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Morlocks (comics)

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Герои фильма «Дэдпул» и их способности в комиксах

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Мы не стали заострять внимание на биографии персонажей, сосредоточившись на том, какими суперспособностями они обладают и кто из актеров примерил на себя роль сверхлюдей. Дэдпул обладает сверхчеловеческим фактором заживления, полученным от Росомахи. Болезнь у него так и осталась, так что тело восстанавливается до состояния на момент получения регенерации. Фактор позволяет ему восстанавливать уничтоженные или поврежденные участки тела. Таким образом, он может вырастить отрубленные конечности или жизненно важные органы. Скорость, с которой этот фактор исцеления работает, изменяется прямо пропорционально тяжести повреждений. Он также дает Дэдпулу иммунитет к ядам и большинству лекарств, повышенную устойчивость к болезням, а также значительное замедление процесса старения. В ловкости, силе и реакции Дэдпул превосходит лучших спортсменов. Болтливый наёмник является экстраординарным рукопашным бойцом и мастером сразу нескольких боевых искусств. Умело обращается со многими видами оружия, как холодного, так и огнестрельного. Свободно говорит на японском, немецком, испанском, русском и других языках. Клеточная структура Дедпула постоянно меняется, что объясняет его безумное поведение. Аякс был помощником в лаборатории доктора Килбрю, который провел ряд изменений над Фрэнсисом: увеличил силу, улучшил интуицию и добавил суперскорость и ловкость. Его нервы были удалены для того, чтобы существенно увеличить терпимость практически к любой боли, кроме самой мучительной. Подражательница — мутант-метоморф, способный копировать внешность других существ людей, животных вплоть до клеточного уровня. Благодаря этому, Ванесса может дублировать не только внешность, но и суперспособности, однако для этого ей необходимо находится вблизи того, чьи силы она перенимает. Оружие Икс изменило способности Подражательницы против ее воли, увеличив скорость копирования. Негативными последствиями такого изменения стали потеря памяти и невозможность сохранять одну форму в течение долгого времени. Джек — обычный человек без суперспособностей , однако он обладает интеллектом уровня гения. Является лучшим, и, пожалуй, единственным другом Дэдпула. Создал множество оригинального оружия для Уэйда и личный телепорт. Мутант, способный управлять адреналином в своей крови, что дает ей сверхчеловеческую силу в течение небольшого периода времени. В зависимости от уровня адреналина, Кристина может поднять предмет весом от кг до 25 тонн. Ее скорость, ловкость и выносливость также усиливаются. Когда Ангельская Пыль использует свои способности, на её лице появляются темные линии. Элли обладает телепатическими способностями и видит вещие сны , благодаря которым может предсказывать будущее вполне возможно, что даже различные ветви развития событий. Сверхспособности Петра проявились в юности. Он использовал их, чтобы помогать по хозяйству близким и соседям. Не может стать частично или выборочно бронированным. Такими способностями обладают персонажи в комиксах, какими же они будут в фильме, узнаем уже 11 февраля. Интернет-издание о гик-культуре Age of Geeks. Новости и обзоры игр, рецензии на фильмы, рекомендации комиксов, актуальная информация о технологиях, косплей. Предложить статью Поддержать проект. Читайте также. Tweets by AgeOfGeeks. Кино Комиксы. Райан Рейнольдс. Эд Скрейн. Морена Баккарин. ТиДжей Миллер. Ангельская Пыль. Джина Карано. Сверхзвуковая Боеголовка. Брианна Хилдебранд. Стефан Капичич. Олег Джохадзе Oleg D. Логотип сайта. Сообщить об опечатке Текст, который будет отправлен нашим редакторам:. Ваш комментарий необязательно :. Отправить Отмена.

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Morlocks are a group of mutant characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The characters are usually depicted as being associated with the X-Men in the Marvel Universe. Created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Paul Smith , they were named after the subterranean race of the same name in H. The Morlocks were depicted as an underground society both literally and figuratively of outcast mutants living as tunnel dwellers in the sewers , abandoned tunnels, and abandoned subway lines beneath New York City. The Morlocks were composed of mutant misfits, especially those mutants who, because of physical mutations or other conspicuous manifestations of their mutant genetics, were unable to pass as human in normal society. Subjected to hate, fear, and disgust from human society due to their 'deformed' appearances, dangerous mutations, or otherwise outcast or misfit statuses, most of the Morlocks viewed humans and even more mainstream mutants such as the X-Men with distrust and anger, and they occasionally committed criminal or antisocial acts upon the above-ground human society. Due to a series of tragedies, the original Morlocks no longer reside in subterranean New York City except Marrow , who was one of the original Morlocks as a child , although a violent splinter cell Gene Nation and a comparable group called Those Who Live in Darkness have emerged. According to Callisto , she formed the Morlocks by first recruiting Caliban , and then using his power to track down other mutants who were unable to integrate into normal society. The Morlocks initially squatted in a network of abandoned, interconnected tunnels beneath Manhattan , which had originally been built as Cold War bomb shelters and then forgotten. The X-Men were alerted to the existence of the Morlocks when their leader Callisto kidnapped Angel and intended to make him her mate. Storm is victorious, \\\\\\[2\\\\\\] and orders an end to their attacks on normal humans, \\\\\\[4\\\\\\] but she does not assume leadership of the Morlocks full-time. Against her wishes, several Morlocks later kidnap the child superheroes Power Pack so that they could be raised by the Morlock Annalee, who had lost her own children. When Callisto discovers what was going on, she forces Annalee to let them go. They promise to return in the future to keep her company. Most of the survivors move on to join Gene Nation , having lived in a pocket dimension led by Mikhail Rasputin. Leech instead becomes a ward of Generation X. Other survivors include Erg and Beautiful Dreamer whose whereabouts were unknown until 'Decimation' , Thornn , who would join X-Corporation , and Caliban. It is later revealed that many of the Morlocks were actually failed experiments of the Dark Beast , which is why Mister Sinister sought to destroy them. District X writer David Hine claims to never have intended this group to have any ties to the original Morlocks. During the Decimation storyline, some of the remaining powered Morlocks sought out asylum at the X-Mansion. During the Endangered Species storyline, Masque and the Morlocks with him began their search for Magneto where they had some future-telling diaries with them where one of them states that Magneto is still a mutant in light of M-Day. At the time when the Terrigen Cloud was loose on Earth infecting mutants with M-Pox since the Infinity storyline, the number of mutants that are living underground had increased. In addition to these mutants, Callisto showed sympathy towards the humans who sought out refuge from the global landscape. As a way to live out the dream of Professor X, this unified society of humans and mutants lived together as the New Morlocks. Debuting along with the rest of the Morlocks \\\\\\[3\\\\\\] with the exception of Caliban \\\\\\[11\\\\\\] it was revealed \\\\\\[12\\\\\\] that Masque, Caliban, Callisto and Sunder founded the Morlocks under the streets of Manhattan. The event resulted in the Marauders killing many of the Morlocks under orders of Mr. Many new Morlocks debuted, although many were killed in their first appearance. Most of the surviving Morlocks relocated themselves throughout New York City after the massacre. Few, however, returned to the Alley, their original home. There, Masque assumed leadership. Many new surviving Morlocks were introduced when Sabretooth decided to finish his original task. This group, led by Pixie , is attempting to escape Masque. As leader, he then floods the tunnels in order to destroy the remaining Morlocks. It is revealed later that he actually transported the Morlocks to another dimension dubbed the Hill, whose timeline moved faster than the main Marvel Universe. There, he set himself up as their king and forced them to fight for the right to live. With the Morlocks presumed dead from the floods caused by Mikhail Rasputin , some of the remaining Morlocks were relocated to Selima Oasis in North Africa. As the new group, they attacked the human oppressors of the past Morlocks under the leadership of Marrow. It is unknown whether the remaining Morlocks of Africa stayed there or relocated to New York. A few have been seen there since, as well as a few Morlocks who chose to remain in New York City despite previous attempts on their lives. However, Feral and Thornn were later seen re-powered; but this was later to be revealed in Wolverine vol. She states that most of them are still afraid about going out of the tunnels. Currently, Marrow works as a watchman of the Morlocks, as she is called by the remaining ones when problems occur. She explained this status in the aftermath of thirteen depowered Morlocks murdered by Ghoul. One character commented that, post-M-Day, the chance of meeting a Morlock in the tunnels under New York is now harder than meeting an alligator in the Floridian sewers. Later in this story, it was revealed Skids only joined the Morlocks to spy on them on behalf of S. In June , Marvel released a four-part limited series entitled Morlocks. In it, a small group of mutants living in the sewers of Chicago help each other to fulfill their one last wish on the surface while trying to escape the mutant-hunting Sentinels. In Uncanny X-Men , parts 3 and 4 of the Poptopia story, a group of Morlocks living in the tunnels of London are introduced. They were being pursued by an agent of the Church of Humanity named Mr. Clean, a genetically engineered human who was stalking and killing mutants. This was their only appearance. It is unknown whether or not they survived the persecution of the Church of Humanity. In the 10th anniversary of the ' Age of Apocalypse ' event, which takes place after the nuclear attack in X-Men: Omega , several characters who were not in the original storyline are introduced, among them are the Morlocks which includes Feral , Leech , Marrow , Skids and Thornn among many other unnamed mutants. One known Morlock member was Artemis. After the fall of Apocalypse, a trail of escaped mutants from the Breeding Pens lead the X-Men underground, they encountered a group of scared, orphaned children called the Morlocks. The X-Men offered to help bring them out of hiding in the sewers, but the Morlocks lashed out at them for fear of being locked up and thrown back into cages by the X-Men, now mutant-hunting officers of the newly restored human government. The X-Men emerged victorious and the Morlocks were brought back to the Xavier Institute where they were detained. The Morlocks in the Ultimate Marvel universe have a more sophisticated underground living situation that the mainstream Morlocks, including at least one mutant with energy-generating powers to provide electricity, hydroponic gardens to provide or supplement their food supply, and external air-exchange vents. Other members shown as of issue 82 are Caliban , Callisto , Sparks and Sunder who was the leader. After a fight with the X-Men who were trying to rescue Toad , the Morlocks elected Nightcrawler as their new leader. In 90 Mister Sinister finishes his 10 mutant kills at the Morlock base. His kills include Leech and Angel. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Group of fictional characters. Callisto and the Morlocks. Art by Jim Cheung. The Marvel Encyclopedia. DK Publishing. Marvel Comics. Den of Geek. Archived from the original on March 12, Retrieved September 30, Creators : Stan Lee Jack Kirby. Blackbird Cerebro Danger Room. Alpha Flight Crimson Dawn Inhumans vs. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Groups pop Moved from supergroup. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The Uncanny X-Men May Chris Claremont Paul Smith.

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