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Angel had various relationships over the years.

A recurring joke is that Angel seemed to have a preference for small, blonde women, as the majority of his love interests were blondes with the exceptions of Cordelia (who had blonde highlights at one point) and Rebecca Lowell . Angel's love life had never been very active, originally because he held a reluctance to get close to someone and possibly lose his soul . However, he eventually realized he could have "positive sex" through his relationship with Nina Ash .

The vampire who turned Liam, Angelus and Darla were lovers for over a century, Darla even leaving the Master to live with her "dear boy". As Angelus, he was fond of Darla's ruthlessness and unpredictability, causing destruction and countless death in their wake. However, neither had any true loyalty towards each other, as they frequently left the other to die on many occasions if it would save themselves. [1] [2] Their twisted romance continued until Angelus was cursed with a soul by the Clan Kalderash . Darla was disgusted with him, and ended their relationship after threatening to kill him. [3] Lost and confused, Angel had originally sought to earn himself back in her good graces since she was all he had ever known, but could not find it in him to kill innocents anymore. He had only killed robbers and morally wrong criminals, utterly repulsing Darla with his sympathy for humanity . [4]

They would reunite years later in 1997 in Sunnydale after finding a path as a champion of the people due to his strong affection for the Slayer , Buffy Summers . Darla had attempted to twist him to give up on redemption and embrace his dark side, showing her disgust with his feelings for a slayer and taunting him by saying Buffy would never be able to fully accept him. Ultimately, Angel had forced himself to stake his sire in order to protect Buffy, though it was later indicated he had carried a degree of guilt over it. [5]

Darla was later resurrected as a human by Wolfram & Hart , intending to destroy Angel's high morals and drive him over the edge. Using a mystical powder to make her appear in his dreams, Darla and Angel had many dream encounters together. They were often depicted as sexual, but with a bizarre sense of affection between them. [6] Darla also was able to manipulate the dreams into flashbacks of their past. Upon the realization that Darla was resurrected, Angel became obsessed with finding her. After attempting to frame him in the murder of a human, Angel and Darla had a confrontation near a convenient. Angel's feelings for Darla were established as being ambivalent, as he had threatened to kill her if she killed another innocent, but also ended up kissing her. Darla did her utmost to manipulate him into losing his soul with her through a "moment of pure happiness". However, Angel mostly resisted and told her that while she had taught him many things, she never made him happy. When she referenced his relationship with Buffy and the happiness he felt with her, Angel was amused at her bitterness and told her that he could never have loved her during their relationship because he didn't have a soul. He informed her of the guilt she would feel eventually over her sins before Darla escaped him. [7]

Angel became increasingly obsessed over Darla, drawing several sketches of her in his room during his brooding. As he had predicted, Darla began to feel the burden of her soul and could not come to terms with her horrible past. She had sought out Angel for help since he was the only one who knew what she was feeling. Angel had accepted immediately, greatly sympathizing with his sire. However, when Darla begged him to turn her into a vampire again to remove the guilt, Angel objected. Darla was furious at his refusal, and told him to stay away from her. [4]

When Darla was diagnosed to be dying, Angel went to extreme lengths to save her so she would be given a second chance at life, trying to sway her from her desire to be a vampire again. Guided by Lorne , Angel took a dangerous life-or-death trial for her to be granted a second chance and was even willing to die himself if it meant Darla would live again. Ultimately, this noble act granted Darla a possible second chance, but it was too late for her since she had already been resurrected by supernatural means. Angel was furious and deeply distraught, blaming himself for her shortened life. After she had come to terms with her inevitable death, Angel comforted her and promised he would be with her so she would not be alone for her death. However, Lindsey had suddenly appeared with Drusilla , who had turned her back into a vampire to have them be a "family" again; Angel could only look on helplessly. [1]

He became determined to stake Darla before she rose into a vampire, but was distracted by Drusilla who briefly fought him. Darla had become a vampire again, attacked him, and left. While they were on different sides again, Angel had willingly locked the Wolfram & Hart lawyers to be fed on by Darla and Drusilla. [8] Alienating himself from his team, he continually trained and was obsessed with finding where Darla and Drusilla were. When he eventually did find them, Angel found he still wasn't able to stake Darla because he still remembered her brief moments of humanity and how much pain she had been through. Managing to harden himself, he rigged his location when he found them again and set both Darla and Drusilla on fire with a cigarette and gasoline, nearly succeeding in killing both of them. [9]

Some weeks later, a vengeful Darla would return to interfere with Angel's plan to fight the Senior Partners . At the peak of ultimate despair, he forced himself on her in a desperate attempt to escape his depression. After kissing him for a while, Darla pushed him away in anger and confusion. Angel threw her violently across the room and explained he was doing this because nothing mattered to him anymore. Darla stopped resisting and the two proceeded to have rough sex in his room. [10] Angel would soon feel immense pain in his chest afterwards, echoing that of losing his soul the first time with Buffy. Darla realized he had not become Angelus after some hesitation and was infuriated. Angel explained he had a "moment of perfect despair" and that's how it's always been with her. He also admitted that his earlier desperation to save her had more to do with himself than genuinely wanting to save Darla, believing that since she had turned him into a monster it would prove he could be redeemed. Finding himself again, Angel was grateful towards her and decided to spare her. However, he firmly told Darla that if she stayed in Los Angeles he would have to kill her. [11]

When Darla became pregnant with her and Angel's son, Connor , Darla tells Angel that their son is "the only good thing" that they ever did together; she then stakes herself in order to allow Connor to be born. [12]

While Angel was hiding in alleyways and feeding on rats, Whistler (a demon who worked for The Powers That Be ) got him off the streets and claimed he had a greater destiny for himself. Initially reluctant and disinterested, he soon allowed him to go along with him but made no promise to be a champion. Whistler guided him to see the calling of the new slayer, none other than 15-year old Buffy Summers. Angel was immediately captivated and awestruck of her, increasing all the more when he saw her struggles to do her duties as well as suffering from the added emotional strain of her parent's deteriorating marriage. Feeling overwhelming affection and sympathy for her, Angel was motivated to start his path as champion and help her in her fight against evil. A year later, he moved to Sunnydale. [13] When reflecting over this, Angel eventually admitted to Buffy he fell in love with her the moment he saw her. This was because he saw her naivety and how she had her heart unprotected and open, causing him to worry of her being hurt by the world around them. Angel was struck with powerful feelings of protectiveness and a deep yearning to be close to her ever since. [14]

When they officially met for the first time, Buffy was wary of him, but commented that his name was "pretty". [15] He most often warned her of impending danger and then vanished, much to her annoyance. After Angel was wounded in a fight against The Three, Buffy took him back to her house to treat his wounds. He stayed in her room through the night and following day. When they kissed for the first time, Angel unintentionally revealed his vampiric nature to her, and fled. When Buffy hunted him down in an attempt to kill him after she mistakenly believed he had attacked her mother, he staked Darla to protect her, and revealed that he was unique amongst vampires because he had been cursed with his soul. [5] He felt remorse for all the sins he had committed and wanted to help her in her cause.

Over the course of the next year and a half, their relationship progressed, and the two fell deeply in love. On Buffy's seventeenth birthday, he admitted that he loved her and gave her the Claddagh ring . That night, they slept together for the first time, which resulted in Angel experiencing the "moment of true happiness" required to end his curse. [16] He was alleviated of his soul, and reverted to the guiltless, sadistic Angelus. He taunted Buffy and her friends for weeks on end, stalking her while she slept and leaving numerous corpses to punish her for causing Angel to feel contentment. When he savagely murdered Jennifer Calendar and kidnapped Rupert Giles , Buffy was obliged to form an alliance
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