opportunity he and ten 4 _____________ convicts killed their guards and ran away. They stole a longboat and set off across 5 _____________ without food, water or sails. He never spoke about that incredible journey, but it was whispered that the three had survived by 6 _____________ and _____________ their weaker companions.
1 a) sentenced b) was sentenced c) is sentenced d) had been sentenced
4 a) another b) the other c) other d) others
5 a) Tasman Sea b) a Tasman Sea c) the Tasman Sea d) of Tasman Sea
6 a) kill, eat b) killed, ate c) killing, eating d) kills, eats
Задание 4. Лексика, повышенный уровень
Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста лексически и грамматически. Впишите образованные Вами слова в таблицу .
Australia works with international organizations, including the World Health Organization and the Organization for Economic (1)_______________ COOPERATE and (2)_______________, health ministries in DEVELOP other countries, and with (3)__________________ DEPENDENCE research institutes to prevent and control the spread of disease, in (4)_______________ international SET health standards and in (5)__________________ SUPPORT health promotion (6)__________________ . ACTIVE
Шкала оценивания 24-22 – «5» 21-19 – «4» 18-16 – «3» 15< «2»
1. Fill in: preserve, irresistible, satellite, confess, separated, abandoned, achieve, burglar, single, cope.
When she __ from her husband, she moved to her parents’ house.
They caught the __ red-handed as he was carrying the stolen TV out of the house.
It was an __ challenge for the two man to climb Siula Grande.
In the industrial part of the city there are a lot of __ warehouses because businesses have moved away.
The first __ was put into orbit by the Russians in 1957.
Kevin is determined to __ his goal of becoming a lawer.
The World heritage Organisation works hard to __ ancient sites.
2. Put the verbs in the correct form
1. We (go) to the flea market yesterday.
2. Have you typed the contract yet? – Actually I just (start) before you (walk) in.
4. I’m tired of (play) computer games.
5. I can’t stand (watch) horror films.
6. I can’t wait (tell) Tina the good news.
8. The Great Sphinx (build) thousands of years ago.
9. I think there’s someone behind us. – Yes, we (follow).
10. The new hospital (open) by the Prime minister next Monday.
3. Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs
1. We came __ a beautiful antique table at the flea market. 2. Due to the snow we put __ our trip. 3. Keep __ from unlit areas at night. 4. Why don’t this toothache go __? 5. Moving house completely did me __.
1. Pay attention __ the teacher’s instructions.
2. Why do you always insist __ sitting here?
3. Jane recovered __ her illness very quickly.
5. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold
Please, express your _____ with new rules directly. DISAGREE
Jack stared at Helen in _____ AMAZE
Stay in our comfortable _____ and relax in style! ACCOMMODATE
It’s _____ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16. l egal
They admitted that it had been _____ for him to comment on the matter. appropriate
He was _____ single-minded about his career. possible
Read a magazine article about eco-projects. For questions 1-3 choose from the projects A-D.
constructs accommodation for local residents?
involves looking after the breeding areas of animals?
2. Put the verbs in the correct form
1. We went to the flea market yesterday.
2. Have you typed the contract yet? – Actually I had just started before you walked in.
4. I’m tired of playing computer games.
5. I can’t stand watching horror films.
6. I can’t wait to tell Tina the good news.
7. He is old enough to drive a car.
8. The Great Sphinx was built thousands of years ago.
9. I think there’s someone behind us. – Yes, we are being followed .
10. The new hospital will be opened by the Prime minister next Monday.
3. Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs
1. We came across a beautiful antique table at the flea market. 2. Due to the snow we put off our trip. 3. Keep away from unlit areas at night. 4. Why don’t this toothache go away ? 5. Moving house completely did me in .
1. Pay attention to the teacher’s instructions.
2. Why do you always insist on sitting here?
3. Jane recovered from her illness very quickly.
5. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold
Read a magazine article about eco-projects. For questions 1-3 choose from the projects A-D.
1. Fill in: divorced, witnesses, beam, murderer, predict, mounts, reject, foster, pedestrianised, pitch black.
1. When his parents were both killed in a car accident, he was placed with __ parents.
2. As the pressure __ in the run-up to the exams, a lot of teens feel stressed out.
3. There were no __ to the accident.
4. The __ was sentenced to life imprisonment.
5. In the __ of the night I couldn’t find the keys I had dropped.
6. The shops in my town are located in a __ area where cars aren’t allowed.
7. Can you see that __ of light? I think it’s coming from a laser.
8. Don’t __ the idea just because you think you are not good enough.
9. The Oracle was used to __ the future by the ancient Greeks.
10. Her parents didn’t get on well, so they decided to get __.
2. Put the verbs in the correct form
1. Tonia performed really well yesterday. – Yes. She (practice) for months before the recital.
2. I (look) through a magazine when I saw the advertisement.
3. Where (stay) your sister when she went to London?
4. They didn’t let us (pay) or the meal.
5. He doesn’t mind (help) with the housework.
6. Lie down and take a deep breath (feel) better.
7. I am looking forward to (watch) the Olympics on TV.
8. Last night they (wake) up by a loud noise.
9. A new shopping center (build) near my house at the moment.
10. Accidents often (cause) by careless drivers.
3. Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs
1. My ad buys houses, does them __ and sells them for a profit. 2. I never talk __ to anyone - it’s not nice.
3. If you carry __ staying out late every night, you will soon get exhausted. 4. I arrived at the hotel and checked __. 5. Put __ your jacket it’s cold.
1. Tony was involved __ a terrible accident.
2. My town is within easy reach __ the town centre.
3. The new employee assured his boss __ his complete honesty.
5. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold
School uniforms don’t help young people develop a sense of _____. INDIVIDUAL
I really love this shop as the prices are quite _____. AFFORD
Valentin Yudashkin is probably Russia’s most famous fashion _____ DESIGN
We had to go out because the smell in the room was very _____ . pleasant
The instructions are _____ as the task is quite simple. necessary
It was _____ of him to allow this to happen. responsible
Read a magazine article about eco-projects. For questions 1-3 choose from the projects A-D.
is held at a place in need of major restoration?
asks participants to help repair existing amenities?
Шкала оценивания 40-36 – «5» 35-31 – «4» 30-25 – «3» 24< «2»
2. Put the verbs in the correct form
1. Tonia performed really well yesterday. – Yes. She had been practicing for months before the recital.
2. I was looking through a magazine when I saw the advertisement.
3. Where did your sister stay when she went to London?
4. They didn’t let us pay or the meal.
5. He doesn’t mind helping with the housework.
6. Lie down and take a deep breath to feel better.
7. I am looking forward to watching the Olympics on TV.
8. Last night they were woken up by a loud noise.
9. A new shopping center is being built near my house at the moment.
10. Accidents are often caused by careless drivers.
3. Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs
1. My ad buys houses, does them up and sells them for a profit. 2. I never talk down to anyone - it’s not nice. 3. If you carry on staying out late every night, you will soon get exhausted. 4. I arrived at the hotel and checked in . 5. Put on your jacket it’s cold.
1. Tony was involved in a terrible accident.
2. My town is within easy reach of the town centre.
3. The new employee assured his boss of his complete honesty.
5. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold
Read a magazine article about eco-projects. For questions 1-3 choose from the projects A-D.

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