Английский Мировой Язык Сочинение На Английском

Английский Мировой Язык Сочинение На Английском


Английский Мировой Язык Сочинение На Английском

Сочинение на тему English is a world Language напишите на англиском и с переводом

Summative assessment TERM 2 for the unit "Our countryside" Identify the main ideas in extended talk with some support Provide a point of view in conve

rsations and discussions Retell extended stones and episodes on a given topic Application Higher order thinking skills 20 minutes Assessment criteria Level of thinking skills Duration Reading Task 1. read the story and choose the correct option. Example: The grasshopper and the ant were friends enemies The ant and the grasshopper In a garden there lived an ant and a grasshopper who were very good friends It was springtime and the grasshopper was having a lot of fun playing, singing and dancing was hard working It was collecting food grains and storing them not understand why the ant was play with anything to eat!" The grasshopper only laughed at the ant and said, "Why are you worrying now? in the sun But the ant in its house. The grasshopper did doing so and said. "Hey.' Ant! Why don't you come outside and me?^ prime prime " The ant replied. "I cannot. I am storing food for the winter when there won't be There is plenty of food and continued to play. while the ant worked hard When winter came, the food to eat It began to starve and feel very weak The had plenty of food to eat and realized its foolishness grasshopper did not find a single grain of grasshopper saw how the hardworking ant What did the Grasshopper do in summer? singing all day / working all day 2 Why was the ant so busy? singing all day /working all winter? the grasshopper the ant day 1 3. Who feels better in Task 2. Read the text to the second time 1. The ant was collecting 2. When winter came, the grasshopper 3. The ant was and complete the sentences Writing Task 3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 1. Alice and Ron ( 10 sit) in a cafe now 2. It .. (not to snow) outdoors now. 3. We .. (to wait) for our teacher in the classroom (to watch) the children playing in the yard. 4. I . (to argue) about what present to buy for Lewis 6 Andrew . (not to have) a rest at the moment (to come into the hall 5. The girls 7. Look! All the people​

Сөйлемді ретімен жаз. football / play / he / everyday/ does? комектесиниздерши​

Помогите пожалуйста!!!Теxt 2 There was onсе а very bad king. All the pсople hated him. Опе hot day the king was walking along the river. He decided to

take a swim. The king was a good swimmer, but when he got into the water, he suddenly felt a pain in his side. He stаrted to drown. Two farmers were working in a field nearby. They jumped in the water and saved him. They didn't know that he was a king until he was out of the water. The king was very grateful to the farmers. He said to them, "Yoи have saved my life. Ask me for everything you want". Опе of the farmers said, "I need two buffaloes to help тe in the fields". The king promised he would give him the animals. Then the king asked the other farmer. "What is your wish?" The other faner was old and wise. Ile thought and thought. Then he said, "Don't tell anyone thatI helped save your life".Task 2 Mark statements true (+) or false (-). 1. The king could not swim well. 2. Neither of the farmers could swim as well. 3. The king wanted to show his gratitude to his savers. 4. The first farmer preferred to have buffaloes. 5. The old farmer asked no riches of the king. 6. Servants worshiped their king.​

Здравствуйте, мне нужно описание фотографии на английском языке в present continuous​

СОР!!!! Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.e.g. Popy doesn’t go (not go) to school in the afternoon.11) They ........................ (

watch) TV in the evening.12) Dad ........................ (not/work) on Sunday.13) Michael ........................ (have) breakfast every morning.14) Julie ........................ (not/play) the guitar.15) Ann ........................ (live) in a flat.Ош​

ответить на вопросы на английском языке. ​

СРОЧНО НУЖНО СОЧИНИТЬ ХОРОШЕЕ стихотворение на английском языке на тему: "peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding".

ПРИДУМАЙТЕ СТИХОТВОРЕНИЕ НА ТЕМУ "peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding".

Помогите пожалуйста!! Очень срочно!!Тext for Listening Теxt 1 Countries have different opinions of animals and different traditions. One example is do

gs. In Euroре and America, dogs are pets. They live in the house. They're part of the family. In other countries, in Africa and Asia, dog are dirty animals. They live on the strect. I remember an advertisement a few years ago, an American advertisement. It showed a man running with his dog. Man and dog as best fricnds. Well, they tricd to show this advertisement in Asia and it was a disaster. No опe wanted to see a man with a horrible, unclean animal like a dog. Another example is an clephant. In Europe, we love elephants. We think they are funny. In India, the elephant isn't funny at all. It's a worker. Elephants are used in all kinds of wwork because they're so strong. And then in Africa, elephants are killers. Every year they kill hundreds of people. They're big. dangerous animals and people are frightened of them.Listening Test Task 1 Mark statenments true (+)) or false (-). The speaker says: 1. Dogs live with families in Europe and the US. 2. Dogs usually live in the house in Africa. 3. The American advertisement was successful in Asia. 4. Elephants have to work hard in India. 5. Africans love elephants. 6. Countries don't differ in opinions of food. 7. Elephants are part of the Indian family.​


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