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Английский 5 Класс Контрольная Работа Спотлайт


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Английский язык

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Контрольные работы по английскому языку. 5 класс. УМК SPOTLIGHT

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«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

Английский язык

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Только сейчас Вы можете пройти дистанционное обучение прямо на сайте "Инфоурок" со скидкой 40% по курсу повышения квалификации "Организация работы с обучающимися с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ) в соответствии с ФГОС" (72 часа). По окончании курса Вы получите печатное удостоверение о повышении квалификации установленного образца (доставка удостоверения бесплатна).
Where is the English lesson? – In _____________ B.
__________ they in Year 5? – No, they _______________.
Wendy ________________ eleven. She ___________ ten.
My name __________ John. I _________ at Merton secondary school.
__________ you good at PE? – Yes, I ________.
Rita and Linda ____________ best friends, but they __________ in the same class.
Are ( I/ you ) new to the school? – No ( I/ you ) am not.
Mark and I are best friends. ( He/ We) are in Class B
Have you got (a/an) eraser in your pencil case?
What’s this in English? – It’s ( a/ an ) ruler.
Is he at primary school? – (No/ Yes), he isn’t.
Translate the sentences into English.
Урок английского языка в кабинете №10. - ________________________________________________________
Какой твой любимый школьный предмет. - _______________________________________________________
Он новенький в нашем классе. - _______________________________________________________
Where is the History lesson? – In _________ B.
____________ Lize in Year 7? – No, she __________.
My sister _________ fifteen. She __________ sixteen.
Their names ______________ John and Paul. They __________ at primary school.
_______________ you good at Maths? – Yes, I ____________.
Cathy and I ____________ best friends, but we __________ in the same class.
This is my school. ( It/ she ) is Hillside secondary school.
Mr Brown is my favourite teacher. (He/ She ) teaches IT.
What’s this in English? – It’s ( a/ an ) eraser.
Are they new to the school? – No, they ( are/ aren’t).
Translate the sentences into English.
Где проводится урок физкультуры? - ________________________________________________________
Кто твой любимый учитель? - ________________________________________________________
Он учится в 5 классе . - ________________________________________________________
Amanda is from the UK. She is ______________________
Fill in the gaps with have, has, haven’t or hasn’t.
______your friend got a camera in his schoolbag? – No, he ________.
We ________ got a great stamp collection. It is very interesting.
This hat __________ got shamrocks on it. They are green.
They _________ got tomatoes. They want to buy them in the supermarket
Brian is from ________________. He is American.
Fill in the gaps with have, has, haven’t or hasn’t
_____________ you got a toy cow in your collection? – No, I ________.
My classmates ____________ got new atlases. They are for geography.
The flag of Wales _____________ got a dragon on it.
He isn’t a superhero. He ______________ got special powers.
bathroom, living room, garden, kitchen
Fill the gaps with on, next to, in, behind or of
There is a sofa……. The living room.
There is a TV in front ………. The sofa.
I can’t see Pam. Is she…….. the tree over there?
bedroom, living room, garage, kitchen
Fill in the gaps with on, next to, in, behind or of.
There is a wardrobe…….. the bedroom.
There is a sofa in front ….. the window.
Where is my bag? – It is …….. the door.
My ____________ is 32. She’s very pretty.
This is my brother. Look at him/his .
Mr Darrel is they/their English teacher.
Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.
I can speak French, but I _______________ speak Italian.
Can harry drive a car? – No, he ____________ .
My brother is good at Maths. He ______________ help me.
Her ___________ is 68. She’s clever and kind.
This is my sister. Look at her/she.
Fill in the gaps with can or can’t .
She can’t speak English, but she _____________ speak French very well.
Can you ride a bike? -= No, I _____________.
My sister ________________ walk. She’s a baby.
Indian elephants are very big and _____________.
The Indian rhino usually _______________ (live) alone.
A giraffe _____________ ( have) a long neck and long legs.
His budgie _________________ (sing) all day long.
Does anyone else ___________ (like) dogs?
They never _____________ ( drink) water.
Fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t .
____________ you have lions in your country? – No, we _________.
____________ the deer eat grass? – Yes, it ___________.
____________ your pet have any problem? – No, he __________.
____________ vets help animals stay healthy? – Yes, they _________.
длинная шея - ___________________________ ________
с чёрными и белыми полосками - ____________________________
густой мех - ______________________________________
питаться листьями и травой - ________________________________
The Indian cobra is a very ____________ snake.
Many amazing animals ____________ ( live) there.
My cat ____________ (play) in the garden all day long.
I _______________ (take) him for walks in the park every day.
Where do they ____________ ( go) every week?
Their thick fur _______________ ( keep ) them warm.
Fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
____________ you like monkeys? – No, I ____________ .
____________ koalas sleep during the day? – Yes, they __________.
____________ she read this magazine about birds? – No, she _________.
____________ your pet eat insects? – Yes, he ________________.
короткие лапы - __________________________________________
могут жить без воды - ______________________________________.
опасная змея - ___________________________________ _________.
с большими зубами - _______________________________________.
My mum usually _______________ a cup of tea in the afternoon.
She __________________________ ( play ) games with her friend.
____________________________ (you, water ) the flowers?
I __________________________ (not, do) homework now.
Look! Kate and Linda _______________________ (swim).
___ ___________ _______( Sandy, play) the piano? – No she isn’t
Put the words in the correct order.
the, Rita, planting, flower, is, in, garden? _ ___________________
bed, parent, to, go, never, early, my. - ________________________
_______________________________________________________ .
dinner, what time, have, do, usually, you? - _____________________
do, o’clock, get, up, Sunday, at, seven, they, not, on. - ____________
friends, my, often, home, visit, at, me. - ______________________
My sister usually does her homework _________ the afternoon.
He ________________ (write) his new book.
_______________________________ (you, wait) for the ambulance?
I ________________________ (not, repair) my car now.
Look! The horses ________________________ (run).
________________________ (Max, plant) the flowers? – Yes, he is.
Put the words in the correct order.
a, call, Steve, making, is, phone? - __________________________
Dad, mum, to, get, and, often, early, my, up. - ________________
Lunch, what time, have, do, usually, they? - _________________
I, at, weekends, am, busy, not. - __________________________
Nancy, a cup of tea, afternoon, in, sometimes, has, the. - _______
There are four ________________ in a year.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
My mum ____________________ (read) a book now. She often _____________ (read) in the evening.
I’m busy now. I ______________________ ( pack) my clothes.
It never ________________ ( rain) here in summer.
They ____________________ ( not, wear ) a uniform at school.
1_____; 2_____; 3________; 4_______; 5______.
There are ___________ months in a year.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Look! Jim _______________ ( play ) golf. He usually __________ ( play) with Ted.
How can I help you? - I ___________ ( look) for a blouse.
What ___________________ (you, think) of my jumper?
It never _________________ (snow ) in Australia.
1______; 2_______; 3________; 4_______; 5_________.
How _____________ milk have you got?
There are ____________ eggs in the fridge.
Is there ___________ olive oil in the cupboard?
How _____________ tomatoes do you need?
Complete the sentences with a\an or some.
There’s _________ orange in my lunch box.
Let’s have chicken in tomato sauce for _____________-.
I haven’t got ________ biscuits in my lunch box.
How _________ pineapples are there?
There is __________ cake on the table.
Complete the sentences with a|an or some .
Can I have _______ packet of pasta?
There are _________ lot of activities.
He’s got ______ coins in his pocket.
Match the words to the definitions.
A place where people can watch new films on a big screen.
Where ___________________ ( she, go ) last Monday?
They ____________________ ( not, watch ) TV, they did their homework.
We ________________ ( see) a new film last weekend.
My parents _______________ ( call ) me an hour ago.
Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
Where ___________ Tony last Sunday?
We _____________ at home yesterday, we went to London.
There _______________ a lot of people at the cinema.
Were you at school yesterday? – No, I ____________.
Excuse me, can you tell me where the museum is?
Yes, sure. It’s next to the zoo, over here.
Could you tell me how to get to the vet?
Yes. Walk down Park Street and turn right.
Match the words to the definitions.
A place or building where you can see objects of historical, artistic or scientific interest.
You can buy fruit and vegetables here.
I ___________________ ( not, enjoy ) the film yesterday.
We _________________ (have ) a picnic last weekend.
When _________________ ( you, finish ) work yesterday?
He ________________ ( visit) China in 2014.
Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
We _____________ together at the zoo yesterday.
It _______________ cloudy when we went to the park.
Were you in the chemist’s? – No, I _______________.
Joe and Mark ________________ at the school. I didn’t see them there.
Excuse me, how much are these shorts?
Could you tell me how to get to the hospital?
Yes, sure. Go down King Street and turn left.
I like travelling _________________ plane.
В данном файле вы найдёте 11 контрольных работ для учащихся 5 класса по УМК Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули и др. - 10 по модулям и одна контрольная работа итоговая. Цель: проверить как учащиеся усвоили языковой материал по модулям и за курс 5 класса.Контрольные работы по модулям представлены в двух вариантах.

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